Gravity Forms - show field entries as a live preview - wordpress

Does anyone knows how I can "call" individual field entries and display them in the same page, in real-time, with Gravity Forms? I can easily do that with another form builder I have, but I prefer to use GF.
Here is a demo of a very simple form I'm trying to create with this:
enter image description here
Thanks a lot!

The best way to do this is the Live Merge Tags feature of the Gravity Forms Populate Anything add-on:


Auto search and populate fields using Gravity Forms

I have a product registration form which I set up through Gravity forms.
What I want to do is import a list of products and product codes into my wordpress installation and somehow link this to my form so that when the user types in the product code into the 'Product Code' section it will then populate the field next to it with the product description.
Does anyone know how I might be able to achieve this?
The 2 fields I want to use are below...
Gravity Forms Populate Anything can easily handle this. Create a custom table or use a second form to enter your data. Then use Populate Anything to query that data via a point-and-click interface. Easy peasy.

Gravity form HTML field not sending posting data

For some reason when I submit this form:
all the fields successfully report entries except one: the HTML field labeled "AICO Club Membership". Could someone help unravel the mystery? Thanks!
HTML fields are not saved with the entry. If you're adding custom inputs within the HTML field, Gravity Forms does not have a built-in way to detect them and save that data.

Custom formatting for Gravity Forms entries / entry_detail page

I've created a custom email notification for a Gravity Forms form but I was wondering if it is possible to use the same custom format that I have created to display the entry details from within Wordpress?
I have searched in SO and Google but no one seems to have the answer - they are mostly about how to show the entry data on the front-end.
I could just go to the entry_details.php file and modify it but I was wondering if there is a proper way of doing it.
Anyone have any ideas?
I got in contact with Gravity Forms and they have advised me the following:
"I'm afraid the layout of the entry detail page is not customizable. The recommendation would be that you create your own custom page outside of Gravity Forms, and use the GFAPI to get the entries for display."
For now it looks like we can create an external page and format how we like but not the actual Entry Details page in the CMS.

Wordpress Plugin requirement

I have a requirement form my client.
He needs a registration form which should be integrated to his site where the user will come and register for that particular event.
Can any one help me what plugin can i use to do this ?? i used plugin but it dint work,
i need something like this, you can see from this link the people can come and register, and there name will be displayed left hand side. similar way i need to ingrate to my site someone please help me.
Thanks in advance
All you need to do is set up a form which posts to the database and then have a table populated from the table.
If you're unsure of how to do this & want to use plugins then I would suggest using the popular contact form type plugins like Fast Secure Contact Form or Contact Form 7.
Take a look at those to figure out which you prefer & then couple it with this plugin to save the form data to the database. That plugin then has short codes that you can put in to display the data.

Is there a customizable form in drupal similar to the contact form?

I need a form to enable user to enter event info in three fields (what, where, and when). Then I would like to be able to present the events in tabular form. I don't know PHP. Does drupal have a module for this purpose?
The content construction kit (CCK) allows you to create content types with custom fields, and automatically produces the forms for those content types. You'll probably also want the date field for the when.
You would use Views to display data as a table.
Drupal Form Builder
Will create quick forms for you on the go.
Drupal CCK
This one is a little bit more envolved, but more definitive, common place, and HIGHLY extensible. Here's a nice little tutorial as well.
If you don't want the results (events) to turn into nodes when the user enters the data and submit the form, then you should look into the webform module.
A while back I "demoed" this to my peers by building a "mcdonald's monopoly" tracker that anyone could use to input their pieces and then I setup a view as a block to display the aggregate result for everyone's pieces.
We didn't win anything, but this may be what you are looking for.
