Can I send a single BLE advertisement packet from android OS? - bluetooth-lowenergy

Can I send a single BLE advertisement packet from android OS?
That means, in-between start and stop advertisement APIs, I should get only one advertisement packet.

No. This is not even possible on the hci level. By timing your start and stop command, you could try to do this manually, and hope that exactly one packet will be sent, but it's not guaranteed to work, due to how the scheduler works.


How to spoof individual BLE packets

I'm doing a security analysis project on an IoT device that uses an unencrypted BLE connection (with ATT protocol) and I want to spoof an individual BLE packet with the source address of an already connected device. Is there some tool or API that would allow me to do this easily? I've already tried gatttool and spooftooph but they seem to be connection based and don't allow you to send out single packets with modified fields (as far as I could tell).
You will need some hardware where you can access the radio peripheral directly. What you basically need to do is to find or write a ble sniffer firmware, with the modification that it at a given moment sends a packet on the connection it is currently listening to. But note that the signal strength must be stronger than the original device's signal so it doesn't interfere.
The only open source project I'm aware of is Ubertooth. You will also be able to do this with an nRF52 but then you need to write your own sniffer firmware since Nordic Semiconductor's is closed source.
I can't comment on Emils reply yet, < 50 rep:
Nordic Semis nRF Sniffer v2 needs only the nRF52DK and wireshark to work as a general BLE sniffer. At 40$ it's not that expensive. I know for a fact they will release a new dongle soon that will sell for ~10-15 bucks if you can wait a a month or two.

Android BLE as Peripheral Multiple Advertising Issue

I am working on Android BLE as a peripheral connected to a custom device that runs Nordic NRF51 as a central. The project requires Android peripheral to connect to two NRF51 central devices.
Android is advertising two different Advertisement UUIDs one for left and other for right Nordic NRF51 devices. Ideally, I would like to have both Nordic Centrals to connect to the Android at the same time.
I have two main issues.
First issue. Android can get both connections fine. The problem occurs when Android sending notification or Android sending reply back as result of Write Request from the central. When both Centrals are connected, often notification nor the send reply works. I confirmed that the Nordic central does not receive the notification nor the reply. Does anyone have experiences in Android as a Peripheral supporting multiple connections at the same time? I have tried two BluetoothGattServer instances (one for each device) as well as one instance of BluetoothGattServer and based on the connected device, I can tell which Central the event if for and handle it correctly. It is sending notification or send reply to Write Request that at times it does not get sent from Android. I am using synchronized methods on the GattServerCallback event handlers.
Second Issue. Due to the first issue, I am now only advertising one UUID at a time. The idea is to switch between two advertising UUIDs, thus have only one connection at time. The problem now is switch advertising. About 1 out 3 times, when I start advertising with first UUID with its name (LFDroid), it appears that it is actually advertising second UUID with its name (RTDroid) briefly (1 or 2 seonds) and then advertises what was requested. Note that second UUID advertising was stopped on previous switching. It almost looks like when I ask to advertise, it starts to advertise with the last advertised UUID and name and then quickly advertises what is requested. This now causes problem because both Nordic Centrals sees the advertisement and connects.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Application is not able to capture each and every scan responses from the ble device

I am developing a BLE android application where I have used RxAndroidBLe for BLE communication.
Everything working fine except one issue that the application is not receiving every scan response broadcasted by the BLE device (I am not sure whether it is an issue or not). The BLE device is set to broadcast it in every 1 second. It broadcasts the scan response on all the three channels 37,38,39 in round robin fashion. The application is intend to scan continuously until the application gets closed. But I observed that the application is not receiving all the scan response. Means it is not receiving scan response from the devices in every 1 second. Sometimes there is a gap of 2,3 seconds or more. I want to know is there any solution to overcome this issue or this is a valid behavior?
Any suggestion would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Due to nature of BLE scanning it is not certain that you will receive each scan response broadcast. At basic, it depend mostly on scan interval and scan window parameters (host side) and the interval you are broadcasting responses.
You can try low latency scan mode to improve your results.

