Enter a Csv-File through a Pop-up Window in R - r

I have seen that there is the nice option to enter an input through a pop-up window which has been created in R.
Is it possible to write a code that creates a pop-up window (or maybe any other nice interface) where one can enter a csv file? (or excel file.)
Would it also be possible to then get an output as a csv or excel file?
I'm thankful for any idea since I'm not sure what is possible in which language. If you think things would be easier in python - let me know. I just thought to work with data frames is very easy in R.
I already explored a bit the package svDialogs
There is for example the function dlgInput() which can take as an input some integer and there are also functions such as dlg_form() etc which do similar things. But I don't find a function that would take a csv file or so as an input.

You can use rstudioapi:
rstudioapi::selectFile("Select File") returns the file path of your select file, to open a csv interactively, you can use following code:
read.csv(rstudioapi::selectFile("Select File"))
You can read more at: https://rstudio.github.io/rstudioapi/reference/file-dialogs.html


BlySky Statistics - File naming conventions

When opening file 'TestFile.RData' in BlueSky Statistics it is opened with this name PLUS Dataset3 attached. Looks like this in tab TestFile.RData(Dataset3)
I would like to use my original name when using r code in the r command editor but from what I see BlueSky wants me to use the Dataset3 name.
Please clarify this file name issue for me.
If my original name is changed I see issues with reproducing things - as the given name of Dataset3 is not controllable.
Your observation is correct. When ever a file is opened in BlueSky Statistics (that is not an R datafile) we create a dataframe object in R. We name these objects sequentially namely Dataset1, Dataset2,Dataset3, etc. We could always use the name of the original file, however we went with Dataset1,Dataset2,Dataset3 for compatibility with SPSS. Many of our users come from SPSS and that is exactly what SPSS does. There is a simple work around, see below.
To work around this you need to change the default code we use to open the dataset. To see the code in the output window, Go to the top level menu Tools , Tools->Configuration settings->Select the Output tab and select the checkbox near the text "Show syntax in output window"
The code you will see when you open a dataset in the output Window is
BSkyloadDataset(fullpathfilename='C:/Users/Aaron_2/Documents/BlueSky Statistics/Sample Datasets/IRT/engagement.csv', filetype='CSV', worksheetName='',load.missing=FALSE, character.to.factor=FALSE, csvHeader=TRUE, isBasketData=FALSE, trimSPSStrailing=FALSE, sepChar=',', deciChar='.', datasetName='Dataset2')
All you need to do is change the datasetName parameter to the name you want to use
I will also add an enhancement to make the default behavior of naming the dataset when opening files to be the name of the file. This is easy to do.
With R datasets this is not a problem because we load all dataframe objects into the grid. The name of the dataset in the grid, continues to be the dataset object
BlueSky is one of the few packages that use R and allow you to open and work on multiple data files at once. This naming approach is its way of allowing that while using files that have not yet been stored as R data files (.RData). After importing data from a non-R file, simply use "File> Save as" and save it as an R Object (.RData). The next time you open that file, it will maintain the name you've given it.

"filename.rdata" file Exploring and Converting to CSV

I'm no R-programmer (because of the problem I started learning it), I'm using Python, In a forcasting task I got a dataset signalList.rdata of a pheomenen called partial discharge.
I tried some commands to load, open and view, Hardly got a glimps
my_data <- get(load('C:/Users/Zack-PC/Desktop/Study/Data Sets/pdCluster/signalList.Rdata'))
but, since i lack deep knowledge about R, I wanted to convert it into a csv file, or any type that I can deal with in python.
or, explore it and copy-paste manually.
so, i'm asking for any solution whether using R or Python or any tool to get what's in the .rdata file.
Have you managed to load the data successfully into your working environment?
If so, write.csv is the function you are looking for.
If not,
setwd("C:/Users/Zack-PC/Desktop/Study/Data Sets/pdCluster/")
signalList <- load("signalList.Rdata")
write.csv(signalList, "signalList.csv")
should do the trick.
If you would like to remove signalList from your working directory,
will accomplish this.
Note: changing your working directory isn't necessary, it just makes it easier to read in a comment I feel. You may also specify another path for saving your csv to within the second argument of write.csv.

RStudio: Save data from Viewer

Due to a stupid mistake and a defective USB stick I lost a bunch of data and I am now trying to recover it.
Some of the the data is still displayed in the Viewer tabs when I open RStudio. However, I can only save R Scripts and R Markdownfiles out of the Viewer. The displayed data frames are nice and complete, I can sort and filter them in the Viewer, however, I cannot find a "save" option. Is there a possibility to save this displayed data into Rdata or csv or something similar?
I would suggest three different approaches, but none of them will necessarily work. I sort them according to my prior expectations of success.
1) You can copy all your data frame from the viewer and paste it into an external spreadsheet software to obtain a .csv file. E.g. through the "convert text to columns" button in MS Excel.
2) You can copy and paste the character string into an object that is passed to the text option of read.table or to dput(). Check out the "Copy your data" section of this famous SO question
3) Finally, you can get google Chrome's "Inspect Element" function to inspect the html code of the object in the viewer. Once you find the table you can copy paste and scrape with an html parser, e.g. using the rvest package. Good luck!
Thanks everybody, there is a way to access the data as Rdata files, which was kindly explained to me here
I used the second method and located the files in %localappdata%\RStudio-Desktop\viewer-cache.

Save the output of an r script including its commands

I want to save a part of my r script output including the commands into a text file. I know sink() but it does not include the commands or I could not find a specific option to do that.
Is there any possibility to capture the commands and its ouput within an r session. Simply write an Rmd or capture the output within the console is not the solution at the moment.
You are probably looking for the TeachingDemos package. Documentation can be found here.
# Your code
This should write both your command input and output to a file called test.txt.
If you're working interactively, here's one idea. It was this specific problem for which I created the sinkstart() function in the rite package. Basically, this creates a pop-up tcl/tk widget that you can write commands and output to. Here's a screenshot to give you a feel:
There are just two relevant functions: sinkstart() starts the sink; sinkstop() turns it off. You can toggle back and forth to selectively write to the widget. Then you can just save the contents with a right-click or a key shortcut.

Importing the contents of a word document into R

I am new to R and have worked for a while as follows. I have the code writen in a word document, then I copy and paste the document with the code into R as to have the code run which works fine, however when the code is long (hundred pages) it takes a significant amount of time in R to start making the code run. This seems rather not a very effective working procedure and I am sure there are other forms to compile the R code.
On another hand one of then that comes to my mind is to import the content of word into R which I am unsure how to do. Have tried with read.table but it does not work, have look on internet as to how to import data, however most explanations are all for data tables etc or internet files in the form of data tables and similar. I have tried saving the document into csv. however word does not include csv have tried with Rich text format and XML package but again the instructions from the packages are for importing tables and similars. I am wondering if there is an effective way for R to import a word document as is in the word document.
Thank you
It's hard to say what the easiest solution would be, without examining the word document. Assuming it only contains code and nothing else, it should be pretty easy to convert it all to plain text from within Word. You can do that by going to File -> Save As, and use 'plain text' under 'Save as type'.
Then edit the filename extension to .R from .txt, download a proper text editor (I can recommend RStudio for R), and open your code in it. Then you will be able to run the code from inside the editor without using copy / paste.
No, read table won't do it.
Microsoft Word has its own format, which includes a lot of meta data over and above the text you enter into it. You'll need a reader/parser that understands the Word format.
A Java developer would use a library like Apache POI to read and parse it into word tokens and n-grams.
Look for Natural Language Processing tools, like this R module:
