How do you console.log in Atom? - atom-editor

I spent hours on this and can't find a way to do the most basic thing like put console.log("la"); in my code and print it inside Atom when i view the html with html preview package.
I used to have one called console-js and right click on the html preview to launch it, but now, right click does nothing, and this package has some bug that i can't fix Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getSelectedText' of undefined
I was offered a few packages that has nothing to do with my need :
Platformio IDE terminal
I just can't find a simple way to print a simple thing while running my code inside Atom ( means viewing an html page with Javascript).
Is there a package that do such a simple thing ?

Maybe you can use this:
View -> Developer -> Toggle Developer Tools


How to quickly create <div> classes in VSCode

Generally new to web design and watching some tutorials on creating some backend for a project, getting really tired of writing out the manually, I see youtubers do .classname and then the class with the div appears, but for some reason it isn't working for me? Any help would be appreciated.
Also, would it be easier to switch to Sublime, my buddies think that it is the way to go.
Go to settings
Go to emmet under the Extensions section.
Click on 'Edit in settings.json'.
Write the following inside the 'emmet.includeLanguages' tag. Otherwise, paste the whole statement.
"emmet.includeLanguages": { "javascript":"javascriptreact" }
Save the settings.json file.
Those videos are likely using emmet. VS Code includes built-in support for emmet completions in html files. For example, typing .classname in an html file will trigger an emmet suggestion that expands to <div class="classname"></div> when you accept it
If you do not see this working:
Make sure the document is in the html language mode
Try manually triggering suggestions after .classname using ctrl+space
Make sure you have not disabled Emmet
I tried everything written in the answers but it wouldnt work, I had to do the following;
go to settings in the bottom left, search for 'emmet'
scroll down to and tick:
'Trigger expansions on Tab'
then it works by typing .divClassName + Tab
Check out this Cheat Sheet for VSC:
Cheat sheet for VSC
Ensure that VScode recognises your file as HTML5 or CSS file. In my case I had emmet enabled, but while I could get emmet abbreviation in a CSS file, they wouldn't work in an HTML file. The issue was that I also had Django template extension installed and the file had Django template code as well, hence VScode considered the file as Django template file, not HTML. You can check this the status bar at the bottom of VScode. Once I changed the file from Django template to HTML by clicking on Django Template in the VScode status bar, emmet started working.
The above answers didn't help me because VS code already came with Emmet installed, but I was missing the information on how to actually trigger it.
For an html element
Type the element e.g. div, h1, whatever, then press tab to complete it
For a class
Type the class name beginning with a dot then press tab to complete it.
For example type .myclass and hit tab and you'll get <div class="myclass"></div>
Note: if your class has spaces, use a dot in place of the space (e.g. for "my great class", you should type ".my.great.class" and hit tab)
This information is from here
Tried mentioned thing from emmet vs code document
go-to .vscode >> settings.json
add line "emmet.triggerExpansionOnTab": true
it worked for me for reference : Emmet in visual studio code

Brackets Code Complete Not working

I have installed Brackets with Tern Intelligence.
Inside my file Main.js, I type the following thing
And press ctrl-enter. I imagine I should see pow,max,etc, show up. What am I missing?
Code hints should appear automatically - no need to press anything. (If you do want to trigger them manually though, it's Ctrl-Space, not Ctrl-Enter).
What's in the rest of your Main.js file? If you make a new, blank JS file does it work? When I type Math. in an empty .js file, I see a list of code hints both while I'm typing Math and the appropriate list of options after typing the .
Also, try using Debug > Reload Without Extensions to make sure you don't have an extension installed that could be causing a problem.

Qt, PDF viewer, and jumping to specific pages

I've spent a couple of days searching the bowels of the internet to find out the answer to my question, so since I can't find the answer I'm throwing it out to the masses...
Within my Qt application I'm able to open a PDF using the OS default viewer thru the following command:
QDesktopServices::openUrl(QUrl("file:////C:help.pdf", QUrl::TolerantMode));
This works fine because all I'm wanting to do is display a help file to a user, but when I try to add a "#page=20" parameter to my URL, the document still only opens to the first page, not page 20. If I cut and paste the command into a browser it jumps correctly.
So -- my questions are:
Would poppler or another viewing tool allow me to jump to a page?
Is there another way with Qt to jump to a page? Or maybe another command to open the file instead of with QDesktopServices?
edit: I tried with QProcess and that doesn't jump to the page either -- not that I expected it to...
Use QProcess with one of the answers from Adobe Reader Command Line Reference :
<path to Adobe Reader> /A "page=100" "<Path To PDF file>"
Yes. evince, for example, takes option --page-index which you can set page number
No. QDesktopServices::openUrl() ends up calling one of helper commands, such as xdg-open or kfmclient, without any arguments.
Of cause, you can always use libpoppler in your app to open your PDFs. Poppler::Document::page() is your friend.
Another solution I was able to work out was to convert my PDF to HTML, create a QWebView, and display the HTML there. I then added an ID attribute to the HTML doc, and when I tacked that ID to my URL it loaded into the widget at the location of the attribute...

How to bookmark code in XCode 4?

