Grid form layout using jsf (Jdeveloper & ADF) - grid

I am trying to build a 6x6 grid layout. In each cell, there will be an input check box. I want to bind the checkboxes to my backing bean in a "consecutive fashion"...meaning, I would like to be able to iterate over the checkboxes to see whether they are checked or not. Basically, there must be an underlying data model. For example, you can drag over and drop off as a table, any item in the data control palette. Then in my application module, I can modify the view object as I wish before I save to the database. Now if I have a table with 36 rows and two columns (one is Id, one is Numeric (1 or 0)). I would like to drag over that table and drop off as a Grid that will enable a user to update each of the rows by selecting or 'un-selecting' a checkbox.

Try to use for each or Iterator component. They iterate over some array/collection and repeat elements enclosed within those components. You can check how Oracle does Dynamic Table (when you drag view object instance from application module to a page, choose dynamic table option) to get and idea.
try :
also try google with "dynamic form adf"


Google App maker list view filtering

We have tables in app maker that shows data in list view and it will add default features like sorting, paging. We want filters on top of each column in
that table, drop down control acts as filter that will list all the distinct values on its configured column. When I select a value in dropdown it should
filter the value from datasource and load in the list view.
If two filters or more filters is applied at the same time, the filters should act as AND condition that will bring values satisfied with all filters.
There is no such type of table in App Maker at this time (but you can always file feature request here)
Meanwhile you can put some effort and implement it on your own. You just need to add input widgets, layout them and bind to filters(_equals, _in, _notIt, _startsWith...):
There are some relevant apps with this functionality:
Project List
Project Tracker

Access Bound Combobox with lookup Field?

I have a table. Table1. Table1.[Field1] displays a lookup field taken from Table2.[Field2].
In my Form I have two comboboxes. Combobox1 is bound to Table1.[Field2].
Remember.... Table1.[Field1] is displaying the "looked up value".
What I want to do is to use a bound Combobox2 so that it displays the looked up value (I have achieved this)... and then, when I change that value using the drop down list in Combobox2 to another value, it changes the record displayed in all my other controls, including Combobox1.
I'm not too sure what settings to use in my properties. Would anyone know how to achieve the above?
(MS Access 2010)(Windows 7 Pro)

Creating an expandable grid in MVC3 - data modelling

I am trying to create an expandable grid in MVC3. This is a follow up question to this .
Basically I have a complicated sql query that I need to use to populate a set of fields in a grid in MVC3. Also the grid elements must be expandable and on expansion should show additional data.
For example
I have two sql queries
Query A
select * from large tables joined
Query B
select data from selected row in query A
Query A represents my first query which I should use to populate the grid. On expansion of the grid I have to show the additional data by expanding the row from A with the query B.
I am creating a view model with all the fields I need in the first row of the grid that I can pass to the view.
1.) How do I directly use sql to pass the data into the views instead of joining the models
2.) How do I make the grid expandable to show additional data?
3.) How do I model my sql, do I create one query for both and then selectively show data?
Caveat: MVC3 noob
Answers inline
1.) How do I directly use sql to pass the data into the views instead of joining the models
This depends, either you pass in everything up front and write out hidden fields, or a hidden JSON object containing all the data and when the field is expanded, show it. so that is: Render all the data in your grid and hide each item until you need it, or dynamically load it from an array and show it when the user expands. You could also dynamically grab the required data when a user clicks on a row, but then you'd need to show a wait image while you grab the data by ajax (which would be fairly easy with mvc)
2.) How do I make the grid expandable to show additional data?
Plenty of expandable html grid results on the net :) Depend show you want to hide/show it.
3.) How do I model my sql, do I create one query for both and then selectively
This depends on the approach in 1 above. If you use ajax, you'd be returning one row at a time. In the other scenario you can have two queries you then merge into two view models or you join query A results with query b if theres a 1-1 mapping, assuming there isn't though so make two calls. Again, this is up to you. Do you want to pass all that data up front if the user will only expand two rows? not likely, in that case I like the ajax approach.

VFP Grid with multiselect

I'm trying to implement multiple record selection feature on a grid.
It is very similar to
It adds an extra column with check boxes. I want those check boxes!!
But it depends on a extra logical field in the underlying table. It need to create a class clscheck which inherits CHECKBOX. I'm not sure why this CLICK procedure is needed for the checkbox.
When I removed it, row selection did not work correctly as expected. Why this?
Here is my requirement:
1) I don't want to add an extra logical field in the underlying table.
2) To work with controls in the grid, I think AllowCellSelection must be .T. I want AllowCellSelection = .F. because I don't need to work with any control in the grid except the check boxes. I need to work only with check boxes. The other columns will be read-only.
3) Can I have selected list without the logical field in the underlying table?
4) Can I remove the usage of KEYBOARD '{DNARROW}'?
In fact, I have a grid which is AllowCellSelection = .F., but it only provides single selection.
I need to enhance it with multiple selection, thus, I just want to add an extra column with check boxes so that user can know he can select multiple records.
No need Shift+Click or Ctrl+Click which is not familiar with idiot users.
I have found this -
It also depends on an extra logical field and it depends Shift+Click and Ctrl+Click.
What you are seeing is quite common for multi-select grids. I've used them SIMILAR to this in the past. However, you are afraid of the extra column in the underlying table. That may/not be true. You don't always have to update the ORIGINAL table, but a temporary CURSOR you are presenting to the user. Ex: If you want to display a list of employees in a table. No, you don't want to keep adding this column to the original employee table as then anyone else trying to do multi-select could falsely get your selection. However, if you pulled into your own local cursor and presented to the user, then no problem. Example...
Thisform.YourGrid.RecordSource = "Employees"
(bound directly to your employee table -- not necessarily the right thing)
use in select( "C_MultiPickEmployees" )
select ;
.F. as IsChosen, ;
E.* ;
from ;
Employees E;
into ;
cursor C_MultiPickEmployees READWRITE
Thisform.YourGrid.RecordSource = "C_MultiPickEmployees"
NOW, you have your extra column without dealing with issues to the underlying table. If you wanted to further filter what you were showing -- such as employees for a certain division/department, then just add that to a WHERE clause, add an Order By if so needed and you are good to go.
As for the "Allow Cell Selection", I've never had to deal with that. I just add a "checkbox" to the first column and set
Thisform.YourGrid.Column[1].CurrentControl = "CheckBoxControl"
(based on the name it is added to the column).
Then, set the column 1's "ControlSource" = "C_MultiPickEmployees.IsChosen" and you should mostly be done.
As for the "CLICK" event trying to force the down arrow. This is more for automatically scrolling to the next record so you can just click, click, click for multiple entries.
Hope this helps clarify things for you.

Checkboxes and View Based Table View

I am having some difficulty trying to use checkboxes as the selectedIndex in a view based table.
There is good documentation on view based table here:
[View Based Tables ]
However, I after searching and looking on Stackoverflow I can't seem to get my implementation for doing the following.
My view is a table that makes a callout to Yahoo Finance. The table is view based constructed with bindings.
When the table is populated I want to have a check box against each row so that when the user clicks the check box, that row will be updated from Yahoo. Currently this works using multi or single selection using the table view and an observer.. I want to do this with the checkboxes and a button that gets all the checked rows.
The IB setup is as follows:
What is the best way to get the rows where the checkbox is selected? Should I use the array controller or do I need to do something with the table?
Assuming that you use a NSArray of NSDictionaries as your data model, why not add a key/value pair to each "stock" dictionary as a flag? Then in your button action method, just iterate through the data model and trigger an update when the flag is set. Bindings do the rest!
