siteMetadata: {
title: `Gatsby Default Starter`,
description: `Kick off your next, great Gatsby project with this default starter. This barebones starter ships with the main Gatsby configuration files you might need.`,
author: `#gatsbyjs`,
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
options: {
name: `images`,
path: `${__dirname}/src/images`,
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
options: {
name: `gatsby-starter-default`,
short_name: `starter`,
start_url: `/`,
background_color: `#663399`,
theme_color: `#663399`,
display: `minimal-ui`,
icon: `src/images/gatsby-icon.png`, // This path is relative to the root of the site.
resolve: "gatsby-source-graphql",
options: {
// Arbitrary name for the remote schema Query type
typeName: "DRUPAL",
// Field under which the remote schema will be accessible. You'll use this in your Gatsby query
fieldName: "drupal",
// Url to query from
url: "",
Here's my gatsby-config.js file
When I run gatsby clean && gatsby develop or just gatsby build i get
success createSchemaCustomization - 0.005s
"gatsby-source-graphql" threw an error while running the sourceNodes lifecycle:
Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
ServerParseError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
- JSON.parse
- index.js:35
- next_tick.js:68 process._tickCallback
not finished source and transform nodes - 0.506s
My Drupal 8 site is new with the graphql module installed. And the gatsby site is brand new too.
I started getting this issue on Monday after working fine for a while. There were no code changes to my gatsby but all of a sudden I'm no longer able to get drupal data.
There seems to be few examples of using the "gatsby-source-graphql" plugin so if anyone can help please do
In my case, it was a permissions issue in Drupal. I solved it by going to admin → people → permissions and setting all permissions related to GraphQL for the anonymous user.
The Drupal Graph QL Module requires authentication using tokens. You can use Simple Oauth or JWT. I used Simple Oauth and resolved my issue using the following steps:
Install the Simple Oauth module using composer so it installs it's dependancies $ composer require drupal/simple_oauth, then enable the module.
Create a user role for your third party app and assign content viewing permissions for that role
In admin/config/people/simple_oauth add a token expiration time, generate keys using the button provided (make sure they are generated outside of the drupal web root) and add the path to the public and private key files.
In admin/config/services/consumer add a new consumer (or use the default consumer)
Add a secret password in the Secret field and select the new role you created under Scopes, then save the config page.
Make a post request to your site using curl or postman to generate a token using the following body fields:
grant_type: password
client_id: The client id generated `admin/config/services/consumer`
client_secret: The secret you entered in step 4
username: A user in your drupal site that has the role you created
password: The password assigned to that account
The post request should return the access token if successful. Add your token to your app's .env.development file and update your gatsby-config.js file with the Authorization header: (More info about setting up environment variables in your gatsby app can be found here)
resolve: "gatsby-source-graphql",
options: {
typeName: "DRUPAL",
fieldName: "drupal",
url: "",
headers: {
"Authorization": `Bearer ${process.env.GATSBY_API_TOKEN}`
Video Tutorials of the Simple Oauth set up steps can be found here
More information on this set up process can be found here
I'm developing a Frontend using NextJS and Keycloak for auth-purpose. After adding Sentry, I'm facing this issue here, where the token endpoint of Keycloak is returning an error; So I can log in.
I've tried many things:
Change the web-origin config of Keycloak, which (obviously) doesn't change or solves the problem
Play with the Sentry client config, without success, because the denyUrls property still make the Sentry SDK send the sentry-trace into the request.
Now I don't have any more Idea, so I coming here for more help.
So after some investigations, I came across this tracingOrigins property that can be set using integrations like this:
integrations: [
new (Sentry.Integrations as any).BrowserTracing({
tracingOrigins: [
This config is done inside the sentry.client.config.ts file. The downside is that, urls which are not included there, are simply not tracked.
Unfortunately, Keycloak has hardcoded list of allowed headers, so you can't configure Keycloak for sentry-trace header.
You can have some non ideal work arounds:
don't use sentry
compile own hacked Keycloak version, where you allow that header
add reverse proxy in front of Keycloak, which will add sentry-trace header to allowed headers
I've solved this issue on a nextJs application by adding the following header to the static sourcemap response.
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' on next.config.js
const CONFIG = {
headers: () => [
source: "/_next/:path*",
headers: [
{ key: "Access-Control-Allow-Origin", value: SHOP_ORIGIN },
{ key: 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers', value: '*' },
The firebase documentation is a little vague on setting things up with a custom dynamic link domain.
In a react native app, I can successfully have a passwordless email authentication link sent to the user inbox.
My const actionCodeSettings = {
url: '',
// This must be true.
handleCodeInApp: true,
iOS: {
bundleId: 'com.xxxxxx.xxxxxxapp',
android: {
packageName: 'com.xxxxxx.xxxxxxapp',
installApp: true,
minimumVersion: '12',
dynamicLinkDomain: '',
I already authorized my custom domain and was able to create and use dynamic links to the android app.
However, my custom dynamic link domain is This means that my app is listening to the prefix /app:
"android": {
"package": "com.xxxxxx.xxxxxxapp",
"versionCode": 1,
"googleServicesFile": "./firebase/google-services.json",
"intentFilters": [
"action": "VIEW",
"data": [
"scheme": "https",
"host": "",
"pathPrefix": "/app"
"category": ["BROWSABLE", "DEFAULT"]
The verification link I get looks like this:
So I'm not surprised my app doesn't detect it as an app link because it's missing the /app
Interestingly enough, if I use the default domain for this purpose, then at least it tries to open some app, but of course cannot and redirects to the Play Store.
Do I need to create a dynamic link manually on Firebase to handle this custom domain verification link?
Do I need to add something to my intentFilters?
Any experts out there who can help with this? What am I missing?
I'm trying to setup my first gatsby + wordpress site. I'm following this tutorial.
I get the site running but at the point where I should get the data from WP I get stuck. I added Gatsby-Source-Wordpress plugin. After I restarted site it throws this error:
success open and validate gatsby-configs - 0.102 s
success load plugins - 0.631 s
success onPreInit - 0.019 s
success initialize cache - 0.053 s
success copy gatsby files - 0.161 s
success onPreBootstrap - 0.040 s
info Creating GraphQL type definition for File
Path: /wp-json
The server response was "404 Not Found"
"gatsby-source-wordpress" threw an error while running the sourceNodes lifecycle:
Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
- fetch.js:141 fetch
- next_tick.js:68 process._tickCallback
warn The gatsby-source-wordpress plugin has generated no Gatsby nodes. Do you need it?
success source and transform nodes - 0.327 s
success building schema - 0.404 s
success createPages - 0.019 s
success createPagesStatefully - 0.090 s
success onPreExtractQueries - 0.022 s
success update schema - 0.079 s
success extract queries from components - 0.595 s
success write out requires - 0.103 s
success write out redirect data - 0.032 s
success Build manifest and related icons - 0.263 s
success onPostBootstrap - 0.308 s
info bootstrap finished - 6.617 s
success run static queries - 0.105 s — 3/3 36.11 queries/second
success run page queries - 0.044 s — 5/5 230.97 queries/second
DONE Compiled successfully in 4851ms 10:46:42 AM
You can now view gatsby-starter-default in the browser.
View GraphiQL, an in-browser IDE, to explore your site's data and schema
Note that the development build is not optimized.
To create a production build, use npm run build
ℹ 「wdm」:
ℹ 「wdm」: Compiled successfully.
I run WP locally with Mamp and I'm able to see JSON data here: http://localhost:8888/GatsbyWP/wp-json/ .
Here's my gatsby-config.js file:
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: `Gatsby wordpress test`,
description: `Testing...`,
author: `#gatsbyjs`,
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
options: {
name: `images`,
path: `${__dirname}/src/images`,
resolve: `gatsby-plugin-manifest`,
options: {
name: `gatsby-starter-default`,
short_name: `starter`,
start_url: `/`,
background_color: `#663399`,
theme_color: `#663399`,
display: `minimal-ui`,
icon: `src/images/gatsby-icon.png`,
resolve: "gatsby-source-wordpress",
options: {
baseUrl: `localhost:8888`,
protocol: `http`,
hostingWPCOM: false,
useACF: true,
I'm stuck and don't have any clue what to do now. I found that other people had similar issue than this but didn't find any good answers or direction where to try figure out my problem.
Thanks in advance!
The options of gatsby-source-wordpress require...
the base URL of the Wordpress site without the trailing slash and the protocol. This is required.
Example : '' or ''
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: `Gatsby wordpress test`,
description: `Testing...`,
author: `#gatsbyjs`,
plugins: [
resolve: "gatsby-source-wordpress",
options: {
baseUrl: `localhost:8888/GatsbyWP`,
protocol: `http`,
hostingWPCOM: false,
useACF: true,
When Sourcing on hosting from Services Like Godaddy The axios/node clients can be dubious about them and reject the https crt, I have seen this rectified in two ways
1) With adding a third party go daddy crt bundle for example, if you have your own server that's fine. So adding this to axios:
var agent = new https.Agent({
ca: fs.readFileSync('ca.pem')
axios.get(url, { agent: agent });
// or
var instance = axios.create({ agent: agent });
or node
export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=[your CA certificate file path]
2) But what if you are on Netlify or hosting through gitlab or other, What worked for me was changed my gatsby config protocol to http, this allowed me to source from my site just fine and provided all assets are https anyway, even when I deployed to my https site it all still worked. This stumped me for days, hope this helps someone
resolve: `gatsby-source-wordpress`,
options: {
* The base URL of the WordPress site without the trailingslash and the protocol. This is required.
* Example : '' or ''
baseUrl: ``,
// The protocol. This can be http or https.
protocol: `http`,
// Indicates whether the site is hosted on
// If false, then the assumption is made that the site is self hosted.
// If true, then the plugin will source its content on using the JSON REST API V2.
// If your site is hosted on, then set this to false.
hostingWPCOM: false,
Hey you need to make sure you query the post types you pull in and you also need to make sure theres data there to be consumed but here's what you config should look like.
resolve: `gatsby-source-wordpress`,
options: {
baseUrl: process.env.API_URL,
protocol: process.env.API_PROTOCOL,
hostingWPCOM: false,
useACF: true,
includedRoutes: [
This may be of help to someone in case all the recommended solutions above do not solve your problems.
It may be that you are using the later version of gatsby and so little changes were made to the way gatsby-source-wordpress plugin works
this site was helpful. Check it out too.
I'm creating a dynamic link via API.
How can I specify to open the AppStore if the app is not installed?
here the body for my request:
"dynamicLinkInfo": {
"domainUriPrefix": "",
"link": "",
"iosInfo": {
"iosBundleId": "",
"socialMetaTagInfo" :{
"socialTitle":"my titu",
"suffix": {
this works if I create the dynamic link via firebase console, where I can specify what to do if app not installed
found the problem, is the
it is different value if creating from the dashboard or for API,
so the correct one when doing from, API should be without the "id"
You can add a parameter called iosInfo, which has a property called iosAppStoreId (the app store id).
Check the documentation page here.
I have been trying to use the api to create service accounts in GCP.
To create a service account I send the following post request:
base_url = f"{project}/serviceAccounts"
auth = f"?access_token={access_token}"
data = {"accountId": name}
# Create a service Account
r = + auth, json=data)
this returns a 200 and creates a service account:
Then, this is the code that I use to create the specific roles:
sa = f"{name}"
sa_url = base_url + f'/{sa}:setIamPolicy' + auth
data = {"policy":
{"bindings": [
"role": roles,
If roles is set to one of roles/viewer, roles/editor or roles/owner this approach does work.
However, if I want to use, specifically roles/cloudsql.viewer The api tells me that this option is not supported.
Here are the roles.
I don't want to give this service account full viewer rights to my project, it's against the principle of least privilege.
How can I set specific roles from the api?
here is the response using the resource manager api: with roles/cloudsql.admin as the role
"policy": {
"bindings": [
"members": [
"role": "roles/cloudsql.viewer"
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Request contains an invalid argument.",
"details": [
"#type": "",
"role": "roles/owner"
With the code provided it appears that you are appending to the first base_url which is not the correct context to modify project roles.
This will try to place the appended path to:{project}/serviceAccount
The POST path for adding roles needs to be:{project]:setIamPolicy
If you remove /serviceAccounts from the base_url and it should work.
Edited response to add more information due to your edit
OK, I see the issue here, sorry but I had to set up a new project to test this.
cloudresourcemanager.projects.setIamPolicy needs to replace the entire policy. It appears that you can add constraints to what you change but that you have to submit a complete policy in json for the project.
Note that gcloud has a --log-http option that will help you dig through some of these issues. If you run
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT --member serviceAccount:$NAME --role roles/cloudsql.viewer --log-http
It will show you how it pulls the existing existing policy, appends the new role and adds it.
I would recommend using the example code provided here to make these changes if you don't want to use gcloud or the console to add the role to the user as this could impact the entire project.
Hopefully they improve the API for this need.