What will happen to my content if i switch from elementor to simple editor? - wordpress

Want to switch my elementor builder interface in simple editor like old Html one on my website tellthebell* as my site load's slowly due to this builder. want to know if my content will be loss or just the design will change?
Or suggest something that might help my loading time of site.

Yes agreed with the #cengiz sevimli Not only design will be lost also the content can be deleted. However if you have added any posts it will be saved at backend and you can add it up again from there in the new design.

well, a simple and easiest trick to do is save your content (Manually save in word doc) by pressing ctrl+A then switch to the old mode of HTML, if you lose your design/ interface..try editing or adding content that you already saved...Also, you can change your theme and again use the same content, etc.. it works very well you just need to be little tricky :P

Frist, you need to perform speed optimization for your website. It will help to load your website as soon as possible.
You can use Autoptimize and WP Rocket Plugin to boost the speed of your website.
Second, if you will switch your website from elementor to another builder you will lose complete design. After that, you need to redesign your website.
For check the speed of your website use : https://gtmetrix.com

If you change your builder, you may end up losing your designs. However you can try backing up your builder's raw code by pressing "Use Default Editor" like:


Link blocks to composer in Concrete5

I'm just playing about with an offline copy of Concrete5 and was wondering if there is any way to link blocks to the composer system to make them work? I made a page template hoping I could just click 'new page' and select my template to add it to the right area of my test site, but it won't show up. I then tried to edit a preset page template from my theme, and that worked fine... except it still populates the new page with the original blocks.
It seems like a total nightmare to do anything in this system. Should I be using a different one if I can't even do this?
I am not sure I fully understand your question but have you had a look at this tutorial? It might help https://documentation.concrete5.org/tutorials/setup-a-simple-blog-within-concrete-5-7

what will happen in my website when i changed the current theme with new one?

1) Can i change the theme of wordpress in this site
with this,
2)if i do it i lost something of image article format etc??
i need to change the theme but i don't know if i do it, what happen in the site
3) if i change the template? i want the same format of plugin and component, can anyone help me with this?
Presently I am using a wordpress theme.
I want to change it to something better. But I am afraid, if I change
the theme,
I will lose all my contents that includes Posts, Pictures,
Categories, Tags.
I am not at all aware of this fact. Need some help.
Tell me if what I am afraid of is really going to happen if I change or not.
What are the pre-steps that I can take to keep all my contents uploaded the same way they were before.
I already have a daily backup system using WP Backup plugin.What else?
Please help!
Good habit is backup before do changes.
Checklist: 6 Things You MUST DO Before Changing WordPress Themes
Take Notes on Your Current Theme
Go through your theme files and note down all additional code that you added. You also want to check your current theme’s load time because this way you can compare the two. Go to a site like Pingdom Tools or use YSlow to test out different pages (Yes different pages, not just the homepage).
Be cautious of the Sidebars
If you are using a widget-enabled theme, and you switch to a theme that is not widget-ready, then you will lose all of that. If you are using a widget-enabled WordPress theme, then this is not an issue.
Also anything that you modify in sidebar.php file of your old theme, will be overwritten. So make sure that you add those codes in the new theme sidebar.
You never have anything to lose by creating a backup. As a precautionary measure, you should backup all of your theme files, plugins, and the database.
4.Testing all functionality and plugins
Once you have the new theme activated, you need to make sure that you retain all the functionality and plugins still work. Try out all the features including but not limited to the commenting process, single post pages, search, 404 page, archive page, contact page etc. Make sure all of your widgets are still there and are working.
Cross Browser Compatibility
Test your site in all browsers you have access to. Browsers have a tendency of rendering things differently.
Maintenance Mode
You probably don’t want your users to see while you are making the switch because they will end up seeing a broken site or such. It is best to turn on Maintenance mode for 15 – 20 minutes that it may take you to make sure that everything is working properly. Once you have setup Maintenance mode, you are good to go ahead and activate the new theme.

How do I hide WordPress from my source code?

Can I hide the code of html + javascript of wordpress pages ?
I mean when anyone hits view source he/she will not able to know that the website was developed using WordPress ?
It is not possible to prevent a user from viewing the source of a website. The web browser needs to be able to render it, so any form of "encryption" would cause the browser to miss-render the page.
There are HTML obfuscation tools online such as this. But you would not be able to use them in WordPress as it generates all it's HTML on the fly.
Rather than hiding the fact that you are using WordPress I would suggest that you ensure your WP install is kept up-to date and that you use sensible security plugins such as Bulletproof Security.
If you simply want to remove the <meta name="generator" content="WordPress 3.4.1" /> tag from your generated HTML, you can add this in your theme's functions.php.
remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator');
If you want to remove the "Powered by WordPress" in the footer text, that'll depend the theme you're using. Some themes allow you to customize the footer text from the dashboard, others will need manual modifications in the footer.php.
It will probably still be obvious that you're using WordPress though. A lot of references to uploaded files inside wp-content will be visible and many class names will have the wp- prefix. You probably won't be able to change those without breaking your website.
In general, you can't stop users from viewing the source of your website. The HTML is what defines the markup and content of your website, and the browser simply renders it. The best you can do is obfuscate it in such way that you can't easily tell what each HTML element represents or what each JavaScript function does.
No it's not possible. It'll will always be possible to see it since the browser has to get it in plain text to render it.
Look at JavaScript obfuscation to make your code harder to reuse or understand : How can I obfuscate (protect) JavaScript?
I believe what you're trying to do is hide the fact that your site is powered by WordPress. For that, you can try the suggestions presented here:
How to Hide WordPress Info from Your Source Code

DRUPAL, video module: manually upload thumbnails

I'm using the video module on Drupal and it works pretty well.
I would like to manually update thumbnails of my videos instead of automatically generate them. Is that possible ?
Looks tough, there's a recent issue of someone complaining about this at http://drupal.org/node/670054 but there is a setting in the config (under automatic video thumbnailing), look at http://video.heidisoft.com/content/configuring-video-module
It'll be a lot of frustrating tweaks to get that to work, so sorry to say that no you can't manually update thumbnails using this module.

Preview theme in drupal

I am using drupal for the first time. I have successfully developed my first drupal website to a certain extent. I have used my own custom theme for the front-end and blue marine theme for administrator. Now my client's requirement is that when he clicks on preview button before submitting the page in admin panel, he wants to see the preview in a pop-up window with the front-end's theme. Please help me with your ideas and suggestions on how to achieve this?
When you set the administration theme, leave the "Use administration theme for content editing" unchecked. This should allow content creation / previewing in the "front-end" theme.
EDIT: Assuming you are using Drupal 6.x
Have you seen this module - http://drupal.org/project/pagepreview it aims to give you what the page will look like on the front-end theme.
There are some caveats though, for instance the menu will not be correct if this is a new node
As far as I know Themeing is a complicated process in Drupal, it involves many modules and hooks, so I don't think it's an easy task for a module (maybe) to do that, or in core like Wordpress.
I'm working on getting a nice solution to this too. I won't post the code yet cos it's a work in progress, but essentially I make an ajax call to retrieve a known node and then replace the node content of that page with the content of the preview box before showing the merged page in a popup window.
If it works out alright I might make a module out of it.
This might help: https://www.computerminds.co.uk/drupal-code/making-accurate-responsive-node-preview-drupal-7
Patches the Page Preview module with some of the Responsive Theme Preview modules functionality for viewing the page at different screen sizes in the preview panel.
Page preview's caveats still apply though.
