Wordpress Plugin requirement - wordpress

I have a requirement form my client.
He needs a registration form which should be integrated to his site where the user will come and register for that particular event.
Can any one help me what plugin can i use to do this ?? i used http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/event-registration/ plugin but it dint work,
i need something like this
http://startupsaturday.headstart.in/event.php?eid=213, you can see from this link the people can come and register, and there name will be displayed left hand side. similar way i need to ingrate to my site someone please help me.
Thanks in advance

All you need to do is set up a form which posts to the database and then have a table populated from the table.
If you're unsure of how to do this & want to use plugins then I would suggest using the popular contact form type plugins like Fast Secure Contact Form or Contact Form 7.
Take a look at those to figure out which you prefer & then couple it with this plugin to save the form data to the database. That plugin then has short codes that you can put in to display the data.


Salesforce & WordPress with Ninja Forms?

Bit of a complicated questions, and I'm not sure where to start so thought I'd ask the community...
Basically, we've been using Ninja Forms on our WordPress website for a while. It works great in the fact that our enquiries are sent straight to SalesForce.
Now, I'd like users to be able to fill in a form on our WordPress site which will then push more complicated information through to Salesforce e.g. they could fill in details such as their medical history which would then be pushed through to Salesforce and held in their customer profile.
I'm not sure if Ninja Forms will be able to handle this though... how will it know where to put the information? Currently, our form submissions setup a new record. But instead of setting up a new record/customer, it would need to edit a currently setup customer, and fill their profile with information which they've submitted through the form.
Has anyone ever done anything like this before?
You should read this for start https://ninjaforms.com/integrate-salesforce-and-ninja-forms/ , and prior to use your custom objects your must read this https://ninjaforms.com/docs/salesforce-crm/ , this guide gives you the heads up on how to map the fields and how to use custom objects, of course this is mainly a salesforce work.

I need plugin which can make my each unique employee upload his work

I need plugin which can make my each unique employee upload his work like only media or client can submit job requirement with only 3 field title ,media,description without login into wordpress dashboard like this http://web1expert.com/test/client-submission-form/ & each client is redirected to dat work without login into dashboard
This is very broad topic to be discussed here. Be more specific if you are facing any particular issues.
Or you can use Upwork for posting this job to hire someone to complete it up.
try (visual form builder)
with this plugin you can create field with file upload field
but this is not Exactly what you want

how to create a custom contact form on wordpress?

I would like to create a contact form
How is it better make it with plugin or manual?
I have designed the form on a page. I
Now I would like to validate but I would like to use a plugin as jquery-validator. is it possible?
But when I'll look at the browser. I see it out of box from my web.
Some example. I am a little confused. Thank you
use this plug in easy to get this https://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7/
I would highly recommend either Contact Form 7 or Gravity Forms plugins to customize your contact form on your WordPress site, depending on your budget and use, but both of them are really good.
When it comes to how quickly you can create a standard contact form to your website, Contact Form 7 can be the much better, because the plugin is free to use, as for Gravity Forms, it requires you to purchase the plugin, download the archive file, upload it to your website, and then create a form. Only after this step is complete can you publish it. You can find more detailed info here about it and a step by step guide on how to add them and maximize your use of them. Hope it helps! ;)

Wordpress: saving and using data from form

I need to create a quiz contest on a WordPress site. The visitor will fill his/her name, phone, email and facebook id and answer two questions. I need to view and later use the data submitted in the form. Also A thanks message will automatically go to the visitor's email after submitting the form.
Can anyone please guide me how can I accomplish this? Which plugin can be used to fulfill the requirement?
Any guidance will be much appreciated.
I would suggest using Contact Form 7 (https://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7/) to build the form, and then Contact Form DB (https://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7-to-database-extension/) to view data in the backend.
I use Contact Form 7 for my wordpress forms. It is free and vary flexible. Make sure you read some tutorials before using if you are not comfortable with some basic HTML.
There is a section called "Mail 2" that would allow you to send the thank you email to the user, and still have the form info that they entered be sent to you.
Link to the plugin - https://wordpress.org/plugins/contact-form-7/
Good luck!

Wordpress integrate plugin with cimy user extra field plugin

I am currently using cimy user extra field plugin for multi step registration. How can I integrate date picker plugin, facebook like plugin with the plugin that I am currently using.
I have added multiple fields in my registration form. Is it possible to break the form page in multi step pages and a progressbar to show the user that the registration is going from step 1 to step 2 and so on. Download link of cimy user extra field plugin is http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/cimy-user-extra-fields/
Thanks in advance.
To potentially answer your date field question, I would recommend attaching a date picker via jQuery UI, which I think you can so fairly easily via a little JS on the register page. Sounds like you may have to do a little coding there anyway. If you need assistance on getting all that set up, try Google and then come back with anything you can't find or figure out.
