Mapping data to Large dictionary eating up my ram - dictionary

This would be a noted one .
My data consists of few million records with fields like user agent , Ip addresses and so on consisting of 10 columns .Every time the unique strings are been mapped to integers before feeding into ML-Models for training and saved using pickle. The data is been passed incrementally and Dictionaries are been unpickled and used for the new data set mapping .
As the dictionary gets bulky , Im facing issues with RAM usage only at last 2 fields mentioned above.Could you suggest any alternative for this condition and why is there a spike though large memory is available.
Memory size - 64Gb
Input Dictionary is of the size 2GB
input file size around 5GB with lenght 32432769


What will happen to my sqlite database ten years from now in terms of capacity and query speed

I have created a database with one single table (check the code bellow). I plan to insert 10 rows per minute, which is about 52 million rows in ten years from now.
My question is, what can I expect in terms of database capacity and how long it will take to execute select query. Of course, I know you can not provide me an absolute values, but if you can give me any tips on change/speed rates, traps etc. I would be very glad.
I need to tell you, there will be 10 different observations (this is why I will insert ten rows per minute).
create table if not exists my_table (
date_observation default current_timestamp,
observation_name text,
value_1 real(20),
value_1_name text,
value_2 real(20),
value_2_name text,
value_3 real(20),
value_3_name text);
Database capacity exceeds known storage device capacity as per Limits In SQLite.
The more pertinent paragraphs are :-
Maximum Number Of Rows In A Table
The theoretical maximum number of rows in a table is 2^64
(18446744073709551616 or about 1.8e+19). This limit is unreachable
since the maximum database size of 140 terabytes will be reached
first. A 140 terabytes database can hold no more than approximately
1e+13 rows, and then only if there are no indices and if each row
contains very little data.
Maximum Database Size
Every database consists of one or more "pages". Within a single
database, every page is the same size, but different database can have
page sizes that are powers of two between 512 and 65536, inclusive.
The maximum size of a database file is 2147483646 pages. At the
maximum page size of 65536 bytes, this translates into a maximum
database size of approximately 1.4e+14 bytes (140 terabytes, or 128
tebibytes, or 140,000 gigabytes or 128,000 gibibytes).
This particular upper bound is untested since the developers do not
have access to hardware capable of reaching this limit. However, tests
do verify that SQLite behaves correctly and sanely when a database
reaches the maximum file size of the underlying filesystem (which is
usually much less than the maximum theoretical database size) and when
a database is unable to grow due to disk space exhaustion.
Speed determination has many aspects and is thus not a simple how fast will it go, like a car. The file system, the memory, optimisation are all factors that need to be taken into consideration. As such the answer is the same as the length of the anecdotal piece of string.
Note 18446744073709551616 is if you utilise negative numbers otherwise the more frequently mentioned number of 9223372036854775807 is the limit (i.e a 64 bit signed integer)
To utilise negative rowid numbers and therefore the higher range you have to insert at least 1 negative value explicitly into a rowid or alias thereof as per If no negative ROWID values are inserted explicitly, then automatically generated ROWID values will always be greater than zero.

Limitations of using sequential IDs in Cloud Firestore

I read in a stackoverflow post that (link here)
By using predictable (e.g. sequential) IDs for documents, you increase the chance you'll hit hotspots in the backend infrastructure. This decreases the scalability of the write operations.
I would like if anyone could explain better on the limitations that can occur when using sequential or user provided id.
Cloud Firestore scales horizontally by allocated key ranges to machines. As load increases beyond a certain threshold on a single machine, it will split the range being served by it and assign it to 2 machines.
Let's say you just starting writing to Cloud Firestore, which means a single server is currently handling the entire range.
When you are writing new documents with random Ids, when we split the range into 2, each machine will end up with roughly the same load. As load increases, we continue to split into more machines, with each one getting roughly the same load. This scales well.
When you are writing new documents with sequential Ids, if you exceed the write rate a single machine can handle, the system will try to split the range into 2. Unfortunately, one half will get no load, and the other half the full load! This doesn't scale well as you can never get more than a single machine to handle your write load.
In the case where a single machine is running more load than it can optimally handle, we call this "hot spotting". Sequential Ids mean we cannot scale to handle more load. Incidentally, this same concept applies to index entries too, which is why we warn sequential index values such as timestamps of now as well.
So, how much is too much load? We generally say 500 writes/second is what a single machine will handle, although this will naturally vary depending on a lot of factors, such as how big a document you are writing, number of transactions, etc.
With this in mind, you can see that smaller more consistent workloads aren't a problem, but if you want something that scales based on traffic, sequential document ids or index values will naturally limit you to what a single machine in the database can keep up with.

Embedded key-value db vs. just storing one file per key?

