How do I make the area outside of round button not clickable in javafx - javafx

When I make a round Button like this
Button b = new Button();
b.setShape(new Circle(20.0));
b.setStyle("-fx-background-radius: 50em; " +
"-fx-min-width: 50px; " +
"-fx-min-height: 50px; ");
It can be still clicked in area outside of circle like the one I marked red here:
Is there a way to fix this?

Button has the pickOnBounds property, Defines how the picking computation is done for this node when triggered by a MouseEvent or a contains function call.
You need to set pickOnBounds property to false
pickOnBounds doesn't seem settable from CSS, meaning you'll need to set it from code


How to replace down arrow with text in a combobox in JavaFX

I'm trying to remove the down arrow from a combobox. All the solutions I have found just make the arrow disappear, for example this one.
Is there a way to remove completely the space where the arrow appears and fill the box just with the text of the selected choice?
If you want to completely elimnate the arrow & arrow button space, you can try with the below custom ComboBox.
The below code is setting the arrow button and arrow nodes size to 0 and asking to rerender the comboBox. The null check is to let this changes apply only once.
public class MyComboBox<T> extends ComboBox<T>{
Region arrowBtn ;
protected void layoutChildren() {
arrowBtn= (Region)lookup(".arrow-button");
arrowBtn.setPadding(new Insets(0));
Region arrow= (Region)lookup(".arrow");
arrow.setPadding(new Insets(0));
// Call again the super method to relayout with the new bounds.
Based on the suggestion of #kleopatra, we can get the same behaviour using css as well (without the need to create a new class for ComboBox).
.combo-box .arrow-button,
.combo-box .arrow{
The below image will tell you the difference of a normal combox box and this custom combo box. The left one is the normal comboBox, you can see the list cell when inspecting with ScenicView. The right one is the custom one. The list cell is completely occupied suppressing the arrow space.

Changing the style of a leaflet cluster when pressing it

I have created a map with clusters created like so:
//create clustering markers
var markers = L.markerClusterGroup({
spiderfyOnMaxZoom: false,
showCoverageOnHover: false,
zoomToBoundsOnClick: false,
singleMarkerMode: true, //makes sure that single incidents looks the same as clusters (but are still treated as single markers)
iconCreateFunction: defineClusterIcon
var layer_group = L.geoJSON(geoJson);
In the defineClusterIcon function, I create a SVG which then is converted to HTML and defines the icon:
return L.divIcon({
iconSize: new L.Point(40, 45),
html: html,
classname: 'leaflet-div-icon'
I now want to be able to change the style of the cluster (or marker, which also is styled as a cluster), when pressing it - and I want it to return to the original styling when pressed again.
Instead of changing the style of the actual svg elements, I am thinking that it might be easier to just change the style of the class:
.leaflet-div-icon {
background: rgba(0,0,0,0);
border: none;
Where I then want to have a border when the cluster/marker has been pressed. I do not know, whether it is possible to change the class within the on clusterclick or click functions, or if it can be done in another way.
My code, as it is now can be found here - where the wanted effect also can be seen on the controls on the right side:
Instead of switching the outline property of the leaflet-interactive div, i would toggle a class as you did with the controls on the right side (say a outlined class).
This class toggling has to be done in a "onclick" event handler. Leaflet clustering provide its own cluster click events (clusterclick).
The possible targets of the clusterclick event seem to be either the text, circle, or svg nodes of the cluster. We want to get the enclosing div with class leaflet-interactive to add or remove the outlined class on it. This will be made easily possible with Element.closest:
Javascript file
.on('clusterclick',function(c) {
Then, simply change the style of its circle descendants with css:
CSS file
.leaflet-interactive.outlined circle {
stroke-width: 2px;
stroke: blue;
Edit: If you're not familiar with css, the selector means: circle nodes that are descendants of nodes with classes leaflet-interactive AND outlined.

Why don't click events trigger in Chrome when :active shifts the text?

