DocuSign integration tests - integration-testing

I am writing an application that should interact with DocuSign to create envelopes and then download the signed document when all the signatories have signed.
There are several other use cases, but that does not matter for this question.
I am wondering what is the best way to write automated integration tests.
Do I need to automate the interaction of the signatories withe DocuSign? This would mean that I have to receive the email, click the link, etc...
Even if it seems possible, it does not seem ideal. Is there a way to "simulate" in a dev environment the actions of the signatories?

There has been a lot of talks if a document can be signed without viewing it. And the conclusion was that NO, user cannot sign a document without viewing it. User has to view/see what is to be signed. So, that part needs to be automated using Selenium or one of its "flavors" or pretty much any UI automation you are comfortable with. And Yes, that involves receiving email, clicking the link, opening a document and signing it. You can use a Mailinator or any other email service which API you can leverage to facilitate things for you.
As for other parts of DocuSign integration automation it is encouraged to use API (makes things more stable).
So, very simple workflow steps would look like this:
Use API to prepare environment, sent variables and values (in your product and in DocuSign)
Send envelope for signing using DocuSign API
Get the link to the document
Sign using UI automation
Do verification (of envelope status and more) using DocuSign API


What are the best practices for automated testing of "Sign in with Apple" (REST API)?

I'd like to create a set of automated tests that could run in a CI/CD pipeline. I'm struggling to understand how to verify the Generate and Validate Tokens portion of the "Sign in with Apple" flow (REST API implementation):
How can I verify that I'm properly handling the exchange of an authorization code for a refresh token? Considering that the authorization code is single-use and only valid for five mins, which in turns comes from authenticating. In my case authenticating requires 2FA.
A common starting point is to perform UI tests to verify logins in a basic way, in technologies such as Selenium:
These will automatically sign in test user accounts, to perform real logins and exchange of the authorization code for tokens.
After login the UI can proceed to test the application logic, such as calling real APIs using real tokens.
Sometimes though, the OAuth related infrastructure gets in the way, eg if it is not possible to automate 2FA actions such as typing in a one time password.
It is possible when working with this type of technology to mock the Identity system. One option can be to pretend Apple authentication has completed, while issuing your own mock tokens with a JWT library, with the same properties as the Apple ones.
A key behaviour of course is to ensure that zero code is changed in UIs or APIs, so that they continue to run the same production logic, with no awareness that they are using mock tokens.
The open source Wiremock tool can be a useful addition to your toolbox in this case, as in these API focused tests of mine. To use this type of tool, an automated test stage of the pipeline would need to repoint UIs and / or APIs to a URL that you are pretending represents Apple's identity system. So deployment work would be needed.
As always of course, it depends what you want to focus on testing, and which areas you are happy to mock. I recommend thinking this through end to end, thinking about both UIs and APIs. The important thing is to avoid situations where you are blocked and unable to test.

What is a solution to using the scanning of a QR code to execute a smart contract function on Ethereum?

So I have been working with Ethereum's metamask, and implemented web app where the user can come while being logged into metamask, and call a function on my smart contract via metamask. Tutorials for this exist and it's not very hard.
I want to implement calling a smart contract, when a user comes into a store ([physically). I want to do it the following way:
Some customer comes in and uses some application $A on his phone, which may be a wallet app or some other application that has access to his ethereum wallet.
On my POS application, I will render a QR code.
When he scans the QR code with his mobile phone, it is equivalent to either:
sending ethereum funds to our company account, while I am able to verify that this has happened via an event, or
he calls a function on a smart contract. This seems more appealing because I know that you can send events via smart contract calls.
So my question is:
Do any applications that have the functionality of application $A exist, are they widely used?
What can I use to implement exposing a QR code which is effectively some form of visual API for my program?
What you need is a library in your application to create a QR code. This QR code will need to be created for the function/method you need to call on the smart contract. You can use
The QR code will be scanned by the user using the wallet on their mobile phone app wallet. This transaction will trigger the smart contract function and allow your application to proceed forward.
Hope this helps.
Answer to Q1:
Yes, there are applications like this(i made one myself). Most existing mobile wallets use this approach, for eg. Tenx.
Answer to Q2:
Sorry but this question is not totally clear to me. Are you asking for some sort of library for creating a QR code?

