Visual Studio 2019 Debugger only runs once, requires restart to run again - .net-core

I'm building a .net core react app. When starting the application in debug mode, I have no problems the first time I run, but if I stop debugging and attempt to run again, visual studio will stop debugging on its own as the web page is loading.
If I restart my computer, I can debug again, but if I stop and start, I experience the same issue. Restarting Visual Studio works occasionally, but it seems like I need to close out all instances of it, wait a few seconds, relaunch, wait for a few seconds after everything finishes loading, and then it will work (again, only once).
I'm assuming there's a process that isn't shutting down properly and is blocking the debugger from fully starting but I can't seem to find it. I am also running visual studio as Admin. Any help would be appreciated.

Ok so it's not a complete answer but I found what seems to be causing the issue. When the debug would fail, the URL briefly changed, showing that chrome was attempting to use the legacy browser support extension. After a bit of googling I learned that this could be caused by enabling "Javascript Debugging for ASP.NET" under Tools>Options>Debugging>General. Disabling this checkbox allows me to run debug without any issues.
Since I don't really care about the javascript debugging, this is a suitable enough answer for me, but if anyone else sees this and knows the answer that would keep javascript debugging enabled, please provide the details in case anyone needs it in the future.


First ASP.NET webpage launches without debugging, doesn't launch with debugging

Did anyone encounter an error with ASP.NET debugging? I've made a really simple, empty MVC page, I've tried returning /Home/Index.cshtml and a string, and each time I get a windows jingle and the browser can't find the server. It doesn't happen when I run it without debugging though, then the website runs just fine.
I've also tried the default MVC template, with Bootstrap etc, and it's the same - runs without debugging, doesn't run with debugging.
It's probably important: I'm running Visual Studio 2017 on up-to-date Windows 10. I've reinstalled the system several weeks ago, really wouldn't want to do that again :/
Generally we could debug an app with the normal user, but sometimes we need to use the admin, for example, as far as I know, if we want to use the attach to process tool for remote debugging, we often run the VS as the admin or others.
This document share us the tasks we need administrator permissions to complete:
If possible, you could refer to it especially "Debugging" area in above link.
Hope it could help you:)

Why Arent Breakpoints Working In Web Application Project

My company gave me a web application project and I went to debug it and set some breakpoints and they dont fire. I am using Response.Write all over the place to debug. Anyone know what maybe going on?
I am running the application off my localhost I was pushing F5, but since the breakpoints dont hit by making changes and adding Response.Write statements and clicking save then refreshing my browser I get the changes for whatever reason.
Hovering over the breakpoint it says "The breakpoint will not currently be hit the source code differs from the original version"
Another tidbit is I created a new web application project and created a breakpoint and it works, its only specific to this application it seems like, but dont know what it could be?
Hovering over the breakpoint it says "The breakpoint will not currently be hit the source code differs from the original version"
Try this:
Close Visual Studio and make sure any instances of ASP.NET development server are closed as well
Delete everything from "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files" (where v4.0.30319 is the version of your .NET Framework)
Definitely need more info, but I would check that your are building with debugging symbols to cover the dumb stuff.
Okay, after reading the comments posted on your question I was making the following assumptions.
You are running using the built in VS development server
You are compiling in debug mode
You've set debugging true in your web.config
I've seen this problem before and for me it's been resolved by restarting Visual Studio.
Assuming that you are running on IIS on the same machine that you have visual studio installed:
Have you attached to the application pool process
Is you code the same as what is deploy? (Is the latest version deployed)
Are you logged in as administrator?
Are you running visual studio as administrator?
Just to make sure, you are running in debug mode?
I ran into this problem a while ago as well, instead of using response.write, you could try outputting the data to a label control's text value instead to see the values of your code.
It's a bit of a sloppy work around, but I couldn't figure out why that one particular project I was working on didn't let me debug it.
This problem is, for me, mostly caused by a mismatch of the loaded dll files (symbols) by webserver, and those that the project are pointing to when you try to breakpoint. It's different files. I have located different causes. One could be a simple hang-up by webdev instans (force shutdown. But also that there occur some kind of mismatch if you got different compilation methods between project within same solution as the web project.
This desc may not be your exact problem, but perhaps it will lead you into right direction. I find this often being a dirty unlogic error that just are irritating (but also completely fixable without data loss or reconfiguring, when u understand the trick).
I had the same problem, and it turned out only Internet Explorer works with debugging and breakpoints. To avoid having IE as my default browser, I changed the launch settings in the .Web project to run IE with the path as command line parameters.

