Arduino: while (Serial.available()==0) gives input - arduino

I am trying to input GPS coordinate into the serial monitor to use in my drone project
However, whenever I try to input GPS coordinate, it automatically writes one of the GPS coordinates without my input. For example, GPS latitude is shown as 0.00, but the program waits for GPS Longitude info.
For a detailed situation please look at the picture attached.
int GPSNumCor;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.begin (115200);
Serial.print("What is the number of your GPS Coordinate? ");
while (Serial.available() == 0);
GPSNumCor = Serial.parseInt();
delay (200);
float GPSLat[GPSNumCor], GPSLon[GPSNumCor];
for (int i = 0; i < GPSNumCor; i++)
if (i == 0)
Serial.println("What is your 1st GPS Coordinate");
if (i == 1)
Serial.println("What is your 2nd GPS Coordinate");
if (i == 2)
Serial.println("What is your 3rd GPS Coordinate");
if (i > 2)
Serial.print("What is your ");
Serial.print(i + 1);
Serial.println(" th GPS Coordinate");
Serial.print ("Latitude: ");
while (Serial.available() == 0);
GPSLat[i] = Serial.parseFloat();
Serial.print("Longitude: ");
while (Serial.available() == 0);
GPSLon[i] = Serial.parseFloat();
It has to wait for all input until I make an input to the program, but it does not wait.
I know while (Serial.available()==0) is a way to go, but I do not know why it would not work.

First, there's no reason to use while (Serial.available() == 0);. The parseFloat function you are about to use waits for data to be available and, if it didn't, merely checking for zero wouldn't be sufficient anyway because that would stop waiting as soon as a single character was available.
So here's why that while loop is a bad idea:
If you really do need to wait for the input before calling parseFloat, this won't do it. It only waits until at least one character is received and the coordinates may be more than one character.
The parseFloat function doesn't return until it has read an entire float anyway. So it already waits for you.
But that's not your problem. Think about the input stream, say it's "11.0<newline>22.0newline44.0". Where is the code to read the spaces between those numbers? When parseFloat tries to read a space, it returns a zero, as the documentation says. That's why you're getting zeroes -- you don't have any code to do anything with the separators between the floats.
Think about how parseFloat must work when it reads "12.34newline". First it reads the 1 and has no idea whether that's the whole number of not, so it keeps checking. Then it reads the "2.34" and still has no idea it has the whole number. Not until it sees the newline does it know that 12.34 is the correct float to return. But it does not consume the newline. Why? Because that might mean something.
With the code you showed, your next call to parseFloat will then try to read the newline and see that this is not a valid character to be part of a floating point number. So, as the documentation says, it will return zero.
Look closely at parseFloat's documentation to find out how to correctly match the delimiters in your serial stream. The parseFloat function has the ability to behave differently, consuming and ignoring delimeters rather than returning zero.

I don't know how it work, I just add in every time I want to read.
If u don't want to add, u can also use old version like 1.6.0, it still work fine but it don't work when u make like C# Serial app.
Just add, it work fine every place.
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
int r=Serial.parseInt();
Serial.println(r);; // it work fine
int g=Serial.parseInt();

In the Serial Monitor window, in the drop-down menu on the bottom-right, change from "Newline" to "No line ending" and that will solve the problem (by preventing the Serial Monitor from automatically entering zero value(s)).
Both the parseInt() and parseFloat() have a hard time reading other data types (this also includes white spaces such as new lines) than the ones specified, and as a result they automatically return zero.
Reference: This page on Programming electronics offers valuable, detailed explanations (look for a paragraph with bold text):


Saving endless loop EKG data as .txt file

I am using Olimex EKG Shield with Arduino Uno.
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
// initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
// read the input on analog pin 0:
int sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
// Convert the analog reading (which goes from 0 - 1023) to a voltage (0 - 5V):
float value = sensorValue * (5.0 / 1023.0);
// print out the value you read:
With this code provided here, I am getting a voltage value from 0-5V.
Since its a loop, the data keep shows in the serial monitor until it is disconnected.
So, what I am trying to do is that measure ECG for a certain amount of time (let's say 5 min) or data points (let's say a million points), and then save this data into a .txt file.
//From Arduino to Processing to Txt or cvs etc.
import processing.serial.*;
PrintWriter output;
Serial udSerial;
void setup() {
udSerial = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 115200);
output = createWriter ("data.txt");
void draw() {
if (udSerial.available() > 0) {
String SenVal = udSerial.readString();
if (SenVal != null) {
void keyPressed(){
I found this processing code that imports data from Arduino serial monitor and saves as a .txt file, but it doesn's work somehow.
I think I need to make some change to the code on Arduino side and also on Processing side.
If anyone can help with me, I would really appreciate.
Thank you.
You need to be more specific than saying "it doesn't work somehow" - we have no idea what that means. What exactly did you expect this code to do? What exactly does it do instead?
You also need to split this up into smaller problems.
Can you create a simple example program that simply sends the values to Processing? Just print them to the console for now.
Can you create a separate example program that stores values in a text file? Just use hard-coded values or random values for now- don't worry about the arduino yet.
When you have both of those working perfectly, then you can think about combining them into one program that does both: sends values from the arduino and saves those values to a text file.
You can't just "find code" and expect it to work. You have to break your problem down and then approach each individual step by itself. Then if you get stuck on a specific step, you can post a MCVE and we can go from there. Good luck.

