date output without quotes and line number - r

I want to output today's date without quotes and without line numbers.
How do I get rid of the line number? [1] looks like row 1 of a matrix
R code:
[1] 2019-11-21
Sys.Date() Makes the problem a little different than usual.
Unless code is exactly as I am giving in the solution
Sys.Date will be output with a "". I tried using a
semicolon at the end of the line to prevent that from
happening but was not successful.
My cursor is messed up when I use the following suggested command.
> cat(as.character(Sys.Date()))
Thanks. MM

I thought I had tried them all but I hadn't.
I like my work to have identifying information such as name, date, etc.
writeLines function is the answer.


iconv() returns NA when given a string with a specific special character

I am trying to convert some strings of an input file from UTF8 to ASCII. For most of the strings I give it, the conversion works perfectly fine with iconv(). However on some of them, it returns NA. While manually fixing the issue in the file seems like the simplest option, it is unfortunately not an option that I have available at the moment at all.
I have made a reproducible example of my problem but we assume to assume that I have to figure a way for iconv() to somehow convert the string in s1 and not get NA.
Here is the reproducible example:
s1 <- "Besançon" #as read from an input file I cannot modify
s2 <- "Paris"
s3 <- "Linköping"
s4 <- "Besançon" #Manual input for testing
s1 <- iconv(s1, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT')
s2 <- iconv(s2, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT')
s3 <- iconv(s3, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT')
s4 <- iconv(s4, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT')
I get the following output:
> s1
[1] NA
> s2
[1] "Paris"
> s3
[1] "Link\"oping"
> s4
[1] "Besancon"
After playing around with the code, I figured that something was wrong in the entry "Besançon" that is now copied exactly from the input file. When I input it manually myself, the problem is solved. Since I can't modify the input file at all, what do you think is the exact issue and would you have any idea on how to solve it?
Thanks in advance,
After closer inspection, there is something odd in the characters of the first line. It seems to be taken away by SO's formatting.
But to reproduce it, the best I could give is these two images describing it. First image places my cursor just before the #
Second image is after pressing delete, which should delete the white space... turns out it deletes the ". So there is definitely something weird there.
It turns out that using sub='' actually solved the issue although I am quite unsure why.
iconv(s1, to='ASCII//TRANSLIT', sub='')
From the documentation sub
character string. If not NA it is used to replace any non-convertible
bytes in the input. (This would normally be a single character, but
can be more.) If "byte", the indication is "" with the hex code of
the byte. If "Unicode" and converting from UTF-8, the Unicode point in
the form "<U+xxxx>".
So I eventually figured out that there was a character I couldn't convert (nor see) in the string and using sub was a way to eliminate it. I am still not sure what this character is though. But the problem is solved.
There is probably a latin1 (or other encoding) character in your supposedly utf8 file. For example:
> latin=iconv('Besançon','utf8','latin1')
> iconv(latin,to='ascii//translit')
[1] NA
> iconv(latin,'utf8','ascii//translit')
[1] NA
> iconv(latin,'latin1','ascii//translit')
[1] "Besancon"
> iconv(l,'Windows-1250','ascii//translit')
[1] "Besancon"
You can e.g. make one new vector or data column with the result of each character set encoding in your data, and if one is NA, fall back to the next one, e.g.
utf8 = iconv(x,'utf8','ascii//translit')
latin1 = iconv(x,'latin1','ascii//translit')
win1250 = iconv(x,'Windows-1250','ascii//translit')
result = ifelse(,
If these encodings don't work, make a file with just the problem word, then use the unix/linux file command to detect the encoding, or else try some likely encodings.
I have in the past just listed all of iconv's supported encodings, tried all with lapply, and then used whichever results worked on each string, but some "from" encodings will return a non-NA but incorrect result, so it's best to try this on each unique character in your data in order to decide which subset of iconv's encodings to use and in which order.

Simple regex in R escape "Mr\\." [duplicate]

Used to run R with numbers and matrix, when it comes to play with strings and characters I am lost. I want to analyze some data where the time is read into R as follow:
[1] "\"2011-10-05 15:55:00\""
I want to end up with a string containing only:
"2011-10-05 15:55:00"
Using the function sub() (that i barely understand...), I got the following result:
> sub("(\")","",my.time.char[1])
[1] "2011-10-05 15:55:00\""
This is closer to the format i am looking for, but I still need to get rid of the two last characters (\").
The second line from ?sub explains:
sub and gsub perform replacement of the first and all matches respectively.
which should tell you to use gsub instead.

How to fix a character value returned as a numeric value in R?

I am a new R user and having some difficulty when trying to rename certain records in a column.
My data have columns named classcode and fish_tl, among others. Classcode is a character value, fish_tl is numeric.
When classcode='OCAL' and fish_tl<20, I need to rename that value of classcode so that it is now "OCALYOY". I don't want to change any of the other records in classcode.
I'm running the following code:
data$classcode<-ifelse(data$classcode=='OCAL'& data$fish_tl<20,
My problem seems to be with the "else" aspect: the code runs fine, and returns 'OCALYOY' as expected, but the other values of classcode have now been converted to numeric (although when I look at the mode of that field, it still returns as "character").
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks very much!
You can make the else part as.character(data$classcode). ifelse has some odd semantics with regard to the classes of the arguments, and it is turning your factor into it's underlying numeric representation. as.character will keep it as a character value.
You may be getting tripped up in a factor vs character issue, though you point out that R thinks it's character. Regardless, wrapping as.character() around your code seems to fix the problem for me:
> ifelse(data$classcode=='OCAL'& data$fish_tl<20,
+ 'OCALYOY',as.character(data$classcode))
If this isn't it, can you make your question reproducible by adding the output of dput() to your question instead of the text representation?

Replacing all occurrences of a pattern in a string

Used to run R with numbers and matrix, when it comes to play with strings and characters I am lost. I want to analyze some data where the time is read into R as follow:
[1] "\"2011-10-05 15:55:00\""
I want to end up with a string containing only:
"2011-10-05 15:55:00"
Using the function sub() (that i barely understand...), I got the following result:
> sub("(\")","",my.time.char[1])
[1] "2011-10-05 15:55:00\""
This is closer to the format i am looking for, but I still need to get rid of the two last characters (\").
The second line from ?sub explains:
sub and gsub perform replacement of the first and all matches respectively.
which should tell you to use gsub instead.

lubridate - messages

Will it be possible to suppress messages such as "Using date format..." when using a function like?
> ymd(vec)
Using date format %Y%m%d
Whilst these are good to see when you are casting a vector, it can be annoying in some circumstances.
Looking at the ymd code, it callse parse_date, which gives those annoying messages via the command message.
Looking at ?message, there is a corresponding suppressMessages:
(Note - other similar functions are suppressWarnings, suppressPackageStartupMessages, and capture.output, all of which I have had to use in the past to stop unexpected bits of text turning up (I was outputting some bits to an HTML file and these didn't want these to be in it)).
Manny, suppressMessages() is the only way to go at the moment. But I like your idea of an argument. I've put it on the todo list for lubridate. You could also use strptime() once you have the format for a vector of date-times.
