Google Analytics group user by route - google-analytics

I'm new to Google analytics. I have a website with sub-applications inside it, I want to check who all the users visited a particular sub-application. How can I do this?

Just insert the Analytics code as the first item into the <HEAD> of every webpage you want to track (all pages of your site).
Then, if you have a structure in different folder like: /admin, /supervisor, /superadmin, /dashboard, to check users visited each route, you may to create a custom report like this:


In Google Analytics, how do I plot on a timeline users who visited one page but not another?

I'm looking for some help creating a Google Analytics report that shows, in a timeline, the number of Users who visited one page (e.g. Checkout page) but NOT another page (e.g. Thank You page), and in that order. This seems like such a simply report to run, but I cannot seem to find the right settings in Google Analytics to pull this together.
What you need is a segment with the following settings:
Include sessions
Page includes /checkout (replace with your checkout URL) AND
Page excludes /thankyou (replace with whatever your thank you page URL is)

How do I integrate two separate Google Analytics accounts such that one account tracks a subpage of the main page that the other account tracks?

Another person has a google analytics watch on a page and all the first level subpages, however the page I want to track is a subpage of a subpage (second level). How do I apply my tracking code to collect information on the page I want without interfering with the other account's data collection? Working in drupal 7.
You should be able to add multiple instances of analytics.js GA tracking code:
You can create static blocks out of GA embeds and use block properties to set on what page what block should appear or use some advanced module, like context to fine tune appearing of that block.
Or you can place the code into html template directly and use good old (and ugly) if condition to show embed code only to some pages.

Programmatically track subdomains in different view for google analytics

I've a site which allows users to register, creating a store front page like a shopping cart for them to customize. Each page is a subdomain of the main page, and is coded using one jsp.
Eg: User creates store front page named "abc", his store front page will be
Is there a way to track these different subdomains individually separately using google analytics programmitically?
I've googled and currently did it by creating views and filters, but as i researched there are no way to create these views and filters programmitically, having to go to the google analytics page to create at there. I saw there is also a limit of views one can create thus am wondering if there are any other solution to this.
Thank You
You can use the Management API to create, update, and delete profiles, but as you've found out there is a limit of 50 profiles (views) per non-premium account. I would say to use advanced segments to segment out hostnames, but again there is also a limit of 100 advanced segments per view. One idea (and I haven't tested this) could be that when a user creates an account, they create a sub subdomain, and after there have been 100 sub subdomains created, switch the subdomain to, etc. This way, you could get 5000 possible combinations. Again, you would want to test.
One other option, and this is similar to what Shopify does, is to have the user input their own GA account through the admin - but the downfall of this is that you (the site designer) wouldn't have visibility into that subdomains data.
Anyway, hope this helps.

Multiple links pointing to the same location. Track which one was clicked using Google Analytics

I'm trying to get Google Analytics to track the specific link in the page that was used by the users to get to a specific location.
Say I have links poing to the contact page from the main menu, the page's contents and the footer.
Looking at what other websites are doing, I've added references inside GET parameters for each of the links like so: , and . I've also added the ref parameter to the ignore list inside Google Analytics so the three URLs are not tracked as separate pages.
My question now is: How sould I go about tracking which one was used to get to the contact page?
Although the post is a bit old, for others like me finding this via search, here is the solution. Enhanced Link Attribution in Google Analytics.
Sounds like you are already tracking them with the URL param.
If Google Analytics is successfully tracking them as separate pageviews with the ref= URL param, then you could create a custom report in GA that shows the number of pageviews. The custom report can be added to your dashboard for quick reference.
The custom report can be set up like this:
Metric groups: pageviews
Dimension drilldowns: page
Filters: include -> Page -> regex -> /contact\?ref=(content|menu|footer)
Or, for each click, add the following to each link:
Repeat for each link. This is no more work than adding a ref= to each link.

managing redirection with google analytics

I have a site that contains the file
It redirects folks to another site using an id it pulls from the database.
I'd like to track the page on Google Analytics, see where users are coming from, and what popular sites they're going to.. etc.
I currently set up the page so that it pulls (with PHP) the link from the database, and outputs the ga.js stuff and a javascript redirect.
The issue is that I'm getting the data on my analytics dashboard as if every id is a different page..
What is a better way to do this?
If you want to check for pages of the type redirect.php?id=x then the page Carlos links to is how you would do it.
You would want to exclude the id parameter from your search. Then Analytics would combine all the redirect.php?id=1 redirect.php?id=2 redirect.php?id=3 pages as just a single page named redirect.php
How do I exclude query parameters from my reports?
