Arduino: Want to make something only print once - arduino

I was writing a script for the ardunio so that it would print how far away something was, and I was trying to make it so that if it was equal to the default length (when the script first started) it would not work, and if the distance between the two numbers is greater than 3 inches to print again. Not sure why it isn't working. At first I tried to make it so that it would not print, also, if it was the same as the last printed length, so if anyone could figure that out instead, that would be amazing. Also, sorry if I sound stressed, I've been working on this probably super-simple script for at least 3 hours now.
#include <Ping.h>
Ping ping = Ping(13,0,0);
int defaultlength = 0;
int length = 0;
int afterlength = 0;
void setup(){
defaultlength = ping.inches();
void loop(){;
length = ping.inches();
afterlength = length - defaultlength;
if (afterlength >= 3) {
Serial.print("Inches: ");
Serial.print(" | Centimeters: ");
Serial.print(" | Light: ");
if (analogRead(A0) >= 1000) {
else {
Also, It is not printing anything at all ever. I'm not sure if its not going through the loop or what.

Your line sqrt(afterlength^2); doesn't do anything useful. Did you mean to take the absolute value by writing
afterlength = sqrt(afterlength*afterlength);
The ^ operator is the bitwise XOR -- not at all what you were trying to do.
Does that make it better?
As for your other question:
"At first I tried to make it so that it would not print, also, if it was the same as the last printed length, so if anyone could figure that out instead, that would be amazing." - here is what you can do:
1) define another variable in the head of the script - call it lastlength and initialize it to defaultlength (right after you did your first ping in setup())
2) in the loop, change the if statement to
if ((afterlength >= 3) && (abs(length - lastlength) > 0.1)) {
3) finally, at the end of your if{} statement, add:
lastlength = length;
The reason to put that in the if{} block is to make sure that you only update it if things have changed sufficiently - otherwise, you keep the same "don't tell me again until it's different than the number you told me before" value. Of course, the > 0.1 value can be replaced with whatever tolerance you want. Note also use of abs() - a bit more compact than the square root of the square.


Arduino: while (Serial.available()==0) gives input

I am trying to input GPS coordinate into the serial monitor to use in my drone project
However, whenever I try to input GPS coordinate, it automatically writes one of the GPS coordinates without my input. For example, GPS latitude is shown as 0.00, but the program waits for GPS Longitude info.
For a detailed situation please look at the picture attached.
int GPSNumCor;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Serial.begin (115200);
Serial.print("What is the number of your GPS Coordinate? ");
while (Serial.available() == 0);
GPSNumCor = Serial.parseInt();
delay (200);
float GPSLat[GPSNumCor], GPSLon[GPSNumCor];
for (int i = 0; i < GPSNumCor; i++)
if (i == 0)
Serial.println("What is your 1st GPS Coordinate");
if (i == 1)
Serial.println("What is your 2nd GPS Coordinate");
if (i == 2)
Serial.println("What is your 3rd GPS Coordinate");
if (i > 2)
Serial.print("What is your ");
Serial.print(i + 1);
Serial.println(" th GPS Coordinate");
Serial.print ("Latitude: ");
while (Serial.available() == 0);
GPSLat[i] = Serial.parseFloat();
Serial.print("Longitude: ");
while (Serial.available() == 0);
GPSLon[i] = Serial.parseFloat();
It has to wait for all input until I make an input to the program, but it does not wait.
I know while (Serial.available()==0) is a way to go, but I do not know why it would not work.
First, there's no reason to use while (Serial.available() == 0);. The parseFloat function you are about to use waits for data to be available and, if it didn't, merely checking for zero wouldn't be sufficient anyway because that would stop waiting as soon as a single character was available.
So here's why that while loop is a bad idea:
If you really do need to wait for the input before calling parseFloat, this won't do it. It only waits until at least one character is received and the coordinates may be more than one character.
The parseFloat function doesn't return until it has read an entire float anyway. So it already waits for you.
But that's not your problem. Think about the input stream, say it's "11.0<newline>22.0newline44.0". Where is the code to read the spaces between those numbers? When parseFloat tries to read a space, it returns a zero, as the documentation says. That's why you're getting zeroes -- you don't have any code to do anything with the separators between the floats.
Think about how parseFloat must work when it reads "12.34newline". First it reads the 1 and has no idea whether that's the whole number of not, so it keeps checking. Then it reads the "2.34" and still has no idea it has the whole number. Not until it sees the newline does it know that 12.34 is the correct float to return. But it does not consume the newline. Why? Because that might mean something.
With the code you showed, your next call to parseFloat will then try to read the newline and see that this is not a valid character to be part of a floating point number. So, as the documentation says, it will return zero.
Look closely at parseFloat's documentation to find out how to correctly match the delimiters in your serial stream. The parseFloat function has the ability to behave differently, consuming and ignoring delimeters rather than returning zero.
I don't know how it work, I just add in every time I want to read.
If u don't want to add, u can also use old version like 1.6.0, it still work fine but it don't work when u make like C# Serial app.
Just add, it work fine every place.
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
int r=Serial.parseInt();
Serial.println(r);; // it work fine
int g=Serial.parseInt();
In the Serial Monitor window, in the drop-down menu on the bottom-right, change from "Newline" to "No line ending" and that will solve the problem (by preventing the Serial Monitor from automatically entering zero value(s)).
Both the parseInt() and parseFloat() have a hard time reading other data types (this also includes white spaces such as new lines) than the ones specified, and as a result they automatically return zero.
Reference: This page on Programming electronics offers valuable, detailed explanations (look for a paragraph with bold text):

