WebStorm Firebase Integration - firebase

I'm pretty new to Firebase, and Web Development in general. Does anyone know how to avoid errors like these in WebStorm?
Ideally I would like to be able to point Webstorm towards some resource so it recognizes these functions. Everything works and this is technically just an annoyance, but I haven't been able to find a solution.

To link Firebase as a library in WebStorm's JavaScript project do as follows:
Hit Ctrl+Alt+S to open Settings page.
Open page Language & Frameworks > JavaScript > Libraries
Hit ADD... button on right
Fill name as firebase
Hit + and Attach Directories
Find your node_modules\#firebase folder inside current project
You can OK twice to confirm and close Settings page
Now your Firebase is recognized by WebStorm and all #types are defined, and you can Ctrl+Click any function, and get code completion!
Best regards!

Adding firebase as a dependency to package.json and then doing npm install should do the trick – WebStorm fill index the source files and provide code completion for Firebase APIs.
Alternatively, you can download firebase-app.js and firebase-auth.js from the CDN and then configure them as a Library in WebStorm as described in the docs.


Crashlytics could not find the resource file generated by Google Services

Crashlytics could not find the resource file generated by Google Services.You may need to execute the :processGoogleServices Task
i read the solution from this qusetion Crashlytics could not find the resource file generated by Google Services. You may need to execute the :process<Variant>GoogleServices Task
but i didn't succeded to run this command in my unity project
./gradlew :app:processProdReleaseGoogleServices or ./gradlew :app:processDevReleaseGoogleServices
how can i run it?
A tricky bit with the Unity SDK is that because Firebase still supports versions of Unity that predate a total move to gradle (I believe 2019.4 is when Unity switched over entirely, the earliest supported version right now is 2017.4), many Android specific solutions (such as the one you linked) won't function. If you did want to try it, you can select "Export Project" in your build settings -- but I don't think this will help:
It sounds instead like you're missing Plugins/Android/FirebaseApp.androidlib or Plugins/Android/FirebaseCrashlytics.androidlib. These are generated by the Firebase plugins (obviously FirebaseCrashlytics.androidlib is specific to Crashlytics -- you won't see that one otherwise) as part of a processing step to simulate what the Play Services gradle plugin would do in a typical Android application or game.
Some things to try:
Make sure you're on a supported version of Unity (2017.4 or newer -- Firebase does not officially support alphas or betas).
Ensure that you have a valid google-services.json file added and that Crashlytics has been added to your backend (full instructions here to redownload).
Re-add FirebaseCrashlytics and ensure that you leave everything checked.
Ensure that you have the latest Crashlytics plugin (currently 7.1.0). You can download just Crashlytics now from this site, but make sure you don't mix and match versions with other Firebase plugins.
And if none of these work, sometimes small changes in build environments expose unexpected issues. Your best bet will be to file an issue here with everything you've tried.

Why are node modules working on firebase emulator but not working post deployment?

I am using intl-tel-input in my project which I installed using npm. Every thing seems to work fine when I test using Firebase emulators but it stops working post deployment.
Upon checking the Sources tab in Chrome dev tools, I can see that the module is not properly included. (Pls check images) However, I am completely unable to figure out why. Please help!
Emulator Screenshot with the Telephone Input field working fine.
Screenshot taken post deployment with the Telephone input field broken.
Source File - intlTelInput.js located at /node_modules/intl-tel-input/build/css/intlTelInput.js
Source File - intlTelInput.css located at /node_modules/intl-tel-input/build/js/intlTelInput.css
By default Firebase ignores node_modules directories when deploying.
There are a few options you could use to resolve this.
Use a build tool like Rollup or Webpack to generate bundles that include node dependencies.
Copy required node_modules files to a different directory like assets and load them from there.
Update firebase.json to not ignore node_modules on deploy. Note that this will probably greatly increase the size of deployed applications if you have any number of node packages.

PHPStorm - Link external SFTP-folders into project

the issue i am fighting through is a bit complicated. Ill explain the setup envoironment to you first.
I am using PHPStorm to work on a Symony2 Project.
My Apache is hosted on a Debian-VM connected to PHPStorm via "Deployment Tool".
/* So far: I can edit code and update the server automaticaly on save. Works*/
My problem now is, that i am using the composer, which is ment do get me the right bundles into the vendor folder.
I WANT to create kind of a symlink from the server directly into the project.
I DONT WANT to download the vendor folder from the server hard into the project.
I want to create a symbolic link within a PHPStorm project. Linking a folder from a server into the Project. The linked in folder should be unidirectional updated on source change. The Classes and Namespaces should be known to the Project.
Is there any native way to get this done?
Or does anyone know a plugin which could handle such affairs?
I hope i expressed my point clearly :/ Please ask, if anything is unclear.
Greetings and thanks upfront.
It's not possible to do directly from PhpStorm, see the related issue. You can use some third-party tool like ExpanDrive to map a server directory to the drive letter by SFTP and then add this local directory as a content root to your PhpStorm project. Note that it may affect the performance dramatically.

How to Automatically Upload Files to Google Code?

I'd like to upload files to my Google Code project automatically, e.g. using a custom NAnt task.
I'm aware of projects such as ant-googlecode, nant-googlecode, the Scripted Uploads Wiki, and this handy Python script. All of them seem out of date for the same reason -- they all use the same upload URL, which is no longer there:
(And they all seem to also use an obsolete authentication scheme using network credentials.)
If you know what the new URL is or any source of documentation (I haven't found it on the Google Project Hosting Wiki), please share it.

postMessage not declared in this scope error when building nativeClient plugin

When I am trying to build the plugin module using .\scons it is raising me errors. What might cause these types of errors...? Error is
postMessage() was not declared in this scope.
I am using pepper_16 version. Here is the procee I did
Installed Python and gave the path required(Installed in D drive as I do not have privileges).
Downloaded nacl_sdk.zip extracted in the same folder where I have installed python and updated the tools with nacl_sdk.bat update
Enabled NativeClient form about:flags window and executed the server using httpd.py file.
And created project in Pepper_16/examples/TestApp using init_project.
Written the code as it is in the Getting started tutorial to test.
Then using ./scons in the same project folder in cmd mode I have tried to build
The above process worked fine for me where I have admin privileges. But the same procedure and same code not working where I do not have admin privileges.
Please let me know if any further details are required.
which source file was being compiled? a lengthier cut-n-paste of the output around the error message would help to give context.
also, when you say the plugin module, are you referring to NaCl itself or your own PPAPI plugin? normally NaCl's plugin is built into Chromium using gyp, and while scons can be used to build the NaCl plugin it is typically only used for testing, via the --register-pepper-plugin command line argument to chrome.
