Does Authenticated Cloud Run instance natively support Firebase Authentication? - firebase

I have read this page a few times it implies and does not imply that if I enable authentication when deploying a Cloud Run instance I can use Firebase Auth to get through to the service.
I tried passing in a valid Firebase user idToken and did not get through. Was I doing something wrong or is the only way to get through to Cloud Run when Authentication is enabled to use google sign in?
Steps to reproduce:
When deploying to Cloud Run select Yes for authenticated
Generate a firebase auth token using REST call from here
make api call to Cloud run instance using header bellow and ID_TOKEN from step 2 above
Authorization: Bearer ID_TOKEN

According with the comment, the use case is to authorize only the registered, and the authenticated user (with Firebase auth), to use a Cloud Run endpoint deployed privately.
You can't do it directly, you need to use an additional layer. Here I propose to use Cloud Endpoint. I wrote an article on this to set up an authentication with API Key.
You have the principles of Cloud Endpoint there. You simply have to change the security definition from API Key to Firebase auth. You can found documentation here
Note: The authentication methods can evolved the next quarters. Stay tuned


Protect Firebase Http Cloud Functions Using JWT Tokens or any other mechanism without using firebase user authentication

I am building a spa app to make some administrative tasks on the app/firebase easier. I don't have a separate backend for this app so I use firebase cloud functions directly from the spa client. I am also not using Admin Sdk , just Http triggers. I am using functions.https.onCall on functions invoked by regular app users. Since i didn't want to mix up regular users with the admin login , I implemented a separate login for the spa app. Since the admin is already logged in , I am looking for some kind of JWT key / API key based authentication to secure firebase functions implemented for these tasks.
One possible solution , as Frank van Puffelen mentioned in his answer , is to add firebase auth , store the UIDs of the admin users and check if the request came from them using getIdToken() in the cloud function. Is this the best practice or is there an alternate to approach this.
Any input is appreciated.
The common approaches here are to:
Either keep a list of the UIDs of the admin users in a place that your Cloud Function can access, for example in the code itself or (more likely) in a cloud-hosted database.
Or add a custom claim to the ID token of admin users.
In either case, your Cloud Functions code can then ensure the user is authorized to call the end point.

How to authenticate a cloud function in a remote API

I want to protect an API endpoint that is used by a Firebase cloud function. My plan was to use the authentication system of Firebase by using custom tokens generated in Firebase with the createCustomToken() method, send them with the Authorization header and then validate those in the API. I tried doing this with verifyIdToken() but it turns out that this is the wrong approach.
How can I validate custom tokens in my API, or what is the recommended approach here?

How can I authenticate browser GET requests for an Express web app running on Firebase Cloud Functions?

I'm working on a web app running on firebase services. I've created an express back-end running on Firebase Cloud Functions and hosted on Firebase Hosting. I am trying to add authentication so only users with permissions can access admin pages.
I tried implementing session cookies as described here. It was successful but unfortunately was vulnerable to CSRF attacks since Cloud Functions strips all cookies without the name __session from incoming requests so the proposed csrfToken cookie solution is impossible.
I then considered using Auth's persistence in the client's local storage and sending the token in the header of a GET request. Unfortunately, I have only found tutorials on how to do this for requests within scripts e.g. for APIs, not for GET requests directly from the browser to serve a page.
It seems that there should be a simple solution. Am I missing something? Is cloud functions not meant for serving web apps like this? Is there another way to protect against CSRF without cookies? If Cloud Functions still allows the __session cookie is it meant to be used for storing the user's Auth Token and if so does it protect against CSRF anyway?
In the firebase Cloud Function you can implement your own Auth. However Firebase provided its own Authentication method. In the Cloud Function, it is simple use the ‘functions.auth.user().onCreate() ‘ method. You can refer to Extend Firebase Authentication with Cloud Functions documentation for samples.
As for your GET question, are you asking about how to programmatically extract the parameter from the URL? It'ss similar to this; you can pull the URL and substring the part that contain the token.

Pass user auth to Firestore from Cloud functions

So I'm trying to build an http endpoint using a Cloud function. This cloud function is only invoked after the user signs in. So I can pass the user token and verify it on the server side. I understand how to do this.
I also have security rules on my Firestore collections with authorization rules set up using request.auth.uid. This also just works if I use the firebase web sdk.
But my question is - how do I use the same authorization rules via cloud functions? I don't want to rewrite my auth logic separately for the http endpoint.
Security rules only apply to access from web and mobile SDKs. It does not apply to code using any of the server SDKs, including the Firebase Admin SDK and anything you would use with Cloud Functions. You will have to apply your own logic to check the validity of data before it's added to Firestore. The same is true for Realtime Database and Cloud Storage security rules.
As you use the admin sdk in your functions, the check for the auth looks a bit different. Just watch this video from The Net Ninja. He is explaining how to do this. Just use the generated token instead what’s been used in the video.

Firebase Security Rules Without Firebase Authentication

I use Firebase to store real time status updates for an app. I have my own authentication system for logging users in. I would like to share the data I store on Firebase to vendors who use our API, but I want to make sure they have only read access to our data.
From what I've read, it seems like securing data by user must be done through Firebase's own authentication system. Is there a way to do this without using their authentication system (maybe through a token system)?
You can definitely generate Firebase tokens in your application code, with custom properties that may be subsequently used in the Firebase security rules. Take a look at Generating a Secure Token in the Firebase docs.
Also see Can a Firebase Security Rule check if someone has specific access rights?, where #Frank van Puffelen offered a more comprehensive role-based approach.
I ended up using a system where a vendor calls one of my APIs (protected by my own internal authorization system) that returns a token that the user can use to authenticate with Firebase.
I use PHP and there is a token generator written by the Firebase team here. Don't forget the JWT PHP library this token generator relies on.
The token generator takes what is called a Firebase secret (you can find this in your particular Firebase instance page) passed into its class constructor and returns a random token based on this secret.
