Datepicker - Year Only - css

I am modifying a simple datepicker.
I would like to only have the Year dropdown (Month is not required).
I have tried to remove the Month dropdown by adding the css:
select.custom-select {
display: none;
Unfortunately this not only removes the Month dropdown but the Year also, see below:

You can add style to the first select
selector: 'ngbd-datepicker-basic',
templateUrl: './datepicker-basic.html',
styles:[':host ::ng-deep select:first-child{display:none;}']
export class NgbdDatepickerBasic {

The best thing to use will be Datepicker from ngx-bootstrap.
Check out this link:
It has an option for display mode called min-mode, so you can't go beyond that.You can set min-mode to "year" in your case. Works beautifully!

You can use yyyy formate to only a year.Try below code.
$scope.dateOptions = {
formatYear: 'yyyy',
startingDay: 1,
minMode: 'year'
Working Demo

A simple solution will be to use css to hide the first select element inside ngb-datepicker-navigation-select using display:none
Working example :


Ionic 6 styling of ion-datetime

I have stumbled upon some difficulties styling ion-datetime component using ionic 6, and none of the posts seem to contain a solution for this. I would like to apply some custom styles to picker items that appear in the shadow-root part.
Applying CSS to classes like .picker-item and .picker-item-active doesn't do anything because they are in the shadow-root. And there don't seem to be any styling properties and variables for ion-picker that I could use.
I am using the standard ion-datetime component like this:
<ion-datetime presentation="time"></ion-datetime>
and in the simulator while inspecting the HTML it appears as:
Styling that I would like to change:
Color and font properties for picker items
Color, background and font properties for active picker item
Since they are all open shadowRoots, you can get in and inject a <style> sheet:
.shadowRoot.prepend( Object.assign( document.createElement("style") , {
innerText : `
.picker-item {
After some more playing around, I have been able to find a solution and customize it to my project needs. Thanks to Danny '365CSI' Engelman for inspiration.
The use of ion-datetime and its customization in my project is complex due to using multiple ion-datetime elements appearing and disappearing dynamically. Therefore, applying custom styling of it required some additional logic not posted here. Please reach out if you need some help regarding this.
Here is the base logic that allowed me to apply some styles to ion-datetime:
document.querySelectorAll("ion-datetime").forEach(dt => {
var el = dt.shadowRoot.querySelector("ion-picker-internal");
el.shadowRoot.prepend(Object.assign(document.createElement("style"), {
innerText: `
.picker-highlight {
background: red !important;
el.querySelectorAll("ion-picker-column-internal").forEach(col => {
col.shadowRoot.prepend(Object.assign(document.createElement("style"), {
innerText: `
.picker-item {
color: green !important;
.picker-item-active {
color: blue !important;

Styling a MatHeaderCell dynamically with NgStyle?

I'm trying to provide dynamic styling to a MatHeaderCell instance like this:
I've created a demo here.
I can see that:
Receives the column and returns and object however the style is not applied, and so the column still has a min width of 12rem and I want it to be 4rem. Thoughts?
It appears to be a syntax issue in your styles helper function.
Give this a try.
public styles: any = {
ID: {
'min-width': '4rem',
'background-color': 'red'

Add CSS property in Angualr2 with MetaWidget

I am trying to add CSS when clicked on row or column of table, Following is code
private rowClicked(event: Event): void {
event.srcElement.setAttribute("class", "highlighted");
But it's not working as accepted. Am I doing in wrong way, Is there any alternate way to add CSS dynamically?
Is there any way to add CSS using dom element, my table has thousands of data and to create this table, I have used MetaWidget.
The easiest way to your problem is to assign a unique ID to each included element together with employing another variable to hold selected ID. The logic to turn on my-class CSS class will now be based on the selected ID.
Your new HTML template:
<div (click)="rowClicked(1);" [ngClass]="{'my-class': highlightedDiv === 1}">
> I'm a div that gets styled on click
Your rowClicked function:
highlightedDiv: number;
rowClicked(newValue: number) {
if (this.highlightedDiv === newValue) {
this.highlightedDiv = 0;
else {
this.highlightedDiv = newValue;
A working demo is here.
More can be found here.
You are using MetaWidget, but you are not mentioning what version you are using.
If you want work with Angular2 and MetaWidget, you should have use a compatible version of MetaWidget, which can be found here-
Using this library will be the best solution for you.
Angular does not work based on DOM, it works based on Component.
If you like to work on DOM, then you should include jQuery in tour angular project from here-
How to use jQuery with Angular2?
But it is not a good practice.

Applying Same Style to Multiple IDs with Same Words

I'd like to know if there's a way to apply the same styles to IDs that start with the same workds.
For example, I have #youtube_gallery_item_1, #youtube_gallery_item_2,....and the number keeps increasing, so I can't add a new ID every time I add a new item. FYI, I'm working with Wordpress and YouTube SiimpleGallery plugin.
I'd appreciate your help!
The "starts with" selector in CSS3.
div[id^=youtube_gallery_item] {
Note that this doesn't work in IE8 and below.
What would be a better idea would be to assign all of your #youtube_gallery_items a class, and then assign styles to that class. I'm sure that the plugin that you're using is doing this. Look at the source code, and if you see that they all have the same class, use:
.name-of-the-class {
You can use an attribute selector:
[id^="youtube_gallery_item"] {
color: skyblue;
I would suggest adding a class
.youtube_gallery_item {
background: ;
width: ;
Its compatible with all browsers and is the easiest way to get around.
<div id="youtube_gallery_item_1" class="youtube_gallery_item"></div>
<div id="youtube_gallery_item_2" class="youtube_gallery_item"></div>
<div id="youtube_gallery_item_3" class="youtube_gallery_item"></div>

Target a checkbox status using css

I need to display the section based on the chckbox..for that i write through css
input[type = "checkbox"]:checked .sec-visible{ display : block; }
its working on ff, but not working on ie..any solution?
You have the selector a little muddled, you need to select the input with its class then the type:
Example here.
