Get static values from MPU6050 DMP - arduino

I have a problem in getting clear and not jumping values from MPU9050 DMP. I used Jeff Rowberg's code. The problem is when I use the code all is perfect, YPR is very smooth. But when I use that in my program with delay I have jumping values over time. Depending on the delay, jumping values vary.
I used a delay because I'm reading the serial values by unity and unity needs a little delay on the Arduino side to read the data. Can someone please tell me what the problem is and how I can fix it?
Thanks a lot.

It is likely that the fifo buffer is overflowing, leading to incorrect data. This would happen if you put in a delay that lasted for longer than your dmp frequency is. One strategy you could use is to read the data as fast as you can from dmp, but only send data over the serial port every other or every three readings, depending on what kind of delay you need between readings.
If you edit your question with what your dmp frequency is and what your desired serial frequency is I could try to help more.


Arduino Lightbulb Control

I am completely new to arduinos, and I am trying to run a lightbulb-style apparatus off of an arduino uno, and I need it to only operate on a certain time interval that I can adjust according to the situation. I believe that there is an internal time function in the arduino that counts in milliseconds. All i need it to do is turn on after a set amount of time, and then turn off after about a minute. How would I go about setting up the code for this?
You can use the millis() function to get the current arduino operational time in milliseconds. Then compare it in the next loop(). You probably don't care what the real time is, just the relative time since the last time you checked or did something. You can create a variable to store the last event time and compare the current time to that.
Be aware that millis() may be quite large if your program runs for a long time so you should use an unsigned long type, otherwise the value may roll over the top bit and become interpreted as a negative number (this is a common problem).

Can't get temperature reading out of ble beacon .. at my wits end now. This needs a super-hero I guess

I have a task where I need to read 2 parameters from a BLE Beacon. The documentation was seriously lacking and after a fair amount of effort, I managed to get some basic information about reading the data from the BLE Beacon.
The parameters to read are
1) Battery Voltage of the sensor
2) Temperature the beacon has a built in temperature sensor.
I think I have tried almost every popular Python BLE library out there but I just can't seem to get the temperature reading out of the beacon. "I think" I am able to read the voltage. The reason why I said "I think" is because the value seems to match what was provided in the minimal document. And also when I put the beacon into the charger, I can see the value go up - an indication that it is the voltage reading. As I could not read the temperature ( because the UUIDs that are mentioned in the document, the value doesn't seem to change ). I have tried enabling the sensor in every possible way and method described - by writing 01:00 etc. I spent a fair amount of time to reverse engineer the thing. I ran a packet sniffer and managed to capture the data that was being transferred between the beacon and the mobile app ( They have a mobile app ). But then again I am not able to figure out how the temperature readings are being communicated between the beacon and the app. Let me break the whole stuff in smaller blocks.
Hardware: BLE beacon from which voltage and temperature can be read. The temperature sensor is built into the beacon. And the beacon itself is from Texas Instruments but the temperature, voltage sensing part is done by a third party. They provided us with some minimal information and it was difficult to make sense of some of the sentences as they have trouble communicating in English.
The sequence to get the data goes like this
Scan for beacons
When the beacon is found then connect to it
Enable notification
Set notification interval
Get the voltage and temperature reading.
I have been able to do the first 4 real fast, and "half" of No. 5, i.e getting the voltage part. When I say real fast I mean I got that stuff with nearly no documentation available at that time.
As per the info that I have the data resides in these characteristics/UUIDs. Also please note that the UUID are not standard 128 bit and this caused me issues when using certain libraries. But after some tries I got to read/write to them using handles etc. The handles and other stuff I printed are ones that I read using PYGATT (A Python wrapper for gatttool).
The UUIDs are marked as 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th parameters and it has the following to say about the parameters
- A: 1 byte (2nd Param)
- B: Maj + Min values, 4 bytes (4th Param)
- C: 4 bytes (3rd Param)
- D: Enable/disable notification ( I have been able to turn this on )
- E: Set notification interval ( I have been able to set this and can notice the change in notification interval )
This is minimal so as to not have a large file. All it does is this - the mobile app connects to the beacon, then the notifications start and the temperate readings are retrieved by the mobile app. Like I had mentioned, I don't seem to have problem reading the voltage, it's only the temperature that I am getting stuck at. I have been at it for a week now. I think I have tried nearly everything that I could think of. I even enumerated all the writable characteristics and tried writing numbers like 1 ( enables the sensor? ). I could have offered a bounty for this straight away if it were possible. I rarely get stuck for so long with a problem. This is driving me a little crazy. I am getting close to my wits end - I guess it's time for a super hero - anyone out there? :) I can provide for every bit of information needed if someone could indicate what is wrong. I even wrote a cordova app ... and tried a bunch of stuff from my Android phone. I can connect ... write to characteristics, read stuff etc but temperature ready, nah!!! It just won't budge. All I get is the same set of values ( I used a JSON.stringify to display A, B and C). I can bother about the byte order later. I guess that is a smaller problem.
The communication between the beacon and a third party mobile app is fine, it is able to read the temperature info just fine.
I have been looking at wireshark data and I am fairly sure that the temperature data is being communicated at this stage. But then when I decode the "value", it looks like it's the voltage. It mentions l2cap but I am not sure how that is being used here to send the temperature readings ( if it is using that in the first place ).
Update: Wrote to every writable characteristics. Wrote values like 1, 0100, 2, 7 on every writable characteristics. At the same time I was reading every readable characteristic ( in a loop ) and doing a comparison (just true/false) with the previous set of values. This seemed like a quick and easier way to know if something changed. Didn't want to take chances with converting the hex to a float. I can figure out the byte order later.
From the sniffed data (wireshark) I can only see 3 writes happening on the beacon.
I am not fully sure, even after a long discussion, but it seems that the four bytes of the notification are used for the voltage as well as the temperature, since the temperature can most probably be derived from the voltage.
From the values it seems that those four bytes represent the voltage in float (if you ignore the absurd factor of 10^-38 that comes in because only 4 bytes instead of 8 bytes are used).
Since typically the temperature T is derived from a resistivity measurement, where the resistivity R is proportional to the voltage U (if the current is constant), you can in principle calculate the temperature T from the voltage U.
The problem is that T(R) is relatively linear, but not perfectly (in contrast to U(R) which is assumed to be U=RI). So you may need to plot the values for T(U) to find out the curve that they are using.
To add to the confusion, I got the best results when only using the first five bits of the third byte and the eight bits of the fourth byte. I am not aware why this is the case, and it might point to some trouble still.
The best option is to ask for their function T(U) that they are using. If they can and will provide it for you...