HTTP POST from GOOGLE ASSISTANT to PRIVATE SERVER and convert response in voice

I want use Google Assistant from my phone to send HTTP POST command to my server. I have a simple webnms app running over it, this server support REST API and now I want to use Google Assistant to shoot GET or POST command to that server and return my output.
Is it something possible? I am not full time developer.
Yes, as #Prisoner says it is possible. It is not what you asked - but have you seen these ways that Google provides to get skills published without requiring a lot of developer savvy?
I don't speak for them, but IMO Google's target audience for Action building apart from the above is those who have at least some familiarity with the JavaScript language and its "run-time" Node.
There is also this - which I haven't tried by the way.
In case it is not obvious, Google Actions are essentially websites that interact with Google's assistant running on a Home device or a smart phone, say. Think of the Assistant as a browser initiating requests and your Action as serving them. If you can (build and?) deploy a server that handles POSTS over HTTPS on a publicly addressable URL, and if you can understand the JSON payload that the Assistant sends and respond with appropriate JSON to carry out you application then you are good to go.
Where you don't have a public IP address - e.g. in testing - you can use a tool like ngrok ( ) to reverse proxy requests emanating from the Assistant to your server.
I have slides for a presentation I did targeting fledgling developers who had never built an Action here
and the code that goes with it here
On the upside the code is about as simple as it gets. On the downside it does almost nothing. In particular, it doesn't try to understand language. As #Prisoner says you'll likely need a tool like Dialog Flow for that.
Yes, it is possible.
Your server will need to implement the Actions on Google API. This is a REST API which will accept JSON containing what the user is intending to do and specific information about what they have said. Your server will need to send back JSON indicating the reply, along with additional information about how to continue the conversation.
You will likely also want to use a tool such as Dialogflow to handle building the conversational script and converting a user's phrases into something that makes sense to you. You'll also need to use the Actions on Google console to manage your Action and provide additional details about how users contact your Action. All of this is explained in the Actions on Google documentation.
Simple Actions are fairly easy to develop, and can certainly be done by a developer as a hobby. Good Actions, however, take a lot more thought and planning. Google offers you to the tools - it is up to you to best take advantage of them.
I've found the solution.
In the "Action" console
Go to menu "Webhook", click "Change fulfillment method", and then select "HTTPS endpoint"

AWS Alexa - perform basic auth

I am trying to create a skill that will reach out to an application that uses Basic authentication to render APIs (albeit i know this is bad practice). I was wanting to go down a route similar to account linking, however seems they enforce the usage of OAuth 2.0.
Is there an alternative to this or am I forced to use OAuth 2.0 in order to request APIs to a 3rd party application?
My wanted workflow:
customer enables skill
Skill card request for username/pw combo
after setup, the skill can be utilized fully
Not sure if its helpful, but Im using Lambda to run my skill source code.
That is a terrible practice.
First of all, what if your user's password includes case sensitive letters and numbers and possibly other characters?
You can use Literal Slots but they are not case sensitive and probably won't return a number-word combination either. For example your user's pass is Word123 literal slots may return word one two three
I am not sure if you can force user to spell his password's characters and so then you can try to detect the password though... Again this sounds like a terrible practice.
So as you mentioned: Users link their accounts using the Amazon Alexa app. Note that users must use the app. There is no support for establishing the link solely by voice
I guess you have to do the linking the way amazon requires

In my meteor app, how do I make authenticated google API calls on behalf of my user?

