Error: Invalid Default Value from move Data in Ubuntu mariadb to Centos mariadb - mariadb

I have to move Ubuntu mariadb(10.1.41) data(78GB) to CentOS mariadb(5.5.64).
I used to mysqldump and export on heidiSQL, But every try is failed.
I think problem is that column 's default is current_timestamp.
So, I did test.
here is test query:
ts INT(11),
Result is
"SQL ERROR(1067) : Invalid default value for 'test'"
So, I tried : edit configure /etc/my.cnf
But, Everything is Failed. what should I do??

In MariaDB 5.5 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is not supported as default for column type DATETIME.
Update MariaDB Server to 10.x
change column type from DATETIME to


I have a small problem with MySQL regarding the first application [duplicate]

Im using xampp control panel and from there i start the process for apache and mysql. Then i go to mysql workbench and server status seems to be ok, here is some info
Host: Windows-PC
Socket: C:/xampp/mysql/mysql.sock
Port: 3306
Version 10.1.31-MariaDB binary distribution
Compiled For: Win32(32)
Configuratin File: unknown
Then everytime when i try to add the foreign key for my dummy schema like:
ALTER TABLE `puppies`.`animals`
ADD INDEX `Breed_idx` (`BreedID` ASC) VISIBLE;
ALTER TABLE `puppies`.`animals`
REFERENCES `puppies`.`breeds` (`Breed`)
I get the following error
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near
'' at line 2
SQL Statement:
ALTER TABLE `puppies`.`animals`
ADD INDEX `Breed_idx` (`BreedID` ASC) VISIBLE
So what can i do so that xampp will start using mysql syntax over mariaDb?
Or if im wrong in my understanding of the problem, then what should i do so that i dont have to face this kind of issues again when using xampp?
Problem is the word VISIBLE, remove it and it will work.
Index are visible by default.
Your question: "If i remove VISIBLE it works just fine, so why did mysql workbench decided to add visible?"
My answer: The option to mark index invisible is not yet implemented in MariaDB (afaik!).
The syntax for MariaDB is different, please see this reference:
Just to add to those who are using Maria DB with MySQL Workbench, you don't need to install mysql. You can just change 'Default Target MySQL Version' from Preferences to 5.7 or 5.6, and the VISIBLE keyword will be removed by workbench.
Here is a link from mysql bugs
I am using MySQL Workbench and have same problem. Change in the Preferences but it did not work.
Solution: If you export forward-engineer the model you need to change the configuration on another place.
Go to Model > Model Options
Inside the Model Options, go to MySQL
Then change the "Target MySQL Version" to 5.6

MariaDB 10.5 changing sql_mode in .cnf does not change ##sql_mode, why?

Fedora Desktop 35 running MariaDB 10.5, completely fresh install from about a month ago.
Why is my change to /etc/my.cnf/mariadb-server.cnf sql_mode changing ##GLOBAL.sql_mode but not ##sql_mode?
I'm trying to remove STRICT_TRANS_TABLES from my sql_mode (I have a column that is DATETIME NOT NULL that I need to omit from an INSERT and have it assume a default value). My system has a simple MariaDB installation with a nearly empty /etc/my.cnf that includes all files in /etc/my.cnf.d where there is a mariadb-server.cnf with a [server] section where I can set sql-mode.
If omitted, it defaults as specified in to STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION. Confirmed by querying via SquirrelSQL:
SELECT ##GLOBAL.sql_mode global, ##sql_mode;
global ##sql_mode
So by default both ##sql_mode and ##GLOBAL.sql_mode are equivalent.
Adding this to mariadb-server.cnf ([server] line was already there):
Restart server with systemctl restart mariadb, no errors in journal, and re-run the query from above:
global ##sql_mode
Note that the global sql_mode no longer has STRICT_TRANS_TABLES, but the non-global one does! Why, and what can I do about it?
The insert still fails due to the strict rule being in effect.

