I have some classes defined only using a headers file that inherits the QObject class and uses the Q_OBJECT macro. They are placed in a certain folder on my PC.
I want to include these classes in my qt project.
I have written a .pri file (located in the same folder of these classes) in this way:
In my .pro project file, I include the .pri (using include() command) and I can import the headers.
The problem is that during the compilation I have some linkage errors related to QMetaObject, for example
Plc.obj:-1: error: LNK2001: external symbol "public: virtual struct QMetaObject const * __cdecl Conveyor::metaObject(void)const " (?metaObject#Conveyor##UEBAPEBUQMetaObject##XZ) not resolved
I think that the problem is related to the fact that qmake does not generate the moc file for each class, it only include the headers path. Infact if I remove the Q_OBJECT macro from these classes, I can compile successfully the project.
There is a way to tell at qmake, that it has to generate the moc file for these headers? I would like to avoid creating a library or a project for these classes.
Or maybe a different solution?
I find the solution finally.
I simply added the HEADER command at the end of the .pri file.
Now the compiler scan the headers and create the moc file. ``
My update .pri file is:
$$PWD/MyClass1.h \
If I include(someOtherProject.pri) in my .pro, and that other project file (.pri) has INCLUDEPATH += . in it, then shouldn't my files in my .pro find those headers when I #include them? I cleaned and ran qmake on everything, regenerated the .pri file by simply copying the .pro from that other project and renaming it with the .pri extension, but when I #include a file from that other project, compiler says it cannot find it.
I wouldn't expect that I must also edit the INCLUDEPATH of my working .pro file if I am already using include(someOtherProject.pri) -- that would make the point of using include(someOtherProject.pri) unnecessary altogether.
The solution is to have INCLUDE PATH += $$PWD/ in the .pri instead, as this will expand out to the proper hard-coded path no matter where it is included.
I've got a problem with include in a qmake project. In my .pro file I've got:
INCLUDEPATH += "C:\OpenCV\build\include"
and in my cpp :
#include <opencv\cv.h>
The compiler indicates an error:
Cannot open include file: 'opencv\cv.h': No such file or directory
but if I write this in my cpp:
#include "C:\OpenCV\build\include\opencv\cv.h"
it works!
I build the project from within Qt Creator. What am I doing wrong?
You have to run qmake(build->run qmake) to validate changes in the pro file.
Qt creator Adding external library (still: Cannot open include file: 'GL/glew.h')
Your problem may be related to the fact that having backslashes in naked #include directives is undefined behavior.
Do the following.
Replace your include with
#include <opencv/cv.h>
Note the forward slash!
Remove the shadow build directory that Qt Creator has made for you. You will find it above the project directory, its name begins with build-.
Rebuild the project.
Note that this takes care of rerunning qmake.
here's one of my pro files:
# Blah Application
CONFIG += qt console staticlib debug_and_release
QT -= gui
QT += network sql xml
TARGET = blah
CONFIG(debug, debug|release){
DESTDIR = debug
LIBS += -L../../../lib/core/debug -lcore
} else {
DESTDIR = release
LIBS += -L../../../lib/core/release -lcore
DEPENDPATH += . ../../lib ../../../lib/core
INCLUDEPATH += . ../../lib ../../../lib/core
# Library files
HEADERS += mtBlahRTP.h
SOURCES += mtBlahRTP.cpp
# Input
SOURCES += main.cpp
The include path points to the RELATIVE directory of my lib files. mtBlahRTP.h and mtBlahRTP.cpp are in ../../lib
I have the same question, before building or running, you should qmake(Build=>qmake) it.
My configurations for INCLUDEPATH:
I ran into a similar issue and what I found is that the QtCreator IDE is not re-reading the results of qmake and updating the "Cannot open" message. You need to close the offending file and re-open it - then you'll see that it no longer displays the error.
I had to do two steps: (re-)run qmake and rebuild the whole project - only then the INCLUDEPATH setting was considered correctly. (With QtCreator 3.5 and 3.6 (Qt 5.5 and Qt 5.6) on Windows.)
The only problem you are making is incorrectly linking the OpenCV library. The other answers given here may or may not work, but I have posted on another thread a surefire way to solve this problem using the "Add Library" wizard inside Qt Creator: https://stackoverflow.com/a/51914928/10245006
I was getting the error:
canserialcomm.o: In function `CanSerialComm::CanSerialComm()':
canserialcomm.cpp:(.text+0xc1): undefined reference to `vtable for CanSerialComm'
It turns out that the cause was it wasn't able to find canserialcomm.h where that constructor is declared. This was despite me having INCLUDEPATH in the project file point to the directory containing that header file:
What I had to do to fix this is explicitely specify the header file; I added:
HEADER += ../canserialcomm.h
You should use double backslashes when in windows for qt creator with msvc. like this:
INCLUDEPATH += C:\\libcurl\\libcurl-vc-x64-release-dll-ipv6-sspi-winssl\\include
this will fix the problem.
Under windows you have to eliminate the -I before each directory that is added into the INCLUDEPATH variable.
For example:
Under windows:
INCLUDEPATH += "C:\lib\boost_1_61_0" (back-slash)
Under linux & mac:
INCLUDEPATH += -I"$$(HOME)/lib/boost_1_61_0" (note the -I and forward-slash)
I'm not sure whether it depends on different qmake version or not. But after finishing qmake command, I check the Makefile and the double -I is the issue.
