Fetch collection startAfter documentID - firebase

Is there a way to fetch document after documentID like
private fun fetchCollectoionnAfterDocumentID(limit :Long){
val db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()
var query:Query = db.collection("questionCollection")
.startAfter("cDxXGLHlP56xnAp4RmE5") //
.orderBy("questionID", Query.Direction.DESCENDING)
query.get().addOnSuccessListener {
var questions = it.toObjects(QuestionBO::class.java)
I want to fetch sorted questions after a given Document ID. I know I can do it using DocumentSnapShot. In order to fetch the second time or after the app is resume I have to save this DocumentSnapshot in Preference.
Can It be possible to fetch after document ID?
startAfter - > cDxXGLHlP56xnAp4RmE5
I know I can do it using lastVisible DocumentSnapshot . But I have to save lastVisible DocumentSnapshot in sharedPreference.
When app launch first time 10 question are fetched from questionCollection. Next time 10 more question have to be fetched after those lastVisible. So for fetching next 10 I have to save DocumentSnapshot object in sharedPreference. Suggest me a better approach after seeing my database structure.
And one more thing questionID is same as Document reference ID.

There is no way you can pass only the document id to the startAfter() method and simply start from that particular id, you should pass a DocumentSnapshots object, as explained in the official documentation regarding Firestore pagination:
Use the last document in a batch as the start of a cursor for the next batch.
first.get().addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<QuerySnapshot>() {
public void onSuccess(QuerySnapshot documentSnapshots) {
=// Get the last visible document
DocumentSnapshot lastVisible = documentSnapshots.getDocuments()
.get(documentSnapshots.size() -1);
// Construct a new query starting at this document,
Query next = db.collection("cities")
.startAfter(lastVisible) //Pass the DocumentSnapshot object
// Use the query for pagination
See, here the lastVisible is a DocumentSnapshot object which represents the last visible object. You cannot pass only a document id. For more information, you can check my answer from the following post:
How to paginate Firestore with Android?
It's in Java but I'm confident you can understand it and write it in Kotlin.
Please consider defining an order of your results so that all your pages of data can exist in a predictable way. So you need to either specify a startAt()/startAfter() value to indicate where in the ordering to begin receiving ordered documents or use a DocumentSnapshot to indicate the next document to receive, as explained above.
Another solution might be to put the document id into the document itself (as a value of a property) and order on it, or you can use FieldPath.documentId() to order by the id without having to add one.
You can also check this and this out.

There is one way to let startAfter(documentID) works.
Making one more document "get", then using the result as startAfter input.
val db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance()
// I use javascript await / async here
val afterDoc = await db.collection("questionCollection").doc("cDxXGLHlP56xnAp4RmE5").get();
var query:Query = db.collection("questionCollection")
.orderBy("questionID", Query.Direction.DESCENDING)

A simple way to think of this: if you order on questionID you'll need to know at least the value of questionID of the document to start after. You'll often also want to know the key, to disambiguate between documents with the same values. But since it sounds like your questionID values are unique within this collection, that might not be needed here.
But just knowing the key isn't enough, as that would require Firestore to scan its entire index to find that document. Such an index scan would break the performance guarantees of Firestore, which is why it requires you to give you the information it needs to perform a direct lookup in the index.


How can i make transection using .where

Since transaction only accepts DocumentReference so I couldn't handle the .where().
DocumentReference test1= FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection("users").doc(currentUser.uid);
Query<Map<String, dynamic>> test2= FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection("users").where('test',isEqualTo: 'mytest').limit(1);
return FirebaseFirestore.instance.runTransaction((transaction) async {
//no problem with this DocumentSnapshot
DocumentSnapshot _value = await transaction.get(test1);
//here in test2 will never accept Query<Map<String, dynamic>>
//since the transaction is only accept DocumentReference
DocumentSnapshot _value2 = await transaction.get(test2);
if (_value.exists) {
How can I get the .whereReference into the transaction?
Cloud Firestore doesn't provide a solution in which you can use transactions on documents that are obtained through queries. Please also note that a Transaction object cannot perform a query. The single option that you have is to use transactions on a single individual document.
According to your last comment, since you are using a .limit(1) it means that you need to update a single document, a case in which you can create a reference that points exactly to that document and perform the transaction:
DocumentReference uidRef = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection("users").doc(currentUser.uid);
uidRef.runTransaction(/* ... /*);
If you don't know the UID of the user on which you need to perform the transaction, then you should perform the necessary query outside the transaction, get the ID of the document, and perform the transaction right after that. But as you can see, there is no way you can do these two operations in a single go.
Please also remember, that a transaction makes sense to be used only if you need to read some data from a document in order to make a decision before you update it. I'm not 100% sure, but in your particular case, I don't think you do that. You are not using the value of _value in a way you decide what to do with it. If this is your scenario, a batch write will definitely do the job.

