Is it possible to use multiple Table Looping Functoids in a BizTalk 2016 Mapping? - biztalk

Is it possible to use multiple Table Looping Functoids in a BizTalk 2016 Mapping?
I trying to build a Mapping in BizTalk 2016. In my source schema I have multiple records with multiple elements. What I want to do is map this to multiple instances of a single record in the target schema. Therefore I wanted to use table looping. Below is a example of what I want to do. But it doesn't work the way I want. Thus my question, if it is even possible to do it like that.


How to Combine multiple files in BizTalk?

I have multiple flatfiles (CSV) (with multiple records) where files will be received randomly. I have to combine them (records) with unique ID fields.
How can I combine them, if there is no common unique field for all files, and I don't know which one will be received first?
Here are some files examples:
In real there are 16 files.
Fields and records are much more then in this example.
I would avoid trying to do this purely in XSLT/BizTalk orchestrations/C# code. These are fairly simple flat files. Load them into SQL, and create a view to join your data up.
You can still use BizTalk to pickup/load the files. You can also still use BizTalk to execute the view or procedure that joins the data up and sends your final message.
There are a few questions that might help guide how this would work here:
When do you want to join the data together? What triggers that (a time of day, a certain number of messages received, a certain type of message, a particular record, etc)? How will BizTalk know when it's received enough/the right data to join?
What does a canonical version of this data look like? Does all of the data from all of these files truly get correlated into one entity (e.g. a "Trade" or a "Transfer" etc.)?
I'd probably start with defining my canonical entity, and then look towards the path of getting a "complete" picture of that canonical entity by using SQL for this kind of case.

Multiple Fact Tables-Kylin

I am aware that Apache Kylin only allows one Fact Table per OLAP cube.
Is there a way to analyse a database with multiple Fact Tables using OLAP?
Alternatively, Can we query from multiple cubes simultaneously in a single job on Apache Kylin?
Anish Dhiman
Problem Solved. I created multiple cubes, each containing a single fact table in Apache Kylin. While querying, I accessed each cube in a sub-query.
As a result of this, I was then able to query collectively from all cubes.

How to setup data model for customizable application

I have an ASP.NET data entry application that is used by multiple clients. The application consists of multiple data entry modules that are common to all clients.
I now have multiple clients that want their own custom module added which will typically consist of a dozen or so data points. Some values will be text, others numeric, some will be dropdown selections, etc.
I'm in need of suggestions for handling the data model for this. I have two thoughts on how to handle. First would be to create a new table for each new module for each client. This is pretty clean but I don't particular like it. My other thought is to have one table with columns for each custom data point for each client. This table would end up with a lot of columns and a lot of NULL values. I don't really like either solution and suspect there's a better way to do this, so any feedback you have will be appreciated.
I'm using SQL Server 2008.
As always with these questions, "it depends".
The dreaded key-value table.
This approach relies on a table which lists the fields and their values as individual records.
CustomFields(clientId int, fieldName sysname, fieldValue varbinary)
Infinitely flexible
Easy to implement
Easy to index
non existing values take no space
Showing a list of all records with complete field list is a very dirty query
The Microsoft way
The Microsoft way of this kind of problem is "sparse columns" (introduced in SQL 2008)
Blessed by the people who design SQL Server
records can be queried without having to apply fancy pivots
Fields without data don't take space on disk
Many technical restrictions
a new field requires DML
The xml tax
You can add an xml field to the table which will be used to store all the "extra" fields.
unlimited flexibility
can be indexed
storage efficient (when it fits in a page)
With some xpath gymnastics the fields can be included in a flat recordset.
schema can be enforced with schema collections
not clearly visible what's in the field
xquery support in SQL Server has gaps which makes getting your data a real nightmare sometimes
There are maybe more solutions, but to me these are the main contenders. Which one to choose:
key-value seems appropriate when the number of extra fields is limited. (say no more than 10-20 or so)
Sparse columns is more suitable for data with many properties which are filled out infrequent. Sounds more appropriate when you can have many extra fields
xml column is very flexible, but a pain to query. Appropriate for solutions that write rarely and query rarely. ie: don't run aggregates etc on the data stored in this field.
I'd suggest you go with the first option you described. I wouldn't over think it. The second option you outlined would be a bad idea in my opinion.
If there are fields common to all the modules you're adding to the system you should consider keeping those in a single table then have other tables with the fields specific to a particular module related back to the primary key in the common table. This is basically table inheritance ( and will centralize the common module data and make it easier to query across modules.

Find Unique Words in One or More Columns?

I'm looking at implementing tags in my ASP.NET website. After looking at several algorithms, I'm leaning towards having a couple of database columns that contain one or more tag words. I will then use full-text search to locate rows with specified tags.
All of this seems pretty straight forward except for one thing: I need to be able to generate a list of available tags, which the user can select from.
I know I can write a C# program to build the list of available tags, and then run it once every week or so, but I was just wondering if there's any SQL-method for doing stuff like this more efficiently.
Also, I can't help but notice that the words will be extracted anyway as part of building the full-text index. I don't suppose there's any way to access that information?
This isn't how I'd choose to structure this but to answer the actual question...
In SQL Server 2008 you can query the sys.dm_fts_index_keywords and sys.dm_fts_index_keywords_by_document table valued functions to get the information that you want.
Why not to use separate table for tags with many-to-many relationship with tagged items table?
I mean something like that:

Manipulating data in sql / / c# - how?

Not sure how to word the question...
Basically, so far all my SQL stuff has been stored procedures and dumped into a gridview. The odd case where I had to perform an action based on a value (such as highlighting a row green if a certain value was true) were done as the gridview was rendering in one of the overrides.
Now however I have to do something far more complicated - pull three sets of data down, run a series of checks on all three and some date related checks and stuff, then populate a gridview with some of the items.
In logic terms, I want to run three queries, and store the lists of results (presumably in Lists?) then run some logic, then populate the gridview.
Specifically what I don't know how to do is:
Best way of pulling the data, and putting it into a List or other datastructure that lets me easily run through it, and retrieve data based on column (myList.age, or more likely, myList["Age"]).
One I have compared the data, I assume I create a new list that will be put into the gridview... how do I put the contents of a list INTO a gridview? How would I add other stuff such as buttons or checkboxes at the same time?
Any nudge in the right direction would be appreciated! Particularly doing cool stuff with lists and sql (if there is anything cool you can do with them)
There are actually several ways to do this with .Net without using an ORM solution. Instead trying to list all of them here I will link you to an article series that should help you accomplish what you want. The following series of articles is about N-Layer design, and includes answers to the information you are looking for. The first set of 4 articles were created some time ago with ASP.Net 2.0 then the author updated them with an additional six articles using ASP.Net 3.5
If you want to avoid having to write SQL query and concentrate on the data instead, go with the Entity Framework. It's quite well integrated with VS. It will connect to your SQL database, you will tell it which tables to import, and it will create a series of classes for you to talk to your database.
Queries are quite easy to do, and they will return lists of objects which should be easy to manipulate and put to a grid later on.
You can create datatables and populate them using the lists that you have generated and then bind your grid using the newly created tables as the datasource.