Background: This is my first standalone web development project, and my only experience in Meteor is building the Discover Meteor app over the last summer. I come from about a year of CS experience as a side interest in school, and I am most comfortable with C and C++. I have experience in python and java.
Project so far: I'm creating a calendar management system (for fun). Using accounts-google, I have created user accounts that are authenticated through google. I have requested the necessary permissions that I need for my app, including 'identity' and 'calendar read/write access'. I've spent the last week or so trying to get over this next hurdle, which is actually getting data from google.
Goal: I'd like to be able to make an API call to Calendar.list using a GET request. I've already called meteor add http to add the GET request functionality, my issue comes with the actual implementation.
Problem: I have registered my app on the developer console and set up Accounts using the client ID and secret, but I have not been able to find/generate my 'API key' for use in the request. Here is the google guide for creating the access token by using my (already) downloaded private key. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around an implementation on the server side using JS because I don't have a lot of experience with what is mentioned in the HTTP/REST portion of the implementation examples. I would appreciate some help on how to implement a handshake and receive an access token for use in my app. If there is a call I can make or some package that will handle the token generation for me, that would be even better than implementation help. I believe an answer to this would also benefit this other question
The SO answer that I've been referring to so far: Some of it is in spanish but it's pretty understandable code. He has an API key for his request, which I asked this question to help me with. The accounts-google documentation isn't really enough to explain this all to me.
Also an unrelated small question: What is the easiest way to deal with 'time' parameters in requests. I'm assuming JS has some sort of built-in functionality that I'm just not aware of yet.
Thanks for your research. I have also asked a very similar question, and right now I am looking into the package you recommend. I have considered this meteor-google-api package, but it looks abandoned.
Regarding your question about time manipulation, I recommend MomentJS. There are many packages out there; I am using meteor add mrt:moment
EDIT: MomentJS now has an official package for Meteor, so use meteor add momentjs:moment instead of the mrt command above
Below is a snippet of what moment can do. More documentation here.
var startTimeUTC = moment.utc(event.startTime, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss").format();
//Changes above formatting to "2014-09-08T08:02:17-05:00" (ISO 8601)
//which is acceptable time format for Google API
So I started trying to implement all of this myself on the server side, but was wary of a lot of the hard-coding I was doing and assumptions I was making to fill gaps. My security prof. used to say "never implement encryption yourself", so I decided to take another gander for a helpful package. Revising search criteria to "JWT", I found jagi's meteor-google-oauth-jwt on Atmosphere. The readme is comprehensive and provides everything I need. Following the process used in The Google OAuth Guide, an authorization request can be made and a key generated for making an API call.
Link to Atmosphere:
Link to Repo:
I will update this answer with any additional roadblocks I hit in the Google API process and how I solved them:
Recently, I've been running into problems with the API request result. I get an empty calendarlist back from the API call. I suspect this is becuase I make an API call to my developer account rather than to the subject user. I will investigate the problem and either create a new question or update this solution with the fix I find.
Fix: Wasn't including the 'sub' qualifier to the JWT token. Fixed by modifying JWT package token generation code to include delegationEmail: after scope. I don't know why he used such a long designation for the option instead of sub: as it is in the google API, but I appreciate his package nontheless.
I'm quickly becoming proficient in this, so if people have meteor-related google auth questions, let me know.
The correct approach is to use standard web access + requesting offline access. The documentation on the api page specifically states this:
Typically, an application uses a service account when the application uses Google APIs to work with its own data rather than a user's data.
The only exception to this is when you are using google apps domain accounts and want to delegate access to your service account for the entire domain:
Authorizing a service account to access data on behalf of users in a domain is sometimes referred to as "delegating domain-wide authority"
This makes logical sense as a user must be allowed to "authorise" your application.
Back to the posters original question the flow is simple:
1) Meteor accounts google package already does most of the work for you to get tokens. You can include the scope for offline access required.
2) if you are building your own flow, you will go through the stock standard process and calls as explained on auth
This will require you to:
1) HTTP call to make the original request or you can piggyback off some of the internal meteor calls : Package.oauth.OAuth.showPopup() -- go look at the source there are more nifty functions around there.
2) Then you need to create an Iron router server side route to accept the oauth response which will contain a code parameter that you will use to exchange for tokens.
3) Next use this code to make a final call to exchange the "code" for the token + refresh_token
4) Store these where ever you want - my requirement was to store them not at the user level but multiple per user
5) Use a package like GoogleAPI this wraps up Google API calls and refreshes when required - it only works when tokens are stored in user accounts so you will need to rip it apart a bit if your tokens are stored somewhere else (like in my case)
