how to handle file upload window in RIDE robot framework - robotframework

In my application, on clicking Select File, it opens a local browser wherein I need to select the file BOX1 to upload it in my application. How can i implement this scenario in RIDE (robot framework)?
I had tried the below keyword "Choose File"
Choose file xpath of the Select File button filepath of BOX1 file
Its throwing an error. This is not working.

To avoid the operating system file browser, you should not click the "Select File" button. Change your code so that the locator for Choose File is the element <input> with the type="file".


Redux DevTools: Can't open VS Code from Trace tab lines of code

My problem is when I am on the Trace tab of Redux DevTools on Chrome and I click on a line of code (for example a dispatch) that the Trace tab allows me to see like here, instead of opening it on VS Code at the correct number line, it opens a new tab on Chrome with the message "A website wants to open this application" with a button "Open Visual Studio Code" but the tab instantly closes/disappears!
I tried several times to click very quickly on the button "Open VS Code" but it doesn't make any difference. I also tried Ctrl + Shift + T to reopened closed tabs but it doesn't reopen that specific tab...
It seems I only need to click on that "Open VS Code" button to make it work. Also I'm a beginner so there's probably something I'm missing.
Here are the values I put on the settings :
The settings
I think you should fix the path of your project directory correctly. I've also face the same problem for a while then I found my mistake and resolved the same problem.
Here the first step you have to follow check the project directory displaying in reduxDevTool
You see the file name like this .redux-starter/src/index.js:9(Please check the above screenshot link)
Open the reduxDevTools Settings by clicking on settings button from reduxDevTools.
Here you have to check the radio External ediotr radio button and type vscode inside the input field.
And finally, most important things you have to setup i.e; is path of your project directory. Copy the project directory path D:\xampp\htdocs\reactjs\redux\ where the Redux-Starter project folder exists and paste it on that textarea field.
Lastly, reload the frame, go to Trace tab and click one of the dispatch function. You will see that it opens in the vscode.

Control click keyword (AutoIt - Robot framework) is not actually clicking the menu option from notepad

I am trying to click File menu of notepad using robot framework and AutoIt. It's not actually doing the click, but the test case is getting passed. The below is the code snippet.
Control Click Untitled ${EMPTY} File1

Window PopUp And Robot Framework

I have a case where I have to validate if I click on upload button, window popup appears to select the file.
Can anyone please help me in doing this using robot framework.
If you only use a Windows interface, you can use AutoIt Library that provide keyword that can do what you need to do, here are the steps to install it:
Install Pywin from this link
Download the AutoIt Zipfile from here:
Install it as Library (If you don't know how, come back to me and i'll give you the steps)
Now you can use this keywords to upload your file:
wait for active window |WindowTitle="title of the upload window"
win active | "title of the upload window" | Open
send | "yourfile.extesion"
sleep | 1
control click | "title of the upload window" | Open | [CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1] | LEFT
Hope this helped you.
I'd recommend using Choose File. Here's a manual example of a File Upload that I had to do with Robot Framework.
Click Add File button on website.
Click Upload File button on website popup menu.
Click [fileName] on the OS GUI popup.
Click Upload on the OS GUI popup.
Click Upload on the website popup menu.
Click Cancel on the website popup menu.
Here's the code I used to do it.
Click Button ${ADD_FILE}
Click Button ${UPLOAD_BUTTON}
Click Button ${CANCEL_BUTTON}
Notice that Choose File saved me two steps, including going outside the DOM. A huge advantage of this is that you can run this in one window while your focus is on a different window.

how to set fileupload dialog box to specified image folder path

is that possible to set the file open dialog to images folder specified path so when user select the fileupload it directly show the images and only specified extension and sizes images are shown in it
how can i validate it
No it is not possible and if you want to check the file size and format then check/ validate at the time of upload if not validate then generate error from code side.
It is possible in window application but it is not possible in application.
Explanation: As what ever you path will set(if possible) will be different to all the client.

opening file upload window using javascript

I have a button or link button. I want to open a window for file uploading by clicking the button or link button. Actually at that time I won't have any file upload control there.
can any one tell me how to do it by using JavaScript?
<button onclick="'the_page_containing_the_upload_form.html', 'Upload form')">Upload</button>
I think you are asking that you want to open up the file upload dialog with a click of something other than the input element itself.
You can not just open up the file upload dialog since that is sort of a thing we call a security issue. You can style the input field to make it look like something else