Flutter Firebase global Auto Incremental value and retrieving in document field dart

I'm quite new to Firebase Flutter. I'm developing a mobile application to share books among others.
In firebase firestore,
I have 'users' collections which contain all the user data with unique id
I have 'books' collection which contain all the book data with unique id created automatically
Also I have 'global' collection with single document with one integer field called 'bookcount'.
Users can can have many books.
Now I want to create a another unique id field for book. idea is to have simple integer id.
One way of doing this is get list of books and find the length (count) and add 1 when creating a new record. I have ruled out this method as if many users using simultaneously, I think this can lead to duplicate ids.
So I have created a another collection global with single document and field name bookcount. Which hold number of books (rough count) on books collection. So idea is each time when adding a book to a collection increase bookcount and use this value as simple unique id for a book. This bookcount may not represent actual books as user can discard the book entry before saving it, which is okay as I only need a simple unique id.
class DatabaseService {
//final CollectionReference bookCollection = Firestore.instance.collection('users');
//final CollectionReference bookCollection = Firestore.instance.collection('books');
final CollectionReference globalData = Firestore.instance.collection('global');
Future<String> bookId() async
String uniquebookid = await globalData.document('SomeHardcodedID').updateData(
'bookcount': FieldValue.increment(1)
}).then((voidvalue) async
String cid = await globalData.getDocuments().then((bookvalue) => bookvalue.documents.single.data['bookcount'].toString());
return cid;
return uniquebookid;
}//future bookId
Now this works. well somewhat, Can we do this better? In here there are two parts, first increment the value bookcount, and then retrieve it.
Can we do this in one go?
If I try to call this method consecutively really fast when returning a value it might skip few numbers. I have call this from a button and try to press as fast I could. I think counter increase but it return
same number few times. and then skip some when press again. for example 1,2,3,4,8,8,8,8,9,10,... So at counter 4 I try to press the button multiple times. I wonder how this will behave when multiple users adding multiple books at the same time.
How Can I fix this?
Please Help, Thanks.
I think the problem was since await globalData.document('SomeHardcodedID').updateData is not producing a return value (void), as soon as this fired next call also execute which is okay, which okay for most scenarios.
However if bookId called few times within very short period (milliseconds) this produce number before FieldValue.increment(1) process.

Firebase Firstore subcollection

please how can I get all the value of my IndividualTaxData subcollection in Flutter.
First, you must get the reference to the parent document:
DocumentReference parentRef = Firestore.intances.collection('TaxData').document(taxDataId);
You can do the previous part with a direct reference to the document (like the code above) or with a query. Later, you must get the reference of the subcollection and the document that you get the information:
DocumentReference subRef = parentRef.collection('IndividualTaxData').document(individualTaxId);
And finally, get the data:
DocumentSnapshot docSnap = await subRef.get();
For you to return a simple document, you can use the following code for it.
var document = await Firestore.instance.collection('IndividualTaxData').document('<document_name>');
document.get() => then(function(document) {
// you can print other fields from your document
With the above code, you will reference your collection IndividualTaxData and then load it's data to a variable that you can print the values.
In case you want to retrieve all the documents from your collection, you can start using the below code.
final QuerySnapshot result = await Firestore.instance.collection('IndividualTaxData').getDocuments();
final List<DocumentSnapshot> documents = result.documents;
documents.forEach((data) => print(data));
// This print is just an example of it.
With this, you will load all your documents into a list that you iterate and print after - or that you can use with another method.
In addition to that, as future references, I would recommend you to check the following links as well.
Query a single document from Firestore in Flutter (cloud_firestore Plugin)
How to use Cloud Firestore with Flutter
Le me know if the information helped you!

How to monitor entire subcollection using transaction?