Can't debug ASP.NET in VS2005 won't stop at break point

I have an puzzling problem. I have a new ASP.NET web application in VS2005 that runs fairly well, but I am having a problem and would like to set a break point to see what is going on. I have compiled the project in Debug mode. I have debug=true set in the web.config. But it appears that the IDE is not attaching to the process at all. Have I overlooked something? I am using the development server and not IIS. This has never been a problem in the past, but is this time.
Have I overlooked anything? Thanks for any help.
I had this issue a while back with VS2005. I don't remember where I got the following instructions from (copied them to a file which I'm now copying to you) but doing the following steps worked for me. It has something to do with IE8 attaching itself to multiple processes and messing up the debugger. Word of warning, this has you editing the registry, so use at your own risk / take all your normal precautions, etc.
Open RegEdit
Go to HKEY_LOCALMACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> Internet
Explorer -> Main
Add a dword under this key called TabProcGrowth
Set TabProcGrowth to 0
If you run into the same problem on
Vista or newer, you will also need to
turn off protected mode.
Please note also that I was/am running XP at the time, so I did not have to use the "Vista or newer" clause there. No idea if that has any adverse effects either.
Sorry if I am stating the obvious, but you need to Start Debugging <F5> rather than just running the executable after compiling. Are you doing this?
If you don't hit the breakpoint, you are either not debugging (F5) or your code isn't reached at all. If you want to know which of the two is happening you can throw an exception right at the code where your breakpoint is. If your application is failing at the exception, you know you are not running it with the debugger. If it doesn't fail at the exception you are simply not reaching that piece of code and you will have to look harder for which code you are actually running.
throw new Exception("if I see this exception, I am not running the debugger");
Or maybe you are running two instances of the development server. I've had that sometimes. Look in the Windows system tray for the icon. If you see two (or more) you can right click to stop them and restart debugging.

Error While Debugging

I have one web application. while i debug the solution the rendering makes too slow and if i close the browser page i got one error like this
WebDev.WebServer.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
I got one information from attched proess is that this .exe file related to development server- port(port number).
How it can be resolved? please help me..
You cannot close the browser that opens when you are running debug for an ASP.NET program.
It renders slower because you are debugging it. This means the compiler has injected a lot of extra code need to make the application work with the debugger. There is no getting around this.

What could cause ASP.NET to skip lines in debug?

I never had this problem before, but I reinstalled my computer recently and Visual Studio is not behaving well in debug for an ASP.NET site.
I am attaching visual studio 2008 to the w3wp process to debug a website. When I am debugging a method line by line with F10, sometimes visual studio will decide that it continues until it encounter a breakpoint... It's almost like if I pressed F5 to let it continue, but I press F10. For example if a method call is called more than once and there's a breakpoint at the beginning, while I am debugging line by line inside the method sometimes the execution will continue to the breakpoint at the beginning for no apparent reason so I lose all my debugging...
Anyone had this problem before?
I have the same problem, whenever I press step-into or step-over it continues to execution as if I pressed F5.
Debugging is working only if I put a break point on every line I wish to evaluate.
Is anyone else experiencing this besides me and the poster?
I've tried re-installing VS and everything but that didn't help.
Furthermore, debugging does work in some other projects, to be specific WinForms projects, and when I press step into on the webservice call and "attach", debugging still works as it should.
OK, Update...
I have found that my problem lies with Optimizations in compilation.
I had optimizations turned on in debug configuration.
Make sure you uncheck that for debug configuration on all your projects and their references.
Also try:
The patch for this issue is here:
KB957912 - Update for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Debugging and Breakpoints
Cehck to make sure that your build mode is set to Debug not Release. In Release mode the optimizer is turned on and code can be rearranged or removed. Your breakpoints may make no sense from the perspective of the actual code.
You're probably debugging an assembly with an out of date PDB file, or perhaps the code has changed and wasn't recompiled.
In any case, it sounds like you have a mismatch somewhere between:
(and as another guy noted, make sure you're building in Debug, not Release).
This almost sounds like the behaviour you get when debugging while having several threads or requests going on in parallell, alternatively if your method makes recursive calls. Are you sure this is not what happens?
I had the same issue after rebuilding my computer. After searching for answers, I found this thread. The solution for me was the hotfix found on MSDN, noted by a user in this thread.
--Notable discussion--
MSDN does also have a great topic discussion, also noted by a user in this thread, with some workaround and a link to the patch.
I have seen a post where the following line of code was placed at the beginning of Page_Load(...) method. Personally this was not an option for me, but if you are comfortable with this being a fix for your problem and it works...
My setup:
- Windows XP pro
- Pentium 4 3.0GHz HyperThreaded
- VS 2008 Professional Edition
- .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
- SQL Server 2008
- Development language: c#
For me it started working only after cleaning and rebuilding the solution.
You aren't using multiple threads are you? That could cause this behaviour.
And do you have this problem in different projects, or just in a single project?
Line by line debugging is F11 (Step Into), not F10 (Step Over).
Step Over will skip debugging on any methods you call.
Alternative thought - have you tried using step into (F11) instead of step over (F10). If you're finding that method calls appear to be "skipped", it's possible that you're executing over the next line without actually stepping into it...
Make sure your line endings are consistent. Windows likes CR/LF. Sometimes it gets confused about what line it is on if they aren't consistent.
Workaround found here
1) Open Visual Studio but do not open any projects.
2) Start the Task Manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) and navigate to the “Processes” tab.
3) Right-click on devenv.exe and select “Set Affinity…” (this option is only available on multi-processor or multi-core machines).
4) Uncheck every CPU except one and click OK.
5) Open your project and debug as normal.
Silverlight tools are not fixing the problem and the other patch provided in this forum thread either. This is the only working workaround I found yet.
