Amazon Advertising API: Is there a way to get more than 100 results in a Report Request, or to get reports for specific campaigns, keywords etc - amazon-advertising-api

I am developing an app that handles scheduling bids for campaigns and keywords, and need to be able to get the clicks, costs, sales etc. to analyse and make suggestions.
The only way I can see to get this data is by requesting and then downloading reports (requests to /v2/sp/{recordtype}/report) as described here:
This gives a report for all campaigns/adgroups/keywords in a profile, but only returns up to 100 results. However I can't find any mention of this limit in the documentation, nor how to get the next set of results, or get results for specific campaigns etc.
Has anyone got any experience with this?


Pricing for specific Googleway commands in RStudio

I am currently using the Google Places API on a free trial. I am interested in paying for the API but can't find the exact cost of the two commands that I use: google_places(), and google_place_details(). I have contacted the Google sales team and looked at the places and billing url, but I have not managed to find the answer of how much it would cost exactly to execute these two commands.
For google_places(), this is an example of a command I would execute:
google_places(search_string = "Cafeteria in Madrid, Spain", key=key)
From the places and billing url, it seems like this counts as a text search, so each time the code is executed it would cost 0,032$. Is this the case?
For google_place_details(), here is an example of the command I would execute:
google_place_details(place_id = "ChIJf_XA-F0U04kR1IPYSdTJ4so", key=key)
This command, as well giving basic place details (which cost 0,017$ according to the billing url),
gives information which counts as contact data (an extra 0,003$) and atmosphere data (an extra 0,005$). It also provides photo data (0,007$ according to the billing url), which I am not interested in but is automatically included in the results anyway. Does this mean that the cost of executing this command once is these four prices summed up?
I am interested in knowing exactly how much it would cost to execute the two commands I have listed.
probably this helps:
First of all you are billed monthly after you exceeded the 200 Euro/Dollars, which are given by google for free (as you probably described as "free plan"). So after every month you get a bill on how many requests of each function you send to google. There everything is written quite clearly including the amount and price of each "unit". then you can easily divide it.
Second option would be your Google Api Cockpit.
It tracks your requests quite precisely on different time bases. So sending your wanted commands only once on a day can give you an exact total-price.
The Cockpit is super handy for different things. If you want you can even set limits, which is probably helpful in your case too.
Here is the link to the billing monitor as well: Billing Google API Cockpit
Furthermore the description of how google charges you. Look here
best regards

Using LinkedIn API to retrieve advertising reports

I'm working on a simple app to programmatically retrieve ads performance within Linkedin. I have general API experience but this is the first time i get my feet wet with the Linkedin API.
One example from Linkedin API documentation suggest something that would get me started:
I am encountering two problems:
First this example implies that you already know the campaign ID. However I am unable to find a way to retrieve a list of campaign ID's for a given account.
Second, if I manually pull a campaign ID, I receive an error: "{"serviceErrorCode":2,"message":"Too many fields requested. Maximum possible fields to request: 20","status":400}". Pretty clear error.
A little research tells me that by adding the parameter "&fields=" I will be able to limit my query to less than 20 field (I really need only a dozen anyway) but I can't find and documentation regarding the names of the fields available.
Any help or pointer will be appreciated.
please refer the link below scroll down where you ill see the field names mentioned as metrics , these are the fields.

What the best clockify API endpoint to get time entries of (grouped by) saved reports?

Asking here, after asking to Clockify support.
Trying to extend some of clockify capabilities to create extra reporting for our clients,
I’ve been playing with your API and specifically: the enpoint /reports/{reportsId}
• My goal:
Get all the time entries of a specific "saved report” (usually saved by our Project Managers)
• What I EXPECT from "/reports/{reportsId}”:
To get all the info and entities (users, time entries, projects, etc.) only regarding that particular reportId
• What I GET from "/reports/{reportsId}”:
Lots of info regarding the whole workspace, and I only see summaryReport
as more “specific to the saved report itself”...
• Questions:
Is this the correct behavior?
How do you filter down time entries of specific reports in URLs like ?
Do you only call "/reports/{reportsId}” and filter down on client-side? (it seems to me that way, exploring the Network tab)
If that’s the way, what’s the point of calling the report endpoint? Only for the summaryReport object?
3- Is "/reports/{reportsId}” the best endpoint I can use to reach my goal? …or which way would you recommend me?
summaryReport.timeEntries will contain all the individual time entries from that particular report. Each entry has a user, project, client, time etc. Grouping by project is done on the client.
I'm not sure I fully understand your specific problem though. Are you suggesting the entries you get from the report endpoint do not belong to the given report?

Even the same query is used different results return in different days

I’ve noticed there is some inconsistency of the data in GA, even the same query is used to generate the report in GA, different results return if the reports are generated in different days. For example, the report generated yesterday is different from the one generated today. Can anyone give me an explanation? Please feel free to send me an email if you need more detailed information

Google Analytics API get Goal name

I need to get a goal name using google analytics API. I'd like to display this name along with some dimensions such as ga:goalCompletionsAll, ga:goalValueAll but I'm unable to.
I have done some research and all I could find are the explanations here Not getting Goal name using Google Analytics gapi but I'm using coldfusion and http requests to make the API call.
I know that I need to use the Management API to get the goal names and the Core Reporting API for other dimensions. I've done the API calls for both and looked at both responses and I'm unable to connect both results i.e the goal name and dimensions.
Kindly assist and thanks in advance
The reporting API doesn't return the name of the goal. You will need to go though the Management API.
goals.list returns a list of goals for the authenticated user. Then you can check if the goal nr is 1 what the name of it.
Note: Remember goal names can change over time so you cant really store these.
You should have two lists your the metrics you are requesting and the results of the goals.list. Currently there are only XX goal columns for metrics this may change in the future who knows. You will need to test your metrics to find out which number they selected. Depending upon what your application is allowing you can end up with several goals selected in one request.
You want to look at and Goal id is the number.
My application is C# so I cant really share with you how I am handling this.