I couldn't find a way to put a bookmark inside the code in XCode 4. I know about the #pragma mark thing but it's not what I'm looking for. What I need is something that I can put and remove with a mouse click and navigate amongst with next and previous, like in VS.
Is there anything that I'm missing?
Bookmarks seem to have gone the way of the dinosaur in Xcode 4. This wouldn't have been so bad had the jump-to-bookmark popup above the editor in previous versions not also disappeared. The best replacement currently seems to be to use breakpoints (disabled individually, of course) and navigate with the Breakpoint Navigator.
Shortcut to breakpoints is Cmd + 8. Once there use arrow keys
File a bug report at if you feel something like this should be brought back.
Write below comment in your source file that you want bookmarked.
And you can navigate to next / previous with: '^/' or '^?'
<##> means "placeholder of code snippet"
^/ means "jump to next placeholder"
^? means "jump to previous placeholder"
Another option, if anyone is still interested. The following directives will both produce a compiler warning that you can use as a bookmark:
#pragma message "<# message #>"
#warning <# message #>
If you want to place bookmarks using your mouse: create a code snippet with one of the 2 directives above. Drag & drop it to the line in your source file that you want bookmarked.
Navigate to next/previous with: Cmd-' and Cmd-Shift-'
In Xcode 4.4, if you leave a comment with this format:
// TODO: Your text here
it will be added as a listing in the jump bar alongside the list of methods in your current file, and then you can jump straight to that comment from that menu.
The simplest technique is to use a comment prepended by // TODO and then search, which allows you to jump through the issues from the navigator. Pretty hard to beat that technique.
I personally don't like using break points for bookmarks because it is not easy to enter notes. I use breakpoints as breakpoints, and prefer not to mix them up with bookmarks.
Anyhow, if you want to get a bit fancier you could get xcode to generate warnings // TODO: some message or // FIXME: some message that can be navigated in the issue navigator. I took the instructions below from this site:
Head over to your project's item in the Project Navigator (usually at the very top)
Find your target in the list of targets on the left, select it
Head over to the "Build Phases" tab.
Click the "Add Build Phase" in the bottom right of this screen.
In the editor that appears insert the bash script shown below.
Now just build and you'll see all your //TODO: and //FIXME: comments have become warnings. I love this technique, it might not be right for everyone, but hope it helps someone.
Bash Script For "Run Script" Build Phase
find "${SRCROOT}" ( -name ".h" -or -name ".m" ) -print0 | xargs -0 egrep --with-filename --line-number --only-matching "($KEYWORDS).*\$" | perl -p -e "s/($KEYWORDS)/ warning: \$1/"
You'll also be able to click on each of the warnings in the issue navigator to go right to the file and point in your code where you left the original //TODO: or //FIXME:
Extra pro tip: Make sure you're using phrases to describe your //TODO: comments like //TODO: Handle this error gracefully, and things like that. The phrases will show up in the issues list beside each warning.
Credit for the little tidbit should go to "Tim" on the Cocos2D forums, (found after Googling for a bit), I believe his solution originally was intended for Xcode 3 and didn't work if you had spaces in your path name, my script here doesn't have those restrictions, still he should get full credit here's his original post.
Like npellow's answer to this question of mine, appCode by JetBrains has also made this possible. So, this may be another reason to use appCode instead of Xcode4, except that it won't be free later in time.
My method:
type in grammar error code in the previous line.....
After changing something in other place, I can go back to the previous place because the grammer error line will show a red line in the right side scroll bar. It indicate the place.
It is not elegant but unless there is a bookmark feature, this is the way i am using at the moment
You can install an Xcode plugin called "XBookmark".
This plugin provide features below :
Toggle Bookmark
Show Bookmarks
Next Bookmark
Previous Bookmark
How to install XBookmark:
Install Alcatraz.
Search XBookmark from Window->Package Manager and click Install.
Restart Xcode.
Now, you can see menus about bookmarks in the Edit Menu.
PS : This plugin is open source.

Error: Object Expected Code 0 Char 1 Line 474

done some html code updates on my company's website and the above error appears.
i dont have a line 474 on the errored file.
this error only on IE, and not FF.
Check inside the source control and try eliminating the changes 1 by 1 until the problem is under control. Then you should have the change that caused it.
It's a javascript error. You're trying to dereference a null pointer in javascript.
These go quietly unless Script Debugging is turned on in IE. If that's the case, you can debug the error by choosing to debug with Visual Studio. Visual Studio Express Web Developer may do as well.
You may be able to see the bug in Firefox as well. Go to "Tools" > "Error Console" in Firefox. Select "Errors", then "Clear" toolbar buttons. Refresh the page then you may see the actual javascript line that's causing the error.
I'll bet you DO have a line 474. Maybe not in your aspx page in Visual Studio, but probably in your browser window. Run the page and view source inside your browser. Then go to line 474 (maybe by pressing CTRL-G). That should point you to the spot.
Another possibility is that the JS error is talking about line 474 in a linked .js file.
Have you tried debugging the page in Visual Studio have you been editing in Notepad? If you debug in VS, you'll see the JS error right away.
As mentioned this codingforums thread, in JScript (IE's equivalent to JavaScript) you should avoid using variable names that are equal to your HTML field names or reserved words for JavaScript/JScript (and possibly HTML?).
So avoid the likes of:
var myname = document.myform.myname.value;
var text = document.myform.myname.value;