default_time_zone not recognised by MariaDB

I'm trying to set the GLOBAL time of my MariaDB database to UTC. I've followed the recommendations of their official documentation and default_time_zone="+00:00" in the my.cnf file, however it does NOT work and I get the following error when I start it in the shell: mysql: unknown variable 'default_time_zone=+00:00'.
Does anyone have an idea?
Remove the quotes
As the error message states command line client (mysql) complains about unknown variable, since default_time_zone is a server but not a client variable. So you added it in wrong section. Move the entry to the server section:

MySQL Workbench cannot forward engineer, error 1064 [duplicate]

Im using xampp control panel and from there i start the process for apache and mysql. Then i go to mysql workbench and server status seems to be ok, here is some info
Host: Windows-PC
Socket: C:/xampp/mysql/mysql.sock
Port: 3306
Version 10.1.31-MariaDB binary distribution
Compiled For: Win32(32)
Configuratin File: unknown
Then everytime when i try to add the foreign key for my dummy schema like:
ALTER TABLE `puppies`.`animals`
ADD INDEX `Breed_idx` (`BreedID` ASC) VISIBLE;
ALTER TABLE `puppies`.`animals`
REFERENCES `puppies`.`breeds` (`Breed`)
I get the following error
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near
'' at line 2
SQL Statement:
ALTER TABLE `puppies`.`animals`
ADD INDEX `Breed_idx` (`BreedID` ASC) VISIBLE
So what can i do so that xampp will start using mysql syntax over mariaDb?
Or if im wrong in my understanding of the problem, then what should i do so that i dont have to face this kind of issues again when using xampp?
Problem is the word VISIBLE, remove it and it will work.
Index are visible by default.
Your question: "If i remove VISIBLE it works just fine, so why did mysql workbench decided to add visible?"
My answer: The option to mark index invisible is not yet implemented in MariaDB (afaik!).
The syntax for MariaDB is different, please see this reference:
Just to add to those who are using Maria DB with MySQL Workbench, you don't need to install mysql. You can just change 'Default Target MySQL Version' from Preferences to 5.7 or 5.6, and the VISIBLE keyword will be removed by workbench.
Here is a link from mysql bugs
I am using MySQL Workbench and have same problem. Change in the Preferences but it did not work.
Solution: If you export forward-engineer the model you need to change the configuration on another place.
Go to Model > Model Options
Inside the Model Options, go to MySQL
Then change the "Target MySQL Version" to 5.6

How to use AzerothCore with MySQL 5.7

After I upgraded my MySQL version from 5.6 to 5.7, the AzerothCore installer fails with errors like:
ERROR 1067 (42000) at line 234: Invalid default value for 'last_login'
ERROR 1292 (22007) at line 266: Incorrect datetime value: '0000-00-00 00:00:00' for column 'last_login' at row 1
Can't find any matching row in the user table
In fact, you better do it like this (to avoid removing default modes):
-- Select the sql modes
SELECT ##sql_mode;
-- Remove the 2 modes NO_ZERO_IN_DATE and NO_ZERO_DATE and run this query
SET sql_mode = 'mode_1,mode_2,mode_3,mode_4,mode_5';
Also this can be put directly in mysql configuration.
After [mysqld]:
sql_mode = mode_1,mode_2,mode_3,mode_4,mode_5
Note: ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY can be kept
EDIT: As of march 2019, it's probably not needed at all, we have fixed this but it might occur again in the future
EDIT: this answer is a bit outdated, some of the issues with MySQL 5.7 have been resolved in the latest version
As stated in the requirements page of the AC wiki:
AzerothCore does not officially support MySQL version >= 5.7, but there is a way to get it up and running.
You have to remove ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE and NO_ZERO_DATE flags from MySQL's sql_mode variable in the MySQL config file so that all queries updates and core statements can be applied correctly.
I've found it useful to set my SQL mode to the empty string (which in my case solved all the issues with MySQL 5.7):
SET GLOBAL sql_mode = ''
you can run that sql statement via terminal using:
mysql -e "SET GLOBAL sql_mode = '';"
or alternatively you can manually set the SQL mode before running any SQL statements:
SET sql_mode = '';
