Non-modular java with javafx 13: install4j VM arguments - javafx

Install4J VM parameters for JAVAFX seem to not pass to the JVM
With a non-modularized application which depends on JAVAFX the suggested approach is adding
"--module-path ${PATH_TO_FX} --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH"
or specific modules to the java command line. This works fine. However, when creating an installer with install4j and including these in the Java Invocation VM parameters field for the installer, the application does not start and reports error:java.lang.RuntimeException: No toolkit found
This is a new behavior since updating to Java 11+ (given modularization and JavaFX separation). For other reasons we have no desire to modularize our whole application yet. The code works fine in Eclipse and with by hand command line or bat start up. We have also tried to include a VMoptions file with these arguments to no avail.
Currently running AdoptOpenJDK-13, JAVAFX-13, and Install4J 7.0.12
--module-path ${PATH_TO_FX} --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH
How can we create the install4j installer that has the same start up behavior as our command line -- recognizing javafx -- while still not modularizing the full application?
The command line arguments are:
"--module-path ${PATH_TO_FX} --add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH"
The extended error when running the install4j launcher is:
java.lang.RuntimeException: No toolkit found
at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.startup(
at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.startup(
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.startToolkit(
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.launchApplication1(
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.lambda$launchApplication$2(
at java.base/


java.lang.module.FindException: Module test not foundIntellidea

I am have this Exception please help me!
"Error occurred during initialization of boot layer
java.lang.module.Find Exception: Module test not found"
But i write VM option "--module-path "D:\UT java\javafx-sdk-17.0.1\lib" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml"
and i have "
requires javafx.fxml;
requires javafx.controls;
requires java.sql;
requires java.desktop;
requires jdk.jfr;"
i add my sdk. And if i create javafx demo project and execute him it work. and if i start change fxml file and change controller i have this exception.
I have IntellIJIdea 2021, javafx-sdk-17.0.1, jdbc jr 8,11,16
Steps to fix:
Delete the JavaFX sdk (you don’t need it).
Delete old Java versions (they are obsolete).
Update your IntelliJ IDE and IDE plugins to the most recent release, 2021.3.2+.
Create a new JavaFX project using JDK and JavaFX 17.0.2+.
Select Maven for the build system unless you know and prefer Gradle.
Do not set VM arguments, you don’t need them.
Adding modules via the --add-modules VM arguments is unnecessary when you have a valid file.
The --module-path is still required so that the modules can be found, but Idea will provide the correct path for your modules automatically when it recognizes the modules through your Maven dependencies.
So you don't need to explicitly define the --module-path VM argument yourself for a Maven based build (that would be difficult to do anyway because the modules are all downloaded to different directories in your local maven repository).
Test it works following the Idea create new JavaFX project execution instructions.
Add additional modules one at a time by adding their maven dependency to pom.xml and the requires clause to
Ensure you synchronize the Maven and Idea projects between each
See, for example, this question on correctly adding the module.
Adding other modules such as javafx.web, javafx.fxml or javafx.swing follows a similar pattern.
Test between each addition by building and running the project, to ensure you haven’t broken anything.
Copy your original source code into the appropriate package directories under the new project source directory:
Place resources in:
following the Eden resource location guide.
Fix any errors, ensure everything compiles and runs, then test it.

Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, (Permanent Solution)

