How to create a conditionally increasing sequence within a group? - r

I have a dataframe like the following:
df <- data.frame("id" = c(111,111,111,111,222,222,222,222,222,333,333,333),
"Encounter" = c(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3),
"Level" = c(1,1,2,3,3,4,1,2,3,3,4,4),
"Gap_Days" = c(NA,3,2,15,NA,1,18,3,2,NA,77,1))
id Encounter Level Gap_Days
1 111 1 1 NA
2 111 2 1 3
3 111 3 2 2
4 111 4 3 15
5 222 1 3 NA
6 222 2 4 1
7 222 3 1 18
8 222 4 2 3
9 222 5 3 2
10 333 1 3 NA
11 333 2 4 77
12 333 3 4 1
Where Level is a numeric signaling a numeric signaling the type of encounter and Gap_Days is the number of days since the previous encounter, and is thus NA for the first encounter in each id group.
I'm looking to create a variable, "Session", that will start at 1 for the first Encounter within an id group, and increase sequentially when a Level fails to increase from the previous encounter, or when it takes more than 3 days between encounters. Basically it is considered a new "Session" each time these conditions aren't met for an Encounter. I'd like to do this within each group, ideally resulting in something like:
df2 <- data.frame("id" = c(111,111,111,111,222,222,222,222,222,333,333,333),
"Encounter" = c(1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3),
"Level" = c(1,1,2,3,3,4,1,2,3,3,4,4),
"Gap_Days" = c(NA,3,2,15,NA,1,18,3,2,NA,77,1),
"Session" = c(1,2,2,3,1,1,2,2,2,1,2,3))
id Encounter Level Gap_Days Session
1 111 1 1 NA 1
2 111 2 1 3 2
3 111 3 2 2 2
4 111 4 3 15 3
5 222 1 3 NA 1
6 222 2 4 1 1
7 222 3 1 18 2
8 222 4 2 3 2
9 222 5 3 2 2
10 333 1 3 NA 1
11 333 2 4 77 2
12 333 3 4 1 3
In the actual data there are no strict limits to the number of Encounters or Sessions within each group. The first encounter can begin at any level, and it is not necessary that the level only increase by 1 i.e. if the level increased from 1 to 4 between encounters that could still be considered the same Session.
I'd prefer a dplyr solution, but am open to any ideas to help accomplish this!

You can do the following
df %>% group_by(id) %>% mutate(Session = cumsum(c(T, diff(Level) == 0) | Gap_Days > 3))
## A tibble: 12 x 5
## Groups: id [3]
# id Encounter Level Gap_Days Session
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
# 1 111 1 1 NA 1
# 2 111 2 1 3 2
# 3 111 3 2 2 2
# 4 111 4 3 15 3
# 5 222 1 3 NA 1
# 6 222 2 4 1 1
# 7 222 3 1 18 2
# 8 222 4 2 3 2
# 9 222 5 3 2 2
#10 333 1 3 NA 1
#11 333 2 4 77 2
#12 333 3 4 1 3
You probably want to ungroup afterwards.


Creating an indexed column in R, grouped by user_id, and not increase when NA

I want to create a column (in R) that indexes the presence of a number in another column grouped by a user_id column. And when the other column is NA, the new desired column should not increase.
The example should bring clarity.
I have this df:
data <- data.frame(user_id = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3),
user_id tobeindexed
1 1 1
2 1 NA
3 1 3
4 2 2
5 2 NA
6 2 0
7 2 NA
8 3 4
9 3 3
10 3 4
11 3 NA
I want to make a new column looking like "desired" in the following df:
> cbind(data,data.frame(desired = c(1,1,2,1,1,2,2,1,2,3,3)))
user_id tobeindexed desired
1 1 1 1
2 1 NA 1
3 1 3 2
4 2 2 1
5 2 NA 1
6 2 0 2
7 2 NA 2
8 3 4 1
9 3 3 2
10 3 4 3
11 3 NA 3
How can I solve this?
Using colsum and group_by gets me close, but the count does not start over from 1 when the user_id changes...
> data %>% group_by(user_id) %>% mutate(desired = cumsum(!
user_id tobeindexed desired
<dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 1 1 1
2 1 NA 1
3 1 3 2
4 2 2 3
5 2 NA 3
6 2 0 4
7 2 NA 4
8 3 4 5
9 3 3 6
10 3 4 7
11 3 NA 7
Given the sample data you provided (with the one) column, this works unchanged. The code is retained below for demonstration.
base R
data$out <- ave(data$one, data$user_id, FUN = function(z) cumsum(!
# user_id one out
# 1 1 1 1
# 2 1 NA 1
# 3 1 3 2
# 4 2 2 1
# 5 2 NA 1
# 6 2 0 2
# 7 2 NA 2
# 8 3 4 1
# 9 3 3 2
# 10 3 4 3
# 11 3 NA 3
data %>%
group_by(user_id) %>%
mutate(out = cumsum(! %>%
# # A tibble: 11 × 3
# user_id one out
# <dbl> <dbl> <int>
# 1 1 1 1
# 2 1 NA 1
# 3 1 3 2
# 4 2 2 1
# 5 2 NA 1
# 6 2 0 2
# 7 2 NA 2
# 8 3 4 1
# 9 3 3 2
# 10 3 4 3
# 11 3 NA 3

r recode by a splitting rule

I have a student dataset including student information, question id (5 questions), the sequence of each trial to answer the questions. I would like to create a variable to distinguish where exactly student starts reviewing questions after finishing all questions.
Here is a sample dataset:
data <- data.frame(
person = c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2),
question = c(1,2,2,3,3,3,4,3,5,1,2, 1,1,1,2,3,4,4,4,5,5,4,3,4,4,5,4,5),
sequence = c(1,1,2,1,2,3,1,4,1,2,3, 1,2,3,1,1,1,2,3,1,2,4,2,5,6,3,7,4))
person question sequence
1 1 1 1
2 1 2 1
3 1 2 2
4 1 3 1
5 1 3 2
6 1 3 3
7 1 4 1
8 1 3 4
9 1 5 1
10 1 1 2
11 1 2 3
12 2 1 1
13 2 1 2
14 2 1 3
15 2 2 1
16 2 3 1
17 2 4 1
18 2 4 2
19 2 4 3
20 2 5 1
21 2 5 2
22 2 4 4
23 2 3 2
24 2 4 5
25 2 4 6
26 2 5 3
27 2 4 7
28 2 5 4
sequence variables record each visit by giving a sequence number. Generally revisits could be before seeing all questions. However, the attempt variable should only record after the student sees all 5 questions. With the new variable, I target this dataset.
> data
person question sequence attempt
1 1 1 1 initial
2 1 2 1 initial
3 1 2 2 initial
4 1 3 1 initial
5 1 3 2 initial
6 1 3 3 initial
7 1 4 1 initial
8 1 3 4 initial
9 1 5 1 initial
10 1 1 2 review
11 1 2 3 review
12 2 1 1 initial
13 2 1 2 initial
14 2 1 3 initial
15 2 2 1 initial
16 2 3 1 initial
17 2 4 1 initial
18 2 4 2 initial
19 2 4 3 initial
20 2 5 1 initial
21 2 5 2 initial
22 2 4 4 review
23 2 3 2 review
24 2 4 5 review
25 2 4 6 review
26 2 5 3 review
27 2 4 7 review
28 2 5 4 review
Any ideas?
What a challenging question. Took almost 2 hours to find the solution.
Try this
dist_cum <- function(var)
sapply(seq_along(var), function(x) length(unique(head(var, x))))
data %>%
mutate(var0 = n_distinct(question)) %>%
group_by(person) %>%
mutate(var1 = dist_cum(question),
var2 = cumsum(c(1, diff(question) != 0))) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(var3 = if_else(sequence == 1 | var1 < var0, 0, 1)) %>%
group_by(person, var2) %>%
mutate(var4 = min(var3)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(attemp = if_else(var4 == 0, "initial", "review")) %>%
select(-starts_with("var")) %>%
person question sequence attemp
1 1 1 1 initial
2 1 2 1 initial
3 1 2 2 initial
4 1 3 1 initial
5 1 3 2 initial
6 1 3 3 initial
7 1 4 1 initial
8 1 3 4 initial
9 1 5 1 initial
10 1 1 2 review
11 1 2 3 review
12 2 1 1 initial
13 2 1 2 initial
14 2 1 3 initial
15 2 2 1 initial
16 2 3 1 initial
17 2 4 1 initial
18 2 4 2 initial
19 2 4 3 initial
20 2 5 1 initial
21 2 5 2 initial
22 2 4 4 review
23 2 3 2 review
24 2 4 5 review
25 2 4 6 review
26 2 5 3 review
27 2 4 7 review
28 2 5 4 review
dist_cum is a function to calculate rolling distinct (Source). var0...var4 are helpers
One way to do it is by finding where the reviewing starts (i.e. the next entry after the fifth question has been seen) and where the sequence is 2. See v1 and v2. Then by means of subsetting for every individual person and looping by each subset, you can update the missing entries for the attempt variable since it is now known where the reviewing starts.
v1 <- c(FALSE, (data$question == 5)[-(nrow(data))])
v2 <- data$sequence == 2
data$attempt <- ifelse(v1 * v2 == 1, "review", NA)
persons <- unique(data$person)
persons.list <- vector(mode = "list", length = length(persons))
for(i in 1:length(persons)){
person.i <- subset(data, person == persons[i])
n <- which(person.i$attempt == "review")
m <- nrow(person.i)
person.i$attempt[(n+1):m] <- "review"
person.i$attempt[which($attempt))] <- "initial"
persons.list[[i]] <- person.i
}, persons.list)
person question sequence attempt
1 1 1 1 initial
2 1 2 1 initial
3 1 2 2 initial
4 1 3 1 initial
5 1 3 2 initial
6 1 3 3 initial
7 1 4 1 initial
8 1 3 4 initial
9 1 5 1 initial
10 1 1 2 review
11 1 2 3 review
12 2 1 1 initial
13 2 1 2 initial
14 2 1 3 initial
15 2 2 1 initial
16 2 3 1 initial
17 2 4 1 initial
18 2 4 2 initial
19 2 4 3 initial
20 2 5 1 initial
21 2 5 2 review
22 2 4 4 review
23 2 3 2 review
24 2 4 5 review
25 2 4 6 review
26 2 5 3 review
27 2 4 7 review
28 2 5 4 review
Alternatively, you can also use lapply:,
lapply(persons, function(x){
person.x <- subset(data, person == x)
n <- which(person.x$attempt == "review")
m <- nrow(person.x)
person.x$attempt[(n+1):m] <- "review"
person.x$attempt[which($attempt))] <- "initial"

How can I create a lag difference variable within group relative to baseline?

I would like a variable that is a lagged difference to the within group baseline. I have panel data that I have balanced.
my_data <- data.frame(id = c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3), group = c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3), score=as.numeric(c(0,150,170,80,100,110,75,100,0)))
id group score
1 1 1 0
2 1 2 150
3 1 3 170
4 2 1 80
5 2 2 100
6 2 3 110
7 3 1 75
8 3 2 100
9 3 3 0
I would like it to look like this:
id group score lag_diff_baseline
1 1 1 0 NA
2 1 2 150 150
3 1 3 170 170
4 2 1 80 NA
5 2 2 100 20
6 2 3 110 30
7 3 1 75 NA
8 3 2 100 25
9 3 3 0 -75
The data.table version of #Liam's answer
my_data[,.(id,group,score,lag_diff_baseline = score-first(score)),by = id]
I missed the easy answer:
my_data %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(lag_diff_baseline = score - first(score))

How to keep initial row order

I have run this SQL sentence through the package: sqldf
I have got the output I wanted, but I would like to keep the initial row order. Unfortunately, the output has a different order.
For example:
> DF
1 11 2 432 4
2 11 3 432 4
3 13 4 241 5
4 42 5 2 3
5 51 5 332 2
6 51 5 332 1
7 51 5 332 1
> sqldf("SELECT A,B,C,D, COUNT (*) AS NUM
1 11 2 432 4 1
2 11 3 432 4 1
3 13 4 241 5 1
4 42 5 2 3 1
5 51 5 332 1 2
6 51 5 332 2 1
As you can see the row order changes, (row number 5 and 6). It would be great if someone could help me with this issue.
If we need to use this with sqldf, use ORDER.BY with names pasted together
nm <- toString(names(DF))
DF1 <- cbind(rn = seq_len(nrow(DF)), DF)
nm1 <- toString(names(DF1))
fn$sqldf("SELECT $nm, COUNT (*) AS NUM
GROUP BY $nm ORDER BY $nm1")
#1 11 2 432 4 1
#2 11 3 432 4 1
#3 13 4 241 5 1
#4 42 5 2 3 1
#5 51 5 332 2 1
#6 51 5 332 1 2