Follow this answer I am try to implement using transaction to monitor entire Firestore subcollection for new document added. Basically I only want write new document to subcollection if there is only one document. I need use transaction to avoid race condition resulting in >2 document in subcollection. Max should be 2.
How to use transaction to monitor document added to subcollection?
I am try long time to do but cannot solve.
I am experiment use iterate through subcollection for document but not know how to do this through transaction.
My code so far (maybe wrong method):
Firestore.instance.runTransaction((transaction) async {
final CollectionReference collectionRef = ref
List<DocumentSnapshot> subCollectionDocsSnapshot = [];
await collectionRef.getDocuments().then((querySnapshot) =>
querySnapshot.documents.forEach((document) {
final DocumentReference newDocRef = collectionRef.document(docName);
await transaction.set(
{‘docName’: docName,
How to solve?
I have try add also transaction.get() to iterate through subcollection docs but it have no effect on race condition:
subCollectionDocsSnapshot.forEach((document) {
This isn't supported by Firestore transactions. Within a transaction, you can only find a document by its ID. You can't transact on the entire contents of a collection, and have that transaction retry if an new document is added while in the middle of the transaction. You also can't transact on the results of a query.
Instead, consider having a different document in another collection that counts the number of documents in a collection, and use that in your transaction. Or, at the very least, a document that records a boolean indicating whether or not the collection has >2 documents.

Firestore: how to perform a query with inequality / not equals

I want select from Firestore collection just articles written NOT by me.
Is it really so hard?
Every article has field "owner_uid".
Thats it: I JUST want to write equivalent to "select * from articles where uid<>request.auth.uid"
TL;DR: solution found already: usages for languages/platforms: https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/query-data/queries#kotlin+ktx_5
EDIT Sep 18 2020
The Firebase release notes suggest there are now not-in and != queries. (Proper documentation is now available.)
not-in finds documents where a specified field’s value is not in a specified array.
!= finds documents where a specified field's value does not equal the specified value.
Neither query operator will match documents where the specified field is not present. Be sure the see the documentation for the syntax for your language.
Firestore doesn't provide inequality checks. According to the documentation:
The where() method takes three parameters: a field to filter on, a comparison operation, and a value. The comparison can be <, <=, ==, >, or >=.
Inequality operations don't scale like other operations that use an index. Firestore indexes are good for range queries. With this type of index, for an inequality query, the backend would still have to scan every document in the collection in order to come up with results, and that's extremely bad for performance when the number of documents grows large.
If you need to filter your results to remove particular items, you can still do that locally.
You also have the option of using multiple queries to exclude a distinct value. Something like this, if you want everything except 12. Query for value < 12, then query for value > 12, then merge the results in the client.
For android it should be easy implement with Task Api.
Newbie example:
FirebaseFirestore db = FirebaseFirestore.getInstance();
Query lessQuery = db.collection("users").whereLessThan("uid", currentUid);
Query greaterQuery = db.collection("users").whereGreaterThan("uid", currentUid);
Task lessQuery Task = firstQuery.get();
Task greaterQuery = secondQuery.get();
Task combinedTask = Tasks.whenAllSuccess(lessQuery , greaterQuery)
.addOnSuccessListener(new OnSuccessListener<List<Object>>() {
public void onSuccess(List<Object> list) {
//This is the list of "users" collection without user with currentUid
Also, with this you can combine any set of queries.
For web there is rxfire
This is an example of how I solved the problem in JavaScript:
let articlesToDisplay = await db
.then((snapshot) => {
let notMyArticles = snapshot.docs.filter( (article) =>
article.data().owner_uid !== request.auth.uid
return notMyArticles
It fetches all documents and uses Array.prototype.filter() to filter out the ones you don't want. This can be run server-side or client-side.
Updating the answer of Darren G, which caused "TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON". When we perform the filter operation, the whole firebase object was added back to the array instead of just the data. We can solve this by chaining the filter method with the map method.
let articles = []
let articlesRefs = await db.collection('articles').get();
articles = articlesRefs.docs
.filter((article) => article.data.uid !== request.auth.uid) //Get Filtered Docs
.map((article) => article.data()); //Process Docs to Data
return articles
FYI: This is an expensive operation because you will fetching all the articles from database and then filtering them locallly.
Track all user id in a single document (or two)
filter unwanted id out
Use "where in"
var mylistofidwherenotme = // code to fetch the single document where you tracked all user id, then filter yourself out
database.collection("articles").where("blogId", "in", mylistofidwherenotme)
let query = docRef.where('role','>',user_role).where('role','<',user_role).get()
This is not functioning as the "not equal" operation in firestore with string values
You can filter the array of objects within the javascript code.
var data=[Object,Object,Object] // this is your object array
var newArray = data.filter(function(el) {
return el.gender != 'Male';
