Ionic 4 AngularFire performance monitor not working - firebase

I have been for a while trying to understand why AngularFire perfomance monitor is not working on IOS and Android using IONIC. Is there a need for Cordova plugins? does it not work for devices?
I thought it would work right of the bat using the installation but nothing worked. So I installed cordova-plugin-firebasex and it's working. But I really want to use #angular/fire.
Any advice?
Thank in advance.


Connecting JavaFX with Firebase

Is there any way for JavaFX (desktop) to work with Firebase. I built this web app as well as mobile counter parts that both interact with firebase but have this desktop part in JavaFX. After many searches, i can't seem to find anything solid. Feel free mention any other tech required to make it work. Thanks.

App custom sticker not appearing in Gboard 10.6

On Latest Gboard 10.6 i am unable to see my app sticker where this is working with older version. What might be the core issue for why the stickers aren't showing up in Gboard on physical devices? Even though i tried with code this also not seeing on Gboard. Anyone help on same.
Gboard apparently no longer supporting custom stickers via App Indexing and no path for continuity of functionality. I really hope we get a suitable alternative some day.

how is Wunderlist source code protected?

I am trying to build a simple app using tidesdk , but unfortunately as stated here :
that currently there is no way to protect the source code which is visible to the app users.
but after taking a look at wunderlist for Windows which is built using tidesdk and .net framework , i saw that the source code is not visible also i searched if it were hidden somewhere but i found nothing , so any one have an idea how they protect the source code from being visible . is there any tool or something to achive that ?
Latest version of Wunderlist is not built using TideSDK. They have re-implemented all different versions pure natively on each platform they are supporting.
TideSDK currently does not support Code hiding however the Developers of TideSDK are developing TideKit which is releasing soon with a new CLI, app and will provide platform builds. It will also provide Code Hiding. You can follow recent developments at The video of what is coming is here: This will give you modern tools to use where the experience of creating and your projects is much better.

Can I use iPadian as an iPad emulator for website development?

I'm not sure if it's accurate or not.
For iPhone/iPad, I don't want to buy one and I don't feel like switching to Mac either. iPhone/iPad emulator is a big problem for me.
Wildly old thread, but having the same issue myself.
I'm trying Ipadian but not really liking the results.
Probably better, I would recommend getting virtualbox and installing MacOSX, then open the contents of XCODE directory and there is an iOS emulator. That should work very well/accurate.
Also there is browserstack, but that costs money.

Admob in flex 4.6 native extensions

Has anyone found a way to get a Native Extension running for Admob yet? Or for iAd for that matter?
There seem to be a number of issues with the ANE, with compiling and with the manifest. Has anyone found a way to have it all sorted?
this is base on admob v6 for ios and admob v4.1 for android
and i test it work ok
I have developed an iOS version of this native extension. Probably I'll make and android version and will post it for free. If you need it now please contact me.
Update: You can find more information here:
