Should we add two images for dark mode and light mode in ios13 - ios13

I am bit confused right now, am trying to add support for dark mode for my old application. But I don't understand that if we have to add two images for single asset for both dark mode and light mode. It’s not always the best option to add extra assets for each appearance. In the end, it makes your app size bigger.
Already my application size is too heavy. And I can't afford to add new images for dark mode.
It seems that it increase a lot of work for both developers and designers. So now, my designer has to provide me all the new images for dark mode which is tough?
We are working on this project from last 2 years and we have lots of icons in our application. So that's not possible for us to create the new icons for dark mode and then add it.
Please help me this issue?
Do we have any other option in which Xcode could generate the icons for dark mode by itself? And we can use that one instead of creating the icons from designer for dark mode and then add it.
Please help me and am sorry for my bad English!

You don't have to provide separate assets for dark mode. In the attributes inspector, after selecting your image, under Appearance, just select None instead of Any, Dark. Then this one image will be used for both modes.

simply add "UIUserInterfaceStyle" key "Light" in project info.plist.


Is it possible to provide color management for css colors in Chrome

I am working on a project where we have designers that work in Adobe RGB and are used to seeing the more vibrant colors from that spectrum in Illustrator. However we have been building an application that will allow them to do their work in a web browser using a THREE JS 3D workspace.
Because we have been creating the color swatches using CSS background color and applying RGBA to the meshes in THREE we have been displaying everything in sRGB, and now the designers are complaining the colors don't seem right in the browser.
I know that current versions of Chrome support color management for images but I can't find any information about CSS or Three JS. Does anyone know if it's even possible to control the color profiles for these areas, or are we just going to have to live with sRGB?
We have the very same problem, i found no way to control the CSS Colors. I think this will maybe change with the mediaQuery keyword, but I did also not found out if it will affect CSS colors.
We only need a special set of colors so now we store them in a texture and make a lookup, but I guess this is no solution for you.
Is your destination the web? Then Adobe RGB is not presently supported, and is not recommended.
The Standard for the Web is sRGB
The W3 defined the standard for web content as sRGB. In the future, CSS4 will support other colorspaces. Right now? Stick with sRGB.
Chrome, and most browsers do not support any color management for CSS. Safari is the only one I know that does, at least without tweaking some internal experimental options on the others.
When possible, I suggest working in the destination space (though possibly working at a higher bit depth) then there will not be these kinds of "surprises". In the interim, you might try converting the existing work from AdobeRGB to sRGB using "perceptual intent" or "relative colorimetric".
Also, you can find the docs for CSS here:
It is not possible now, but it will be possible in the future when draft specification from W3C will come into browsers... (
It is now already possible in latest Safari of MacOS BigSur. There is even a special test here.
Console in Safari also has Color managed color picker.

iOS 7 undo redo icons: use them or the default text?

What are folks doing for undo/redo buttons in iOS 7? The UIBarButtonSystemItemUndo now displays only text for the buttons. I was an "Apple knows best" person until iOS 7. My app will be iOS 7 only so I don't need to be concerned with backward compatibility.
I'm really fighting the urge to at least put line icons on the toolbar instead of the iOS defaults. What should I do?
Be a good citizen and let the iOS decide
Make my own artistic choice and go with icons. If so:
2a. What style (line, old school icon)?
2b. What shape (part circle, curved arrows, line arrows)?
Do what you think is clearer to the user.
iOS 7 buttons and icons may look poor, but they are great to minimize clogging a view when you need to display many controls that leave little free space to show useful info.
There are lots of iOS 7 icons for free.
Apple's "Bar Button Icons",
Pixeden tab-bar icons,
Icons8, etc.
You may find useful the redo icon displayed at Icons8. By flipping it you may obtain easily the undo icon.

iOS7 translucent and live app icons

It it possible to make app icons live (such as Clock icon) or be translucent (such as folders icons)?
Can't find any official information about it, only ios7 commercials.
Not that I know of I Believe that there is no translucent or live capability for third party applications when it comes to the home screen unfortunately. But you can make various elements within your application translucent.

