The mobile app property in google analytics tuns out web app - google-analytics

When I make mobile app property, it turns out app + web instantly!
I don't know why. Is there any permission to make app only? There is no problem to make web property, app + web.
I just want get a tracking code for iOS but it is impossible from app + web.

You will need to use Firebase SDKs.
They began sunsetting the GA Service SDKs in Oct and existing Mobile App Properties stopped collecting data as of Oct 31.
eta.. you can use the app + web property and create an iOS data stream and link it to the Firebase project. Keep in mind though the app + web property is still in beta and not really ready for a production environment at this stage.


iOS List of Installed Apps by User || XAMARIN FORMS

I am creating an iOS application using Xamarin Forms which is a copy of an Android application written in Kotlin.
There is a section that lists all the applications installed in the current device by the user. I want to implement the same functionality in the iOS application too.
Is it possible to get the applications list in iOS through Xamarin Forms?
This is impossible on iOS and it is not possible on Android either if you target latest API levels, so in some future when those API levels become required on Google Play you won't be able to do this.
This is a huge privacy issue, as having the list of apps may reveal something very personal and private and as soon as the app has it there is nothing that prevents it to send the info to the 3rd party server.

How to create an admin Web app with client Mobile app using Flutter

Im currently working with Mobile app with firebase back end. I wonder how to build another admin Web app which should be hosted on the Web and pass data to the Mobile app. Should i open another project to build the Web app?Or build the both app within one project which should share with one firebase back end. Someone please guide me as Im clueless. Would appreciated for the sharing.
Since the application admin app is managing the same set of data, it will typically be part of the same Firebase project too. This is actually a quite common scenario, and I regularly add an admin web app to my Firebase project precisely for that purpose.

How many of my clients apps could I manage on Firebase?

Pretty simple Use-case, clients buy our app and pay 20$/month.
We want to implement push notifications on both iOS and Android and are thinking of a scalable solution.
We thought of simply grouping all Apps inside one Firebase project, as we only need Push Notifications.
Google Firebase FAQ says:
A project is a container for apps across iOS, Android and web. While there is no restriction on number of apps within a project, adding an app can create one or more underlying OAuth 2.0 client IDs. There is a limit of around 30 client IDs that can be created within a single project.
You should ensure that all apps within a project are platform variants of the same application from an end user perspective. For example, if you develop a white label application, each independently labelled app should have its own Firebase project.
Would this limit us?
Do I need a client ID for each and every App inside my project?
firebaser here
What you're trying to do is known as whitelisting, and is not an intended use-case of having multiple apps in a project. To not run into the limitation you've found, you will need to create a separate project for each client.
If you create multiple technical applications for a single client that are logically the same, those can exist in a single project. For example: the Android, iOS and Web versions of an app are typically using the same Firebase project, as may be specific app you build for the application administrators of your client. By having those apps be part of the same project, they can share backend resources.

Can Firebase database used for both android and website

I am having an app with firebase as database. And i am creating a website with the same data as in app. can i use same database for both app and website. when data update take place in app should also be resembled in website and vice versa
Yes, that is definitely possible. For example, the FriendlyPix sample app is available for iOS, Android, and Web, and all these talks to the same back-end services. So photos posted in one platform show up in all other platforms too.

Push Notification in Xamarin forms PCL Project

I have created a Xamarin Forms PCL Project.
I have a SQL Server database and when my database table is updated, I want to generate a Push Notification for my Android as well as IOS Application.
I don't want to request the table again and again. Is there any other way?
I recommend using the azure but if you do not want to pay, uses Onesignal is free and works for android and ios.
For onesignal, here is a tutorial:
You need to write background service in android & iOS which will keep checking the table in database after fixed intervals of time and will generate notifications from it.
Also you need dependency service so that you can call platform specific services from Xamarin.Forms