I have some custom styles for buttons. To simulate the 3D look of it being pressed, I'm shifting the text down a few pixels using the :active pseudo-class, like this:
input[type=button] {
padding-top: 4px;
padding-bottom: 4px;
input[type=button]:active {
padding-top: 6px;
padding-bottom: 2px;
Trouble is, when I do this, in Chrome there are 2 pixels of dead space under the text. When those pixels are clicked, the "click" event is not triggered.
You can see it in action here: I exaggerated the shifting to make it more obvious. Click below the text on the button to see the effect.
The size of the dead space is directly proportional to the number of pixels I am shifting the text.
The dead space is only under the text. Moving the mouse left or right on the X axis, you can see that the click event triggers when not directly under the text.
This only happens on Google Chrome
Someone else noticed this a while ago (Small dead space on a div button in chrome) but this problem is actually more pervasive than just the case he mentioned. Also the "answer" was to trigger on mousedown, but that won't work for me. "click" has different behavior than "mousedown", and I need "click".
Any thoughts how to get around this?
Unfortunately, it seems to be a bug with the .click() command: In summary (quoted from above link):
If you mousedown on the padding move the mouse and mouseup on the padding, click event fires.
If you mousedown on the padding move the mouse but now mouseup on the text, there is no click event.
Since you need to use the .click() command, here may be a fix:
$('#button_box').mousedown(function() {
clicked = true;
$('#button_box').mouseup(function() {
if (clicked) {
paddingClicked = true;
$("#button_box").trigger( "click" );
$(document).mouseup(function() {
if (!paddingClicked) {
clicked = false;
$('#button_box').click(function() {
clicked = false;
if (paddingClicked) {
$('#display').text(numClicks.toString()+' clicks');
paddingClicked = false;
I have a container div called button_box that gets used with .mousedown() and .mouseup(). These set two flags, which then calls .trigger( "click" ) that simulates a click.
The $(document).mouseup(...) is in place to catch if you click in the button and then drag the mouse outside before the .mouseup() buttons is called to reset the flag. Without it, you can then click outside of the button and then drag the mouse back in and it would register the .mouseup(). A bit hacky, but it works.

show border on rollover and select the thumb on click and unselect pre selected thumb

I have some small canvas, and i have to show border around them, i did that using rollover and rollout evenets, (these canvas hold product images), here rollover and rollout are working perfectly fine, but when a user clicks on some canvas, it has to be selected, means it has show the border around it, and rest canvas should work as normal. but when i select another canvas the previously selected canvas should get unselected and new clicked canvas gets the selection,
but the problem which is coming the rollOut event which is applied on canvas, on a click the canvas get selected, but when rollOut takes place it unselect the canvas, i even removed the rollOut listner on the click of a canvas, but in that case, the clicked canvas will not get unselected , when other canvas will be clicked
private function onRollOverThumb(event:MouseEvent):void
private function onRollOutThumb(event:MouseEvent):void
i hope some thing are clear in this, does n e one has worked on this, please reply
Thanks in advance
Ankur sharma
What about implementing a "flag" variable that is set to true when the click occurs. Then, when the ROLL_OUT occurs, check if the flag is true or false. If true, don't do anything, if false, remove/change the border.
private function onRollOverThumb(event:MouseEvent):void
for(var j:int=0;j<viewparent.numChildren;j++)
for(var i:int=0;i<viewparent.numChildren;i++)
private function onRollOutThumb(event:MouseEvent):void
i modified my own code, added one name property to the canvases"false"
and it's now working,
can n e one tell me, how to put some select and unselect(kind of fade effect) on the border, when the black selection get removed, it shld be removed in some fade manner, can we apply fade effect on border?

Creating drag bar purely in actionscript

I've been having trouble creating a mechanism to allow the user to select a span of time from a timeline. Basically i want them to be able to click and drag horizontally, and retrieve the start and end positions of that event.
I especially need to include the case where the event goes off the edge of the screen (even if the end position is snapped to the edge of the screen that's fine).
While doing all of this, I want to be able to draw a box that goes from the start of the event to the current position of the mouse, so that it's obvious which area if being selected.
Basically, it doesn't seem to me that you're dragging something. You just have a sequence of press, move and release. You will have to click on something, I bet you could consider the press event on the timeline itself. So it'll be something like:
timeline.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown);
timeline.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp);
// the next line just considers that leaving the object surface is the same as depressing the mouse button
timeline.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseUp);
function onMouseDown(evt:MouseEvent):void {
// add the event listener for the mouse move action
timeline.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove);
// create the movie clip for the box
// you get the mouse coordinates from evt.localX and evt.localY (relative to the origin of the timeline movieclip) or evt.stageX and evt.stageY (as global values)
function onMouseMove(evt:MouseEvent):void {
// adjust the selection width and height
// you get the mouse coordinates from evt.localX and evt.localY (relative to the origin of the timeline movieclip) or evt.stageX and evt.stageY (as global values)
function onMouseUp(evt:MouseEvent):void {
// remove the event listener for the mouse move, that means that the function onMouseMove will no longer be called
timeline.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove);
// brush up and send the final coordinates of the selection to the next function
For the selection graphics itself, you can either use an instance of a movie clip from your library, or you could simply create an empty movie clip, make it semitransparent and draw a rectangle in it, like so:
var selection:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
selection.alpha = 0.5;;,y,width,height);;
