What is in reality the order of evaluation of URL patterns in urls.py in Django? - django-urls

Although in the documentation it says that "Django runs through each URL pattern, in order, and stops at the first one that matches the requested URL", all the examples are like this:
from django.urls import path
from . import views
urlpatterns = [
path('articles/2003/', views.special_case_2003),
path('articles/<int:year>/', views.year_archive),
path('articles/<int:year>/<int:month>/', views.month_archive),
path('articles/<int:year>/<int:month>/<slug:slug>/', views.article_detail),
with more broad URL patterns at the end. And everything seems to work properly.
Moreover, some articles in Stackoverflow suggest that this may be a bug (What is the urls.py regex evaluation order in django?).
What is the real order of evaluation of URL patterns and why?

The real order of evaluation of URL patterns is different for path and re_path (url intern calls re_path, so all statements for re_path apply to url too).
When we use path the order of URLs doesn't matter. However, when using re_path, the order of URLs is specific URLs to broad URLs from top to bottom.


How to create MPEG-DASH manifest with multiple fallback URL?

I have a URL like this http://.../test/index.mpd. What I want is create another dash manifest that will contain multiple fallback URLs pointing the original manifest file.
For example for URL http://example.com/test/index.mpd (original manifest), the new manifest file should contain multiple CDN URLs like:
I found something similar in following URL https://bitmovin.com/docs/player/faqs/how-can-i-utilize-the-cdn-fallback-feature-of-the-player. However, this example adds base URLs to the original manifest file and It does not work for dynamic manifest(live stream). Is there any way to do that. I cannot find good documentation or examples on dash manifest manipulation.
The proper way to do this is via BaseURLs. What do you mean by "It does not work for dynamic manifest"? BaseURLs work independently of the manifest type and definitely do work in dynamic manifests. Perhaps your player is at fault?
Another option is to specify the alternative MPD URLs in <Location> tags which allows you to specify multiple locations at which the MPD is available, but IMO BaseURL is better specified for CDN failover.

Translated Symfony routes with multiple parameters

As the title suggests, I'm using Symfony in conjunction with the JMSTranslationBundle and JMSI18nBundle in order to serve translated routes.
Here's my currently configured route:
So the route
is successfully pushed to the correct controller and action.
The JMSI18nBundle is automagically prefixing my English routes with /en/. This works for every other route with a non-dynamic component (such as /profile/{slug}/). This DOES NOT work, however, when using the English version of the above example. i.e.
I'm guessing the router is not reading this properly as the English version of the normal route, and instead tries to assign location = en, profession = berlin, etc, which is obviously incorrect.
I've tried defining optional parameters, more complicated regexes, and trailing slashes for the translation (all with cache flushes in between). None of this works. What DOES work, is inserting a pointless non-dynamic component, i.e. /en/s/berlin/doctor/general etc
As a part of the business requirements, we don't want this additional pointless non-dynamic URL component.
So, my question is: how can I use (prefixed) translatable URLs in Symfony that contain nothing but dynamic fields?
Your help is greatly appreciated!
As is the norm with Friday-afternoon problems, I found I had a $ inside my translated route rule, like so:
Removing it and flushing the cache resulted in the route working.
tl;dr - PEBKAC

Google Analytics Goals: Prevent tracking of URL parameters of subfolders

On my site I am tracking the URL /shop/ as goal by head match. As there are some URL parameters I cannot use exact match here.
Additionally, I am tracking a goal by exact match which is a URL to subfolder: /shop/process/paid.php
The problem is that GA tracks this subfolder with the head match as well, and thus saves the URL parameters that come along with paid.php, e.g. paid.php?email=customer#home.com
How can I prevent GA to track the URL parameters?
How would the setup look like?
That should work with a custom filter:
admin->profile->filters->custom filter->search and replace.
Search for
(that's your url with arbitrary query parameters, the "\" is an escape sign since "?" is also an control character in regular expression. Dot means any character and "*" means any number of the preceding (in that case any) character) and replace with the desired url ( /shop/process/paid.php).
There is probably a more elegant solution but like most people I'm not good at this regex stuff. This should work however.
If those query parameters are nowhere needed in the tracking data you can exlude them completely in the profile settings.
You can created a profile for the subdirectory based on the directory (include filter->request uri contains "/shop" and set only this profile to remove query parameters

ASP.NET routing: Literal sub-segment between tokens, and route values with a character from the literal sub-segment

The reason I'm asking is because IIS protects certain ASP.NET folders, like Bin, App_Data, App_Code, etc. Even if the URL does not map to an actual file system folder IIS rejects a URL with a path segment equal to one of the mentioned names.
This means I cannot have a route like this:
... where id can be any string e.g.
So, instead of disabling this security measure I'm willing to change the route, using a suffix before the id, like these:
{controller}/{action}_{id} // e.g. Catalog/Product_Bin
{controller}/{action}/_{id} // e.g. Catalog/Product/_Bin
But these routes won't work if the id contains the new delimeter, _ in this case, e.g.
// These URL won't work (I get 404 response)
Why? I don't know, looks like a bug to me. How can I make these routes work, where id can be any string?
Ok, I have a definitive answer. Yes, this is a bug. However, at this point I regret to say we have no plans to fix it for a couple of reasons:
It's a breaking change and could be a very hard to notice one at that.
There's an easy workaround.
What you can do is change the URL to not have the underscore:
Then add a route constraint that requires that the ID parameter starts with an underscore character.
Then within your action method you trim off the underscore prefix from the id parameter. You could even write an action filter to do this for you if you liked. Sorry for the inconvenience.
You can use characters that are not allowed for a directory or file name like: *,?,:,",<,>,|.
With ASP.NET MVC if you look at the source they have a hard-coded value for the path separator (/) and to my knowledge cannot be changed.

What is the name for that thing that lets part of the URL be an argument?

For example:
The number is part of the URL but is an argument to the web app as opposed to other options like:
where all the args come after the '?'. I have used the second form before and I'm only trying to learn about the first form.
I'm sure I can find what else I need once I known what that's called so I can Google it.
URL Rewriting, generally.
Edit: Here is a good introduction to URL Rewriting.
Variables passed in the form of a URL are called the Query String. In a url like:
The query string is ?a=b&c=d&e=f
In the Stackoverflow example, it uses URL Rewriting, specifically with MVC Routing to make 'pretty URLs'. There are other ways to do it in other languages. Some make use of Apache's mod_rewrite (example) while others parse the requested URI. In PHP a url like
can be parsed by reading $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] which is /text/path/info.
Generally, they are using URL Rewriting to simulate the query string however. In the Stackoverflow example:
The important parts are the questions/698711. You can change the title of the question with impunity but the other two parts you cannot.
It's usually called the 'path info'.
That's just URL mapping. It lets you use pretty URLs instead of a large query string.
I believe the StackOverflow URL works that way because it is using MVC whereas your bottom example is using standard requests.
It is indeed done by URL rewriting.
Usually, web application frameworks do this automatically if you install it correctly on your server.
Check out CakePHP as an example.
It's called a URL parameter and uses the HTTP GET method. As others mentioned, it can be rewritten using URL rewriting so that the URL is easier to read and use. Some search keywords: "SEF URLs", "Apache Rewrite", "pretty URLs".