Arduino sketch with Serial.available() passes twice

When I test Serial.available() or Serial.available() > 0 in my loop() function, it appears to return true twice each time I enter serial data. The second time, it sets the throttle value in my code to 0. Here is the code:
#include <Servo.h>
Servo rc_rotor;
int throttle = 0; // servo position indicates throttle position.
String s_throttle_set = "Throttle set to: ";
String s_throttle_read = "Reading throttle value: ";
String s_action_error = "No action known for input value: ";
void setup()
while(! Serial);
Serial.println("Throttle value: 0 through 255, or 999 to read current value.");
void loop()
if (Serial.available())
int temp_throttle = Serial.parseInt();
if (temp_throttle >= 0 && temp_throttle <= 180)
throttle = temp_throttle;
Serial.println(s_throttle_set + throttle);
else if (temp_throttle == 999)
Serial.println(s_throttle_read + throttle);
Serial.println(s_action_error + temp_throttle);
Please note this code is not my final masterpiece. Much of it is from publicly available examples. Anyway, the statement if (Serial.available()) succeeds twice. By that I mean, it is true when I type in a value such as 125, and a moment later it will be 'true' again when I have typed in nothing additional. I only expect one value to go through this way. The result is that my throttle is being set to the value I enter, and then almost immediately re-set to 0. Why would something like this happen?
It turns out there is no mysterious problem with the hardware or the code, as I first suspected there was. Actually, the solution is simply to select "no line ending" in the Arduino Serial Monitor's dropdown option (by default, I guess mine was set to "New Line"). Without the additional character being inserted by the Serial Monitor, everything behaves as expected.
One thing I did not expect is how the Arduino software interprets the newline. I debugged by printing the ascii values that were making it through my if-statement. First of all, the Serial Monitor sent the number I typed in, followed moments later by ascii 10, which is the line feed character. Fine, no problem. But then Serial.parseInt() chewed on that line feed for a moment (there was a slight but noticeable delay), then fed the numeral 0 to my function. It took me a little while to figure out why. Here is an explanation from the Serial part of the Arduino Language Reference:
Looks for the next valid integer in the incoming serial stream.
parseInt() inherits from the Stream utility class.
In particular:
Initial characters that are not digits or a minus sign, are skipped;
Parsing stops when no characters have been read for a configurable
time-out value, or a non-digit is read;
If no valid digits were read
when the time-out (see Serial.setTimeout()) occurs, 0 is returned;
So Serial.available() is true after the line feed character enters the buffer, but there is no "valid digit" according to Serial.parseInt(). Understandably... we are looking at an empty buffer that finally times out. Therefore Serial.parseInt() returns 0 and the code that follows proceeds with that value.
The code in the question assumed that the only input would be integers coming over the serial connection, which is actually a pretty fragile assumption. If you need to use Serial.parseInt in a situation where empty buffers (null), line feeds or other unexpected characters might come through, it should just be a matter of filtering the input better than I did in the example code.

