qml delegate cannot create binding with ListModel when ListModel isEmpty and append an empty jsobject at first time - qt

I have a repeater like this:
Repeater {
id: idRepeater
model: fruitModel
delegate: Rectangle {
My model has nothing, like this:
ListModel {
id: fruitModel
All I want is that I can add element by ListModel's append(jsobject dict) API.
I write code below:
But the second rectangle is not yellow. why?

You should refer to model data like:
ListModel {
id: fruitModel
dynamicRoles: true
Repeater {
id: idRepeater
model: fruitModel
delegate: Rectangle {
color: model.sColor
You should also set dynamicRoles to true for your list model when members of each object are different.


How to create different component base on ListModel in QML

There are 9 parameters that I need to use TextField1 to input value.
So I use
ListModel lstPara {
}...(9 Elements)
id: grid
anchors.fill: parent
columns: 3
spacing: 5
Repeater {
id: rpPara
model: lstPara
delegate: TextField1 {
But now there is a parameter that i need to use in another QML type to set the value, all others are used in TextField1.
I tried to define ListModel like this
ListModel lstPara{
ListElement {
text: "A";
type: 1";
value: "123"
ListElement {
text: "B";
type: 2";
value: "321"
...(9 Elements)
id: grid
anchors.fill: parent
columns: 3
spacing: 5
Repeater {
id: rpPara
model: lstPara
(some code : like this)
delegate: {
return type === 1 ?
TextField1 {
another QML type {
The code above can not run.
And I don`t want to write 8 TextField1 and 1 another QML type.
So, is there a way to use ListModel?
You can't directly use an Item declaration in a conditional expression like that, but you can do it with a Component. Here's an example of how to do it using a Loader as your delegate, and choosing which Component to load based on the model:
ListModel {
id: lstPara
ListElement {
text: "A"
type: 1
value: "123"
ListElement {
text: "B"
type: 2
value: "321"
Grid {
anchors.fill: parent
columns: 3
spacing: 5
Repeater {
id: rpPara
model: lstPara
delegate: Loader {
sourceComponent: type === 1 ? someText : otherText
onLoaded: {
item.text = text
item.value = value
Component {
id: someText
Text {
property string value
color: "blue"
Component {
id: otherText
Text {
property string value
color: "red"

How to fetch the ListElement associated with the row which is clicked in a TableView in QML?

I have a TableView defined in my QML which will obviously have multiple rows populated by a ListModel.
I want to fetch the ListElement associated with the row which is double clicked.
I have my rowDelegate of the table view defined as such:
rowDelegate: Rectangle {
color: "#D3D3D3"
height: 30
MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onDoubleClicked: {
console.log("table view row clicked...")
// How to fetch the ListElement associated with the row
// and return it for use by another module?
My comment pretty much emphasises what I'm looking for.
You probably don't even need a MouseArea to handle the click in your delegate.
The TableView already has a doubleClicked signal that you can use to retrieve the model data from the clicked row index:
TableView {
model: ListModel {
ListElement {
name: "name 1"
ListElement {
name: "name 2"
TableViewColumn {
title: "name"
delegate: Text {
text: model.name
rowDelegate: Rectangle {
color: "#D3D3D3"
height: 30
// no MouseArea
// handle the click directly in TableView
onDoubleClicked: {
const element = model.get(row)
console.error("doubleClicked on", element.name)
In scope of your delegate you can use model pseudo-property to fetch associated ListElement (or any other piece of data which is displayed via that delegate). You may think of it as a reference to original data item. It has all properties of ListElement (for example text or color or whatever) and also index property (index of item in your ListModel or any other model).

Create QML Items out of DelegateModel

Is it possible to create QML Items out of a DelegateModel?
Here is a example DelegateModel:
id: delegateModel
model: ListModel
ListElement { name: "#FAFAFA"; test: "object1" }
ListElement { name: "#000000"; test: "object2" }
delegate: Rectangle
objectName: test
width: 50
height: 50
color: name
The Result should look like this:
objectName: "object1"
width: 50
height: 50
color: "#FAFAFA"
objectName: "object2"
width: 50
height: 50
color: "#000000"
For every ListElement there is a created delegate with the inserted ListElement data.
You can do that with anything that is usable to instantiate a Model (a View)
For example you could use it as a model for a ListView, a GridView or a Repeater. As the model provides the delegate on its own, you do not need to specify any delegate in the View, that instantiates it.
Column {
Repeater {
model: delegateModel
// delegate: ... <--- Nothing here! Uses the delegate from the Model.
If you use the create(index)-Method, the delegate will be created, but has no parent, so it is not displayed. So you need to set the parent, to have it shown:
Button {
onClicked: {
for (var a = 0; a < dm.items.count; a++) {
var o = dm.items.create(a)
o.parent = r
You need to be aware, that the DelegateModel (without Package and Parts) can't be used in multiple views, as each entry/delegate can be instantiated only once at the same time. If you want to have that,
consider using a QSortFilterProxyModel to filter the stuff, and use as much Views that provide their own delegates, as you want.