Icon fonts vs images

My manager tells me not to use icon fonts on our websites, as it is another http request plus the extra kBs to download. Also because I would have to use content before for the font (I can't change the html), he prefers background images so it works in IE7.
Personally I love the little things, so nice and crisp and resizeable!
I get it if we only use a couple of icons on a website but if I would use, say 5 icons on a site - what do you guys think? Is it worth using an icon font or is he right thinking that it is not?
I am just a sucker for anything new and exciting, and this year it is the retina display.
Icon fonts and high density screens
Using icon fonts will be more and more relevant as more high resolution/density displays become available.
A 16×16px icon can look horrible on a high density display (>300ppi). It may either display incredibly small or unsharp due to automatic scaling. A 1em font icon on the other hand will render correctly and sharply regardless of screen density.
It of course all boils down to your
application users and
your requirements (IE7 seems to be the major breaker)
For now sprites are the way to go.
Icon fonts have a different problem as well. All icons are single colour. There's no font standard as of yet to have multi-colour capability. And it likely won't be. At least not for fonts. There are possibilities of doing multi-colour using SVG fonts which isn't a font standard/format per se but can be font container and used as a font delivery mechanism in your browser. Doing multi-colour icons as SVG fonts makes it possible to have colourful scalable icons (thanks to #Joey).
Vectorised icon images would better suit full colour resizeable icons.
Requests and font icons
Your boss' argument about additional request are simply false. It doesn't really matter whether your icons are part of a file or (in best case) part of a sprite image.
Both yield an HTTP request to fetch the resource. File size heavily depends on complexity and format but it may be that sprite image will be smaller. But having a few kilo larger font file doesn't really make much difference. They both get cached on the client afterwards.
I personally use Font Awesome as my primary resource for fonts, In my case I load it from the CDN hopping other pages that use it already fetched it and this was cached by the browser.
If file size is a concern, I can recommend to you this incredible awesome tool
It allows you to merge several fonts into one single file, and only includes the icons you actually use. does the same for fontawesome, but I kinda like more fontello because it allows to use more fonts.
icon fonts is the way to go honestly in my opinion...
EDIT I lately have being using this app a lot too:
When you use fonts, different browsers on different platforms will give different results. PNG files will give stable and independence results.
I have implemented a font icon library using icomoon and it works well on all the browsers including ie7. For small sets of icons this is a suitable practice, the font's scale properly, can be changed to any colour you require and you don't have to worry about PNG/GIF transparent background colours matching.
However... If your library becomes larger (mine is now around 40 icons), it becomes increasing difficult to maintain. If the designer ceases to work on the project, or you need to change the icons, it is a laborious process to update the fonts. Everything then needs to be retested. It is also difficult to dynamically icons using CSS (for ie7).
So, given the difficulty of maintenance, I'm considering switching back to a series of sprites (of different colours). The reasons being:
Any designer can easily add a new icon to the set.
The CSS doesn't need to be retested or altered.
You don't have to screw around with javascript workarounds for IE.
You don't need javascript at all.
For retina displays, simply create a verion of the sprite at twice the size,. You will probably need to have a different version of the CSS for retina regardless, as all the other images on your site will have the same density problem.
I would recommend 2 solutions to your problem these is what i would use for best customers support like they wanna change the text, size or other stuff
Use Fontsquirrel to make a webfont and embed it in your website trough your css and add it in your ftp directory if thats not getting pretty then use google web fonts
If non of that looks like it should i would go for the image solution your boss said..
All this also depend on which amount of time you have to solve your problem and such
Btw if you cant access the html i thought you could access the css which you can do trough most backends, if you cant then go for the image!
Last but not least, if you decide to go with the image solution, make a sprite which you direct trough on a background position. This way you only have to load 1 picture for all your little icons.
He's right. I'd use css sprites in this case. And if you have to support ie7 (I'm so sorry) you don't really have any options. Exploring those things on your own - of course, you never know what will come in handy or when.

Images Have Strange Tint Only in Firefox

I am having an issue with Firefox rendering a few of the .png's that I have loaded into a Wordpress blog that I am preparing for a client. The images look fine in IE 8 & 9, and chrome, but it looks very off in Mozilla. I was informed by our other UX guy that Firefox complies with embedded color profiles that may warp the tint of your image. You can view the tint shift by going to :
If anybody has any idea of how to over ride the color profile, I'd definitely appreciate the heads up!
Here is an image that shows the difference that I am seeing.
The difference in rendering is due to an ICC color profile embedded in the image. When Firefox finds a color profile it will combine it with the color profile of the display and adjust image rendering accordingly. This will normally make sure that the image is displayed the same on different displays. However, it might also cause undesired effects if the display profile is incorrect.
At least Windows 7 allows you to calibrate display colors. Not sure whether this feature was also present in earlier Windows versions but they definitely allowed selecting a color profile file in the advanced display settings - you could replace the driver-supplied profile by sRGB.
If you absolutely don't want different image display on different computers then you should just remove the color profile from the image with a tool like jStrip and pngcrush.
