Creating drag bar purely in actionscript - apache-flex

I've been having trouble creating a mechanism to allow the user to select a span of time from a timeline. Basically i want them to be able to click and drag horizontally, and retrieve the start and end positions of that event.
I especially need to include the case where the event goes off the edge of the screen (even if the end position is snapped to the edge of the screen that's fine).
While doing all of this, I want to be able to draw a box that goes from the start of the event to the current position of the mouse, so that it's obvious which area if being selected.

Basically, it doesn't seem to me that you're dragging something. You just have a sequence of press, move and release. You will have to click on something, I bet you could consider the press event on the timeline itself. So it'll be something like:
timeline.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onMouseDown);
timeline.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onMouseUp);
// the next line just considers that leaving the object surface is the same as depressing the mouse button
timeline.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, onMouseUp);
function onMouseDown(evt:MouseEvent):void {
// add the event listener for the mouse move action
timeline.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove);
// create the movie clip for the box
// you get the mouse coordinates from evt.localX and evt.localY (relative to the origin of the timeline movieclip) or evt.stageX and evt.stageY (as global values)
function onMouseMove(evt:MouseEvent):void {
// adjust the selection width and height
// you get the mouse coordinates from evt.localX and evt.localY (relative to the origin of the timeline movieclip) or evt.stageX and evt.stageY (as global values)
function onMouseUp(evt:MouseEvent):void {
// remove the event listener for the mouse move, that means that the function onMouseMove will no longer be called
timeline.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, onMouseMove);
// brush up and send the final coordinates of the selection to the next function
For the selection graphics itself, you can either use an instance of a movie clip from your library, or you could simply create an empty movie clip, make it semitransparent and draw a rectangle in it, like so:
var selection:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
selection.alpha = 0.5;;,y,width,height);;


How to configure LightningChart JS mouse interactions similar to TradingView

Is it possible to click on the chart and drag around like tradingview panning ?
Right now its creating rectangle only.
const chart = lightningChart().ChartXY()
// Method for adding OHLCSeries takes one argument: seriesConstructor.
const ohlcSeries = chart.addOHLCSeries(
// Specify type of figure used
{ seriesConstructor: OHLCFigures.Candlestick }
You can pan the chart with right click of the mouse. Right now it's not possible to switch the panning of the chart to left click but we are planning to implement a solution to remap the mouse/touch interactions in future.
You can also remove an axis from the panning interaction by calling axis.setChartInteractionPanByDrag(false).
With the new v3.0.0 release, ChartXY mouse interaction buttons can now be explicitly configured. For example, changing panning to left mouse button, and rectangle zoom/fit to right mouse button:
const lcjs = lightningChart({
overrideInteractionMouseButtons: {
chartXYPanMouseButton: 0,
chartXYRectangleZoomFitMouseButton: 2,
const chart = lcjs.ChartXY()

How do I make the area outside of round button not clickable in javafx

When I make a round Button like this
Button b = new Button();
b.setShape(new Circle(20.0));
b.setStyle("-fx-background-radius: 50em; " +
"-fx-min-width: 50px; " +
"-fx-min-height: 50px; ");
It can be still clicked in area outside of circle like the one I marked red here:
Is there a way to fix this?
Button has the pickOnBounds property, Defines how the picking computation is done for this node when triggered by a MouseEvent or a contains function call.
You need to set pickOnBounds property to false
pickOnBounds doesn't seem settable from CSS, meaning you'll need to set it from code

On mesh click, ArcRotateCamera focus on

I'm using ArcRotateCamera, when I click on mesh, I have to focus camera on
var camera = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera("Camera", -Math.PI / 2, Math.PI / 2, 300, BABYLON.Vector3.Zero(), scene);
// on mesh click, focus in
var i = 2;
var pickInfo = scene.pick(scene.pointerX, scene.pointerY);
if (pickInfo.hit) {
pickInfo.pickedMesh.actionManager = new BABYLON.ActionManager(scene);
new BABYLON.ExecuteCodeAction(BABYLON.ActionManager.OnPickTrigger,
function (event) {
camera.position = (new BABYLON.Vector3(pickInfo.pickedPoint.x, pickInfo.pickedPoint.y, camera.position.z + i));
i += 2;
this code changes mesh's z position but don't makes it in the center of screen
There are a few things that can be changed in your code.
1st - what you are doing is executing a code action after a click, instead of simply running the code in the callback after a pick has occurred. You are registering a pick action (technically user click) on right on the first frame, but only if the mouse was found in the right location at the right moment. My guess is that it didn't work every time (unless you scene is covered with meshes :-) )
2nd - you are changing the camera's position, instead of change the position to which it is looking. Changing the camera's position won't result in what you want (to see the selected mesh), it will move the camera to a new position while still focusing on the old position.
There are a few ways to solve this. The first is this:
scene.onPointerDown = function(evt, pickInfo) {
if(pickInfo.hit) {
camera.focusOn([pickInfo.pickedMesh], true);
The ArcRotate camera provides focusOn function that focuses on a group of meshes, while fixing the orientation of the camera. this is very helpful. You can see a demo here:
Another solution would be to use the setTarget function:
Which works a bit differently (notice the orientation change of the camera).
Another thing - use the pointer events integrated in Babylon, as they are saving you the extra call for a scene pick. pointer down is executed with the pickinfo integrated in the function, so you can get the picking info of the current pointer down / up / move each frame.
**** EDIT ****
After a new comment - since you want to animate the values, all you need to do is store the current values, calculate the new ones, and animate the values using the internal animation system (documentation here - . There are many ways to achieve this, I took an old function and modernized it :-)
Here is the demo -

SnapLineSnapResult for objects in JavaFx

Currently I have a project that is being used to draw rooms with lines and images that can be selected by the user by hitting a button representing what they want to add. I.E. if they want a shower a button for shower is pressed and an image appears in a pane. The shower can be resized and moved in the pane. The user also has the ability to use lines to draw objects or walls. The lines can be resized, rotated, or moved. I am now trying to get these objects to interact with each other. Say a user is using lines to make an object, and when the line comes near another object the line being moved snaps to the other object. I have found a 3rd party library that has SnapLineSnapResult but I don't see anything where someone has used it. Is this something that is desktop JavaFX usable, or is it a touch operation and does anyone have code to model or another solution?
My code for line that would be useful if I can use this class is as follows:
line.setOnMouseDragged((MouseEvent event1) -> {
// in resize region
if (isInResizeZoneLine(line, event1)) {
// adjust line
// in movable region
else {
Point2D currentPointer = new Point2D(event1.getX(), event1.getY());
if (bound.getBoundsInLocal().contains(currentPointer)) {
/*--------*/ // potential place for if (near other object to be snapped)
double lineWidth = line.getEndX() - line.getStartX();
line.setStartX(currentPointer.getX() - lineWidth/2);
line.setEndX(currentPointer.getX() + lineWidth/2);

How to display a tooltip only if the mouse cursor is within certain coordinates?

Within my component, I'm drawing some rectangles as below:
var objGraphics:Graphics=graphics;
objGraphics.drawRect(start, end, total, 5);
I need to display a custom tooltip for each rectange when the mouse cursor is hovering over it.
How can I do this? I'm using the MouseMove event to track when the cursor moves over these coordinates (that part is working), but when I change the tooltip text it's not refreshing.
private function this_MOUSE_MOVE(event:MouseEvent):void
//...some code to check the coordinates to find out which rectangle the cursor
//is over
//current tooltip is "Rectangle A";
var localPoint:Point=new Point(event.localX, event.localY);
var globalPoint:Point=new Point(localToGlobal(localPoint).x,
//cursor is over Rectangle B, so changing the tooltip;
_myToolTip=ToolTipManager.createToolTip("Rectangle B",
globalPoint.x, globalPoint.y) as ToolTip;
callLater(addChild, [_myToolTip]);
Thanks for your help.
EDIT: The problem seems to be with the following line:
If I comment out the preceding line, it will display the new tooltip, but it will keep creating new ones and the old ones never get removed. But if I add that line, it doesn't add any tooltips! Is the code not being executed sequentially, i.e., is the code to remove the tooltip somehow getting executed after the code to add the tooltip?
Assuming what you're adding to the stage, is called "myShape", you could do something like this:
// in your class...
private var var tooltip:Tooltip; // Or whatever your tooltip is
myShape.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, handleOver);
myShape.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, handleOut);
private function handleOver(evt:MouseEvent):void
// Show here
// OR
// tooltip = new Tooltip();
// addChild(tooltip);
private function handleOut(evt:MouseEvent):void
// Hide here
// OR
// removeChild(tooltip);
Hope this helps.
