Is there an DispatchAfter equivalent in Xamarin Android? - xamarin.forms

var when = new DispatchTime(DispatchTime.Now, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5));
DispatchQueue.MainQueue.DispatchAfter(when, () =>
/* code here */
This utilizes the DispatchQueue as seen here.
What would be the Android specific implementation or Xamarin.Forms platform independent solution to mimic this behavior across both platforms?
Note*: Not necessarily looking for await Task.Delay(x-seconds) solutions unless this is best practice. The dispatch queue doesn't appear to block any threads and works perfectly as is.

You probably want Handler.PostDelayed()


when to use data() and when to use setup() in vue3?

I am still new to Vue and when I was using vue 2, I always used this:
data() {
return {
methods: {
but now I see a lot of docs with
setup() {
const .....
return { ... }
are these essentially the same? when would be a use case for data() vs setup()?
In Vue.js 2 you have been using the so-called Options API. Vue.js 3 comes with the Composition API that can be used instead of the Options API.
Both ways are essentially the same and you can go with either one. However, you should understand the difference (for example, this doesn't refer to the component in the setup() method and you shouldn't use it).
The Composition API approach is better for various reasons explained in detail in the official FAQ. In short, it provides:
Better Logic Reuse
More Flexible Code Organization
Better Type Inference
Smaller Production Bundle and Less Overhead
You can still use the Options API, it won't be deprecated and is perfectly suitable for smaller projects.
I highly suggest reading this article about it: Why I Love Vue 3's Composition API.

How do I make a database call from an Electron front end?

(Brand new learning Electron here, so I'm sure this is a basic question and I am missing something fundamental...)
How does one interact with a local database (I am using Sqlite) from an Electron application front end? I have a very basic database manager class and have no problem using it from the index.js file in my Electron application. But from the front-end (I am using Svelte, but I can probably translate solutions from other front-end frameworks), how does one interact with the database? This seems fundamental but I'm striking out trying to find a basic example.
Since everything is local it would seem it shouldn't be necessary to set up a whole API just to marshal data back and forth, but maybe it is? But if so, how does one go about telling the Electron "backend" (if that's the right term) to do something and return the results to the front end? I'm seeing something about IPC but that's not making a lot of sense right now and seems like overkill.
Here's my simple database manager class:
const sqlite3 = require("sqlite3").verbose();
class DbManager {
open() {
this.#db = new sqlite3.Database("testing.db", sqlite3.OPEN_READWRITE);
close() {
run(sql, param) {, param);
return this;
const manager = new DbManager();
module.exports = manager;
And I can call this and do whatever no problem from the Electron entry point index.js:
const { app, BrowserWindow, screen } = require("electron");
const db = require("./src/repository/db");
const createWindow = () => {
let window = null;
app.whenReady().then(() => {;
app.on("window-all-closed", () => {
But what to do from my component?
// this won't work, and I wouldn't expect it to, but not sure what the alternative is
const db = require("./repository/db");
let accountName;
function addAccount() {"INSERT INTO accounts (name) VALUES ($name);", { $name: accountName });
<label for="account_name">Account name</label>
<input id="account_name" bind:value={accountName} />
<button on:click={addAccount}>Add account</button>
If anyone is aware of a boilerplate implementation that does something similar, that would be super helpful. Obviously this is like application 101 here; I'm just not sure how to go about this yet in Electron and would appreciate someone pointing me in the right direction.
If you're absolutely 100% sure that your app won't be accessing any remote resources then you could just expose require and whatever else you may need through the preload script, just write const nodeRequire = require; window.require = nodeRequire;.
This is a fairly broad topic and requires some reading. I'll try to give you a primer and link some resources.
Electron runs on two (or more if you open multiple windows) processes - the main process and the renderer process. The main process handles things like opening new windows, starting and closing the entire app, tray icons, window visibility etc., while the renderer process is basically like your JS code in a browser. More on Electron processes.
By default, the renderer process does not have access to a Node runtime, but it is possible to let it. You can do that in two ways, with many caveats.
One way is by setting webPreferences.nodeIntegration = true when creating the BrowserWindow (note: nodeIntegration is deprecated and weird. This allows you to use all Node APIs from your frontend code, and your snippet would work. But you probably shouldn't do that because a BrowserWindow is capable of loading external URLs, and any code included on those pages would be able to execute arbitrary code on your or your users' machines.
Another way is using the preload script. The preload script runs in the renderer process but has access to a Node runtime as well as the browser's window object (the Node globals get removed from the scope before the actual front end code runs unless nodeIntegration is true). You can simply set window.require = require and essentially work with Node code in your frontend files. But you probably shouldn't do that either, even if you're careful about what you're exposing, because it's very easy to still leave a hole and allow a potential attacker to leverage some exposed API into full access, as demonstrated here. More on Electron security.
So how to do this securely? Set webPreferences.contextIsolation to true. This definitively separates the preload script context from the renderer context, as opposed to the unreliable stripping of Node APIs that nodeIntegration: false causes, so you can be almost sure that no malicious code has full access to Node.
You can then expose specific function to the frontend from the preload, through contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld. For example:
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('Accounts', {
addAccount: async (accountData) => {
// validate & sanitize...
const success = await'...');
return success;
This securely exposes an Accounts object with the specified methods in window on the frontend. So in your component you can write:
const accountAdded = await Accounts.addAccount({id: 123, username: 'foo'});
Note that you could still expose a method like runDbCommand(command) { } or even evalInNode(code) { eval(code) }, which is why I said almost sure.
You don't really need to use IPC for things like working with files or databases because those APIs are available in the preload. IPC is only required if you want to manipulate windows or trigger anything else on the main process from the renderer process.

