Error Lighthouse returned error: generic::internal: APP::1: Abnormal renderer termination, status = crashed exit_code = 1 - pagespeed

While checking the website speed at Here
It throws this error:
Lighthouse returned error: generic :: internal: APP :: 1: Abnormal
renderer termination, status = crashed exit_code = 1
Please can anyone tell me how this can be solved and how serious is it?

Your website has a problem with its SSL certificate.
What (I am making an educated guess here) is happening is that Lighthouse is attempting to run the 'redirects to HTTPS' test and is throwing an error within Chrome in 'headless' mode (the browser it uses to run tests) as the site does seem to try to redirect but then fails due to a certificate problem.
Fix your SSL certificate and the site should run through PSI fine.
You can use lighthouse (the engine used by Page Speed Insights) under the 'Audits' tab of Developer Tools (F12) within Google Chrome to get your results.
I ran Lighthouse and it worked fine.


Rgoogleads - Issue with Service Account

I am trying to migrate my RAdwords code to rgoogleads and keep bumping into the same authentication nightmare. Some context:
Use R in my local computer, but all deployments are in a remote server that runs shiny, RStudio and other goodies.
I have managed to successfully activate the service account. I am (almost) sure about it since I successfully connect to Google Ads with Python.
I tried the same code with local OAuth2.0 and it works fine. However when I try to do so with the ServiceAccount authentication I keep getting the same error. I am sure I am doing something wrong.
This is a sample of my code:
developer_token = '_my_dev_token_'
And this is the response
Request had insufficient authentication scopes.
1. rgoogleads::gads_get_accessible_customers()
2. gargle::response_process(ans, error_message = gads_check_errors2)
8. rgoogleads:::error_message(resp)
9. rgoogleads:::gads_abort(paste(client_id, msg))
10. cli::cli_abort(message = message, ..., .envir = .envir)
Even when I try gads_has_token() it returns TRUE (!)
Any clues? I can't seem to get my head around this.

Progressive Web App: The FetchEvent for "<URL>" resulted in a network error response: the promise was rejected

I am seeing the following errors in the console of my PWA:
The FetchEvent for "" resulted in a network error response: the promise was rejected.
The FetchEvent for "" resulted in a network error response: the promise was rejected.
It seems that external scripts have problems being fetched by workbox? The website is a next.js app and i am using next-pwa to turn it into a PWA. Here is the pwa-config for next-pwa: next-pwa config
Does anyone know how to fix this?
This is fairly common if you have a ad/tracking blocker extension installed, or if your browser has built-in blocking. A Workbox-powered service worker will not do anything to work around this blocking.

Deploy R shiny app on LAN: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'readyState' of null

I've built a shiny web app that I would like to share with my colleagues.
I use for that runApp(host = getOption("", "")) where is my host server IP adress.
The app works perfectly on my local server, but some remote client (not all of them !) directly get a greyed out screen (or after 1 sec maximum). When inspecting their web page source code, I get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'readyState' of null
at ShinyApp.$sendMsg (shinyapp.js:288)
at ShinyApp.sendInput (shinyapp.js:140)
at InputBatchSender.$sendNow (input_rate.js:220)
I red here that it could be linked to web socket restriction. But I didn't found any solution that worked for me...
Doe's someone have any suggest? Any help would be great appreciable!

Uncaught error in Pagespeed Insights on Wordpress installation

Have no clue what ghost-rider is... Error follows.
Lighthouse returned error: generic::internal: Extension result empty.
Lighthouse calling Page.navigate with
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Extension timed out. No call to exit()
before render timeout. at wrs.Extension.onTimeout_
(http://ghost-rider/devtools_script_api.js:5576:13) at
http://ghost-rider/devtools_script_api.js:708:9 at Map.forEach
() at chromium.DevTools.Connection.dispatchMessage
(http://ghost-rider/devtools_script_api.js:707:76) at
(http://ghost-rider/devtools_script_api.js:689:65) at :1:40
i agree it looks sketchy. i'm getting that same error when running pagespeed on my joomla test site. i grepped 'ghost-rider' on my server and full-text searched my db and can't find that anywhere on the site.
the url doesn't work and the domain ghost-rider is invalid of course. no .com or anything. weird...
running lighthouse on gives a timeout after 80 seconds on my site (nothing about ghost-rider). and sites like that seem to work fine and the site loads in about 6-10 secs.
ran an ispp scan and didn't find anything.
nothing else to add... anyone else getting this on pagespeed/lighthouse?

Does Chrome violates the HTML5 standard for Geolocation API when position is unavailable?

While I am developing a web app, I am using HTML5 Geolocation API. I have done the following steps:
I turned off my WiFi connection on my desktop computer.
I triggered a position request using :
var params = {enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout:3600, maximumAge:60000};
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( reportPosition, gpsError, params );
I run my HTML code using Google Chrome Browser [version 41.0.2272.89 (64-bit)] and I found out that gpsError function has been called twice. In the first time I got an error code POSITION_UNAVAILABLE which makes sense to me since the connection was off. But surprisingly, I found out that the error code in the second time is TIMEOUT.
I run the same code on Safari [version 8.0.4 (10600.4.10.7)] and the gpsError function was called only once with error code POSITION_UNAVAILABLE
I opened the geolocation standard and I found out the following steps:
But in section 5.2 PositionOption interface , it states the following:
So I guess chrome violates the standard of Geolocation API because it does not make sense to me to invoke error callback with TIMEOUT after knowing the fact that postion is not available i.e. invoking error callback with POSITION_UNAVAILABLE
Which one is considered to be compliant with the standard, the chrome or safari?