Stuck in a for loop in Arduino IDE

I'm using Arduino to look for I2C addresses, and half way through this new glitch appeared, and I don't know if it's the IDE or if I'm going insane.
I know most of this probably isn't important, but I don't know what is going on so here is my entire loop.
void loop(){
byte error, address;
int nDevices;
nDevices = 0;
for(address = 0; address <= 255; address++ )
error = Wire.endTransmission();
if (error == 0)
Serial.print("I2C device found at address 0x");
if (address<16)
Serial.print(address, HEX);
Serial.println(" !");
else if (error==4)
Serial.print("Unknow error at address 0x");
if (address<16)
if (nDevices == 0)
Serial.println("No I2C devices found\n");
As you can see in the picture I included the for loop returns to address=0 without printing anything after it, or before it in the loop(). Why is this happening?
I'm sure it has to do with you declaring address as a byte which is can be the integer 255 at max. What happens is if you add 1 to a byte value of 255, it loops around again to 0.
What happens when address = 255 and when the for loop goes back up to check the conditioning, 255 passes and address++ adds 1 to address so now address = 0.
Alternatively, you could use a while loop instead and increment the address counter at the very end of the loop, followed by a test to see if it has wrapped around to zero. On the first run through of the loop, the address counter will be 1, so the loop will continue until the counter has reached 255 when the increment will wrap it around to zero and execution reaches the break statement.
byte address = 0;
while( true ) // Creating an unconditional loop
// Run your test here
if( !address ) // If address has wrapped around to 0, exit the loop
...or a do/while loop, which does the same thing but may be slightly larger in some cases.
byte address = 0;
// Run your test here
} while( address ); // The loop will continue until address becomes zero again
Depending on your microcontroller, this may take a few bytes more program space though it looks like the while-loop ends up the same size as the for-loop on an ATMega328. (YMMV, of course)
On 8-bit microcontrollers however, code to manipulate ints will be slower and take up more space, so depending on your code you may still be better off by being able to stick with using a byte for your address.

