Arduino Lightbulb Control - arduino

I am completely new to arduinos, and I am trying to run a lightbulb-style apparatus off of an arduino uno, and I need it to only operate on a certain time interval that I can adjust according to the situation. I believe that there is an internal time function in the arduino that counts in milliseconds. All i need it to do is turn on after a set amount of time, and then turn off after about a minute. How would I go about setting up the code for this?

You can use the millis() function to get the current arduino operational time in milliseconds. Then compare it in the next loop(). You probably don't care what the real time is, just the relative time since the last time you checked or did something. You can create a variable to store the last event time and compare the current time to that.
Be aware that millis() may be quite large if your program runs for a long time so you should use an unsigned long type, otherwise the value may roll over the top bit and become interpreted as a negative number (this is a common problem).


two identical arduino Nano`s running at different speeds?

I am working on a project that requires me to use 2 separate Arduinos running independently from each other. Now, both of these Arduino's are running the same code, but I noticed that after 10 minutes or so, one of them falls behind and this time difference keep increasing with time. Like I already mentioned, the Arduino`s are identical and I bought them at the same time and they are running the same copy of the program. Any ideas what might cause this and how can I fix it?
Thank you.
Here is the link to the Arduino that I bought just in case.
My Arduino modules on Amazon
The Crystal Oszillators have tolerances up to 100ppm (extreme case), which means you could possibly get 16Mhz*100ppm = 1600 clock pulses difference per second. Also the differences of the runtime could be caused by small voltage differences. Even if there is a voltage Regulator on the Board it has small tolerances, based on the fact, that it operates in the Range of MHz this can climb up to an recognizable Offset.
A possible solution is a synchronization of both microcontrollers. I'm not an expert, so the following solution is a possible and easy one, but definitly not the best.
If they are near by each other you can use two pins of each controller. One as Input and one as Output. Write something like this in your code (same for both if you use the same Pins):
digitalWrite(outPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(outPin, HIGH);
Connect the Output from the first to the Input from the second and the same from second to first.
This results in a waiting state for each cycle of the faster Controller until the slower one reaches the same Programm Part. But be careful if one of them stucks somewhere it will stop the second one too. So there is no redundancy! if this was your goal, don't use this method and search for other synchronisation methods.
Perhaps you can use some RTC (real time clock) hardware to help you to keep they synchronised. They are really cheap and easy to use.

Find time difference between two pulses using PIC16F628

I want to find time difference between two pulses using PIC16F628.
I am using a 4MHz external oscillator, MikroC compiler.
As a simple example let's assume there is a push button. When we press it, it sends a high signal to a pin. We press this button twice with some delay in between, I want to find the time difference between these two button presses.
Thank you.
As mentioned in the comments, the simplest way to do this is to use a timer/counter combo. I found this quick tutorial on how to do this specifically for PIC:
Have a look at 4.5 and 4.6, they give you exactly the information you'll need to get the count of timer intervals between pulses. The basic technique is to start a timer, associate an interrupt handler (Read: function) with the timer, and then increment a counter everytime the interrupt handler is called. Next time you see the pulse, read what the counter value is.
After that, all you need to know is the timebase you've set the counter to (which will be some integer subdivision of your oscillator rate, and is selectable in code usually) and you can convert # of timer intervals to time in seconds/millis/nanos.

Get static values from MPU6050 DMP

I have a problem in getting clear and not jumping values from MPU9050 DMP. I used Jeff Rowberg's code. The problem is when I use the code all is perfect, YPR is very smooth. But when I use that in my program with delay I have jumping values over time. Depending on the delay, jumping values vary.
I used a delay because I'm reading the serial values by unity and unity needs a little delay on the Arduino side to read the data. Can someone please tell me what the problem is and how I can fix it?
Thanks a lot.
It is likely that the fifo buffer is overflowing, leading to incorrect data. This would happen if you put in a delay that lasted for longer than your dmp frequency is. One strategy you could use is to read the data as fast as you can from dmp, but only send data over the serial port every other or every three readings, depending on what kind of delay you need between readings.
If you edit your question with what your dmp frequency is and what your desired serial frequency is I could try to help more.

Need an Arduino Sketch that uses digital write for a certian number of seconds

I need a simple way to run a program using digital write for a certain number of seconds.
I am driving two DC Motors. I already have my setup complete, and have driven the motors using pause() and digitalWrite(). I will be making time measurements in milliseconds
Adjustable runtime, and would preferable have non-blocking code.
You could use a timer-driven interrupt triggering code execution which will handle the output (decrementing required time value and eventually switching off the output) or use threads.
I would suggest using threads.
Your requirement is similar to a "blinking diodes" case I described in a different thread
If you replace defines setting time intervals and use variables instead you could use this code to drive outputs or simplify the whole code by using only one thread working the same way aforementioned timer interrupt would work.
If you would like to try timer interrupt-driven approach this post gives a good overview and examples (but you have to change OCR1A to about 16 to get overflow each 1ms) .

Methods for detecting liquid drops with phototransistor

ECE people: I have a simple circuit with an LED pointing at a phototransistor. There is a tube in between them that drops of liquid will drip through at random times. I am reading the voltage with an Arduino at the emitter as it drops when the LED is occluded.
Non-ECE people: I am reading in near constant values every time through the Arduino loop. Every once in a while this value may change for some unknown number of loops. I want to increment a counter every time this happens and avoid multiple counts.
I have tried a few methods of my own (e.g. averages last some number of values and checking for different averages) but they seem to be pretty unstable. I'm not an expert at signal processing or anything, but I was wondering what some good methods/algorithms would be for this kind of thing. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
This a a short function to update the count of drops detected till now.
int UpdateCount (int current, int old, int count) // current is current value of phototransisor, old is the old value
if ((current==1)&(old==0)){
return count count+1
This function takes in "filtered" current and old values of the phototransistor and based on the values updates the count.
To implement a low pass filter, refer to low-pass-filter on wiki ( You will get an expression which you can easily code.
I believe these two sub-solution on integration solve your problem.
