how to load test wordpress site? - wordpress

How I can test the performance of my site. I need to check either more than 400 users can access the site at a same time and purchase one product. Need to test one special product to be sold. Which may be more than 500 users will buy at once.
How I can simulate the transactions in order to load test the site.

It will be better to create an automated load test script either in Jmeter or any other tool and you can generate as much load you want.

Handling number of users by website not depends on WordPress but it depends on which server(web hosting) you are using.
While what depends on WordPress is website performance. The more number of extra plugins, not well developed theme and ignored WP standards can make site performance slow.
You can check your website performance at:
Google insights
GT Metrix
Here is the link for your reference to send test traffic to your website:
Test traffic
Hope this helps.

Looking into A Beginner’s Guide to Load Testing WordPress Sites:
Check Your WordPress And Front End Setup Before Testing (use GTmetrix, PageSpeed insights and P3 plugin to check whether your frontend part is up-to-speed
Document And Tune Your Back End Stack: you need to ensure that all the infrastructure is ready for high loads: operating system, web server, database, load balancer, etc. - all of them needs to be tuned for the high performance
Exploring DIY Load Testing Options. Choose a load testing tool and implement the real life usage of your application. Once you do this you can replay the test with increased number of users and explore the metrics


Problem with cache, plugin Litespeed, server Litespeed and optimization

I have been using the wordpress Litespeed plugin on my site Trailer y Estrenos CO. I have the Chemicloud hosting and it uses the Litespeed server, which according to them, it works super well if is used with the plugin of the same name.
On top of that, you started using Cloudflare and I integrated it into the Litespeed plugin.
My problem is the following:
When I measure how optimized the page is after having installed everything mentioned, in GTmetrix at the beginning it gives me a statistic of the B and C range, but soon after in another scan they lower me to C and D.
In the Litespeed plugin I have DNS Prefetch configured and in the first scan of range B and C the DNS Prefetch configuration works as it is, but in the others scans later that go down to ranges C and D, it seems that the DNS Prefetch does not work, since it shows me those external DNS errors.
I don't know if it's my ideas, but it seems that the Litespeed plugin didn't do its job well, although it could be other things.
Should I use another cache plugin? I know that the WP Rocket is very good but the detail is that it is paid.
Any suggestion or help?
Thank you
In the current report, Your scores are mainly dependent on your third-party resources. Everything that is loading from your domain(Litespeed) is pretty quick(Check the Waterfall section). If you expand the results which are causing these scores, you'll see the responsible ones.
Pagespeed Scores
Minimize Redirects is caused by resources from, and soon.
Leverage Browser Caching is also by addthis, google and Facebook resources.
Serve Scaled Images is something to be done during the upload, or a plugin like Shortpixel Adaptive Images can help you.
YSlow Scores
Add Expires Headers is the same as Leverage Browser caching above.
Use a CDN is caused by the same Third-Party Resources.
Use Cookie-Free Subdomains is caused by Cloudflare, since it appends its Cookies on all requests, but if your server is far away from where your visitors are, the benefits of using Cloudflare overweighs the drawbacks.
Reduce DNS Lookups is again due to a lot of third-party resources, from multiple domains, DNS Prefetch can help the users resolve the DNS faster, but won't affect the scores.
Avoid URL Redirects is the same as Minimize Redirects above.
No Cache plugin can edit how third-party requests are being handled by the website, while they can defer the requests or load them after the actual page is loaded to improve user experience, it won't still affect the scores.
What should you do to fix these?
Figure out what you want to keep and remove the rest if not required.
Talk to your developer about storing these external files locally so that they can be optimized and controlled using Litespeed Cache or any other Cache Plugin.
For the Minimize Redirects, get in touch with the provider you're serving these resources from and ask them to improve this behavior.
I hope this helps!

Managed Wordpress website hosted on Aruba slow

my problem is that I have a site built with wordpress hosted on Aruba with a wordpress managed hosting plan. Today it started to go very slow. The loading time is over 13 seconds. Until yesterday it was fine. What can it be? Thanks.
Many things can be causing your WordPress to be slow: configuration of your server, WordPress configuration, images and videos, theme and plugins's code, external scripts.
So, within that list, here are some of the tasks you should consider doing:
Speed test the website again
Use latest PHP version
Make sure all updates are done
If you create backups, make sure that they are only run during low traffic time
Install a caching plugin
Optimize images
Reduce as much as possible videos which costs bandwidth
Analyze if the theme is optimized for speed
Analyze if plugins are poorly coded
Reduce external HTTP requests and DB calls
Optimize the DB
If none of this works, contact your hosting provider and explain what you've done so far. If they don't care for the situation or are not capable to serve your needs, consider changing your hosting provider.

Woocommerce Shop: Domain hosting on X (namecheap), WP hosting on Y (siteground) = Loading Time Issues?

Is my woocommerce shop facing loading time issues when I host the domain with namecheap (for example) and use another company like siteground (e.g.) for hosting the WordPress site?
I'm wondering if it's better to host both things (domain and WP installation) with one company (for example siteground).
Goal: the faster the shop page is loading the better:)
Help is very much appreciated. I don't have much experience with this yet.
Having a domain and hosting with different companies does not affect the speed of your website at all.
The load speed is fully dependent on the host server capacity and how well your website is coded. Well, Wordpress sites without optiization are pretty massive.
I suggest checking what can be optimized within your website to make it more "light'. I've used this tool, you can also check any other similar tool like Google Speed test, etc.

WordPress test site is slow despite good scores on several page speed sites

I am developing a website for a car rental company and am using a subdomain for testing. The site is very slow on all browsers (and on the backend) despite high score on Pingdom, PageSpeed Insights, and GTmetrix. I'm not new to WordPress and page speed and have been able to achieve speed with the use of plugins and the right hosting.
I am using the Avada theme with the following plugins (I have already removed each plugin individually to see if any one of them was the culprit):
JCH Optimize
Ninja Forms
Justified Image Grid
W3 Total Cache (used with maxCDN)
WP Migrate DB
Our hosting provider is HostGator but I want to use Pagely.
Here is our Site
I just tested it out on pingdom and scored a 91/100.
Also, pages with very little content, such as our contact page, run slow as well.
FYI, this is a test site so you might find random pics of my dog in strange locations.
If you are using Google Chrome, open an incongnito page and open developer tools, click on network and then load your site. Now sort by time(latency). You will notice JCH Optimize, Autoptimize and WP-Optimize are taking up a lot of load time. Disable these plugins one by one to see if it makes any difference.
Also - I don't think you need three different plugins to optimize your site. One should be enough.
Hope this helps.

count website traffic

hey, i was just wondering how would I go about monitoring or measuring the number of hits my website gets. I want to do this from code as opposed to downloading a plug in to the page. It is an website. Any tutorial or code suggestions would be nice. thanks in advance.
You want to check out Google Analytics, they are awesome, and one line of code to add!
It's what I use for all the websites I manage!
You could also have a look at installing AWStats, which works by reading your web servers logs. All you need to do it change the logging settings on your server (IIS if your using Windows Server), install AWStats, which runs as a separate website, and schedule the collation of stats with a scheduled task.
Advantages: More in depth stats, particularly with visitors IP address which Google does not collect.
Disadvantages: More effort to get up and running.
The best way to monitor traffic and other important metrics is to use Google Analytics. Not only can you see historical numbers for your site, but you can monitor traffic in real-time. Additionally, you can track conversions (sales) from ads or outside links.
