Wordpress page showing offline status - wordpress

my wordpress site is showing offline status.
I've done changing the htaccess, changed theme and also deactivated all of my plugins, but the problem remains. any solutions?

Try enabling the WP_DEBUG mode for more information on what exactly could be the reason behind your problem. This can be performed easily via FTP or file manager like one in cPanel, as well as from SSH. Open the wp-config.php file and find the following line:
define('WP_DEBUG', false);
Change this line of code to:
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
This will output the error message in your browser when you access your website. If there is still no output of the actual error message, you can try check the "error_log" file in the root directory of your WordPress instance.
If you provide us here with the error message, I will be glad to provide more information if possible.


Elementor Plugin on Wordpress keeps loading and I get a console error /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 500

how are you?
My website was working well and now I'm unable to create or edit pages using elementor because the 'loading' keeps spinning and nothing happens.
I see a console error where I get /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 500
How can I fix this? I don't know what caused it.
there are many reason for this. But the common one is WP memory limit issue.
To handle this, first you need to edit the wp-config.php file on your WordPress site. It is located in your WordPress site’s root folder, and you will need to use an FTP client or file manager in your web hosting control panel.
Next, you need to paste this code in wp-config.php file just before the line that says ‘That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging.’
define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );
This code tells WordPress to increase the PHP memory limit to 256MB.
Once you are done, you need to save your changes and upload your wp-config.php file back to your server.
I had this problem too, I just disabled plugins one by one and I found the problem!
one of my plugins caused this problem.

how to solve wordpress wp-admin cookie blocked error?

I am working on wordpres site, site works good but whenever i try to login using wp-admin it shows me error called "cookies are blocked due to unexpected output" and i can see one of the text "password" return on left top area of wp-admin screen.I tried to change password from phpmyadmin but it does not works. can any one help me out for this.
Thanks in advanced
Turn on Debug info by adding following code in wp-config.php
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
It will show you what code might by causing the issue.
Also read this thread please people with same issue have solved:
If this is happening after moving a multisite to a different domain (for dev purposes for instance) then make sure you edit the following line in your wp-config.php file and change the previous domain to the current one:
define('DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', 'newdomainname.com');

How to resolve a bad plugin server 500 error wordpress

I was just working on a Wordpress site and after updating a plug-in (which had not yet been activated, only installed) I activated it. Instead of the activation working, it gave me this error:
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete >your request.
Please contact the server administrator, webmaster#ibsmithmedia.com and inform them of >the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the >error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an >ErrorDocument to handle the request.
I am getting this error on every page of my wordpress site, not just the plugin page or my user admin area.
How can I fix this? Is there a way to undo this plugin activation (I'm pretty sure it's what's causing the issue).
I don't have access to the actual FTP files of the site, I'm working on it for a friend. But I can get access if that's the only way to fix this. Thanks!
I would get access and delete the plugin.
That would be the fastest solution.
I ended up having to delete the folder for the plugin and then going to my htaccess file and remove extra lines that the plugin had added there as well. That resolved the issue.
First you need to connect to your website using FTP client, or File Manager in cPanel. Once connected, you need to navigate to the /wp-content/ folder.
Inside wp-content folder, you will see a folder called plugins. This is where WordPress stores all plugins installed on your website.
Right click on the plugins folder and select Rename. Change the name of the plugins folder to anything that you like. In our example, we will call it “plugins.deactivate”. Once you do this, all of your plugins will be deactivated.
Usually, this method is used when you are locked out of your admin area. If the issue was with your plugins, then you should be able login to your WordPress admin area.
Once you do that, go back to your /wp-content/ folder and rename “plugins.deactivate” back to plugins.
Now you can activate one plugin at a time until your site breaks again. At which point, you will know exactly which plugin caused the issue.

When do changes to wp-config.php take effect?

I am trying to enable debugging on a WordPress site to debug a plugin. I read about the WP_DEBUG setting and I added the following to my wp-config.php file:
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);
My understanding is that I should see a debug.log file in my wp-content directory. I haven't seen anything yet, but I don't know if that is because there aren't any errors that have been logged, or if something needs to be restarted for these settings to take effect. So my question is when are the wp-config.php settings read and do I need to restart any services to make changes take effect.
"Changes" to wp-config.php take place right away when edited by FTP or via the shell, because that file is accessed each time any page is generated and output by WordPress. No reboot of the server is needed; just do a load or a refresh of any front or backend page of the WordPress site.
Do something to trigger a php error, like removing a bracket from a php function in header.php of the theme and see if that gets logged in debug.log. Check for the error in debug.log in wp-content.
If the file doesn't exist, there may be permission problems and WordPress couldn't create the file. So add a plain text file (with the correct text encoding for your system; it's best to use the FTP client to create a few file) and title it debug.log. If you create the file locally and upload it, give it at least 755 permissions, but 644 is safer. Then invoke a php error again and see if it gets logged.

wp-admin hangs after trying to update a file via the editor

My Wordpress site has run without a hitch until now. I just tried to make a an edit to a template file via Appearance -> Editor. When I tried to update the file wp-admin started to hang. It is just sitting there now. I am running a VPS, so I restarted the container and it did nothing. I removed the file I tried to update, and still nothing. Any ideas how I can get my wp-admin working again?
Turn on WP_DEBUG in your config file - just paste this in:
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
White screen is an error, but the message is being surpressed. If that doesn't show anything still, find display_errors in your php.ini and set it to on.
You should be able to figure it out after that.