Access ListView model within the Repeater component in the delegate

I am using a ListView with a model and a delegate.
The model is a simple ListModel with three items. Each item has a value with the key myFirstRole.
The delegate contains a Repeater component to create an arbitrary number of Labels. The Labels have to use data from the model.
The model of the repeater can not be set to the Listview's model as I have the Repeater using other data.
Here is a minimal example of what I am trying to achieve:
Component {
Item {
id: root
width: childrenRect.width
height childrenRect.height
Repeater {
model: 5 //It's not an option to set the repeaters model to the ListViews model. This example just illustrates my problem.
Label {
text: root.ListView.view.model.myFirstRole //This is the line where I want to be able to access the ListView's model, but I can't figure out how to properly reefer to it.
ListView {
id: root
delegate: MyDelegate {}
model: ListModel {
ListElement {
myFirstRole: "one"
ListElement {
myFirstRole: "two"
ListElement {
myFirstRole: "three"
Using Qt 5.7.0 with MSVC2015 32bit
I think that you can't access the roles via the special model property mentioned here (which is what I'm assuming you were trying to do) from the scope of the Repeater. Instead, you can declare a property at the root level of the component that can then be used in nested scopes:
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
ListView {
anchors.fill: parent
model: ListModel {
ListElement { myFirstRole: "Dog" }
ListElement { myFirstRole: "Cat" }
delegate: Item {
id: root
width: childrenRect.width
height: childrenRect.height
property string myFirstRoleData: myFirstRole
Repeater {
model: 5
Text {
text: myFirstRoleData
This might get a bit tedious if you have a lot of properties though. From some quick playing around, it looks like it's also possible to store the entire model object in a property:
import QtQuick 2.6
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
ListView {
anchors.fill: parent
model: ListModel {
ListElement { myFirstRole: "Dog" }
ListElement { myFirstRole: "Cat" }
delegate: Item {
id: root
width: childrenRect.width
height: childrenRect.height
property var modelData: model
Repeater {
model: 5
Text {
text: root.modelData.myFirstRole
modelData is probably not the best name to use though, seeing as Qt uses that name for models with only one role, but... if you're going with this approach, you're gonna have more than one role anyway. :)
It looks like Qt Quick Controls' (1) Tumbler does this too.
Item {
id: root
property var listViewModel // pass the model data to here
width: 100
height: 50
Column {
Repeater {
model: 5 // Use a different model here
Text {
width: 50
height: 10
text: listViewModel.myFirstRole //This is the line where I want to be able to access the ListView's model, but I can't figure out how to properly reefer to it.
ListView {
id: root
width: 100
height: 500
delegate: MyDelegate {
listViewModel: model // set the model data here
model: ListModel {
ListElement {
myFirstRole: "one"
ListElement {
myFirstRole: "two"
ListElement {
myFirstRole: "three"
See the comments in the code. It is not trivial to guess what you want to achive, but I hope I guessed right.

How to catch the model update signal in ListView

Is there any way to catch the model update signal in qml.
here is my sample program. i have a rectangle on top of that there is listview.
on mouse i am updating the listmodel.
id: root
anchors.fill: parent
ListModel {
id: fruitModel
ListElement {
name: "Apple"
cost: 2.45
ListElement {
name: "Orange"
cost: 3.25
ListElement {
name: "Banana"
cost: 1.95
Component {
id: fruitDelegate
Row {
spacing: 10
Text { text: name }
Text { text: '$' + cost }
ListView {
id: list
anchors.fill: parent
model: fruitModel
delegate: fruitDelegate
onModelChanged: {
console.log("hi heloooo")
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
fruitModel.append({"cost": 5.95, "name":"Pizza"})//added new
fruitModel.remove(1) // deleted old. so count still same
On mouse click i am updating the model, i just want catch when ever there is a change in model.
What does it mean that you change the model? If you are interested in items added or removed, you can bind a listener to the onCountChanged signal of the ListView.