I know you can solve this by adding
--module-path "pathToLib" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml, when running the jar file in command line.
But my question is, Is there no permanent solution to solve this error in system settings or configurations and be able to run a jar file as normal as java -jar myfile.jar rather than every time I am suppose to add the module java --module-path "C:\Users\..\Downloads\javafx-sdk-17.0.2\lib" --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml, -jar myfile.jar
Also I know you can make a script for this operation for every jar file, but I was thinking of something like system settings or configuration that will be applicable for all jar file with javafx, and be able to run the jar file as normal as java -jar myFile.jar
I am using Ant as a build tool.
Recommended Alternatives
See the packaging resources of the JavaFX tag for recommended alternate solutions to a jar distribution: jlink, jpackage, or native image.
Using JRE's that include JavaFX
Pre-installed JREs that include JavaFX, such as some Bellsoft, Zulu, and Corretto distributions, will execute JavaFX apps without additional module specifiers because they include the JavaFX modules in the base module setup for their distributions.
Note, you must use the correct versions of the JDKs if you want a JDK which includes JavaFX (not all JDKs include JavaFX):
for BellSoft, download and install the "Full JDK", not the "Standard JDK".
for Zulu, download and install the package type "JDK FX", not "JDK".
You can also create your own JRE distribution that includes JavaFX modules using jlink (which is actually simpler to do than it may sound).
Using ant to build a single JAR containing App and JavaFX components
But I still hope that there might be a solution for the above while working with ANT as building tool for JavaFX.
There is some info on building modular JavaFX apps with ant in this answer:
bad name in value for --add-modules when trying to compile through ant
It probably isn’t everything you are looking for though.
To create a single executable jar using ant, you could try emulating the output of this maven JavaFX shade on classpath answer:
Maven Shade JavaFX runtime components are missing
But use ant tasks to build the massive shaded jar instead of maven. I don’t have explicit instructions for that, you would need to work out to accomplish that non-trivial task yourself.
The created jar will include a launcher class, your application code, dependent library code, JavaFX java, and native code. The jar will run on any modern JRE as long as you have included the native code for the relevant platform. The jar will run in the unsupported classpath configuration.
Zip Distributions
Or (better) create a zip distribution:
only put your own code in your app jar.
place the dependent libraries and JavaFX modules in a lib directory.
Create a script that invokes Java with your jar file running with the modules in the lib directory added.
Make your app modular if possible:
Define a
This step isn’t strictly necessary or reasonably possible for some apps.
Use ant to place everything in a zip file for distribution.
Include a jlink generated JRE in the zip if you want.
Note: the maven JavaFX plugin, once properly configured, can accomplish most of these tasks with a single command:
mvn javafx:jlink
Additional info
See the eden guide for resolving JavaFX runtime components.
Add a file under your java/ folder and populate it with the following content:
module module_name {
requires javafx.controls;
requires javafx.fxml;
requires java.base;
requires java.desktop;
opens com.example.matformater to;
opens com.example.matformater.controller to javafx.fxml;}

WinUI - Unable to load DLL 'Microsoft.ui.xaml.dll'

used uno-check to install all the needed prerequisites.
after this i have installed the Uno Platform dotnet templates :
dotnet new -i Uno.ProjectTemplates.Dotnet
and created a new project with this command :
dotnet new unoapp-winui -o MyUnoApp
who give me some errors about failed restoration (MSBUILD : error MSB1009 - project file not exist -)
After that i load the solution in visual studio (2019/2022), select MyUnoApp.Windows.Desktop as starting project (x86) and start the debug session but i got this error:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.DllNotFoundException' occurred in UNO.Windows.Desktop.dll
Unable to load DLL 'Microsoft.ui.xaml.dll' or one of its dependencies
Any hint?
I had the exact same problem, but after fiddling around a bit I found a solution.
Set the '.Windows.Package' project as startup instead of '.Windows.Desktop'
Also make sure you are have the same Platform selected for both Package and Desktop project.
It's my understanding that MyUnoApp.Windows.Desktop is the building target for the Windows desktop, whereas MyUnoApp.Windows.Package is the building target for the UWP app (pls correct me if I'm wrong). Hence, the original poster still would not have the problem of being unable to build the desktop app - which is the same problem I'm facing right now.

how to create a distributable .jar with intelliJ JavaFX

It's been a few days since I've been trying to export a very simple project made in JavaFX but I have a very frustrating problem: To run the jar I need to open cmd navigate to the jdk folder and execute the following code java --module-path %path_to_JavaFX_on_my_pc% --add modules=javafx.controls,javafx.fxml, -jar %path_to_jar% where I point to the jfx folder on the pc and add the necessary modules to run the jar.
run the jar using java java -jar %path_to_jar% results in the following error: Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, and are required to run this application
The project is modular, having declared with the following code:
module Timer {
requires java.prefs;
requires com.jfoenix;
requires javafx.base;
requires javafx.controls;
requires javafx.fxml;
requires javafx.web;
requires javafx.swing;
opens main;
exports main;
when exporting the artifact I include all the .jar contained in the javafx, so why should I point to it externally?
The app runs well when I run it through the IDE, I didn't even have to add VM options.
My goal is to create an application that can actually be distributed, without the user needing to have any knowledge beyond the basics to run it, no jre, jdk, jfx, cmd code, etc... just click twice and done.
The question is: How do I generate an executable file that can be opened with 2 clicks like any other application on the pc on *any pc?
finally I got a solution to my problem.
1 ° - It was necessary to solve the problem when generating a java artifact using javaFx in intelliJ: In JDK 13 the IDE threw the following error
Can't build artifact - fx: deploy is not available in this JDK
the easiest solution for that was to return on JDK 9 ond the javaFx was still built in and everything worked fine. Having done that, I was able to generate .jar artifacts that worked without the need to use command line tools.
2 ° -So I needed to generate a native executable for my application: In this topic there is an excellent list of tools that create launchers for java artifacts (Ideal was to convert but there gets a little complicated). What worked best for me was Jsmooth where I was able to set up a launcher that built in my .jar and where I could also attach a copy of the JRE for distribution on computers without Java
It is worth noting that I develop desktop applications just for my use and that of some friends, they do not work with sensitive data and do not require a high level of security and therefore there is no problem using an old version of jdk, in any other case, no recommend this approach.
Thank you all for your help.
I ran into the same problem with JavaFX 11. The way I did it, to be able to generate the jar artifact, I set the Project Settings - Artifacts - Type to JAR rather than JavaFX Application. That enabled me to create a jar in the out directory of my project. Afterwards, I wrote a batch file that created a custom jre for my app (as small as ~40 MB for a small app), including JavaFX. I called that bat file create.bat and placed that bat file in the same folder as my jar artifact.
Now, provided
my jar artifact is called app.jar,
path to JDK is D:\jdks\jdk11,
path to JFX mods is D:\jdks\jfx11\jmods,
module name is com.epsilon, and
path to Main class is com.epsilon.Main,
below is the contents of the bat file to create a custom JRE, including JavaFX. It created a custom JRE in the folder dist, the launch file is in the dist\bin directory called run.bat.
rem This sets the variable DIR to the current directory with the jar artifact
set DIR=%~dp0
rem This creates a temporary mod file
D:\jdks\jdk11\bin\jmod create --class-path %DIR%app.jar %DIR%temp.mod
rem This creates distributable JRE
D:\jdks\jdk11\bin\jlink ^
--compress=2 ^
--strip-debug ^
--no-man-pages ^
--launcher run=com.epsilon/com.epsilon.Main ^
--module-path D:\jdks\jdk11\jmods;D:\jdks\jfx11\jmods;%DIR% ^
--add-modules com.epsilon ^
--output %DIR%dist
rem This command deletes the temporary mod file
del %DIR%temp.mod
rem You can create a shortcut to your app above the "dist" folder and enter the below line to the shortcut's target property
rem %windir%\system32\cmd.exe /c start "" "%CD%\dist\bin\javaw.exe" -m com.epsilon/com.epsilon.Main
So, this has enabled me to create a working distributable without downgrading Java.

Cant Run Application Created With QT5 And VS2013 In Windows XP

I have application created with QT5 and Visual Studio 2013. I also use QT WebEngine in my application.
My application works fine in windows 7 (32 bit) . For some reason i need to run it in windows xp sp3 (32 bit).
When i run it, I get the following error:
The procedure entry point strnlen could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll
I press OK several time and it goes away and my QMainWindow will pop out, But its totally BLACK and i see the following errors in debugger.
class QWindowsEGLStaticContext *__cdecl QWindowsEGLStaticContext::create(class QFlags<enum QWindowsOpenGLTester::Renderer>): Could not initialize EGL display: error 0x3001
class QWindowsEGLStaticContext *__cdecl QWindowsEGLStaticContext::create(class QFlags<enum QWindowsOpenGLTester::Renderer>): When using ANGLE, check if d3dcompiler_4x.dll is available
The d3dcompiler_47.dll is in application directory too.
Whats wrong here?
I placed 3dcompiler_46.dll in executable's directory and this is what happened.
I still get The procedure entry point strnlen could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll error but after i press Ok, I get the following error as well.
The procedure entry point _except_handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll
The QMainWindow is still BLACK and the errors about ANGLE is the same.
I build QT for Windows XP with following configuration
configure -release -opensource -opengl desktop -target xp -platform win32-msvc2013 -angle -icu -nomake examples -prefix C:\QT-Compile
I replaced QT dependency and ran my application, I got the following errors:
The application has failed to start because icuin56.dll was not found
The application has failed to start because icuuc56.dll was not found
I tried to find them in QT directory (C:\QT-Compile) and i couldn't but i had them on main machine that run in Windows Seven, I placed them next to executable and application run successfully and previous errors are gone, However, The QMainWindow is still BLACK and i have the following errors in my debugger in run time.
QOpenGLShaderProgram: could not create shader program
QOpenGLShader: could not create shader
bool __thiscall QOpenGLTextureBlitter::create(void) Could not link shader program:
Whats wrong now ?
This is how i configured QT.
configure -release -opensource -opengl dynamic -target xp -platform win32-msvc2013 -icu -nomake examples -prefix C:\QT-Compile
I used windeployqt.exe and placed required DLLs and ... next to executable.
Ran application in windows xp and i keep getting following errors then application crash.
Message Box :
The procedure entry point strnlen could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll
QT Debugger :
class QWindowsEGLStaticContext *__cdecl QWindowsEGLStaticContext::create(class QFlags<enum QWindowsOpenGLTester::Renderer>): Could not initialize EGL display: error 0x3001
class QWindowsEGLStaticContext *__cdecl QWindowsEGLStaticContext::create(class QFlags<enum QWindowsOpenGLTester::Renderer>): When using ANGLE, check if d3dcompiler_4x.dll is available
Failed to load opengl32sw.dll (The specified module could not be found.)
class QOpenGLStaticContext *__cdecl QOpenGLStaticContext::create(bool): Failed to load and resolve WGL/OpenGL functions
The first error about msvcrt.dll is about not including visual studio runtime dlls with your binary file. It seems that on win XP machine these libs are different then the ones your app is linked against
The next two errors are about failing to start up ANGLE probably due to mismatch of MS VS runtimes that you have encountered previously.
Basically, just put msvcr110.dll and msvcp110.dll in your folder (or provide means to install MS VS Redistributable for 2013 Studio)
Here is detailed deployment doc from digia -
Also i would advice you to use qt's tool windeployqt.exe as a part of deploy process.
Usage is simple - windeployqt.exe path/to/your/binary/file.exe
It will copy almost everything you app needs to run your app everywhere without bothering you to include some plugins and dlls etc (though it will not copy mentioned above MSVS runtime dlls)
Also if you are interested a post about using different opengl for qt5 built dynamically loading of graphical drivers ( tries to use default opengl -> is fails tries to use ANGLE -> if fails, tries to use opengl software (libmesa) ) -
It's a bit more complicated then in Qt4, but when you finally handle it properly, it will be more fail safe even on machines with no graphical drivers or no direct X support or launched through VPN
It seems that both desktop opengl and ANGLE fails for you (which would mean, that you have OpenGL implementation version less then 3.0 (default on win xp has 2.0) for desktop opengl to fail and you don't have DirectX 11 or DirectX 9 correct drivers installed (for ANGLE to fail).
This would mean that this is either virtual machine or window without any drivers. To fix this issue, please include opengl32sw.dll (libmesa) to you executable file as well. This is another fallback in case both desktop and ANGLE failed.
You can take in from the folder where your QtCreator installed in folder /tools. Or download it here -
depending on your arch.
Also, try to put d3dcompiler_46.dll from your win xp next to your executable. This might fix runtime error and will allow to launch ANGLE -
Update 2:
Let's get it line by line.
You've got The procedure entry point strnlen could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll warning because of either you have win XP with not SP3 but SP2 (microsoft dropped support for win XP SP2 for MSVS 2013) - more details here where there is the same issue. Or there is the same bug here that would basically advice to use opengl software.
Now, the errors you see in log:
class QWindowsEGLStaticContext *__cdecl QWindowsEGLStaticContext::create(class QFlags<enum QWindowsOpenGLTester::Renderer>): Could not initialize EGL display: error 0x3001 - this is failure of OpenGL desktop, since you don't have Open GL 2.0 -> proper graphical driver.
class QWindowsEGLStaticContext *__cdecl QWindowsEGLStaticContext::create(class QFlags<enum QWindowsOpenGLTester::Renderer>): When using ANGLE, check if d3dcompiler_4x.dll is available - ANGLE is failed. Because either - qt uses mvcrt.dll for MSVS 2013 that does not support your Win XP SP2 anymore or you don't have d3dcompiler. Perhaps it will work with Qt 5.4 built with MSVS 2008 or MSVS 2012.
Failed to load opengl32sw.dll (The specified module could not be found.)
class QOpenGLStaticContext *__cdecl QOpenGLStaticContext::create(bool): Failed to load and resolve WGL/OpenGL functions - These errors relates to missing opengl32sw.dll file. Which i've already provided link for you to download and put to executable.
And app crashes because Qt was not able to run any of OpenGl modes at all. So basically all you can do is force app to use OpenGL software (i provided link for you how to do this numerous times, please read those guide.) or use qt 5.4 and try to run angle. OpenGL software may not run smoothly and have some problems with complex graphical interfaces but this is basically the only thing that is left.
We met the same problem in win 7, solved by install the graphics card driver
I have found another solution as a side option to switch from opengl to software rasterizer and remove these messages:
Could not initialize EGL display: error 0x3001
When using ANGLE, check if d3dcompiler_4x.dll is available
Because in mine case it was the VirtualBox environment which currently having problems with the OpenGL/DirectX ( implementation, then i have tried to search for a solution and somehow workaround the render.
The QT itself have has an option to switch or disable several builtin options w/o need to rebuild anything. Such as is described here:
It is possible to provide a JSON-format configuration file specifying which OpenGL implementation to use depending on the graphics card and driver version. The location is given by the environment variable QT_OPENGL_BUGLIST. Relative paths are resolved using QLibraryInfo::SettingsPath or QStandardPaths::ConfigLocation. The file utilizes the format of the driver bug list used in The Chromium Projects. It consists of a list of entries each of which specifies a set of conditions and a list of feature keywords. Typically, device id and vendor id are used to match a specific graphics card. They can be found in the output of the qtdiag or dxdiag tool.
The qtdiag tool is stored basically near the qmake executable. You can additionally run it to diagnose the end system on other errors.
For the VirtualBox you can try this:
"entries": [
"id": 1,
"description": "Software OpenGL rasterizer (opengl32sw.dll)",
"os": {
"type": "win"
"vendor_id": "0x80EE",
"device_id": ["0xBEEF"],
"driver_version": {
"op": "<=",
"value": ""
"features": [
"disable_desktopgl", "disable_angle"
, Where:
disable_desktopgl, disable_angle - When no accelerated path is desired. This ensures that the only option Qt tries is the sofware rasterizer (opengl32sw.dll). Can be useful in virtual machines and applications that are deployed on a wide range of old systems.
the is a version of the VirtualBox.
This is might be not what you search for, but i didn't found it in time for myself.
