How to filter data in the mat table based on the value obtained from ngx mat select search - angular-material-7

I have two components one is my app component and the other component is my multiple mat select search component in which i used ngx mat select search Iam passing the selected value using event emitter to app component. My angular material version is 7.3.7 and mat select search version is 1.7.1


Google App maker list view filtering

We have tables in app maker that shows data in list view and it will add default features like sorting, paging. We want filters on top of each column in
that table, drop down control acts as filter that will list all the distinct values on its configured column. When I select a value in dropdown it should
filter the value from datasource and load in the list view.
If two filters or more filters is applied at the same time, the filters should act as AND condition that will bring values satisfied with all filters.
There is no such type of table in App Maker at this time (but you can always file feature request here)
Meanwhile you can put some effort and implement it on your own. You just need to add input widgets, layout them and bind to filters(_equals, _in, _notIt, _startsWith...):
There are some relevant apps with this functionality:
Project List
Project Tracker

Google App maker dropdown null item name

In App maker for drop downs there is a option to set nullItemName, default one is No selection. In my scenario we are taking values from models which has empty values I want to show empty values as blanks but if we change the nullItemName property.
It is changing for the default app maker one and the empty values from the models. Image is attached for the reference.
Here you can see two same values one is app maker default No selection and the other in from the datasource empty item.
Dropdown widget has two properties: options and names. By specifying both of them you'll explicitly tell App Maker to display specific name for each option:
// options
[1, null, 3, 4]
// names
['One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four']
For sure you can use binding for these properties.

How to autoupdate or reload KIVY to fetch data from sqlite3 without re running the KIVY application

I created a simple application, that can add data to a DB (sqlite).
Button : Just an add button
TexInput: Input names
Spinner: show update of names
All are working, adding to DB and fetching from the DB.
my problem now is that how can i update my spinner to update its values without
closing or re-running the kivy application.
Thank you.
Just update the Spinner values attribute
values = [r[0] for r in cursor.fetchall('select name from stuff_table')]
spinner.values = values #this will update the choices available
spinner.text = spinner.values[0]# choose default value...

Checkboxes and View Based Table View

I am having some difficulty trying to use checkboxes as the selectedIndex in a view based table.
There is good documentation on view based table here:
[View Based Tables ]
However, I after searching and looking on Stackoverflow I can't seem to get my implementation for doing the following.
My view is a table that makes a callout to Yahoo Finance. The table is view based constructed with bindings.
When the table is populated I want to have a check box against each row so that when the user clicks the check box, that row will be updated from Yahoo. Currently this works using multi or single selection using the table view and an observer.. I want to do this with the checkboxes and a button that gets all the checked rows.
The IB setup is as follows:
What is the best way to get the rows where the checkbox is selected? Should I use the array controller or do I need to do something with the table?
Assuming that you use a NSArray of NSDictionaries as your data model, why not add a key/value pair to each "stock" dictionary as a flag? Then in your button action method, just iterate through the data model and trigger an update when the flag is set. Bindings do the rest!

Grid form layout using jsf (Jdeveloper & ADF)

I am trying to build a 6x6 grid layout. In each cell, there will be an input check box. I want to bind the checkboxes to my backing bean in a "consecutive fashion"...meaning, I would like to be able to iterate over the checkboxes to see whether they are checked or not. Basically, there must be an underlying data model. For example, you can drag over and drop off as a table, any item in the data control palette. Then in my application module, I can modify the view object as I wish before I save to the database. Now if I have a table with 36 rows and two columns (one is Id, one is Numeric (1 or 0)). I would like to drag over that table and drop off as a Grid that will enable a user to update each of the rows by selecting or 'un-selecting' a checkbox.
Try to use for each or Iterator component. They iterate over some array/collection and repeat elements enclosed within those components. You can check how Oracle does Dynamic Table (when you drag view object instance from application module to a page, choose dynamic table option) to get and idea.
try :
also try google with "dynamic form adf"
