R Plotly Returns Blank Sunburst Chart - r

I am trying to create a sunburst chart using plotly, but it returns a blank chart. My dataset contains currency information which is similar to below (except more rows):
df <- data.frame(
MainGroup = c("A", "A","A"),
Currency = c("USD","EUR","GBP"),
Percent = c(90,5,5),
Category = c("USD","Other","Other"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
The Category is based on the Percent column: anything less than 10 will be categorized as "Other". I tried plot_ly(df, labels = ~Currency, parents = ~Category, values = ~Percent, type = 'sunburst'), but it returned a blank chart. I'd like to create a chart like this:

df <- data.frame(
MainGroup = c("A", "A","A"),
Currency = c("USDollars","EUR","GBP"),
Percent = c(90,5,5),
Category = c("USD","Other","Other"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
plot_ly(labels = c(" ", "USD","Other",df$Currency), parents = c(""," "," ",df$Category), values = c(100,90,10,df$Percent), type = 'sunburst',
Multiple problems here (I have to say these sunburst plots are tricky):
You have to provide for each element the parents, in your example Otherhas no parent
You have two different items called USD, this is a problem to specify parents, I changed one to USDollars
To get whole circles, you have to put branchvalues='total'


Plotly gauge graph and crosstalk filtering for flexdashboard

I am trying the create a plotly gauge graph for a flexdashboard which should change value depending on the chosen filter in crosstalk::filter_select().
I have tried and tried but cannot get the filter to work. This is an example with mtcars of what I am trying to do. I noticed that if the SharedData object has only one value, then it works, but otherwise plotly does not show any data.
mtcars_data <- tibble::rownames_to_column(mtcars, "Car")
shared_mtcars <- SharedData$new(mtcars_data)
row1 <- bscols(filter_select("Car", "Car", shared_mtcars, ~Car, multiple = F)
fig <- plot_ly(shared_mtcars,
domain = list(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1)),
value = ~mpg,
title = list(text = "MPG"),
type = "indicator",
mode = "gauge+number")
bscols(row1, fig, widths = 12)
This code results in a graph with no data. If I subset mtcars_data to take the first row or the first two rows (which happen to have the same value for mpg) then it works. If I subset rows 1 and 3, it doesn't.
I might be missing something - in that case would really appreciate any feedback.

Change the 'Frame' Label in Plotly Animation

TLDR: I want to label the frame slider with the three letter abbreviation instead of the number for each month.
I created a bar chart showing average snow depth each month over a 40 year period. I'm pulling my data from NOAA and then grouping by year and month using lubridate. Here is the code:
snow_depth <- govy_data$snwd %>%
replace_na(list(snwd = 0)) %>%
mutate(month_char = month(date, label = TRUE, abbr = TRUE)) %>%
group_by(year = year(date), month = month(date), month_char) %>%
summarise(avg_depth = mean(snwd))
The mutate function creates a column (month_char) in the data frame holding the three letter abbreviation for each month. The class for this column is an ordered factor.
The code below shows how I'm creating the chart/animation:
snow_plot <- snow_depth %>% plot_ly(
x = ~year,
y = ~avg_depth,
color = ~avg_temp,
frame = ~month,
text = ~paste('<i>Month</i>: ', month_char,
'<br><b>Avg. Depth</b>: ', avg_depth,
'<br><b>Avg. Temp</b>: ', avg_temp),
hoverinfo = 'text',
type = 'bar'
This code generates a plot that animates well and looks like this:
What I'd like to do is change the labels on the slider so instead of numbers, it shows the three letter month abbreviation. I've tried switching the frame to ~month_char which is the ordered factor of three letter month abbreviations. What I end up with, isn't right at all:
The data frame looks like:
I fear, with the current implementation of animation sliders in R's plotly API the desired behaviour can't be realized. This is due to the fact, that no custom animation steps are allowed (this includes the labels). Please see (and support) my GitHub FR for further information.
This is the best I was currently able to come up with:
DF <- data.frame(
year = rep(seq(1980L, 2020L), each = 12),
month = rep(1:12, 41),
month_char = rep(factor(month.abb), 41),
avg_depth = runif(492)
fig <- DF %>%
x = ~year,
y = ~avg_depth,
frame = ~paste0(sprintf("%02d", month), " - ", month_char),
type = 'bar'
) %>%
currentvalue = list(prefix = "Month: ")
(Edit from OP) Here's the resulting graph using the above code:

officer chart removing border around chart

Does anyone know how I can remove the border around an ms chart object when I insert it in a word document using office R?
Here is the code to create the chart:
test_data <- data.frame("Var1" = c(2,4,6,8), "Var2" = c(2,4,6,8), "Group" = c("A","B","A","B"))
my_barchart <- ms_barchart(data = test_data ,
x = "Var1", y = "Var2", group = "Group")
Then I insert it to the office r document with
body_add_chart(chart = my_barchart, style = "centered")
The chart looks fine, but appears with a border around it which I want to remove. I think you should be able to do this with the style argument but I can't quite figure out how.

