Multiple goals tracked per session for unique URL? - google-analytics

For I wonder if a unique visitor that completes 2 goals (for instance "create bag") in one session is counted as 2 goals?
Note: each time a visitor creates a new bag a new url is provided.
I know that under normal circumstances one goal is tracked per session. But this got me thinking: "One session can have one goal completion for each configured goal. So, the total can be up to 20 per session."

20 is the maximum number of goals that you can configure in a view.
Each goal can only be activated once per session.
So if 20 goals are configured in a view and a user in a session activates all goals (one or more times), 20 goals will be counted for that session (one for each type).


Difference between Active Users and Total User in GA4

For a selected date range (last 3 days) I am getting a difference in Active Users and Total Users count. No segment or filter is applied, it is for overall events tracking. I am using Google Analytics 4. If I look for specific events using a filter the value matches. Why is the count different in this case?
If I'm not mistaken, I believe Active Users are the one who engaged (aka didn't bounce, aka did more than 1 request besides the page view to start a session.
This was what I understood from their API help (link here)

Google Analytics 4: Get number of users based on a specific event count

I am using Google Analytics 4 (formerly known as “App + Web) in my app. I am sending out an event called task_completed to GA whenever a user completes a mini task. Now in GA, how do I make a report or filter that can return the number of users that have performed the task_completed event once, twice, three times or more?
Basically I want to be able to get insights like these:
Users who have performed task_completed once = 40
Users who have performed task_completed twice = 50
Users who have performed task_completed three times = 25
Users who have performed task_completed more than three times = 15
Note that the event count for once, twice and three times should be absolute. Meaning someone who has performed task_completed 10 times should not be counted into once, twice and three times.
I am almost certain I can do this with a custom audience but the problem is custom audiences are not retroactive so I won't be able to use it on past data. And then it also feels a bit inelegant to create custom audiences for all the basic combinations like the above.
Anyone has any ideas?
You can do this using segments using the analysis hub (left-hand side nav under "analysis".

What's Google Analytics user/active user/new user/define?

I have a question regarding the active users definition in the active users report.
According to the official explanation (
1-Day Active Users: the number of unique users who initiated sessions on your site or app on January 30 (the last day of your date range).
7-Day Active Users: the number of unique users who initiated sessions on your site or app from January 24 through January 30 (the last 7 days of your date range).
Can I interpret sessions here as "at least one session"(one or above)? If so, the 7-Day Active Users can be users who only viewed one session during the last 7 days. How can this metric indicate the "returning users"?
Should I sessions as " more than one" (two or above), which seems to make more sense?
Another question: As 7-Day Active Users counts into the active users from the last 7 days (including today), so it should include all 1-Day Active Users . By the same logic, the 14-Day Active Users should include all 7-Day Active Users, and the 30-Day Active Users should include all 14-Day Active Users. Am I correct?
If I am correct, then it will never happens that 1-Day Active Users are more than 7/14/30-Day Active Users.
What does the below sentence from the explanation page mean?
"In cases where you have a lot of 1-Day Active Users but the numbers drop off for longer term users"
Does it mean that 1-Day Active Users stabilizes/increases while the long term users decrease? So it's about comparing the trend, not the absolute active user number?
Users reports are bit tricky to understand in GA, basically it depends on the date range you are selecting.
Q1: GA considers a user as active if he had at least one session for that day irrespective of whether the user is new or returning or he had more than a single session.
Q2: No, all 1-Day Active Users are not included in 7-Day Active Users. For example a user had a session today and also on the 7th day then he'll be counted only once because in the selected date range at least one session is only considered.

Google Analytics - measuring returning customers after abandonment

I’m wondering if anyone can help me. I’m currently working on a project which involves trying to understand customers who have abandoned one of the stages within a checkout but then returned to the site at a later stage and converted. I would then break this down to the number of days before they returned. I’ve tried creating segments however the data doesn’t seem to be making sense. Has anyone any idea how I’d go about this? Is this even possible in GA or is this something I can only accomplish in BigQuery if at all?
Your help will be very much appreciated.
Google Analytics(GA hereafter) is counting a visitor as a new or returning user by persisting cookie values in client side(in the browser). So once a user is visited, It stores an id which is specific to that user (actually this user means the browser which had been used to visit the website). So when a user visits the site for the first time, GA will store a specific id in a GA related cookie in the client side. If the user visits the website again later in another session, then GA check if there is a for that user stored in the client side. If it found then that user is count as a returning user or New user otherwise.
In Google Analytics, goto Audience -> User Explorer. In there you can see an aggregated view of each user( interacted with your website and clicking on one will show each user's activities with the website(differentiated by sessions) and will show all the sessions related to that user with the information like time, URL and some other dimension values.
Also if you want to separate out New users or Returning users from each other, you can create a new segment with a condition checking for the User Type dimension against the values "New Visitor" or "Returning Visitor".
To measure returning customers after an abandonment and converted, you can create a segment as follows,
It seems that it's not possible in GA.
There are no metric like "Days between abandoned funnel and conversion" (only "Days before transaction" - between acquisition day and transaction day). So you need a date for abandoned funnel and a date for conversion separately: i.e. you need two reports.
I know solution, but Excel or smth like this is needed if you want to calculate days before conversion.
At first you need to have Client ID as a custom dimension.
Then create custom report contains dimensions Client ID and Date and metric [Your Goal] Abandoned Funnel (Goal with Funnel needs to be set).
And the second report - Client ID, Date and [Your Goal] Complection.
And to merge these tables using Client ID parameter.

Track count of events unique by user rather than session

We have a way to fetch the number sessions unique per device and the number of The New Feature uses, this can be done with a public API and requires implementation of two events to be sent by mobile applications to Google Analytics server. It will give us a statistics of the sessions when The New Feature was used, although it doesn't directly reflect individual users activity.
Ex: the app was opened 1000 times among all unique users (devices), The New Feature has been opened 200 times, the resulting value is 200/1000 or 20%. The drawback is that at this particular case we have no way to tell that is wasn't one user who has opened The New Feature 199 times and another one who has opened it just once, the real retention rate is low to none.
The secondary statistics that we are aiming to be able to calculate is the percentage of unique users who have used The New Feature at least N times during the given period. This statistics should be a closer representation of the real The New Feature retention as it will both show the share of users who were using the feature and the dynamics of frequency. For that we are not clear of which events are needed to be set up.
Ex: the app was opened 1000 times: user A used The New Feature 10 times, user B 5 times, user C 4 times, most of the other users who used The New Feature opened it 2 times - The New Feature was opened 200 times in total. The resulting percentage of users: 10% have opened The New Feature at least once, 8% used it at least 2 times, ..., 1% used it at least 10 times.
The numbers from the second example are giving us more useful information about how often the new feature is being used, but it isn't clear how we can set it up. We would need a kind of the event that shows a number of uses of The New Feature unique by the users (not just sessions) and I think the event values might be used to distinguish the users, will it be possible to get the number of unique users who has triggered the event at least N times this way ? Any other suggestion is welcome.