two identical arduino Nano`s running at different speeds?

I am working on a project that requires me to use 2 separate Arduinos running independently from each other. Now, both of these Arduino's are running the same code, but I noticed that after 10 minutes or so, one of them falls behind and this time difference keep increasing with time. Like I already mentioned, the Arduino`s are identical and I bought them at the same time and they are running the same copy of the program. Any ideas what might cause this and how can I fix it?
Thank you.
Here is the link to the Arduino that I bought just in case.
My Arduino modules on Amazon
The Crystal Oszillators have tolerances up to 100ppm (extreme case), which means you could possibly get 16Mhz*100ppm = 1600 clock pulses difference per second. Also the differences of the runtime could be caused by small voltage differences. Even if there is a voltage Regulator on the Board it has small tolerances, based on the fact, that it operates in the Range of MHz this can climb up to an recognizable Offset.
A possible solution is a synchronization of both microcontrollers. I'm not an expert, so the following solution is a possible and easy one, but definitly not the best.
If they are near by each other you can use two pins of each controller. One as Input and one as Output. Write something like this in your code (same for both if you use the same Pins):
digitalWrite(outPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(outPin, HIGH);
Connect the Output from the first to the Input from the second and the same from second to first.
This results in a waiting state for each cycle of the faster Controller until the slower one reaches the same Programm Part. But be careful if one of them stucks somewhere it will stop the second one too. So there is no redundancy! if this was your goal, don't use this method and search for other synchronisation methods.
Perhaps you can use some RTC (real time clock) hardware to help you to keep they synchronised. They are really cheap and easy to use.

"Read Analog Voltage" sample rate

In this arduino example:
What would the samplerate be if I run it on a MEGA 2560?
And what should I do to set the samplerate to 6kHz?
Thank you.
In this case you should add delay(166), that would be something around 6.024Hz. But also floating point is super slow on Arduinos, so it might get slower than that. And also one millisecond in Arduino is not 1000us but 1024us, so it might be even less than 6Hz.
The best way is setting up one timer to auto trigger ADC and use ADIF (AD Interrupt Flag) to read value from ADC register pair, clear the flag, do the math and wait for another reading. But this is the hard way for a newbie.
Edit: For 6kHz it would be much more auto trigger mode and values in mV as an integer. Floating point arithmetics is extremely slow as it's just emulated by software.

Decode IR (RC5) steps

I have captured the IR signal ( I believe RC5) of a HVAC remote control, like this one....
(using Saleae)
This gave me a sequence of pulses of different width that I can make the Arduino reproduce and the HVAC recognize the request. An example is:
unsigned int power_ON[180] = {2888,3918,1911,1049,907,1992,903,989,1936,1023,907,1049,903,989,903,1049,903,1049,907,1992,1851,1992,1915,1049,928,963,928,1023,903,1049,907,1049,928,963,928,1023,903,1053,928,1023,928,963,928,1023,928,1027,928,1023,928,963,928,1023,907,1049,928,1023,928,1906,1941,959,2940,3866,1962,997,932,1967,929,963,1962,997,933,1019,959,933,933,1023,954,997,928,1971,1902,1941,1941,1019,958,933,958,997,954,997,933,1019,959,933,959,997,954,997,928,1023,958,933,958,997,954,997,933,1019,958,933,958,997,954,997,933,1019,958,1881,1962,937,2940,3862,1966,993,958,1941,933,959,1966,993,958,997,954,937,954,997,933,1023,954,1941,1880,1966,1962,997,954,937,928,1023,933,1023,954,997,928,963,928,1023,933,1023,929,1023,928,963,929,1023,928,1027,928,1023,928,963,928,1023,928,1027,928,1023,928,1910,1911,989,3832};
Could anyone guide me on the steps to decode the message? or understand the different pulse width?
I guess there must be certain defined pulse widths? Each meaning something different?
My initial though is that I need to:
1) Decode raw data by converting pulses to digital 1,0
2) Identify from digital data each section of the code, I think all the configuration is send on every key press, so identify the section of the code where it states the temperature, fan speed, hvac mode, clock, etc
3) Be able to put together a full IR code based on wanted setup, instead of just saving the whole code and reproducing it.
Any hint or guideline on how to do this?
Am I on the right track?
I have tried analysing one same mode and try to figure out which pulses change, but I cant figure it out as the number of pulses varies. Here you can see Cooling mode and maximum fan speed with changing temperature setting.
here is the excel file for anyone really into helping:
and the end of the message
So I put your pulse widths (?) into a diagram:
Without knowing more about what this actually represents, this does not really help i guess..
What buttons did you press while recording this? How did you record this?
I would try to visualize all the data you can get. Record all buttons and put what you get in diagrams. Then stare at them and maybe you will find some logic hidden in there.
Also, open the remote, look what IC's are inside and look up their datasheets. Maybe there you will find the protocol and you won't have to do any reverse engineering at all.
Keep us updated!