Communication issue printing from Arduino to Qt using QSerialPort

I am having problems communicating FROM the arduino to my Qt application through QSerialPort. I have a listening signal that tells me when there is data ready to be read from the arduino. I expect a value for the number of steps that a stepper motor has undertaken before hitting a limit switch, so only a simple int such as "2005". When the data is available for reading, sometimes I get two separate reads with "200" and "5". Obviously this messes things up when I am parsing the data because it records it as two numbers, both much smaller than the intended number.
How can I fix this without me putting in a Sleep or QTimer to allow for a bit more time for the data to come in from the arduino? Note: my program is not multithreaded.
Example Qt code:
//Get the data from serial, and let MainWindow know it's ready to be collected.
QByteArray direct = arduino->readAll();
data = QString(direct);
emit dataReady();
return 0;
int count = 2005;
You can add line break to synchronize.
Example Qt code:
//Get the data from serial, and let MainWindow know it's ready to be collected.
QByteArray direct = arduino->readLine();
data = QString(direct);
emit dataReady();
return 0;
int count = 2005;
If you are going to use QSerialPort::readyRead signal, you need to also use the QSerialPort::canReadLine function, see this.
Thank you for your help Arpegius. The println() function was definitely a good choice to use for the newline delimiter. And following that link, I was able to get a listening function that got everything the arduino sent as seperate strings. The extra if statements in the loop handle any cases where the incoming string does not contain the newline character (I am paranoid :D)
My code for anyone that has the same problem in the future.
int control::read()
QString characters;
//Get the data from serial, and let MainWindow know it's ready to be collected.
//String for data to go.
bool parsedCorrectly = 0;
//characters = "";
//Loop until we find the newline delimiter.
//Get the line.
QByteArray direct = arduino->readLine();//Line();
//If we have found a new line character in any line, complete the parse.
if(QString(direct) != "\n")
characters += QString(direct);
parsedCorrectly = 1;
//If we don't find the newline straight away, add the string we got to the characters QString and keep going.
characters += QString(direct);
//Save characters to data and emit signal to collect it.
data = characters;
emit dataReady();
//Reset characters!
characters = "";
return 0;

Basic PIC Programming issues

I am writing PIC code in C and encountered the following problems:
When I write my delay as _delay_ms(500), my code doesn't compile, it says it didn't recognize this instruction. I am using MPLAB.
I want to write a program that would count how many time the push button is pressed then return that value and display it using LED's. I know how to display it, but not how to make the program to wait for the push of the push button on the pickit.
TRISA=0;//Sets all ports on A to be outputs
TRISB=1;//Sets all ports on B to be inputs
if(PORTBbits.RB0==1){//When the button is pressed the LED is off
PORTAbits.RA1 =0;
count = count +1;
if (count > 20){//if count =20 aka 20 button presses the LED turns on
There are a few issues:
Assuming you're using a PIC24 or a dsPIC, you need to include libpic30.h
Before you include libpic30.h you need to #define FCY to be your instruction rate so that the delay takes the correct number of cycles. See the comments in the libpic30.h file for details.
The function is __delay_ms not _delay_ms. Note that there are two underscores at the beginning.
The name is all lower case, not Delay_ms as in your comment.
You need to add delay in your code when you detect a key is pressed. As you are saying the _delay_ms(500) is not recognized, You can try something like following:
unsigned char x;
// Just waste a few cycles to create delay
for (x = 0; x < 100; x++)
// No operation instruction
You can create your own delay function with specific number of iterations of this for loop. Measure the exact delay created by this function using a profiler if you need. IMO any arbitrary delay, like say 100 iterations as stated above shall work.

Arduino: Want to make something only print once

I was writing a script for the ardunio so that it would print how far away something was, and I was trying to make it so that if it was equal to the default length (when the script first started) it would not work, and if the distance between the two numbers is greater than 3 inches to print again. Not sure why it isn't working. At first I tried to make it so that it would not print, also, if it was the same as the last printed length, so if anyone could figure that out instead, that would be amazing. Also, sorry if I sound stressed, I've been working on this probably super-simple script for at least 3 hours now.
#include <Ping.h>
Ping ping = Ping(13,0,0);
int defaultlength = 0;
int length = 0;
int afterlength = 0;
void setup(){
defaultlength = ping.inches();
void loop(){;
length = ping.inches();
afterlength = length - defaultlength;
if (afterlength >= 3) {
Serial.print("Inches: ");
Serial.print(" | Centimeters: ");
Serial.print(" | Light: ");
if (analogRead(A0) >= 1000) {
else {
Also, It is not printing anything at all ever. I'm not sure if its not going through the loop or what.
Your line sqrt(afterlength^2); doesn't do anything useful. Did you mean to take the absolute value by writing
afterlength = sqrt(afterlength*afterlength);
The ^ operator is the bitwise XOR -- not at all what you were trying to do.
Does that make it better?
As for your other question:
"At first I tried to make it so that it would not print, also, if it was the same as the last printed length, so if anyone could figure that out instead, that would be amazing." - here is what you can do:
1) define another variable in the head of the script - call it lastlength and initialize it to defaultlength (right after you did your first ping in setup())
2) in the loop, change the if statement to
if ((afterlength >= 3) && (abs(length - lastlength) > 0.1)) {
3) finally, at the end of your if{} statement, add:
lastlength = length;
The reason to put that in the if{} block is to make sure that you only update it if things have changed sufficiently - otherwise, you keep the same "don't tell me again until it's different than the number you told me before" value. Of course, the > 0.1 value can be replaced with whatever tolerance you want. Note also use of abs() - a bit more compact than the square root of the square.