Calculating the average of Sensor Data (Capacitive Sensor)

So I am starting to mess around with Capacitive sensors and all because its some pretty cool stuff.
I have followed some tutorials online about how to set it up and use the CapSense library for Arduino and I just had a quick question about this code i wrote here to get the average for that data.
void loop() {
long AvrNum;
int counter = 0;
AvrNum += cs_4_2.capacitiveSensor(30);
if (counter = 10) {
long AvrCap = AvrNum/10;
counter = 0;
This is my loop statement and in the Serial it seems like its working but the numbers just look suspiciously low to me. I'm using a 10M resistor (brown, black, black, green, brown) and am touching a piece of foil that both the send and receive pins are attached to (electrical tape) and am getting numbers around about 650, give or take 30.
Basically I'm asking if this code looks right and if these numbers make sense...?
The language used in the Arduino environment is really just an unenforced subset of C++ with the main() function hidden inside the framework code supplied by the IDE. Your code is a module that will be compiled and linked to the framework. When the framework starts running it first initializes itself then your module by calling the function setup(). Once initialized, the framework enters an infinite loop, calling your modules function loop() on each iteration.
Your code is using local variables in loop() and expecting that they will hold their values from call to call. While this might happen in practice (and likely does since that part of framework's main() is probably just while(1) loop();), this is invoking the demons of Undefined Behavior. C++ does not make any promises about the value of an uninitialized variable, and even reading it can cause anything to happen. Even apparently working.
To fix this, the accumulator AvrNum and the counter must be stored somewhere other than on loop()'s stack. They could be declared static, or moved to the module outside. Outside is better IMHO, especially in the constrained Arduino environment.
You also need to clear the accumulator after you finish an average. This is the simplest form of an averaging filter, where you sum up fixed length blocks of N samples, and then use that average each Nth sample.
I believe this fragment (untested) will work for you:
long AvrNum;
int counter;
void setup() {
AvrNum = 0;
counter = 0;
void loop() {
AvrNum += cs_4_2.capacitiveSensor(30);
if (counter == 10) {
long AvrCap = AvrNum/10;
counter = 0;
AvrNum = 0;
I provided a setup(), although it is redundant with the C++ language's guarantee that the global variables begin life initialized to 0.
your line if (counter = 10) is invalid. It should be if (counter == 10)
The first sets counter to 10 and will (of course) evaluate to true.
The second tests for counter equal to 10 and will not evaluate to true until counter is, indeed, equal to 10.
Also, kaylum mentions the other problem, no initialization of AvrNum
This is What I ended up coming up with after spending some more time on it. After some manual calc it gets all the data.
long AvrArray [9];
for(int x = 0; x <= 10; x++){
if(x == 10){
long AvrMes = (AvrArray[0] + AvrArray[1] + AvrArray[2] + AvrArray[3] + AvrArray[4] + AvrArray[5] + AvrArray[6] + AvrArray[7] + AvrArray[8] + AvrArray[9]);
long AvrCap = AvrMes/x;
x = 0;
AvrArray[x] = cs_4_2.capacitiveSensor(30);

How to read string using outside of loop()?

I want to read a String in Arduino from the keyboard outside of the loop() method.
I have the following method:
void readFromKeyboard(byte arrayAddress[])
int count = 0, i = 0;
while ((count = Serial.available()) == 0);
while (i<count)
arrayAddress[i++] =;
In the loop() method I am calling it like:
where userInput is a byte[];
The problem is that when I input more than one characters it read the 1st character initially and it call the readFromKeyboard again an then reads the rest.
Example; if I input "asdf":
--the 1st time it will do ==> userInput = "a"
--the 2nd time it will do ==> userInput = "sdf"
I have tryed many things but the same happens again and again...
Any suggestions??
So that's what worked:
In the loop():
while(Serial.available() == 0);
readInputFlag = readFromKeyboard(userInput);`
And in the readFromKeyboard method:
void readFromKeyboard(byte arrayAddress[])
int i = 0;
while (Serial.available() > 0)
arrayAddress[i++] =;
This delay, in the loop method, somehow makes the Serial get the whole string instead of just the first letter.
I know you got it working, but I wanted to show you something that I use to deal with this issue. This is a two-tiered delay system for catching bytes that come in a bit late for whatever reason. It's designed to minimize the delay needed to accomplish that task.
int received_length = 0;
byte serial_incoming_buffer[200];
while(Serial.available()) {
serial_incoming_buffer[received_length++] =;
if(!Serial.available()) {
if(!Serial.available()) {
Sometimes the Arduino falls behind in picking up serial from the sender and sometimes it grabs serial too fast. Sometimes the sender lags a little bit. This code will wait 3 ms for more bytes, and if they come in it goes back to receiving as many as are available having only had that very brief delay. This repeats as necessary, then when 3 ms goes by without anything being available, it waits a bit longer (20 ms here) for more bytes. If nothing comes in after the long delay, then the transmission is most likely done and you can safely move on.
I recommend tweaking the delays based on your baud rate.

Arduino sketch with Serial.available() passes twice

When I test Serial.available() or Serial.available() > 0 in my loop() function, it appears to return true twice each time I enter serial data. The second time, it sets the throttle value in my code to 0. Here is the code:
#include <Servo.h>
Servo rc_rotor;
int throttle = 0; // servo position indicates throttle position.
String s_throttle_set = "Throttle set to: ";
String s_throttle_read = "Reading throttle value: ";
String s_action_error = "No action known for input value: ";
void setup()
while(! Serial);
Serial.println("Throttle value: 0 through 255, or 999 to read current value.");
void loop()
if (Serial.available())
int temp_throttle = Serial.parseInt();
if (temp_throttle >= 0 && temp_throttle <= 180)
throttle = temp_throttle;
Serial.println(s_throttle_set + throttle);
else if (temp_throttle == 999)
Serial.println(s_throttle_read + throttle);
Serial.println(s_action_error + temp_throttle);
Please note this code is not my final masterpiece. Much of it is from publicly available examples. Anyway, the statement if (Serial.available()) succeeds twice. By that I mean, it is true when I type in a value such as 125, and a moment later it will be 'true' again when I have typed in nothing additional. I only expect one value to go through this way. The result is that my throttle is being set to the value I enter, and then almost immediately re-set to 0. Why would something like this happen?
It turns out there is no mysterious problem with the hardware or the code, as I first suspected there was. Actually, the solution is simply to select "no line ending" in the Arduino Serial Monitor's dropdown option (by default, I guess mine was set to "New Line"). Without the additional character being inserted by the Serial Monitor, everything behaves as expected.
One thing I did not expect is how the Arduino software interprets the newline. I debugged by printing the ascii values that were making it through my if-statement. First of all, the Serial Monitor sent the number I typed in, followed moments later by ascii 10, which is the line feed character. Fine, no problem. But then Serial.parseInt() chewed on that line feed for a moment (there was a slight but noticeable delay), then fed the numeral 0 to my function. It took me a little while to figure out why. Here is an explanation from the Serial part of the Arduino Language Reference:
Looks for the next valid integer in the incoming serial stream.
parseInt() inherits from the Stream utility class.
In particular:
Initial characters that are not digits or a minus sign, are skipped;
Parsing stops when no characters have been read for a configurable
time-out value, or a non-digit is read;
If no valid digits were read
when the time-out (see Serial.setTimeout()) occurs, 0 is returned;
So Serial.available() is true after the line feed character enters the buffer, but there is no "valid digit" according to Serial.parseInt(). Understandably... we are looking at an empty buffer that finally times out. Therefore Serial.parseInt() returns 0 and the code that follows proceeds with that value.
The code in the question assumed that the only input would be integers coming over the serial connection, which is actually a pretty fragile assumption. If you need to use Serial.parseInt in a situation where empty buffers (null), line feeds or other unexpected characters might come through, it should just be a matter of filtering the input better than I did in the example code.
