Can't create cloudsql role for Service Account via api - python-requests

I have been trying to use the api to create service accounts in GCP.
To create a service account I send the following post request:
base_url = f"{project}/serviceAccounts"
auth = f"?access_token={access_token}"
data = {"accountId": name}
# Create a service Account
r = + auth, json=data)
this returns a 200 and creates a service account:
Then, this is the code that I use to create the specific roles:
sa = f"{name}"
sa_url = base_url + f'/{sa}:setIamPolicy' + auth
data = {"policy":
{"bindings": [
"role": roles,
If roles is set to one of roles/viewer, roles/editor or roles/owner this approach does work.
However, if I want to use, specifically roles/cloudsql.viewer The api tells me that this option is not supported.
Here are the roles.
I don't want to give this service account full viewer rights to my project, it's against the principle of least privilege.
How can I set specific roles from the api?
here is the response using the resource manager api: with roles/cloudsql.admin as the role
"policy": {
"bindings": [
"members": [
"role": "roles/cloudsql.viewer"
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Request contains an invalid argument.",
"details": [
"#type": "",
"role": "roles/owner"

With the code provided it appears that you are appending to the first base_url which is not the correct context to modify project roles.
This will try to place the appended path to:{project}/serviceAccount
The POST path for adding roles needs to be:{project]:setIamPolicy
If you remove /serviceAccounts from the base_url and it should work.
Edited response to add more information due to your edit
OK, I see the issue here, sorry but I had to set up a new project to test this.
cloudresourcemanager.projects.setIamPolicy needs to replace the entire policy. It appears that you can add constraints to what you change but that you have to submit a complete policy in json for the project.
Note that gcloud has a --log-http option that will help you dig through some of these issues. If you run
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT --member serviceAccount:$NAME --role roles/cloudsql.viewer --log-http
It will show you how it pulls the existing existing policy, appends the new role and adds it.
I would recommend using the example code provided here to make these changes if you don't want to use gcloud or the console to add the role to the user as this could impact the entire project.
Hopefully they improve the API for this need.


Hasura permissions question difference between admin and user

I am trying to figure out the difference between the admin role and the user role permissions when querying a Remote Schema, they both show that they have full access. However, when doing a query the user role cannot find one of the inputs for some reason. The query is
query SearchFacilities($getFacilitiesInput: GetFacilitiesInput!, $startDateInput: StartDateInput!) {
facilities(getFacilitiesInput: $getFacilitiesInput) {
permitEntrances(startDateInput: $startDateInput) {
availability {
When running the query with the x-hasura-admin-secret it works fine. However, when I switch to the user role by setting a Bearer token for the user, I get the following error:
"errors": [
"extensions": {
"code": "validation-failed",
"path": "$.selectionSet.facilities.selectionSet.permitEntrances"
"message": "'permitEntrances' has no argument named 'startDateInput'"
They both have the same permissions according to the UI, in the remote schema section. Any ideas on what is causing this discrepancy? Been trying to figure this one out for a while, thanks for any help.

Fetch company posts from linkedin API

I am trying to fetch the posts of the company from the api, I have already applied to the marketing development platform and it was approved. I already got the token with the scope: r_organization_social and I'm calling the /shares api:{company_ID}&sharesPerOwner=100&count=25&sharesPerOwner=10
But I'm getting the following response:
"paging": {
"start": 0,
"count": 25,
"links": [
"type": "application/json",
"rel": "next",
"href": "/v2/shares?count=25&owners=urn%3Ali%3Aorganization%3A{company_ID}&q=owners&sharesPerOwner=10&sharesPerOwner=100&start=0"
"total": 242
"elements": []
I tried to change the query params and it's still the same
This end-point worked for me:<ID_ORGANIZATION>)
See documentation:
Disclaimer: I've no access to the linkedin API and couldn't test. But these are some things I noticed:
Your url contains two times the paramater sharesPerOwner, try removing one.
In the docs it's recommended to set the sharesPerOwner to 1000 and the count to 50. I'd also include the start paramater, just to make sure:
Maybe try something like this:
From the api-docs( "Note that the pagination excludes UGC and Direct Sponsored Content (DSC) posts". Make sure that the owner you are testing contains posts.
If this doesn't work. Could you provide some information on how you are sending the request? Have you tried accessing other parts of the api?

