how to solve wordpress wp-admin cookie blocked error? - wordpress

I am working on wordpres site, site works good but whenever i try to login using wp-admin it shows me error called "cookies are blocked due to unexpected output" and i can see one of the text "password" return on left top area of wp-admin screen.I tried to change password from phpmyadmin but it does not works. can any one help me out for this.
Thanks in advanced

Turn on Debug info by adding following code in wp-config.php
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
It will show you what code might by causing the issue.
Also read this thread please people with same issue have solved:

If this is happening after moving a multisite to a different domain (for dev purposes for instance) then make sure you edit the following line in your wp-config.php file and change the previous domain to the current one:
define('DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', '');


Wordpress page showing offline status

my wordpress site is showing offline status.
I've done changing the htaccess, changed theme and also deactivated all of my plugins, but the problem remains. any solutions?
Try enabling the WP_DEBUG mode for more information on what exactly could be the reason behind your problem. This can be performed easily via FTP or file manager like one in cPanel, as well as from SSH. Open the wp-config.php file and find the following line:
define('WP_DEBUG', false);
Change this line of code to:
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
This will output the error message in your browser when you access your website. If there is still no output of the actual error message, you can try check the "error_log" file in the root directory of your WordPress instance.
If you provide us here with the error message, I will be glad to provide more information if possible.

Wordpress plugin is not working after migration to a new server

I have moved my wordpress site to a new server, and login.php is working right.
But in there many plugins is not working well, for example the login page is not linked to any other page after I submitted my username and password.
Here is the login page link:
I have entered the invalid username and password, it will also show the blank page, but not error page.
When I add this code in wp-config.php
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
it showed this text. " Notice: Constant WYZ_THEME_DIR already defined in /home/.....".
And I have fixed that, but the same problem.
Now there is no any error debug, but the login page is also not working.
I changed the php version of my site in cpanel, but the same.
Anyone has your idea to solve this issue?
It is possible (I'd even say likely) that on your old server it was using PHP 5.6 (or at least a different version of PHP than your new server) and now you're on 7.0, 7.2 or even 7.3. It would seem that if that's the case, some of your plugins are incompatible.
You should edit your wp-config.php and add
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
so that you can see the errors on your screen, at least until you figure out which plugins are causing the problems.
If it is a matter of PHP version, check with your host to see if they can roll you back, or you'll have to either contact the plugin author and have them update the plugins, or you need to fix the code yourself, based on whatever the error messages you see are.
Edit: if this doesn't solve your problem, first try a default WordPress theme like twenty-nineteen or whatever. If that doesn't solve it, then disable each plugin one at a time until you find the culprit.
I have turned off all my plugins and turn back it one by one.
I have found one of my plugins is caused this problem, it is PM Pro Settings.
So I deactivated it and there is no any problem now.
I am using other plugins on behalf of that one.

Cannot see front-end or login to back-end of WordPress

I'm working on a site for my client and the site is live and right now it is not viewable. When I try to login to a WordPress back-end, I can't see anything.
Here is the site:
Here is the back-end login:
What I was doing before it blanked out, was going into the editor (html editor) for one of my plugins. I updated it and then that's when it went blank. As if I messed up something with the overall coding of the site. I'm not sure what I did.
It sounds like the update you've made is preventing access. Try disabling or removing the plugin that you edited using FileZilla (or some equivalent) to check whether you can access the login screen again.
You got a php-error somewhere, and without access to the FTP you will not be able to solve it. So just get the information from the client, don't worry it happens to all of us sometimes, no need to feel ashamed.
Once you got the credentials and FTP-access, find the wp-config.php in the root and set define('WP_DEBUG', true); reload the page and you should see what error message you get and in which file at what line.
Sounds like you updated a plugin and something went wrong.
Basically, always have FTP-credentials for live sites you are responsible for. You don't know when you will need it.
please set
define('WP_DEBUG', true); at wp-config.php file and you will see where is issue.

Wordpress white screen

I moved my wordpress site from one host account to another. I keep my URL unchanged. After that, my site is work fine - but only on front side. I cannot login to admin area - there is only blank white screen after i enter my username and password. Here is a brief detail what i have installed and what i try to do for now:
front end is work just fine - mean that DB connection is ok
login form is appear correctly. I even try to enter wrong username and/or password in order to check auth procedsure - it's ok for incorrect login. If credentials is correct - white blank screen.
have very simple template - no fancy sliders, no sophisticated framework - "simply works core"
have Better WP security installed - i try to delete plugin folder - no change
try to clean/delete .htaccess - no change
try to get manually a secret key from .htaccess and login with him - again white blank screen.
trying to run wordpress in debug mode - no error messages. Also no errors form php in error.log (edited at 28.10.2013)
Please, if anyone have same or similar problem - i'll be very happy to resolve this. My blog is a long time active, i have a lot of posts and pages there.
try change this on your wp-config.php to see if the wordpress dump any useful information about this white screen.
define('WP_DEBUG', false);
Replace that line with the following:
// Turns WordPress debugging on
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
// Tells WordPress to log everything to the /wp-content/debug.log file
define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
// Doesn't force the PHP 'display_errors' variable to be on
define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);
// Hides errors from being displayed on-screen
#ini_set('display_errors', 0);
hope that helps :)
After few days of hard but unsuccess tryouts, i found a solution. It's drastic and not well explain what happen, but it worked for me - and hope for something else too. So:
rename wp-content\plugins diretory to __plugins - this will deactivate ALL plugins
rename .htaccess to .__htaccess - this will remove all url rewrite records
clean browser cache
login from wp-admin\
when try to access plugin list, a lot of messages appear - sayng for deactivating all plugins
restore plugins and htaccess to their original names
and finally - activate all needed plugins again
In conclusion - this does not answer the question why (even if URL is not change) this happen. It also not so pleasant if you have a lot of plugins - you must remember which of them is activated.
Thank you all, that problem is closed for me.
I fixed it.
I tried the following:
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');
Change Plugins name
Check white spaces
Increase memory
Change Theme
Upload new wp-admin
All of them didn't work..
I downloaded wp-config with ftp and changed the encoding using notepad++ from utf8-BOM to just utf8
A white screen only tells you that something has gone wrong.
This can be anything. Speculating is just a waste of time.
Go and find the error.log of your webserver!
Then last lines of this file should tell you what went wrong.
When you don't understand it, you can ask again.

Wordpress blank white screen when I try to preview or visit the site?

I am new to Wordpress and I jut installed it today, I created a username and password, am able to login to wordpress and access the dashboard. I made a few changes, installed a theme, created a menu, picked out a header, etc...
When I try to preview the site however, it just shows a blank white screen, anyone know how to fix this?
thanks in advance.
I ran into a similar problem in the past... to solve it I edited the wp-config.php file and activated the debug function... that let wordpress show me what the error was, so I could fix it...
Basically in wp-config.php search for:
define('WP_DEBUG', false);
and replace it with:
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
Once your done fixing the error don't forget to change it back...
taken from: Wordpress Codex - editing wp-config.php
