Uncaught error in Pagespeed Insights on Wordpress installation - wordpress

Have no clue what ghost-rider is... Error follows.
Lighthouse returned error: generic::internal: Extension result empty.
Lighthouse calling Page.navigate with https://www.redacted.com/blog
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Extension timed out. No call to exit()
before render timeout. at wrs.Extension.onTimeout_
(http://ghost-rider/devtools_script_api.js:5576:13) at
http://ghost-rider/devtools_script_api.js:708:9 at Map.forEach
() at chromium.DevTools.Connection.dispatchMessage
(http://ghost-rider/devtools_script_api.js:707:76) at
(http://ghost-rider/devtools_script_api.js:689:65) at :1:40

i agree it looks sketchy. i'm getting that same error when running pagespeed on my joomla test site. i grepped 'ghost-rider' on my server and full-text searched my db and can't find that anywhere on the site.
the url doesn't work and the domain ghost-rider is invalid of course. no .com or anything. weird...
running lighthouse on https://www.webpagetest.org/lighthouse gives a timeout after 80 seconds on my site (nothing about ghost-rider). http://gtmetrix.com/ and sites like that seem to work fine and the site loads in about 6-10 secs.
ran an ispp scan and didn't find anything.
nothing else to add... anyone else getting this on pagespeed/lighthouse?


Error Lighthouse returned error: generic::internal: APP::1: Abnormal renderer termination, status = crashed exit_code = 1

While checking the website speed at Here
It throws this error:
Lighthouse returned error: generic :: internal: APP :: 1: Abnormal
renderer termination, status = crashed exit_code = 1
Please can anyone tell me how this can be solved and how serious is it?
Your website has a problem with its SSL certificate.
What (I am making an educated guess here) is happening is that Lighthouse is attempting to run the 'redirects to HTTPS' test and is throwing an error within Chrome in 'headless' mode (the browser it uses to run tests) as the site does seem to try to redirect but then fails due to a certificate problem.
Fix your SSL certificate and the site should run through PSI fine.
You can use lighthouse (the engine used by Page Speed Insights) under the 'Audits' tab of Developer Tools (F12) within Google Chrome to get your results.
I ran Lighthouse and it worked fine.

Not able to display 404 error in prod environment

When I try to throw a simple throw $this->NotFoundHttpException('We do not currently have a website configured at this address. Please visit our website for more information or contact our support team');in dev environment, it works fine. But when I do the same in prod environment I get 500 server error.
Any ideas?
Here are screenshots of my dev and prod log files
Note: 500 error only happens when I use www in the url in prod env. On using any other word eg. nike, this is what i get
Here is the dev env result for the normal www.blore.eduflats.com url
According to the symfony documentation in order to return a 404 from your controller you need to do the following:
throw $this->createNotFoundException('The product does not exist');
Whereas, you have
throw $this->NotFoundHttpException
The error you are seeing is telling you that NotFoundHttpException does not exist. To fix your problem simply replace NotFoundHttpException with createNotFoundException
You call Eduflas.. UniversityResolver->NotFoundHttpException();
If you want to trhow exception like this, you should declare it.
Symfony Controller have $this->createNotFoundException('Something Not found');
You can throw 404 like this:
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException
throw new NotFoundHttpException("Not found");
Use this way to be sure that Exception exist and test it.
Anyway clear your production and dev cache to be sure you use "the same code".
Last thing that come to my head - its possible you override error pages and you make something to your error.html.twig or error404.html.twig and you got different pages.
When i enter your http://blore.eduflats.com/ i got
"array(29) { ["HTTP_HOST"]=> string(18) "blore.eduflats.com" ["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]=> s..."
Anyway your dev env. got error too so how it can work on prod env...
If you throw NotFoundException in dev you should get symfony debugger page and this error. In porduction this error is catch with ExceptionController and display blank error page (user should not see exceptions, only 500 error)

R shiny publish issue Unhandled Exception: HTTP 500: Internal Server Error

I was trying to publish my shiny app, it works fine in local, but when I try to publish it, i got this error:
Unhandled Exception: HTTP 500: Internal Server Error
What does this mean?
Don't know which part goes wrong, hope someone can help.
Same here, looks like they are having server issues...
HTTP 500 refers to an issue with the web server (service), don't worry it's not a problem on your end.
See: http://www.checkupdown.com/status/E500.html
You can periodically try to publish again until it works. You can also check the Shiny Google Discussion Group https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/shiny-discuss for shinyapps.io