I'm confused about the advantage of embedded key-value databases over the naive solution of just storing one file on disk per key. For example, databases like RocksDB, Badger, SQLite use fancy data structures like B+ trees and LSMs but seem to get roughly the same performance as this simple solution.
For example, Badger (which is the fastest Go embedded db) takes about 800 microseconds to write an entry. In comparison, creating a new file from scratch and writing some data to it takes 150 mics with no optimization.
EDIT: to clarify, here's the simple implementation of a key-value store I'm comparing with the state of the art embedded dbs. Just hash each key to a string filename, and store the associated value as a byte array at that filename. Reads and writes are ~150 mics each, which is faster than Badger for single operations and comparable for batched operations. Furthermore, the disk space is minimal, since we don't store any extra structure besides the actual values.
I must be missing something here, because the solutions people actually use are super fancy and optimized using things like bloom filters and B+ trees.
But Badger is not about writing "an" entry:
My writes are really slow. Why?
Are you creating a new transaction for every single key update? This will lead to very low throughput.
To get best write performance, batch up multiple writes inside a transaction using single DB.Update() call.
You could also have multiple such DB.Update() calls being made concurrently from multiple goroutines.
That leads to issue 396:
I was looking for fast storage in Go and so my first try was BoltDB. I need a lot of single-write transactions. Bolt was able to do about 240 rq/s.
I just tested Badger and I got a crazy 10k rq/s. I am just baffled
That is because:
LSM tree has an advantage compared to B+ tree when it comes to writes.
Also, values are stored separately in value log files so writes are much faster.
You can read more about the design here.
One of the main point (hard to replicate with simple read/write of files) is:
Key-Value separation
The major performance cost of LSM-trees is the compaction process. During compactions, multiple files are read into memory, sorted, and written back. Sorting is essential for efficient retrieval, for both key lookups and range iterations. With sorting, the key lookups would only require accessing at most one file per level (excluding level zero, where we’d need to check all the files). Iterations would result in sequential access to multiple files.
Each file is of fixed size, to enhance caching. Values tend to be larger than keys. When you store values along with the keys, the amount of data that needs to be compacted grows significantly.
In Badger, only a pointer to the value in the value log is stored alongside the key. Badger employs delta encoding for keys to reduce the effective size even further. Assuming 16 bytes per key and 16 bytes per value pointer, a single 64MB file can store two million key-value pairs.
Your question assumes that the only operation needed are single random reads and writes. Those are the worst case scenarios for log-structured merge (LSM) approaches like Badger or RocksDB. The range query, where all keys or key-value pairs in a range gets returned, leverages sequential reads (due to the adjacencies of sorted kv within files) to read data at very high speeds. For Badger, you mostly get that benefit if doing key-only or small value range queries since they are stored in a LSM while large values are appended in a not-necessarily sorted log file. For RocksDB, you’ll get fast kv pair range queries.
The previous answer somewhat addresses the advantage on writes - the use of buffering. If you write many kv pairs, rather than storing each in separate files, LSM approaches hold these in memory and eventually flush them in a file write. There’s no free lunch so asynchronous compaction must be done to remove overwritten data and prevent checking too many files for queries.
Previously answered here. Mostly similar to other answers provided here but makes one important, additional point: files in a filesystem can't occupy the same block on disk. If your records are, on average, significantly smaller than typical disk block size (4-16 KiB), storing them as separate files will incur substantial storage overhead.

Key Value Store for large list of integer values

My application requires a key value store. Following are some of the details regarding key values:
1) Number of keys (data type: string) can either be 256, 1024 or 4096.
2) Data type of values against each key is a list of integers.
3) The list of integers (value) against each key can vary in size
4) The largest size of the value can be around 10,000,000 integers
5) Some keys might contain very small list of integers
The application needs fast access to the list of integers against a specified key . However, this step is not frequent in the working of the application.
I need suggestions for best Key value stores for my case. I need fast retrieval of values against key and value size can be around 512 MB or more.
I checked Redis but it requires the store to be stored in memory. However, in the given scenario I think I should look for disk based key value stores.
LevelDB can fit your use case very well, as you have limited number of keys (given you have enough disk space for your requirements), and might not need a distributed solution.
One thing you need to specify is if (and how) you wish to modify the lists once in the db, as levelDB and many other general key-val stores do not have such atomic transactions.
If you are looking for a distributed db, cassandra is good, as it will also let you insert/remove individual list elements.

Fragmentation in SQLite used in a round-robin fashion without VACUUM

There's an SQLite database being used to store static-sized data in a round-robin fashion.
For example, 100 days of data are stored. On day 101, day 1 is deleted and then day 101 is inserted.
The number of rows is the same between days. The the individual fields in the rows are all integers (32-bit or less) and timestamps.
The database is stored on an SD card with poor I/O speed,
something like a read speed of 30 MB/s.
VACUUM is not allowed because it can introduce a wait of several seconds
and the writers to that database can't be allowed to wait for write access.
So the concern is fragmentation, because I'm inserting and deleting records constantly
without VACUUMing.
But since I'm deleting/inserting the same set of rows each day,
will the data get fragmented?
Is SQLite fitting day 101's data in day 1's freed pages?
And although the set of rows is the same,
the integers may be 1 byte day and then 4 bytes another.
The database also has several indexes, and I'm unsure where they're stored
and if they interfere with the perfect pattern of freeing pages and then re-using them.
(SQLite is the only technology that can be used. Can't switch to a TSDB/RRDtool, etc.)
SQLite will reuse free pages, so you will get fragmentation (if you delete so much data that entire pages become free).
However, SD cards are likely to have a flash translation layer, which introduces fragmentation whenever you write to some random sector.
Whether the first kind of fragmentation is noticeable depends on the hardware, and on the software's access pattern.
It is not possible to make useful predictions about that; you have to measure it.
In theory, WAL mode is append-only, and thus easier on the flash device.
However, checkpoints would be nearly as bad as VACUUMs.
