wooCommerce wirecard plugin giving issues - woocommerce

When after selecting wired card as a payment option in the checkout page,
instead of redirecting to the wiredcard checkout page. I get an incomplete form error saying please select a payment type.
Any idea what's wrong?
on the wirecard checcout settings i have selected two types of payments . i.e credit card and maestro
Also one more thing when I used the iDeal Payment option it will give me the error: payment type is not activated.

Please add the secret key and customer id number in backend side.


WooCommerce - Paypal Amount Error after shipping costs discount

Good morning.
Thanks to the code provided here WooCommerce - get shipping country for non registered user I managed to add the correct discount to my checkout.
A brief resume: I had to discount the full shipping cost in case the order comes from specific country. But I cannot use the standard free shipping procedure, because I have to know the amount of the shipping costs to use it somewere after the checkout. That's why I added the some code to apply a negative fee to the woocommerce_cart_calculate_fees hook.
When I try to pay via PayPal I receive this error "https://www.paypal.com/webapps/shoppingcart/error?flowlogging_id=IDd&code=AMOUNT_ERROR&mfid=MFID"
I believe that PayPal does not evaluate the new total amount.
I tried to echo the $cart->total value inside woocommerce_after_calculate_totals hook, and it's OK.
So Paypal is looking at another value...
What can I do?
This is what I get (sorry for the partial translation)
PayPal evaluates what you send it -- so, review a log of what your browser is actually sending in the request. Use the Dev Tools 'Network' tab.
And try the latest PayPal for WooCommerce plugin, which has an option to enable Smart Buttons that use an API instead of redirecting with the amount, among other things: https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-gateway-paypal-checkout/

Change WooCommerce Stripe Gateway description text

I have a site that's using WooCommerce & the WooCommerce Stripe Gateway plugin to handle payments through Stripe.
Currently when Stripe is selected at the checkout stage a message shows saying "Pay with your credit card via Stripe", is there a way of changing this message? I basically want it to say "Pay with your debit or credit card via Stripe" so it's clear it's not just credit card payments that are taken.
The best way I've come up with is to add an if statement into the /checkout/payment-method.php file that will output $gateway->payment_fields(); for all payment methods except Stripe & hard code the output for Stripe instead.
Is there anyway of just altering the output of $gateway->payment_fields(); instead? As that would be a 'cleaner' way of doing it. I've tried storing $gateway->payment_fields(); to a variable then outputting it using a str_replace() but it appears $gateway->payment_fields(); just echos out its contents rather than returns it.
It's an admin setting. WooCommerce>Settings>Checkout>Stripe

Why does my email shows up in Woocommerce check out page?

I am newbie in Woocommerce.
I filled out profile information in WordPress "Customer Billing address" and "Customer Shipping address"
And when I checked the "Checkout" page, all my information was filled out.
So, I removed all my information which was in Profile, the information was gone in Checkout page. (Which is good!)
However, the email did not remove. (The profile states email is required, and whenever I go for checkout, my email shows up.)
Can anyone know how to fix this problem?
Also, what plug-ins are there that if the customer buy multiple products and calculate the shipping costs at proceed to check out page?
For example, I want to set $9.45 for maximum weight/ dimension we set and if customer buy more products, I want to add percentage more for the weight/ dimension.
Hi happy to read your question .
As you are seeing your profile details on checkout page because you are logged in your site as administrator so .
log out from your wordpress site then check checkout page
Regarding second issue you need add variable products in site or else use below plugin - http://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-shipping-calculator-on-product-page/11496815

WooCommerce add delivery date as hidden product in checkout (Third party payment gateway)

Im developing an e-commerce site with wordpress and woocommerce 2.1. Im using a third party payment gateway (Klarna Checkout) which doesn't offer the customer to specify a delivery date/time. I need to make this feature available but the problem is that the gateway only sends the order-meta from their form, which doesn't offer a date field, when the order is completed. In other words, the standard checkout fields in woocommerce won't be passed to the final order.
My idea of solution is to add a hidden free product called Time, with variations for different time spans, on the checkout page and automatically add this product(with selected variation) to the cart when a customer selects a variation. The specified time would then show as a ordered product when viewing the order in wordpress. How could i do this?
If anyone has a better idea of how to solve this problem feel free to contribute :)
Try this free plugin that adds a delivery date on the checkout page: http://wordpress.org/plugins/order-delivery-date-for-woocommerce/

Set value of PayPal Buy Now Button

I am setting up a simple shopping cart type system, and i was wondering how i set the value of a paypal button? Whats the best way to do this?
PayPal has rather extensive documentation on their buttons. I suggest you visit PayPal's website for their full documentation.
When you create a Buy It Now button using the PayPal interface, it asks you to enter the price. If you are creating one programmatically, then the documentation provides details on setting a wide range of the values including the price, currency, etc.
You can find all of this information by logging into PayPal and then Choosing the "Merchant Services" tab. Start with the "Buy Now" link in the Create button section.
PayPal will generate the code for you.
