Problem with cache, plugin Litespeed, server Litespeed and optimization - wordpress

I have been using the wordpress Litespeed plugin on my site Trailer y Estrenos CO. I have the Chemicloud hosting and it uses the Litespeed server, which according to them, it works super well if is used with the plugin of the same name.
On top of that, you started using Cloudflare and I integrated it into the Litespeed plugin.
My problem is the following:
When I measure how optimized the page is after having installed everything mentioned, in GTmetrix at the beginning it gives me a statistic of the B and C range, but soon after in another scan they lower me to C and D.
In the Litespeed plugin I have DNS Prefetch configured and in the first scan of range B and C the DNS Prefetch configuration works as it is, but in the others scans later that go down to ranges C and D, it seems that the DNS Prefetch does not work, since it shows me those external DNS errors.
I don't know if it's my ideas, but it seems that the Litespeed plugin didn't do its job well, although it could be other things.
Should I use another cache plugin? I know that the WP Rocket is very good but the detail is that it is paid.
Any suggestion or help?
Thank you

In the current report, Your scores are mainly dependent on your third-party resources. Everything that is loading from your domain(Litespeed) is pretty quick(Check the Waterfall section). If you expand the results which are causing these scores, you'll see the responsible ones.
Pagespeed Scores
Minimize Redirects is caused by resources from, and soon.
Leverage Browser Caching is also by addthis, google and Facebook resources.
Serve Scaled Images is something to be done during the upload, or a plugin like Shortpixel Adaptive Images can help you.
YSlow Scores
Add Expires Headers is the same as Leverage Browser caching above.
Use a CDN is caused by the same Third-Party Resources.
Use Cookie-Free Subdomains is caused by Cloudflare, since it appends its Cookies on all requests, but if your server is far away from where your visitors are, the benefits of using Cloudflare overweighs the drawbacks.
Reduce DNS Lookups is again due to a lot of third-party resources, from multiple domains, DNS Prefetch can help the users resolve the DNS faster, but won't affect the scores.
Avoid URL Redirects is the same as Minimize Redirects above.
No Cache plugin can edit how third-party requests are being handled by the website, while they can defer the requests or load them after the actual page is loaded to improve user experience, it won't still affect the scores.
What should you do to fix these?
Figure out what you want to keep and remove the rest if not required.
Talk to your developer about storing these external files locally so that they can be optimized and controlled using Litespeed Cache or any other Cache Plugin.
For the Minimize Redirects, get in touch with the provider you're serving these resources from and ask them to improve this behavior.
I hope this helps!


Optimize Wordpress Nginx Website with Litespeed cache

I'm trying to optimize my website and I've tried many ways like using WP optimizer with minification and cache, w3 total cache with minification and more. The best score I get is whenever I use Litespeed optimization. Cache doesn't work on my nginx server but the optimization is so good that I get 65 without even using cache while I get around 40 with w3 cache. I want to improve my site speed even more and I noticed the only problem whenever I load my site is the server response time which is around 3 seconds. If I activate w3 total cache this gets close to 200ms. The problem is that I want to serve the minified and combinied version of my site from litespeed with w3 total cache or another caching plugin to eliminate that 3s response time. Is this possible and how can I achieve that?
If you want to enable LSCache optimization features to optimize static files, and use the cache feature from the w3-total cache plugin. The answer is yes, it's possible. As long as you have only one full-page cache feature enabled at a time, then it will have no conflict with other tools. Other features from LSCWP like Guest Mode, and Guest Optimization may not work with other tools, so you might want to test them thoroughly. If you want to utilize the cache feature from the LSCache in the future, the easiest way for you is to add the QUIC Cloud CDN in the front. Hope the above information helps.

optimize wordpress site sharing with bluehost

my site takes so time to load how can I fix this problem, I have a wp site it's shared with Bluehost when I run the site take so time to load any idea how to solve this issue?!
A lot of factors are involved in website speed, use some tool to scan your site and have some information:
Google PageSpeed help you to understand if image are too big, if the server response time id too high etc.. and also give you some information about the possible fix.
Other thing that may help you to speed up your site is a cache plugin like:
w3 total cache
wp super cache
this plugin have a default settings that help also unexperienced user to have a little benefit.