Multiple y-axes in shiny app w/ highcharter

I'm trying to render a graph in a shiny app using highcharter that shares an x-axis (days) but has multiple y-axes (a percent and a count). After some research it seems like I should use the 'hc_yAxis_multiples' method. On the left y-axis, I have % displayed. On the right y-axis, I want the count displayed. There is a line graph that is based on the left y-axis (%), and a stacked bar graph that is displayed based on the right y-axis.
I have been able to overlay the two graphs, but the bar chart portion based on the right y-axis is not formatted to the corresponding y-axis. Based on what I have been looking at, it seems like something like this would produce a result that I want:
##This first block is to show what the data types of the variables I'm using are and what the structure of my df looks like
df$inbox_rate <- df$total_inbox / df$total_volume
df$inbox_rate <- round((df$inbox_rate*100),0)
df$received_dt <- as.character(df$received_dt)
df$received_dt <- as.Date(df$received_dt, "%Y%m%d")
df <- df[order(df$received_dt),]
## This second block here is where I'm trying to build the chart with two Y-axes
hc <- highchart()%>%
hc_title(text = paste(domain_name,sep=""),align = "center") %>%
hc_legend(align = "center") %>%
hc_xAxis(type = "datetime", labels = list(format = '{value:%m/%d}')) %>%
hc_yAxis_multiples(list(title = list(text = "IPR"),labels=list(format = '{value}%'),min=0,
max=100,showFirstLabel = TRUE,showLastLabel=TRUE,opposite = FALSE),
list(title = list(text = "Total Subscribers"),min=0,max = max(df$total_users),
labels = list(format = "{value}"),showLastLabel = FALSE, opposite = TRUE)) %>%
hc_plotOptions(column = list(stacking = "normal")) %>%
x=received_dt,y=total_users,group=isp,yAxis=total_users)) %>%
x=received_dt,y=inbox_rate,group=isp,yAxis=inbox_rate)) %>%
hc_exporting(enabled = TRUE) %>%
However this produces something that looks like this.
To give more insight about the data I'm using, the domain_name is a string variable that looks like this: example.com. The total_users variable is a number that varies from 0 to about 50000. The received_dt variable is a date, formatted using as.Date(df$received_dt, "%Y%m%d"). The inbox_rate variable is a percent, from 0 to 100.
The bar counts are all displaying to the full height of the graph, even though the values of the bars vary widely. To reiterate, I want the right y-axis that the bar chart heights are based on to be the count of the df$total_users. Within the hc_yAxis_multiples function, there are two lists given. I thought that the first list gives the left y-axis, and the second gives the right. The closest answer to my question that I could find was given by this stackoverflow response
If anyone has any insight, it would be very much appreciated!
Your use of the yAxis statement in hc_add_series seems to be off. First, it should not be inside hcaes and second, it's a number specifying which axis (in order of appearance in hy_yAxis_multiple call) the series belongs to. So hc_add_series(..., yAxis = 1) should be used to assign a series to the second (right) axis.
Below is a (fully self-explaining, independent, minimal) example that shows how it should work.
df <- data.frame(
total_inbox = c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
total_volume = c(30, 30, 30, 30, 30),
total_users = c(300, 400, 20, 340, 330),
received_dt = c("20180202", "20180204", "20180206", "20180210", "20180212"),
isp = "ProviderXY"
df$inbox_rate <- df$total_inbox / df$total_volume
df$inbox_rate <- round((df$inbox_rate*100),0)
df$received_dt <- as.character(df$received_dt)
df$received_dt <- as.Date(df$received_dt, "%Y%m%d")
df <- df[order(df$received_dt),]
hc <- highchart()%>%
hc_xAxis(type = "datetime", labels = list(format = '{value:%m/%d}')) %>%
hc_yAxis_multiples(list(title = list(text = "IPR"),labels=list(format = '{value}%'),min=0,
max=100,showFirstLabel = TRUE,showLastLabel=TRUE,opposite = FALSE),
list(title = list(text = "Total Subscribers"),min=0,max = max(df$total_users),
labels = list(format = "{value}"),showLastLabel = FALSE, opposite = TRUE)) %>%
hc_plotOptions(column = list(stacking = "normal")) %>%
hc_add_series(df,type="column",hcaes(x=received_dt,y=total_users,group=isp),yAxis=1) %>%
Maybe take this as an example how code in questions should be like. Copy-Paste-Runnable, no outside variables and minus all the things that dont matter here (like the theme and legend for example).

Rcharts: plot only shows first character of label

I recently switched from ggplot to Rcharts and have a fairly simple question about the labels.
Sample data
data_1 <- data.table(Filter = c('Filter 1', 'Filter 2'),
Amount = c(100, 50))
data_2 <- data.table(Filter = c('Filter 1'),
Amount = c(100))
hPlot(Amount ~ Filter, data = data_1, type = 'bar', group.na = 'NA\'s')
hPlot(Amount ~ Filter, data = data_2, type = 'bar', group.na = 'NA\'s')
Why do we see the correct label in the first plot, but only the first letter of the label in the second plot? This issue always occurs when the number of rows = 1 (as it is in data_2).
Does anyone has a quick fix / workaround?
