Can NGINX be used to route traffic to a Firebase project? - firebase

It's unclear for me and I haven't attempted yet, but would like to know if I can have a NGINX server routing traffic to a Firebase instance. I can't find relevant articles on internet and neither here so, maybe some fo you already tried this.
Our React app is running on Firebase already. But, we also have a landing page/website which is backed by to allow quicker edits with less developer frustration. They are also running on separate domains.
We already have an instance of NGINX(inside a docker container) as part of our API gateway so, would be good to use the same instance.
What we are looking to achieve, is to put both React app and landing page on the same domain. Then, use NGINX to route to required instance wether the user is logged-in or not. Anyone attempted something like this? If not this doesn't work, I'm open to general ideas on how to make it better from your experience.

You can totally do this, for example if you're using OAuth you can perform a token introspection from nginx whose result will determine the route to use, take a look at this
Alternatively you can use something similar to the google IAP that is probabely more easy to secure for production, i know that ory/oauthkeeper is easy to use, open source and hightly customizable.


Restrict access in firebase

I am making a web app using firebase. I was looking into restricting access to certain pages unless there's a subscription. When I looked through the docs all I found was that I could do transactions with stripe and it only applied on signing in and up not restricting pages.
After searching on the internet, I didn't find a viable solution, but three ideas came up to me I could use (which are either with low working possibility or very lackluster to say the least. (all include using stripe.))
One: I would use a middleware to verify the token I get from stripe and then redirect from there. (but all that comes to my mind how I would identify the redirected page in the middleware. And even if that was probable how much time would that take to make it work(if that even is possible), I have no idea.)
Two: in hosting configurations I could call a function when a rewrite is performed. I thought I could call a make a function that verifies the token from the strip when a restricted page is called. (But then again not only is the function accessible after hosting and can be viewed, I don't know if I can call firebase configurations and functions inside the firebase.json.)
third: this is the most viable but has very bad downsides, is authenticating the strip token from in a regular javascript, and if it fails it would restrict the access to the page. Do the same in the rules so that the database section related to that page. (the downside is that the HTML, CSS, and javascript would all be accessible. Only the database functions relating to them are restricted.
So with all that being said, I couldn't find any viable option I could use. So I was wondering if anyone in here have met the same problem and got a solution or do you have any advice I could use.
Note: I am using firebase's realtime database by the way.
If you are trying to restrict access to your webpages/app, you should come up with a logic in your backend or frontend (depending on your app structure) where you could store values needed in Firestore or another solution.
In case you would like to restrict access to Firestore, you can achieve that with Rules.

Firebase still blocked in China?

I don't know if my app will work in China and I don't know how to test it. I had read somewhere that there's a firebase Chinese domain .cn in operation. Is there a possibility to transfer the current project to the Chinese domain and make it work, if it doesn't already?
If I create a new project and select the Chinese servers for my firebase services then will it have any other adverse consequences for the rest of the world? This solution would literally force all the developers to have the firebase servers located in China, just so they don't miss out out on their Chinese user base, which I assume could be an issue to some.
I might not have the best ideas but any suggestion and a workaround would be appreciated.
There isn't a simple way to do that. Indeed, trying to set the servers there might a be way, but it's not a guarantee, since China Firewalls are constantly changing. You can try some onlines tools as this one here to verify if your domain is blocked, by adding the URL of your application.
Besides that, the best option is the one clarified in this other post here. You would create an API in Heroku and make the data and calls from Firebase go over this API, so it would make the connection. Another option you may try is using a proxy server - as very well explained in the article Firebase: Accessing Firestore and Firebase through a proxy server - so it gets complied and it's possible to be used in China.
The usage of VPN is not a very good option, as not of them work in China and the ones that work can easily vary, also, this could impact the usability, since it might affect performance and usage for the users there.
To summarize, there isn't a specific and fully correct answer to using Firestore in China, due to the fact that updates and changes on their rules are regular, but these are some alternatives that you can give it a try. It's more about trying the one that would be less damaging for your use case.
Let me know if the information helped you!
Might be helpful for someone...
There is a Firebase alternative for China - Huawei Mobile Services. It contains services like Auth Service, Cloud Functions, Cloud DB, Crash, Push Kit, Ad Kit, and many more...

Can I add a domain to Firebase hosting via the API?

I want to be able to add domains to Firebase hosting with the API instead of the web UI, is that possible?
I want to add potentially hundreds of domains, is there a domain limit per project in Firebase?
As far as I can tell from the entire CLI documentation, there isn't any way to do this.
Lets take a step back and consider what the web UI process involves i.e. the generation of a TXT record to add to your DNS records, after verifying the presence of said TXT record on the domain, providing A records that you (authorized owner) add to allow redirecting to your firebase hosted site.
In my opinion, this very manual back and forth is necessary as a security measure. The only way it is taken out of the equation via the CLI is by providing a means for you to authenticate ownership of a domain (registered with any one of many domain registrars), and being granted authorization to change your A records. These are both outside the scope of Firebase, and could potentially introduce severe security flaws. Regardless, even if it existed, it would still have to be step-by-step and somewhat manual via CLI rather than the single command it sounds like you're looking for.
It is not possible to add custom domains automatically through an API at this time.
Nor would it allow you to create a reseller or multi-tenant project (i.e. connect a large number of domains or subdomains dynamically) since you cannot connect more than about 36 domains connected to one project.
It's possible to add domains using Firebase Hosting Rest Api. I am not sure why they didn't put it on their official website but I checked today and it works.
Answer that I've received from Firebase support:
There is no API yet that would allow you to add custom domains, it was
requested as a feature before but unfortunately we have no more
information on that - so for now, only the Console UI allows you to do
When it comes to the limits, in a project, a custom domain is
attached to a site - there can be 36 sites per project, and for one
site there is no hard limit, but we recommend not exceeding 20 custom
domains. You can experience technical issues with SSL certs when you
exceed 20 domains per site, which we won’t be able to troubleshoot
since the system was not designed for such use cases.

AWS Web ACL rule: alternatives to Referer

I am looking for a way to limit access to AWS S3 hosted data in a controlled and at least semi-secure way. I have various resources in a number of S3 buckets, with CloudFront as CDN. I then have a WordPress based website using a theme that allows me to sell "courses". Finally I manage my domains so I can create a sub domain for the content download link, i.e.
Ideally I want to limit access to content to a specific set of courses, so only people who have bought the course, and are linking to the content from a web page in that course, can (easily) get at the data.
I know I can use an AWS Web ACL rule to check the referer, to limit downloads to links on my domain. And I think I can expand on that to test more of the URL, so in I could have a rule that tests for the bold portion of the path and refuses otherwise.
However, I also know that referer can be easily spoofed, and more importantly some browsers and internet security software will replace the referer, and I don't want my site security to force customers to change their security settings. So, is there another option, to include some sort of data in the HTTP request, that limits access in a way that is both somewhat secure, but not dependent on a client side settings? Perhaps something like a hash that I could include in the link itself? Or, maybe the WordPress API and AWS Web ACL Rules can communicate is some way so as to validate the logged on user has membership in the course? Grasping at straws here I suspect.
Additionally, there will be a PowerShell script that can be downloaded and run, which will access downloadable content as well. Again, I want to limit access, but in this case I need to be able to maintain the criteria on AWS as I have subscription and non subscription versions of the courses, and the PS script should only download for customers on subscription. So, I could provide the PS script with something like a customer ID, then maintain a list of customer IDs that are currently on subscription so the Web ACL rule could filter. But again, I suspect that HTTP header won't get the job done, because it could be changed by internet security at the customer location. But now I am limited by what PowerShell can do with regards to HTTP requests.
I know, rather an open ended question, but hopefully someone can at least point me in the right direction. It sure seems like both needs are something that AWS should be able to do, I am just so out of my depth here I don't know where to start, and AWS documentation requires that you have some clue to get you going.

Firebase - custom url - avoid *

I use firebase with custom url. However the websocket connection uses still wss://
Is it possible to move this configuration to the custom domain?
also 'verifyToken' and getAccountInfo is always through
thank you
No - unfortunately that's not possible. What you're asking would involve rewriting some of the internal logic hard-coded on Firebase's servers... and Firebase doesn't expose that kind of functionality.
While this may be possible, it's not a recommended solution. You won't be able to achieve this purely by configuration alone, and it is just speculation about whether or not it will work.
When Firebase initializes, there is a configuration parameter for the destination of the websocket it establishes. Since you haven't said which platform you're using, I'll leave it up to you to read the documentation to see which parameter you have to change in your call to initialize Firebase.
After you change this parameter, you will need to have some proxy service at the destination to route all that traffic to the actual websocket destination at Google. This is a broad topic, and you will have to figure out how you want to implement this proxy.