Woocommerce Shop: Domain hosting on X (namecheap), WP hosting on Y (siteground) = Loading Time Issues?

Is my woocommerce shop facing loading time issues when I host the domain with namecheap (for example) and use another company like siteground (e.g.) for hosting the WordPress site?
I'm wondering if it's better to host both things (domain and WP installation) with one company (for example siteground).
Goal: the faster the shop page is loading the better:)
Help is very much appreciated. I don't have much experience with this yet.
Having a domain and hosting with different companies does not affect the speed of your website at all.
The load speed is fully dependent on the host server capacity and how well your website is coded. Well, Wordpress sites without optiization are pretty massive.
I suggest checking what can be optimized within your website to make it more "light'. I've used this tool, you can also check any other similar tool like Google Speed test, etc.

How to Scale Wordpress on Shared Hosting to Survive a Traffic Surge

So just like any other indie developer, I ran a small personal Wordpress blog on a HostGator shared plan to show case projects and notes.
Now, let's say you have an article that is randomly picked up on HackerNews or Digg, how do you config your Wordpress or the Shared Hosting to survive the sudden surge in visitors and page hits?
I have looked into a few things like: making that article a static page, turn on caching so the page can serve without querying MySQL. Would love to hear from your experience.
I would start with a caching plugin like W3 Total Cache. It has the same effect as the first technique you mentioned, but it does it automatically.
If you want better performance for a few pennies more a month, try Amazon Cloudfront. It is a little more setup, but the benefits are well worth it. I set up my DNS to point to Cloudfront, so all traffic hits their edge servers first. Then I set up my server as and make sure that cache control headers are set (e.g. max-age=3600). When visitors come to my site, they hit the Cloudfront edge server nearest them (there are 22 locations worldwide), and if the page is cached, my server never gets hit. If not, 1 request is made, and for the next hour, all requests are served from the cache on the edge server.
As has been already mentioned, a caching plugin is a must. A CDN helps also for media and static files like js and css, and then your theme is also a crucial factor in your site's performance. Keep it clean, minimize queries, and try to avoid frameworks and the overhead they introduce.
I don't use a cdn, but I have a virtual server where I use Nginx to listen on port 80. It also serves the easy stuff like images, text files, stylesheets, etc. Anything more difficult (wordpress content), it passes on to Apache which listens on a different port. Apache is an awesome webserver but it is a beast as far as resources go. If you have 20 items on a page that need loading, and you can have something svelte like Nginx handle 19 of them, it helps tremendously.
Here is an old optimization article I wrote about a year ago - that might help a bit more also:
Good luck.
I also host with HostGator, and have addressed performance issues with many of my sites.
My advice:
Find a different shared host. Since EIG bought HostGator last year, the performance of their shared accounts has fallen off a cliff. MySQL performance is poor, and support wait times are growing.
Previous to 2013 I had high traffic WP blogs that ran with no issues. The new hardware and policies however have taken even my small/simple WP sites down to very low performance levels.
If you stay with HG...
Disable wp-cron: Here's a good help doc:
Install and use a caching plugin, using mod_rewrite caching (not PHP caching)
A CDN will help the site load faster, and if you host the assets on a different provider, it can help reduce the load on the server.
Honestly, if there's even a remote chance of getting massive traffic, upgrade to a scalable VPS, or a web host that handles traffic surges like WPEngine.

How do I troubleshoot caching

I'm having an issue with the caching of a WordPress site. I am getting inconsistent displays of the site. I have changed my DNS server from my ISP to Google and the site has no chaching. I've viewed the site on a different ISP and it is still inconsistent. My browser cache is set at 0 and I'm using "?" in the URL. Is there any way to determine where the caching is originating? The site is on a budget shared hosting account.
Try a different web browser. That'll tell you if the cache is because of a plugin like W3 Total Cache or your browser's cache. Maybe try disabling all of your plugins and themes and see if that makes any difference. The DNS is very likely not going to make a lick of difference.
I would recommend using Firebug or Web-Kit Dev Tools for this.
You can more fully disable/enable browser cache conveniently
You can use the Net panel to see what is loading, how fast it is loading, and where it is loading from.