BLE indications

As I understand, BLE indications are a reliable communications method. How do you know if your indications was not communicated. I am writing code for the peripheral/server and currently when I send a notifications, I get a manual response from the central. I read that if I use indications, the acknowledges take place in the L2CAP layer automatically and communications is therefore faster, but how does my embedded controller know the Bluetooth module was not successful at getting the packet across the link? We are using the Microchip RN4030 Bluetooth module.
Let's make things clear.
The BLE stack looks roughly like the following. The stack has these layers in this order:
Link Layer
HCI (if controller and host are separated)
The Link Layer is a reliable protocol in the sense that all packets are protected by a CRC and every packet is acknowledged by the receiving device. If a packet is not acknowledged, it is resent until an acknowledge is received. There can also only be one outstanding packet, which means no reordering of packets are possible. Acknowledges are normally not being presented to upper layers.
The HCI layer is the communication protocol between the controller and the host.
The L2CAP layer does almost nothing if you use the standard MTU size of 23. It has a length header and a type code ("channel") which indicates what type of packet is being sent (usually ATT).
On the ATT level, there are two types of packets that are sent from the server that are not sent as a response to a client request. Those are notifications and indications. Sending one notification or indication has the same "performance" since the type is just a tag of a packet that's sent over the lower layers. The differences are listed below:
When an indication packet is sent to the client, the client must acknowledge the packet by sending a confirmation packet when it has received the indication packet. Even if the indication packet is invalid, a confirmation shall be sent back.
Upper layers are not involved sending back the confirmation.
The server may not send a new indication until it has received a confirmation from the previous one.
The only time you won't receive a confirmation after an indication is if the link is dropped (you should then get a disconnected event), or there is some bug in some of the BLE stacks.
After the app has sent an indication, most BLE stack confirms to the app that that a confirmation has been received by the client as that the indication operation has completed.
No ATT layer acknowledges are sent.
"Commands and notifications that are received but cannot be processed, due to buffer overflows or other reasons, shall be discarded. Therefore, those PDUs must be considered to be unreliable." However I have never noticed an implementation actually following this rule, i.e. all notifications are delivered to the application. Or I've never hit the max buffer size.
The GATT layer is mostly a definition of how the attribute protocol should be used and defines a DB structure of characteristics.
According to my opinion, there are several flaws or issues with the BLE standard. There are two things that might make indications useless and unreliable in practice:
There are no way to send back an error response instead of a confirmation.
The fact that it is the ATT layer that sends back the confirmation directly when it has received the indication, and not the app when it has successfully handled the indication.
This means that if for example, some bug or other issue causing that the BLE stack couldn't send the indication to the app, or your app crashed, or your app found your value to be invalid, there is no way your peripheral can aware of that. Since it got the confirmation it thinks everything is fine.
I can't understand why they defined indications this way. Since the app doesn't send the confirmation but a lower layer does, there seems to be no point at all in having an ATT layer acknowledge instead of just using the Link Layer acknowledge. Both are just acknowledges that the packet has been received halfway of its destination.
If we draw a parallel to a HTTP POST and internet, we could consider the Link Layer acknowledge as when the network card of the destination receives the request and the ATT confirmation as a confirmation that the TCP stack received the packet. You have no way of knowing that your web server software actually did receive your request, and it processed it with success.
The fact that notifications are allowed to be dropped by the receiver is also bad. Normally notifications are used if the peripheral wants to stream a lot of data to the central and then you don't want dropped packets. They should have designed the flow control so that the Link Layer stopped acknowledge incoming packets instead until the app are ready to process the next notifications. This is even already implemented at the LL + HCI + Host layers.
One interesting thing about at least the Windows BLE stack is, if it receives indications faster than the app processes them it starts to drop the indications as well, even though only notifications should be allowed to be dropped due to "buffer overflows or other reasons". It buffers at most 512 indications in my tests.
That said
Just use notifications and if you want some kind of confirmation, let the client send a write packet when it has received your data and successed processing it.

Bluetooth 4.0 scan response

What exactly is a BLE scan response packet?
Since there is almost nothing to be found online, we would like to now this.
Does a scan response packet, respond on a device scan or is it like the advertisement packet sent every x seconds?
A BLE scan response is the packet that is sent by the advertising device (peripheral) upon the reception of scanning requests (i.e. yes, it is a response to a device scan). The scan response usually has more data than the advertising packets. In other words, central devices send scan requests to the advertising device in order to get additional user data through the scan response. Please also note that scan responses are considered to have fixed 'static' data relative to the more dynamic advertising data.
Advertising packets and scan response share the same format, and are transmitted over the same three physical channels (they are both sent as advertising events), but are otherwise two different things.
For more information, I recommend reading about scan response packets in the SIG's core specification found here.
I hope this helps
An important addition to yousif saeed's answer:
According to the Bluetooth 4.x specification, Peripheral devices accepting Scan Requests,
Must advertise this by using a specific Advertising Type value in the protocol header.
Must use advertising intervals of equal or bigger than, at least, 100 ms, so that the Central/Peripheral devices can exchange the Scan Request/Response packets in the time between two consecutive advertising packets (advertising interval).
Keep in mind, also, that depending on your particular hardware platform and Bluetooth Low Energy software stack,
You may find that a peripheral device accepting Scan Requests is non connectable, that is, may be limited to behave as a pure beacon (connection-less).
I was just looking for this information and it is difficult to find good technical resources beyond the basic description.
There is a great few pages on one of the manufacturer's sites that goes into the details of how their hardware interacts with these communications.
The scan response packet consists of:
Device name,
Transmission power,
Beacon ID,
Firmware version,
Battery level
I am not promoting, but they did a pretty good job of providing this answer in good detail.
Yes it does depend on device scan.
I recently had this experience.
I was working with Nordic device and started sending advertising packets which included scan rsp data. But either I was getting no scan rsp packet or hardly any packet. The issue was I was not scanning from my other nordic device. Once I started scanning from another device, scan rsp packets started coming quickly.