Running WebAssembly on Google Apps Script

I am attempting to run WebAssembly on the new V8 Google Apps Script runtime, and it appears to be supported, however it seems that async functions are terminated after they return a Promise.
let wasm= new Uint8Array([/* snip */]).buffer
function add(a,b) {
console.log("running function...")
results=await WebAssembly.instantiate(wasm)
return results.instance.exports.add(a,b)
function test(){
when I run test "running function..." is logged, then nothing. No errors, no results. I have confirmed that WebAssembly.instantiate returns a Promise.
Does anyone know what is going on, or is this something to ask Google about?
Created a issue at
Asynchronous functionalities don't seem to be fully supported in V8 yet. There is actually an open Issue Tracker regarding this. You can click the star on the top left of the page to keep track of this issue.
In any case, please be aware that there is no explicit statement in the official documentation referring to the availability of these functionalities in V8. It just states that you can use keywords like async in your code, but it doesn't mention what functionality you will get if you use that.
Issue Tracker: Async with V8 is not implemented as async / concurrent; documentation could be improved
V8 Runtime Overview: Improved function detection
Refactored the sample script you provided on issue tracker and got it to work from the GAS editor (maybe Google changed something since you've posted this issue). GAS is synchronous but you can still use async/await as follows:
async function testWasm() {
let bytes = new Uint8Array([0,97,115,109,1,0,0,0,1,7,1,96,2,127,127,1,127,3,2,1,0,7,7,1,3,97,100,100,0,0,10,9,1,7,0,32,0,32,1,106,11,0,28,4,110,97,109,101,1,6,1,0,3,97,100,100,2,13,1,0,2,0,3,108,104,115,1,3,114,104,115]);
let {
instance: {
exports: {
} = await WebAssembly.instantiate(bytes);

Register callback in Autofac and build container again in the callback

I have a dotnet core application.
My Startup.cs registers types/implementations in Autofac.
One of my registrations needs previous access to a service.
var containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
containerBuilder.RegisterSettingsReaders(); // this makes available a ISettingsReader<string> that I can use to read my appsettings.json
containerBuilder.RegisterMyInfrastructureService(options =>
options.Username = "foo" //this should come from appsettings
var applicationContainer = containerBuilder.Build();
The dilemma is, by the time I have to .RegisterMyInfrastructureService I need to have available the ISettingsReader<string> that was registered just before (Autofac container hasn't been built yet).
I was reading about registering with callback to execute something after the autofac container has been built. So I could do something like this:
builder.RegisterBuildCallback(c =>
var stringReader = c.Resolve<ISettingsReader<string>>();
var usernameValue = stringReader.GetValue("Username");
//now I have my username "foo", but I want to continue registering things! Like the following:
containerBuilder.RegisterMyInfrastructureService(options =>
options.Username = usernameValue
//now what? again build?
but the problem is that after I want to use the service not to do something like starting a service or similar but to continue registering things that required the settings I am now able to provide.
Can I simply call again builder.Build() at the end of my callback so that the container is simply rebuilt without any issue? This seems a bit strange because the builder was already built (that's why the callback was executed).
What's the best way to deal with this dilemma with autofac?
UPDATE 1: I read that things like builder.Update() are now obsolete because containers should be immutable. Which confirms my suspicion that building a container, adding more registrations and building again is not a good practice.
In other words, I can understand that using a register build callback should not be used to register additional things. But then, the question remain: how to deal with these issues?
This discussion issue explains a lot including ways to work around having to update the container. I'll summarize here, but there is a lot of information in that issue that doesn't make sense to try and replicate all over.
Be familiar with all the ways you can register components and pass parameters. Don't forget about things like resolved parameters, modules that can dynamically put parameters in place, and so on.
Lambda registrations solve almost every one of these issues we've seen. If you need to register something that provides configuration and then, later, use that configuration as part of a different registration - lambdas will be huge.
Consider intermediate interfaces like creating an IUsernameProvider that is backed by ISettingsReader<string>. The IUsernameProvider could be the lambda (resolve some settings, read a particular one, etc.) and then the downstream components could take an IUsernameProvider directly.
These sorts of questions are hard to answer because there are a lot of ways to work around having to build/rebuild/re-rebuild the container if you take advantage of things like lambdas and parameters - there's no "best practice" because it always depends on your app and your needs.
Me, personally, I will usually start with the lambda approach.

