Paypal button with custom field - button

I created a button like this:
I have a text field but in my test transaction I was not able to undestand where can I see this info in the payment.
Is the only way to collect this data to activate the option
'Can your customer add special instructions in a message to you?' ?

The "special instructions in a message to you" is a legacy PayPal checkout thing that not shown during checkouts anymore, so that won't actually matter whether you ahve it enabled or not.
The "Add text field" you have enabled in the above will show the entered value in the regular Transaction Details screen, and in reports or activity downloads that have enabled the option to show shopping cart or line item details (this is a checkbox when generating certain activity download reports)


Trigger email action after updating custom post types in wordpress

I have a CPT programs where details (title, date, time, instructor etc. field) about the program are added. There's also a custom filed status which indicates if the program is active or not. By default it is set to active whenever a new program is added. Below the program details page I have a registration button which triggers a registration form. With wpmail + wpforms plugin, after the submission of form I'm sending form data to both user and admin.
But now I have to send email to the registered users whenever a program gets cancelled or status is changed. In my case the CPT and registration form where the user puts his email are both separate.
So how do I accomplish this? I know I can use some event manager plugin but in my case all of those events fields are already covered by ACF. So is there any way to do this within CPT or other options?

How to integrate Razorpay Payment Gateway in WordPress

I am planning to integrate Razorpay Payment Gateway in my client website which has been developed in WordPress in which the scenario will be as follows.
The user will fill inquiry form with his requirement.
Then depend on customer requirement owner will reply with cost and some code to customer(through mobile/email communication).
The customer will go at website's Payment Page where He/She will submit form(name,amount,code as remark and email id) which will redirect to payment gateway page.
At WordPress website the plugin (Razorpay Quick Payments) has implementation details as follows.
Add a few custom variables and some markup to a page.
Specify the amount, name, description and other custom details as page metadata.
Write [RZP] wherever you want on the post and the button to show up.
The plugin takes over and completes the payment.
I am not getting how to do all these steps.
Step 1 - Create a page and click on "Screen Options" on the top right and Select "Custom Fields" checkbox.
Step 2 - You will be able to see a new "Custom Fields" section if you scroll down the page. It contains 2 fields - name and value. Click on "Enter New".
Step 3 - Now you will be able to type in the name field, as per the requirements of Razorpay, you have to to enter these 3 values in name field -
In the "value" field of "amount", you have to enter the amount in rupee you want to charge, if you want to charge INR 1000, you have to enter 1000.
Step 4 - In the main text area, type [RZP], save the page and open. You will see "Pay With Razorpay" button.
Click on the button and you will be able to see different payment options like Debit Card / Credit Card / Netbanking / UPI / Wallet.
User will have to enter their mobile number and email id to proceed with the payment.

how to do multiple tracking like a series of pages one after another?

I have a blog with a "demo button" with leads the user to a sign up page.
On sign up page, the user fill the general entries. Then he is brought to a payment page to enter his card details. and then from there he is taken to a confirmation page.
Now, I want to track every page. Basically, whether any user coming from a blog becomes a user or atleast how far he goes before closing the tab
Use Enhanced E-Commerce Tracking.
The EEC in Google Analytics lets you assign step numbers to the various steps in a checkout. It then creates a custom funnel report (remember that EEC must be enabled and configured not just in your code, but also in your view settings) that show how many users completed the checkout and how many dropped of at each step.

wooCommerce wirecard plugin giving issues

When after selecting wired card as a payment option in the checkout page,
instead of redirecting to the wiredcard checkout page. I get an incomplete form error saying please select a payment type.
Any idea what's wrong?
on the wirecard checcout settings i have selected two types of payments . i.e credit card and maestro
Also one more thing when I used the iDeal Payment option it will give me the error: payment type is not activated.
Please add the secret key and customer id number in backend side.

Drupal 7 View to list content created by logged in user

I've just started using D7 and was trying to set up a system where people can add a couple types of content and associate one with the other via nodereference.
I only want users to be able to see and work with their own content.
To achieve this in D6 I used a view for nodereference.
In D6 I used argument : user: uid and if there is no arg, it uses the user id of the logged in user. This would return all of the content that was authored by the user.
I haven't been able to figure out how to do this in Views 3?
got it:
you first need to add a User relationship, then you will see new filters and contextual filters - one of which is "current user" or something like that
This five minute video shows how to do it, as well:
With contextual filters you can also display the list as a tab on each user page (as shown in the screencast).
If you're interested in a list that always shows the current user's posts, you can use a standard filter instead – there is a "current user" filter available.
Edited: The original link is broken. I'm not sure which video it was, but it could be one of the following (which all deal with this topic). Video guide Exercise description Exercise solution
For drupal 7
Steps for doing as the above question are
Create a new content view and limit it to the content type you want.
Uncheck "Create a page" and check "Create a block." Select the format you want; I recommend an HTML list of linked titles. Click "Continue & edit."
Add a contextual filter for "Content: Author uid."
Under "When the filter value is not available," select "Provide a default value," and select "User ID from URL" from the dropdown. Because blocks don't understand contextual filters very well, the view won't work properly without this default value, and all posts of the given content type will show on all user pages (not just the user's own posts).
Under "When the filter value is available or a default is provided," check "Specify validation criteria" and select "Basic validation" as the validator. Select "Hide view" from the dropdown.
Save your view.
Assuming that you created a block display, the block will now be available on the Blocks page. Go there and open it.
Set your block to display on all user pages (/user/*) in the correct region. Save the block.
Your block should now appear on all user pages, showing the content written by each user.