You need to do several things. Fist, in the .pro file, you need quotation marks two backslashes at a time, like this:
INCLUDEPATH += "C:\\OpenCV\\build\\include\\opencv\\cv.h"
You alse need a frontslash in the #include in your .cpp file like this:
#include <opencv/cv.h>
When you've done this, delete the build folder. This is the folder with a very complicated name of the type build-untitled-Desktop_Qt_5_7_0_MSVC2015_32bit-Release. Then, in the Build menu, press "Run qmake". When you've done all this, it should compile fine.
Somehow it did not work for when I had several INCLUDEPATH +=.
When I combined the stuff into a single on it suddenly worked.
I have a project in Qt Creator which has several shared library projects and the main project which also contains the main function. What I want is to add a new project which shouldn't be a shared library but just a project with some header files where I keep definitions and error codes. What I wish is to be able to add the path of this project to other projects INCLUDEPATH in order to use those files in other projects.
To do so I created an empty project which .pro file looks like this:
but when I build the whole project it complains that it doesn't find the main in this project with only one header.
Is it possible in QtCreator to achieve this?
Create a .pri file which has your INCLUDEPATH, etc; and then refer to it in your other projects' .pro files:
# Common.pri
INCLUDEPATH += ../myPath
INCLUDE += myHeader.h
# OtherProject.pro
!include( ./Common.pri ) {
error( Could not find the Common.pri file. )
INCLUDEPATH += ../myOtherPath
Remember to use the += operator in your .pro files otherwise they will overwrite the .pri file variables.
Using Qt Creator, I am creating a class with custom slots in Qt:
class CustomEdit : public QTextEdit
CustomEdit(QWidget* parent);
public slots:
void onTextChanged ();
However, I'm getting this linker error:
undefined reference to 'vtable for CustomEdit'
The documentation says:
if you get compiler errors along the lines of "undefined reference to vtable for LcdNumber", you have probably forgotten to run the moc or to include the moc output in the link command.
... but it is not obvious what that means.
Is there something I need to add to my class, or to the .pro file?
EDIT -- Here is my .pro file:
QT += network \
script \
webkit \
SOURCES += main.cpp \
MainWindow.cpp \
HEADERS += MainWindow.h \
FORMS += mainwindow.ui
This question deals with the same problems, but the answers don't make it clear how I can fix this issue in Qt Creator. Do I need to explicitly add the moc-generated .cpp file to my list of files to be linked? That seems like a pain.
Qt creator is an IDE which is used to create your Qt projects. That's all. But qmake allows you to buid the project. From qmake manual,
qmake automates the generation of Makefiles so that only a few lines of information are needed to create each Makefile. qmake generates a Makefile based on the information in a project file. qmake contains additional features to support development with Qt, automatically including build rules for moc and uic.
You don have to include your moc files separately, but you have to run qmake which contains all the information about the required moc files. Take a look at the generated Makefile.debug or Makefile.release after qmake and you can find all the moc files will be included for you.
Now to run qmake in Qt creator, just go to Build->RebuildAll which will run the qmake and all the (moc) files will be generated and linked (in Makefile.debug) as well.
Hopefully this will elimate your undefined reference.
I'm starting to learn Qt. I'm moving from the Visual Studio world and I am looking for a way to organize my project's structure using QMake. I've found the 'subdirs' template but I have quite a hard time understanding it.
My project structure looks like this:
some logic files
gui files
My project.pro looks like this
TEMPLATE = subdirs
SUBDIRS = logic \
SOURCES += main.cpp
In the .pro files for the subdirectories I have appropriate SOURCES, HEADERS and RESOURCES variables set.
Please tell me what TARGET, TEMPLATE and other necessary values I should set in the .pro files.
Also, is there some good QMake tutorial other than the official one?
In addition to Troubadour's comment, I would note that the SUBDIRS target is only good for specifying subdirectories. Therefore, your extra line of
SOURCES += main.cpp
in your project.pro file is incorrect, and will likely fail to build your main.cpp file, at worst. At best, qmake will refuse to parse the file, since it has conflicting specifications in it.
I've used the SUBDIRS template a few times, and it does well if you can build parts into more-or-less independent libraries, apparently like you have with the logic and the gui separate. Here is one way to do this:
----some logic files
----gui files
TEMPLATE = subdirs
SUBDIRS = logic \
# build must be last:
CONFIG += ordered
SUBDIRS += build
#Includes common configuration for all subdirectory .pro files.
# The following keeps the generated files at least somewhat separate
# from the source files.
UI_DIR = uics
MOC_DIR = mocs
# Check if the config file exists
! include( ../common.pri ) {
error( "Couldn't find the common.pri file!" )
HEADERS += logic.h
SOURCES += logic.cpp
# By default, TARGET is the same as the directory, so it will make
# liblogic.a (in linux). Uncomment to override.
# TARGET = target
! include( ../common.pri ) {
error( "Couldn't find the common.pri file!" )
FORMS += gui.ui
HEADERS += gui.h
SOURCES += gui.cpp
# By default, TARGET is the same as the directory, so it will make
# libgui.a (in linux). Uncomment to override.
# TARGET = target
SOURCES += main.cpp
LIBS += -L../logic -L../gui -llogic -lgui
# Will build the final executable in the main project directory.
TARGET = ../project
You use subdirs if the logic and gui folders actually repesent some sort of target, eg. a library, that can be built independently of anything else. If that's the case then just use
TARGET = logic
CONFIG += dll
in logic.pro.
If they are not independent targets but are just folders that exist to organise the sources files then you can just use a .pri file in each instead and include them within the .pro using
Just remember that the file paths in the .pri files are relative to the .pro file and not the .pri. BTW, the use of a .pri file is optional as you can still list the files in those folders directly in the .pro file. The .pri file just makes it that bit neater and helps keep the .pro file shorter.