Delete rows with value if not only value in group

Somewhat new to R and I find myself needing to delete rows based on multiple criteria. The data frame has 3 columns and I need to delete rows where bid=99 and there are values less than 99 grouping by rid and qid. The desired output at an rid and qid level are bid has multiple values less than 99 or bid=99.
rid qid bid
1 1 5
1 1 6
1 1 99
1 2 6
2 1 7
2 1 99
2 2 2
2 2 3
3 1 7
3 1 8
3 2 1
3 2 99
4 1 2
4 1 6
4 2 1
4 2 2
4 2 99
5 1 99
5 2 99
The expected output...
rid qid bid
1 1 5
1 1 6
1 2 6
2 1 7
2 2 2
2 2 3
3 1 7
3 1 8
3 2 1
4 1 2
4 1 6
4 2 1
4 2 2
5 1 99
5 2 99
Any assistance would be appreciated.
You can use the base R function ave to generate a dropping variable like this:
df$dropper <- with(df, ave(bid, rid, qid, FUN= function(i) i == 99 & length(i) > 1))
ave calculates a function on bid, grouping by rid and qid. The function tests if each element of the grouped bid values i is 99 and if i has a length greater than 1. Also, with is used to reduce typing.
which returns
rid qid bid dropper
1 1 1 5 0
2 1 1 6 0
3 1 1 99 1
4 1 2 6 0
5 2 1 7 0
6 2 1 99 1
7 2 2 2 0
8 2 2 3 0
9 3 1 7 0
10 3 1 8 0
11 3 2 1 0
12 3 2 99 1
13 4 1 2 0
14 4 1 6 0
15 4 2 1 0
16 4 2 2 0
17 4 2 99 1
18 5 1 99 0
19 5 2 99 0
then drop the undesired observations with df[dropper == 0, 1:3] which will simultaneously drop the new variable.
If you want to just delete rows where bid = 99 then use dplyr.
df <- df %>%
filter(bid != 99)
Where df is your data frame. and != means not equal to
Updated solution using dplyr
df %>%
group_by(rid, qid) %>%
mutate(tempcount = n())%>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(DropValue =ifelse(bid == 99 & tempcount > 1, 1,0) ) %>%
filter(DropValue == 0) %>%
Here is another option with all and if condition in data.table to subset the rows after grouping by 'rid' and 'qid'
setDT(df1)[, if(all(bid==99)) .SD else .SD[bid!= 99], .(rid, qid)]
# rid qid bid
# 1: 1 1 5
# 2: 1 1 6
# 3: 1 2 6
# 4: 2 1 7
# 5: 2 2 2
# 6: 2 2 3
# 7: 3 1 7
# 8: 3 1 8
# 9: 3 2 1
#10: 4 1 2
#11: 4 1 6
#12: 4 2 1
#13: 4 2 2
#14: 5 1 99
#15: 5 2 99
Or without using the if
setDT(df1)[df1[, .I[all(bid==99) | bid != 99], .(rid, qid)]$V1]
Here is a solution using dplyr, which is a very expressive framework for this kind of problems.
df <- read.table(text =
" rid qid bid
1 1 5
1 1 6
1 1 99
1 2 6
2 1 7
2 1 99
2 2 2
2 2 3
3 1 7
3 1 8
3 2 1
3 2 99
4 1 2
4 1 6
4 2 1
4 2 2
4 2 99
5 1 99
5 2 99",
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
Dplyr verbs allow to express the program in a way that is close to the very terms of your questions:
res <-
df %>%
group_by(rid, qid) %>%
filter(!(any(bid < 99) & bid == 99)) %>%
# # A tibble: 15 × 3
# rid qid bid
# <int> <int> <int>
# 1 1 1 5
# 2 1 1 6
# 3 1 2 6
# 4 2 1 7
# 5 2 2 2
# 6 2 2 3
# 7 3 1 7
# 8 3 1 8
# 9 3 2 1
# 10 4 1 2
# 11 4 1 6
# 12 4 2 1
# 13 4 2 2
# 14 5 1 99
# 15 5 2 99
Let's check we get the desired output:
desired_output <- read.table(text =
" rid qid bid
1 1 5
1 1 6
1 2 6
2 1 7
2 2 2
2 2 3
3 1 7
3 1 8
3 2 1
4 1 2
4 1 6
4 2 1
4 2 2
5 1 99
5 2 99",
header = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
identical(, desired_output)
# [1] TRUE