Simple GetItem with ctx.identity.username returns null

I'm using AppSync with IAM auth with a DynamoDB resolver and Cognito. I'm trying to do the following.
"version": "2017-02-28",
"operation": "GetItem",
"key": {
"userId": $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($ctx.identity.username)
$ctx.identity.username is supposed to contain userId generated by Cognito and I'm trying to use it to fetch current user data.
Client side, I'm using AWS Amplify that tells me I'm currently logged:
this.amplifyService.authStateChange$.subscribe(authState => {
if (authState.state === 'signedIn') {
getUserLogged is the Apollo query that is supposed to returns user data.
What I've tried:
If I leave it like this, getUserLogged returns null.
If I replace in the resolver $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson($ctx.identity.username) with a known userId like this $util.dynamodb.toDynamoDBJson("b1ad0902-2b70-4abd-9acf-e85b62d06fa8"): It works! I get this user data.
I tried to use the test tool in the resolver page but it only gives fake data so I can't rely on this.
Did I make a mistake? To me everything looks good but I guess I'm missing something?
Can I clearly see what $ctx.identity contains?
You'll want to use $ctx.identity.cognitoIdentityId to identify Cognito IAM users:
You could see the contents of $ctx.identity by creating a Lambda resolver and logging the event or by creating a local resolver and returning the input that the mapping template receives:
My cognitoIdentityId looks like this: eu-west-1:27ca1e79-a238-4085-9099-9f1570cd5fcf

Openstack API Authentication

Openstack noob here. I have setup an Ubuntu VM with DevStack, and am trying to authenticate with Keystone to obtain a token to be used for subsequent Openstack API calls. The identity endpoint shown on the “API Access” page in Horizon is: http://<DEVSTACK_IP>/identity.
When I post the below JSON payload to this endpoint, I get the error get_version_v3() got an unexpected keyword argument 'auth’.
"auth": {
"identity": {
"methods": [
"password": {
"user": {
"name": "admin",
"domain": {
"name": "Default"
"password": “AdminPassword”
Based on the Openstack docs, I should be hitting http://<DEVSTACK_IP>/v3/auth/tokens to obtain a token, but when I hit that endpoint, I get 404 Not Found.
I'm currently using Postman for testing this, but will eventually be doing programmatically.
Does anybody have any experience with authenticating against the Openstack API that can help?
Not sure whether you want to do it in a python way, but if you do, here is a way to do it:
from keystoneauth1.identity import v3
from keystoneauth1 import session
v3_auth = v3.Password(auth_url=V3_AUTH_URL,
v3_ses = session.Session(auth=v3_auth)
auth_token = v3_ses.get_token()
And you V3_AUTH_URL should be http://<DEVSTACK_IP>:5000/v3 since keystone is using port 5000 as a default.
If you do have a multi-domain devstack, you can change the domains, otherwise, they should be default
Just in case you don't have the client library installed: pip install python-keystoneclient
Here is a good doc for you to read about it:

Triggering smart campaign and getting 603

I am trying to use Marketo smart campaign to send email data.
What I do is:
1) get or create Lead with addresse email
2) trigger smart campaign I've created with this lead_id and a couple of tokens I created on the folder containing the campaign.
That is, I am sending POST to with body
"input": {
"leads": [
"id": 2034349
"tokens": [
"name": "{{my.subject}}",
"value": "subj"
"name": "{{my.message}}",
"value": "the text"
And I get the response:
{u'errors': [{u'message': u'Access denied', u'code': u'603'}], u'requestId': u'c8f5#14c79fae723', u'success': False}
I was trying token names without "{{" and "}}", without "my." - the same result. The campaign exist and has this ID.
What's wrong here?
The role of the Marketo API user that you're using needs the "Execute Campaign" permission, and your current user is probably missing that permission. Unfortunately you can't edit the existing role. You'll need to create a new role, check that permission, and possibly also create a new API User.