How Can I make async operations of my own with WinRT using IAsyncOperation interface?

I am developing a metro application and I want to create some async operations whose my own classes would implement.
I have found just examples of async using WinRT operations (e.g. CreateFileAsync). I do not find any intance where someone is creating a async method and consuming it.
Now you can do it. Look at this:
WinRT Async Production using C++
Use create_async in C++:
IAsyncOperationWithProgress<IBuffer^, unsigned int>^ RandomAccessStream::ReadAsync(IBuffer^ buffer, unsigned int count, InputStreamOptions options)
if (buffer == nullptr)
throw ref new InvalidArgumentException;
auto taskProvider = [=](progress_reporter<unsigned int> progress, cancellation_token token)
return ReadBytesAsync(buffer, count, token, progress, options);
return create_async(taskProvider);
Use AsyncInfo.Run in .NET:
public IAsyncOperation<IInfo> Async()
return AsyncInfo.Run(_ =>
Task.Run<AType>(async () =>
return await DoAsync();
I posted the same question in Microsoft forums and they gave me two replies. The first was:
Hi Claudio,
In the Developer Preview there isn't an easy way to create your own
async operations. We are aware of this shortcoming and are trying to
solve it for the next pubic release. In the meanwhile, you could
design your API as async and we will provide guidance on how to
convert sync to async.
Raman Sharma, Visual C++
When I asked for the hard way to do this, another guy, someone responsible for PPL said me:
We’re planning to do a refresh of the sample pack we released a few
weeks ago and add a few samples on creation of async operations. I
expect that it will happen in a couple of weeks or so. If you keep an
eye on our blog at, you’ll
be the first to know.
As to how hard it is... The general-purpose solution that we’re
contemplating is about 1000 lines of C++ code making copious use of
template metaprogramming. Most of it will be in the header file so you
can explore it yourself. While a less general solution can be less
complex, you will still need to implement a base class, do the state
management, error handling etc. At this moment I can’t go into more
detail, but I will say that you will love how easy it is to author
async operations with PPL – so hang in there!
Artur Laksberg PPL team
Then, there is no solution at that time. Thank you all.
Yes, see Ben Kuhn's //BUILD/ talk: He shows how to build an asynchronous API.
At the current time, there is no good solution for high level (C++/WX) classes. However if you use the low level C++ interfaces, you can use the WRL::AsyncBase class to help build your async interfaces.
Here is documentation about the AsyncBase class.
It is confusing, but there is a difference between WinRT C++ code and WRL. You can use WRL to code to the ABI layer directly. WRL does not use exceptions, but loves templates. The recommend coding style for WinRT is not the same as WRL.
I am not sure if everyone can do this, but using WRL you in general need to implement a class that inherits:
class CreateAysncOp: public RuntimeClass<IAsyncOperation<result_runtime_class*>,AsyncBase<IAsyncCompletedHandler<result_runtime_class*>>
Then you can use
hr = MakeAndInitialize<CreateAsyncOp, IAsyncOperation<type_foo*>>(...);
C++ WinRT is now the best way to implement WinRT async methods. This uses co_await and co_return, new C++ language features (in the process of standardization). Read the docs on this page.
