Does anyone know how I can remove the border around an ms chart object when I insert it in a word document using office R?
Here is the code to create the chart:
test_data <- data.frame("Var1" = c(2,4,6,8), "Var2" = c(2,4,6,8), "Group" = c("A","B","A","B"))
my_barchart <- ms_barchart(data = test_data ,
x = "Var1", y = "Var2", group = "Group")
Then I insert it to the office r document with
body_add_chart(chart = my_barchart, style = "centered")
The chart looks fine, but appears with a border around it which I want to remove. I think you should be able to do this with the style argument but I can't quite figure out how.
I am trying the create a plotly gauge graph for a flexdashboard which should change value depending on the chosen filter in crosstalk::filter_select().
I have tried and tried but cannot get the filter to work. This is an example with mtcars of what I am trying to do. I noticed that if the SharedData object has only one value, then it works, but otherwise plotly does not show any data.
mtcars_data <- tibble::rownames_to_column(mtcars, "Car")
shared_mtcars <- SharedData$new(mtcars_data)
row1 <- bscols(filter_select("Car", "Car", shared_mtcars, ~Car, multiple = F)
fig <- plot_ly(shared_mtcars,
domain = list(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1)),
value = ~mpg,
title = list(text = "MPG"),
type = "indicator",
mode = "gauge+number")
bscols(row1, fig, widths = 12)
This code results in a graph with no data. If I subset mtcars_data to take the first row or the first two rows (which happen to have the same value for mpg) then it works. If I subset rows 1 and 3, it doesn't.
I might be missing something - in that case would really appreciate any feedback.
This seems to be an issue already known to the plotly community
github plotly issue #689
and there is an analogous question here on SO.
Unfortunately, it seems no solution is available yet. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I am trying to use Crosstalk and Plotly to create a dashboard and I have come across an unexpected behaviour.
When selecting through the Crosstalk filter, the Plotly bargraph leaves "gaps" for the unselected entries.
As a reproducible example, let's say I want to compare cities populations, what I am getting is this (code at the bottom):
It might very well be that I am missing something, is there a way to get rid of the gap? any advice on viable ways to do a similar comparison avoiding the issue?
Thanks in advance.
title: "Crosstalk+Plotly bargraph selection"
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#data on cities' population
city_pop <- data.frame("City" = c("Florence", "Milan", "Venice"),
"Population" = c(382258, 1352000, 261905))
#setting up Crosstalk shared data
sd <- SharedData$new(city_pop, key = city_pop$city)
#filter for the cities
filt <- filter_select(
id = "select_name",
label = "Selected City",
sharedData = sd,
group = ~City)
#barplot of cities' population
bars_pop <- plot_ly(sd, x = ~City, y = ~Population) %>%
x = ~City,
y = ~Population,
color = I("#89CFF0"),
name = "",
hoverinfo = 'y',
hovertemplate = paste('%{x} <br> number of Residents: %{y}<extra></extra>')
```{r, echo=FALSE}
This worked for me - on the axis where it's happening, set categoryorder = "trace".
plot_ly(...) %>% layout(yaxis = list(categoryorder = "trace"))
I am trying to create a sunburst chart using plotly, but it returns a blank chart. My dataset contains currency information which is similar to below (except more rows):
df <- data.frame(
MainGroup = c("A", "A","A"),
Currency = c("USD","EUR","GBP"),
Percent = c(90,5,5),
Category = c("USD","Other","Other"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
The Category is based on the Percent column: anything less than 10 will be categorized as "Other". I tried plot_ly(df, labels = ~Currency, parents = ~Category, values = ~Percent, type = 'sunburst'), but it returned a blank chart. I'd like to create a chart like this:
df <- data.frame(
MainGroup = c("A", "A","A"),
Currency = c("USDollars","EUR","GBP"),
Percent = c(90,5,5),
Category = c("USD","Other","Other"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
plot_ly(labels = c(" ", "USD","Other",df$Currency), parents = c(""," "," ",df$Category), values = c(100,90,10,df$Percent), type = 'sunburst',
Multiple problems here (I have to say these sunburst plots are tricky):
You have to provide for each element the parents, in your example Otherhas no parent
You have two different items called USD, this is a problem to specify parents, I changed one to USDollars
To get whole circles, you have to put branchvalues='total'
I'm trying to render a graph in a shiny app using highcharter that shares an x-axis (days) but has multiple y-axes (a percent and a count). After some research it seems like I should use the 'hc_yAxis_multiples' method. On the left y-axis, I have % displayed. On the right y-axis, I want the count displayed. There is a line graph that is based on the left y-axis (%), and a stacked bar graph that is displayed based on the right y-axis.