Intermittent 401 and 302 Errors on Static Files

I'm developing a website for a client of ours and have been having a nagging issue for weeks. The problem is intermittent and might happen twice in a day or once in 2 weeks.
When it happens, the client will start getting 401.3 "Unauthorized" errors when trying to load static script or style tags on the page. It's always a .css or .js file that gets denied and setting <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="false" /> hasn't fixed the problem. When the problem happens it effectively blocks the file until the application pool is restarted.
The site is using Forms Authentication with the stock "AspNetSqlMembershipProvider". The site has protected files in an /Accounts folder, styles in /Styles, and scripts in /Scripts. The site has anonymous access enabled and has a separate web.config in the /Accounts folder which deny's access to anonymous users (though that shouldn't even matter with runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests=false).
I've looked through the event logs and I see this:
2012-06-06 14:23:32 [ipaddress] GET /subfolder/Styles/Site.css ver=11 443 - [ipaddress] Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+rv:12.0)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/12.0 https://thesitename.net/subfolder/Account/Login.aspx 401 3 5 1493 429 62
Sometimes after a short period of time it fixes itself or if I restart the application pool I get this:
2012-06-06 14:30:30 [ipaddress] GET /subfolder/Styles/Site.css ver=11 443 - [ipaddress] Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64;+rv:12.0)+Gecko/20100101+Firefox/12.0 https://thesitename.net/subfolder/Account/Login.aspx 200 0 0 2533 455 78
I finally got the hosting provider to enable failed request tracing and finally got a trace of the error:
Every failed request tracing file I got this time said the failure happens right after the "FILE_CACHE_ACCESS_END" event. What is this event doing and why would access be denied?
You should probably try following the "failed request tracing" instructions here. The error is almost certainly NTFS permissions related.
Looks like you are getting a Win32 "path not found" error in the problem line (the 3 right after the HTTP status code, field sc-win32-status).
Are these files on a network share? It looks like there might be some connectivity issues between the web server and the drive hosting these files. This might be in the form of an authorization error for the IIS user when attempting to read those files, which would explain the 401 error.
W3C Extended Log File Format (IIS 6.0) here: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/WindowsServer2003/Library/IIS/676400bc-8969-4aa7-851a-9319490a9bbb.mspx?mfr=true
Win32 status codes here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms681382.aspx
I would look into the reason for that error in the health monitoring logs (event code 3005: System.Data.Linq.ChangeConflictException) before anything else. If your problems start to occur after this error, then there is a good chance that eliminating this error will resolve your problems.
Here are some pages that discuss this error and might be of help to understand the error and how to fix it:
I've been struggling with this error for longtime.
One of the strange causes of this error is when the resources (files or folders) are in a share (SMB share) with limited or no access rights to "everyone". This overrides the rights you may specifically add to the folder or files and causes a 401.3 error for anonymous access.

Drupal CMIS Alfresco-link issue

I am getting the following error when I try to update or add contents to alfresco via drupal.
Notice: Undefined index: workspace://SpacesStore/2e3ea968-07ec-48c8-8295-80bfbef554d6 in CMISService->getLink() (line 421 of /home/drupal/myra/sites/all/modules/contrib/cmis/cmis_common/lib/cmis_repository_wrapper.php).
HTTP call to [http://myra-dev-repo.bmi.utah.edu:80/alfresco/service/cmis/s/workspace:SpacesStore/i/2e3ea968-07ec-48c8-8295-80bfbef554d6/content] returned [500]. Response: Web Script Status 500 - Internal Error Web Script Status 500 - Internal Error The Web Script /alfresco/service/cmis/s/workspace:SpacesStore/i/2e3ea968-07ec-48c8-8295-80bfbef554d6/content has responded with a status of 500 - Internal Error. 500 Description: An error inside the HTTP server which prevented it from fulfilling the request. Message:11212017 Failed to execute transaction-level behaviour
I understand that the problem is with the getLink() method which is returning an index of the workspace where the data needs to be saved.But I am unable to figure out where the change has to be made.Moreover this is a new error that has popped up recently.I remember not changing/updating anything : - ( drupal or alfresco setup) that was working just fine.
Please let me know what is going wrong.Thanks.
This problem arises only if the permissions are messed up within the server.So proper attention needs to be paid to, when the content is edited/added/modified etc