I have been able to overlay the two graphs, but the bar chart portion based on the right y-axis is not formatted to the corresponding y-axis. Based on what I have been looking at, it seems like something like this would produce a result that I want:
##This first block is to show what the data types of the variables I'm using are and what the structure of my df looks like
df$inbox_rate <- df$total_inbox / df$total_volume
df$inbox_rate <- round((df$inbox_rate*100),0)
df$received_dt <- as.character(df$received_dt)
df$received_dt <- as.Date(df$received_dt, "%Y%m%d")
df <- df[order(df$received_dt),]
## This second block here is where I'm trying to build the chart with two Y-axes
hc <- highchart()%>%
hc_title(text = paste(domain_name,sep=""),align = "center") %>%
hc_legend(align = "center") %>%
hc_xAxis(type = "datetime", labels = list(format = '{value:%m/%d}')) %>%
hc_yAxis_multiples(list(title = list(text = "IPR"),labels=list(format = '{value}%'),min=0,
max=100,showFirstLabel = TRUE,showLastLabel=TRUE,opposite = FALSE),
list(title = list(text = "Total Subscribers"),min=0,max = max(df$total_users),
labels = list(format = "{value}"),showLastLabel = FALSE, opposite = TRUE)) %>%
hc_plotOptions(column = list(stacking = "normal")) %>%
x=received_dt,y=total_users,group=isp,yAxis=total_users)) %>%
x=received_dt,y=inbox_rate,group=isp,yAxis=inbox_rate)) %>%
hc_exporting(enabled = TRUE) %>%
However this produces something that looks like this.
To give more insight about the data I'm using, the domain_name is a string variable that looks like this: The total_users variable is a number that varies from 0 to about 50000. The received_dt variable is a date, formatted using as.Date(df$received_dt, "%Y%m%d"). The inbox_rate variable is a percent, from 0 to 100.
The bar counts are all displaying to the full height of the graph, even though the values of the bars vary widely. To reiterate, I want the right y-axis that the bar chart heights are based on to be the count of the df$total_users. Within the hc_yAxis_multiples function, there are two lists given. I thought that the first list gives the left y-axis, and the second gives the right. The closest answer to my question that I could find was given by this stackoverflow response
If anyone has any insight, it would be very much appreciated!
Your use of the yAxis statement in hc_add_series seems to be off. First, it should not be inside hcaes and second, it's a number specifying which axis (in order of appearance in hy_yAxis_multiple call) the series belongs to. So hc_add_series(..., yAxis = 1) should be used to assign a series to the second (right) axis.
Below is a (fully self-explaining, independent, minimal) example that shows how it should work.
df <- data.frame(
total_inbox = c(2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
total_volume = c(30, 30, 30, 30, 30),
total_users = c(300, 400, 20, 340, 330),
received_dt = c("20180202", "20180204", "20180206", "20180210", "20180212"),
isp = "ProviderXY"
df$inbox_rate <- df$total_inbox / df$total_volume
df$inbox_rate <- round((df$inbox_rate*100),0)
df$received_dt <- as.character(df$received_dt)
df$received_dt <- as.Date(df$received_dt, "%Y%m%d")
df <- df[order(df$received_dt),]
hc <- highchart()%>%
hc_xAxis(type = "datetime", labels = list(format = '{value:%m/%d}')) %>%
hc_yAxis_multiples(list(title = list(text = "IPR"),labels=list(format = '{value}%'),min=0,
max=100,showFirstLabel = TRUE,showLastLabel=TRUE,opposite = FALSE),
list(title = list(text = "Total Subscribers"),min=0,max = max(df$total_users),
labels = list(format = "{value}"),showLastLabel = FALSE, opposite = TRUE)) %>%
hc_plotOptions(column = list(stacking = "normal")) %>%
hc_add_series(df,type="column",hcaes(x=received_dt,y=total_users,group=isp),yAxis=1) %>%
Maybe take this as an example how code in questions should be like. Copy-Paste-Runnable, no outside variables and minus all the things that dont matter here (like the theme and legend for example).
I am creating a d3pie graph with rcharts following this article.
I am able to create the pie chart and now I would like to add a tooltip similar to this one.
My code so far is:
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
pie1$params$chartspec <- list(header = list(title = list(text = "Title"),
subtitle = list(text = "Subtitle")),
data = list(content = df),
labels = list(lines = list(style = "straight")),
tooltips=list(enabled=TRUE,type= "placeholder",
I am not sure if including the tooltips is possible with rcharts.
If it is possible my guess is that the problem comes from the enabled=TRUE. I also tried: enabled="[true]", enabled="{true}" and enabled=T. None of them seem to work.
I am starting to learn d3.js, however, I want to embed the chart in rmarkdown so I would prefer a solution based on R.